Ganim Announces Public Safety Restructuring

News release from Mayor’s Office:

Continuing in his efforts to enhance the operations of city government, today Mayor Ganim is announcing some restructuring to certain city departments. Among the changes are a long-term plan at the Emergency Operations Center to expand and enhance the City’s 911 capabilities, a shifting of roles and responsibilities between Civil Service and the Office of Labor Relations, and the filling of key positions within the Police and Fire Departments.

See below for more information regarding the new Police and Fire appointments:

John Cueto – Assistant Chief of Police

John Cueto graduated manga cum laude in 1987 from Sacred Heart University with a B.S. degree in Finance, and earned the highest academic award among his peers in the Bridgeport Police Department training academy. He later graduated summa cum laude from Sacred Heart University with a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. Throughout his 27-year tenure with Bridgeport, Cueto rose to the rank of Lieutenant and held several posts including Aide to the Chief of Police, Director of Fiscal Services, and Commander of the department’s Emergency Services Unit (ESU). Throughout his time with the Bridgeport Police Department, he attended the FBI National Academy and the Police Executive Research Forum, as well as participated in many professional police organizations.

In August 2015, Cueto was selected among 140 applicants in a competitive process to become the Chief of Police of Duck, North Carolina. While in this post, he led several efforts to modernize the department, implement body cameras, establish a nationally recognized organizational structure, and implement efforts to improve community relations and community policing. In his capacity as Chief of Police, he also served on the Board of the Dare County Crime Line and a Regional Director for the North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police.

Upon his retirement as Chief in August 2020, Chief Cueto was recognized by FBI Director Christopher Wray with a written letter of achievement. He has continued to attend national conferences and training seminars hosted by the FBI National Academy, International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Police Executive Research Forum, and the Fraternal Order of Police. Cueto has stayed current on issues affecting law enforcement and has been asked to speak on a number of panels regarding a variety of law enforcement issues. He has also been involved with the advancement of the National Public Safety Broadband Network, FirstNet.

Mark Cody – Deputy Fire Chief

Deputy Chief Mark Cody, a native of Bridgeport, began his career with the Bridgeport Fire Department 24 years ago. In March of 2008, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to the busiest engine company in the city. During his time as a Lieutenant, Cody was also assigned to the Eastside Assistant Chief as the Chief’s Aide. There he conducted the daily staffing, operational accountability, and incident command duties. He later served in the same role for the Westside Assistant Chief.

In 2020, Cody was promoted to the rank of Captain, and was assigned as the Captain of Administration. In that post he supervised payroll and managed the purchasing of equipment, vehicles, and software. He has an A.S. in Fire and Occupational Safety and is currently working towards his B.S. in Fire Administration. During his time of service, he has also obtained the following certifications: Fire Instructor-1, Fire Officer 1 & 2, Incident Safety Officer, Health and Safety Officer, and Public Information Officer.

Robert Marrero – Fire Marshal

Acting Fire Marshal Robert Marrero began his career in Bridgeport in 1996 as a Firefighter. In 2005, he was promoted to the rank of Pump Engineer, where he held that position for 10 years. In 2015, Marrero was promoted to the rank of Fire Inspector where he was certified by the State of Connecticut to conduct inspections on various types of buildings such as, schools, hospitals, and manufacturing plants. During his years in the Fire Marshal’s Office, he has conducted many fire safety presentations, investigated large scale incidents, and has enforced the Connecticut State Fire Code with many businesses here in the City of Bridgeport.

Marrero is a Certified Master Electrician in the State of Connecticut and Florida. Over the years, he has attended Housatonic Community College as well as the University of Southern New Hampshire. Marrero also holds several other certifications including Fire Instructor-1, Fire Officer-1, Advanced Fire Investigator, Public Life Safety Educator, and Emergency Medical Technician.



  1. I will drop this Public Service announcement right here.

    Does anybody find France’s Olympics telling?
    First you have the opening mocking JC’s last supper regardless of what “microburst ‘The View says

    Then you get the What is a Women’s debate, with some women having a penis.

    Then one of Frances’s boys loses a pole jump, perhaps a Gold medal because he/perhaps, like Bruce Jenner someday road, her, Junk got hooked on the bar. 🤣

    I can’t speak on how the French and its Olympics impacted the national Transgender debate but since this pole jumper wasn’t a “Logical Choice” AKA black, which wouldn’t set back, Black, White relations, at least 10 years. Perhaps it moved it forward, at least to its closing ceremony. 🤣

  2. “a shifting of roles and responsibilities between Civil Service and the Office of Labor Relations,”
    The above phrase is a portion of a sentence in the OIB initial “news release” paragraph that is curious to my ear. What do other readers think?

    So I went to the City website and looked for a release from the Mayor’s office that might provide more info. Not finding anything I called the Mayor’s Office, stated by interest, and asked for an assist in finding it. While the party who answered the phone was seeking an answer I went to Communications Department but the most recent posting on that site was from July. Not news covering this subject. When the City assistant returned to the conversation she asked who was seeking info and my phone number for a later response. That was three hours ago.

    So I called Lennie and have not heard from him. Perhaps he is away for a day or two. No problem.
    Why am I treating this subject with such attention? Didn’t we have a City scandal of major import where both a former Police Chief and long-term acting Civil Service Director were found guilty of breaking one or more laws, assigned punishment, and included time behind bars? Since that time there have been other reorganizations and restructurings but what is behind whatever was calling for this specific reformation?
    Getting used to status quo results is one thing when only a handful of folks are in the know.

    However, getting beyond status quo outcomes is what people intend these days when “moving forward” is discussed, or am I poorly informed? What part of City political history.tied to Labor Relations practice or more than ten years as an “acting” Department Directorship allowed to function caused problems including loss of retirement benefits and time behind bars? Charter change? How and when? Does governance matter? Time will tell.

  3. John, I can try to speak on behalf of the common folks/OIB readers.

    Slow news day, perhaps of OIB. As to the content of the post. I don’t think they give a shit. 🙂

    To the plebs, does it really matter what door they have to knot on or what office answers the phone in city hall? 🙂

    Internally, perhaps that’s a different story/game.

    BTW, I wouldn’t say you are poorly informed, perhaps overzealous with curiosity. 🙃

    That being said, I want to give a shout-out to France for its efforts to move the LGBT and white, black relations in a positive direction.

    Good Job Pepe Le Pew, I hope you catch the “cat” someday. 🤣

    P.S. Personally, I think the pole jumper was a little excited and had a chubby. He most of really like that pole. Like Trump loves the flag. 😛

    1. John, you are a numbers man. What do you have to contribute to the national debt debate.discussion, that neither side brings up?

      Since G2 came back the nation’s debt has doubled to the tune of 18 Trillion, and the current N-debt is 34 trillion. 9 by (R) Trump and 9 by (D) Biden. Where do you place your red boots 👢 on that shit. 🙂

      Give or take a few bucks. but no worries, people.,


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