In Search Of A Rainbow, Ganim And Gomes Dip Into Fundraising Well A Fourth Time

Could Feb. 27 finally be it, the coda to this screwball mayoral election cycle? If so, this is the one that counts.

Three weeks remain to the special general election with Joe Ganim on the Democratic line, David Herz the Republican and John Gomes occupying the Bridgeport Independent Party spot.

Ganim and Gomes (sans Herz) are dipping into the fundraising well for a fourth time trying to eke out dough to the finish line rainbow jackpot. If you want the rainbow, gotta put up with the rain. Maybe one of the candidates will incorporate a rainbow cheekily into the campaign logo.

Forget 40 days and 40 nights. This thing has rained absentee ballots, court challenges, election complaints, ballot positioning, momentum swings, voter fatigue for five months. Electoral whiplash has rescued the chiropractic industry.

Could a February surprise add another layer of controversy in the final weeks? It would not shock, if so.

It appears political operatives have figured out the kryptonite flowing from the surveillance-laden drop boxes. If any funny business going on in the harvesting of absentees, better to low key it so the indiscretions aren’t so obvious. Or maybe not…

The contribution limit ($1,000 personal donation) has been reset. No doubt the serial givers are signing the check with a parenthetical (one last time, please). Maybe it’s a good time to file tax returns early in the quest of a refund to write the campaign check.

Ganim will host a fundraiser Thursday at Boca Oyster Bar, scene of multiple money gatherings at the Steelpointe Harbor redevelopment area.

Boca in Spanish means mouth so time for donors to put their money where their mouth is one more time.





  1. “EEK OUT DOUGH” to “the finish line rainbow jackpot”. Colorful references, partial metaphors, and a public that does not understand how the million dollar revenues from all of the campaigns was spent provides an opportunity for you to share as has been your skill in the past what the last reporting cycle showed for revenues and expenses reported by the Ganim and Gomes campaigns.
    To “eke out an understanding of the subject” your presentations have been historically helpful. Can you provide the next reports due from campaigners, please?
    Recently, some observers have claimed that voting needs to cease because it is so expensive and might cost $100,000 yet the taxpayer continues to pay for one or more City employees who are suspended but continue costing the City for salary and benefit expenses. So, the question remains, where were the donations from supporters, actually spent? Short number of days ahead? Any public conversations scheduled for the public to ask questions in person with minor expenses if any? And voting in person or by absentee ballot secured bears no financial expense to the voter and precious little time either, so why put such emphasis on MONEY? Time will tell.

  2. JML, save the bullshit for something else–the interest rate is 0%. In the last report (filed 3 weeks late) by Gomes’ campaign, it is registered a disbursement of $1,100 to Nune’s Auto on South Avenue for car rental paid on Sept 16, 2023. Rented Cars were allegedly used (we heard these allegation prior to the Sept 12, primary) to carry out their Absentee Ballot Operation. No matter what facts you read or are told, you and the likes of you in Black Rock will still vote for John Gomes.

  3. The BIG question is: When is Joe Ganim planning in going deeeeep on his own pocket to rescued his own ass? Same for Gomes, how about a second mortgage guys. Believe in yourself, but not willing to bet on yourself?
    Which has the rich dad and which one had the poor dad? Hmm, talking about dad’s, who’s Gomes mom and dad? He hasn’t mentioned his parents; Hasn’t mentioned his 7 plus years as Embessling Treasurer for Andres Ayala; Mentions a wife who has never been seen besides him; Hasn’t given a clue as to how long he served as a corporative execu(tea)v, Let alone what happened that his tea career spilled so soon. All questions not even JML has formulated, conviniently!


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