With equal lashings for her chief opponents Mayor Bill Finch and former Mayor Joe Ganim, Democrat Mary-Jane Foster made her official announcement Thursday night at the Holiday Inn Downtown pledging to reform and clean up city government asserting “We will never attract new taxpaying businesses and we can never expect Hartford to support what Bridgeport needs as long as we keep choosing the same type of politicians–career politicians whose only interests are their own.”
The co-founder of the Bridgeport Bluefish baseball team and executive at the University of Bridgeport peppered Finch and Ganim–if not by name–with equal criticism in an effort to frame herself as a viable alternative for a likely September primary.
“I am running for Mayor because the past is haunting us, the present is failing us and I believe we have a bright future,” she told the crowd of about 100 cheering supporters at the Holiday Inn ballroom who often responded “Bridgeport deserves better.”

“I believe the future is about honesty, hard work, and opportunity for all Bridgeport residents–not just the politically connected,” Foster added. “It is time for change, a fresh start and a clean slate. It is time to put the interests of regular, hard-working and law-abiding citizens above the interests of machine and party politics. It’s time to employ our residents, time to grow our tax base, time to fund our public schools with real cash, time to stop using taxpayer dollars to buy self-serving public relations campaigns. It’s time to get to work and I believe I am the best candidate to do just that.”
State Senators Marilyn Moore and Ed Gomes, State Rep. Jack Hennessy and City Councilwoman Trish Swain were in attendance in support of Foster, as well as Rob Traber, president of the Bridgeport teachers union. The Democratic Party endorsement will take place July 21, followed by a likely primary September 16. Also in the room were two interested spectators Democratic district leaders Steve Nelson and Scott Hughes, both of whom have attended Ganim campaign events.
“Corruption–whether political or institutional–costs us more than embarrassment and shame,” said Finch’s 2011 Democratic primary opponent. “Corruption is at the heart of why our city has the highest property tax burden of any city in the country. What business owner in his or her right mind would invest millions of dollars in a city whose mayor went to jail for shaking down contractors or wasted $400,000 building a driveway in another town without a competitive bidding process?”
Some of Foster’s speech highlights included:
• Create an honest and transparent budget that complies with our city charter so taxpayers know where and how their money is being used.
• Create a real working relationship with the Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools that doesn’t have a hidden agenda but does work to fully fund our public school system and give our children what they need to compete and succeed.
• Create a business-friendly city with opportunities that encourage businesses to stay, to start, and to relocate here.
• Create jobs for Bridgeport residents by using meaningful hiring preferences for residents. Every development deal will include hiring of Bridgeport residents who are paid a living wage.
• Create property tax credits for police officers, fire fighters, EMTs and teachers so these professionals whom we ask to protect us, save us and teach us, live and work in the city.
• Create a public safety initiative that regularly recruits police officers, pays and trains them adequately. This administration has been asleep at the switch. At the same time we will create opportunities for real dialogue in the community around the issues of community and police relations that divide us.
• Last but not least, Bridgeport deserves a mayor who will acknowledge and partner with its university. Great cities are fueled by their universities and the University of Bridgeport can help propel this city’s redevelopment and growth.
Text of Foster’s speech.
Bridgeport deserves better. I am running for Mayor because the past is haunting us, the present is failing us and I believe we have a bright future. I believe the future is about honesty, hard work, and opportunity for all Bridgeport residents–not just the politically connected. It is time for change, a fresh start and a clean slate. It is time to put the interests of regular, hard-working and law-abiding citizens above the interests of machine and party politics. It’s time to employ our residents, time to grow our tax base, time to fund our public schools with real cash, time to stop using taxpayer dollars to buy self-serving public relations campaigns. It’s time to get to work and I believe I am the best candidate to do just that.
Until we erase the ghosts of the FBI and pay-to-play that haunts us, until we demand a leader who puts the city’s interests first, until we say enough is enough … we cannot hope to realize the dreams this city deserves. We cannot afford four more years of corruption, bullying and incompetence. Help me defeat the past, change the present and create the future. You and I and our children deserve better. Bridgeport deserves better.
Corruption–whether political or institutional–costs us more than embarrassment and shame. Corruption is at the heart of why our city has the highest property tax burden of any city in the country. What business owner in his or her right mind would invest millions of dollars in a city whose mayor went to jail for shaking down contractors or wasted $400,000 building a driveway in another town without a competitive bidding process? These actions cost us both in dollars and countless opportunities lost.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We will never attract new taxpaying businesses and we can never expect Hartford to support what Bridgeport needs as long as we keep choosing the same type of politicians–career politicians whose only interests are their own. Do I believe in second chances? Sure I do. But we shouldn’t give Bridgeport’s pocketbook to people with long track records of betraying our trust. First time? Shame on you. Second time? Shame on us. The only way Bridgeport will move forward is to choose a new direction because Bridgeport deserves better.
The Bridgeport City Charter makes clear that the residents of Bridgeport want a system of checks and balances when it comes to the Mayor and City Council. Yet this mayor has continued to ignore the charter by hiring City Council members for city jobs and he has refused to support the conflict of interest bill that would close the loophole between state law and city charter. Instead he justifies his actions based on a highly questionable legal opinion from his city attorney whose paycheck he signs. You couldn’t find a better example of conflict of interest and yet, the insanity continues.
This mayor tolerated a member of City Council who was a city employee and a serial sexual harasser. What is more corrupt than knowingly subjecting women workers and interns to possible harassment in order to maintain your control of the Council? I will adopt ethics reforms that will make Bridgeport proud. I pledge to you if anyone wishes to serve as an at-will employee in my administration or as a consultant to the city, they will have to step down from the Council. Women workers and everyone in Bridgeport deserve better.
For decades mayors and the City Council have underfunded our schools while giving tax breaks to cronies and siphoning off precious resources to reward political supporters. To make matters worse, in the last four years the mayor has spent hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars and staff hours in an attempted illegal takeover of our schools and a charter revision fight that would take away our right to vote for our Board of Education. We need a mayor who will fight for our teachers and students, not against them. We have an obligation to guarantee every child the best education, every teacher an opportunity to thrive and as mayor, I will commit to that. Our students, our teachers and all of Bridgeport, deserve better.
For 20 years we have had the largest undeveloped coastline between New York and Boston–undeveloped due to corruption and incompetence. While it’s good there is finally activity happening there, do any of us believe a couple of fast-food restaurants and an overpriced movie theater will turn Bridgeport around? We need an administration that will work tirelessly to bring living-wage jobs to Bridgeport and to do that, businesses need to know there is a mayor who will deal with them honestly, competently and fairly. Bridgeport deserves better.
I am asking for your support and your help in my run for mayor. I know we can and we will win because Bridgeport deserves better. Our administration will include the public in determining the direction the city should be taking–no more top down, shove-it-down-your-throat governing. We need a dialogue, governing that includes all. We will:
• Create an honest and transparent budget that complies with our city charter so taxpayers know where and how their money is being used.
• Create a real working relationship with the Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools that doesn’t have a hidden agenda but does work to fully fund our public school system and give our children what they need to compete and succeed.
• Create a business-friendly city with opportunities that encourage businesses to stay, to start, and to relocate here.
• Create jobs for Bridgeport residents by using meaningful hiring preferences for residents. Every development deal will include hiring of Bridgeport residents who are paid a living wage.
• Create property tax credits for police officers, fire fighters, EMTs and teachers so these professionals whom we ask to protect us, save us and teach us, live and work in the city.
• Create a public safety initiative that regularly recruits police officers, pays and trains them adequately. This administration has been asleep at the switch. At the same time we will create opportunities for real dialogue in the community around the issues of community and police relations that divide us.
• Last but not least, Bridgeport deserves a mayor who will acknowledge and partner with its university. Great cities are fueled by their universities and the University of Bridgeport can help propel this city’s redevelopment and growth.
There is no question Bridgeport deserves better. With your help, Bridgeport will get better. With your vote, I will work tirelessly on your behalf to build a better Bridgeport. Today I ask you to join my campaign. Be a part of the future we deserve, make a difference in the city we call home and be a part of our campaign by knocking on doors, making telephone calls or making a contribution. Invite your friends and neighbors to join in for real change, a fresh start and a clean slate.
Because … Bridgeport deserves better.
And where was Steve Stafstrom whom Mary-Jane warmly and publicly endorsed to replace State Rep Grogins? Steve, since your campaign manager is now Mary-Jane’s campaign manager and your own campaign treasurer as well, why not make a break from your Uncle John and the law firm Finch visits regularly? They’d still retain you now that you are in the state house doing whatever Sharkey requires, yes?
Now let the games begin, a new vision, a new direction and new leadership, a great fresh start to put Bridgeport in the right direction with honesty.
Steven A, questions asked and answered!
Good speech. Good luck. Finally a swing at the man she is sharing the anti-Finch votes with. Good girl!
I think it was appropriate to shame Mayor Finch regarding the University of Bridgeport. Twenty-five years ago I believe the city was behind Finch and his stance regarding the Rev. Moon, but it is now 2015, now the 21st century and the University is growing again and improving and I am perplexed. Mayor Finch, honestly unless there is an issue that affects your city you are doing harm by not supporting the economic engine in the South End. This is huge issue for many of us who are confused. While Sacred Heart continues to grow and expand in Fairfield with students occasionally creating havoc in the North End, the University of Bridgeport is treated like the bastard child we do not acknowledge. These students spend money in our city and many will be those who live, work and play in the city. The university should be a sense of pride. Sending Mr. McCarthy and Adam Wood is just insulting on so many levels. I am tired of mentioning this. Mayor, do what is right and embrace the University. You are just cutting off your own legs and you may regret not doing what a Mayor does. Brag about our educational institution in the South End. Please!!!!!!!!! Do not wait a moment longer!!!!!!!!! Seriously, who is advising and accepting your desire to hand the South End to Foster and Ganim? This should he a no-brainer. Isn’t anyone addressing this? The University should be a non-issue and since Mary-Jane works for the University, she has a personal interest in making this a major issue.
That is the last time I will ask Mayor Finch to do what’s right!!!
Marilyn Moore, I was impressed with your interview on public access. Moments with Marilyn. I think I’d like to visit the community garden on Reservoir Avenue.
Please!!! Please!!! I love it when Stevie starts sniveling!
Great speech, MJF!
Jim Fox, sniveling? I am supporting Finch. It is not contingent on UB.
Mary-Jane. You are a nice person and do a great job for UB, which is an outstanding, unique center of higher learning. UB’s value to the City of Bridgeport, and the region, cannot be overstated.
That being said, your belief about Bridgeport’s corruption being at the heart of our failure to thrive is a very shallow view of our reality. Indeed, it is a weak, clichéd view.
Yes, we are corrupt. But we were very, very corrupt in our heyday. And you must also realize prosperous Shelton and Danbury (as well as other prosperous Connecticut towns) are quite corrupt and continue to prosper and accumulate jobs and tax base in leaps and bounds. Stamford was notoriously corrupt during its ascent in the ’70s and ’80s.
Our problem is not based in Bridgeport; it is based in the Gold Coast, which must maintain our compromised socioeconomic status in order to leverage our labor to maintain their tax bases and lifestyles.
Our corruption is only a symptom of where we are on the regional food chain. It is not the reason why we are so low on the food chain. There is corruption at some level in all municipalities and larger governed areas. Why it might even be said there is corruption at the state level in Connecticut(!!!).
Our failure to thrive isn’t because of the corruption, the corruption is because of our failure to thrive. When people are poor and hopeless and otherwise preoccupied with trying to survive, they not only don’t have the wherewithal to fight the corruption, they often take part in it as a practical necessity.
Mary-Jane, you are too knowledgeable and sophisticated to believe Bridgeport’s failure to thrive is about the corruption, which causes me to take exception to your store-shelf campaign speech and well-worn rhetoric. It is disingenuous and half-hearted. (And it didn’t work for Chris Caruso and won’t work for you.)
If you really want to save Bridgeport, take off your white gloves, call out the Governor and his Gold Coast Cosa Nostra, and have at it with them, with bare knuckles, about their exploitation of Bridgeport.
Until you are willing to do that, you will just be another ineffectual political do-gooder riding a rudderless Bridgeport to a higher-level political position.
I would rather see a somewhat politically soiled “fighter” in the mayor’s office who is willing to have at it with the Gold Coast connivers and exploiters than a squeaky-clean model of propriety and honesty who is afraid to call a spade a spade and get down and dirty with the real agents of corruption who are destroying our city from without.
Incidentally, I haven’t heard any of the other mayoral candidates indicate they are willing to get bloody for Bridgeport in a political dogfight with the big dogs “down county.” And in the same vein, none of the other candidates have indicated they have any idea how much job- and tax-base growth Bridgeport really needs (in order to return to municipal health and prosperity) and where it might come from, much less a real plan, with specifics, to get us there.
Right at the moment, it looks like we’ll have to ride on P.T.’s accomplishments for at least another 100 years.
We need a mayor who has vision, initiative and abundant intestinal fortitude (balls, if you will), such that they are capable of creating and executing a huge-scale plan of redevelopment, and of leveraging Bridgeport’s true political power in politically coercing Hartford and Washington in regard to forcing their hand in underwriting Bridgeport’s return to its rightful place of prosperity and respect in Connecticut.
Howard, Joe, Charlie, Rick, Mary-Jane–are you willing to do that? (We know you aren’t, Bill.)
I am uncertain as to what you want in a candidate and what you believe it will accomplish.
You want someone to complain about the governor and the Chief Elected officials in lower Fairfield County?
And you believe Bridgeport’s past history of corruption and incompetence has nothing to do with the unwillingness of other municipalities to work with the city?
Is this problem real or perceived?
If it is real then you would need some sort of structural change to end this. But there is no county seat.
This all sounds good from a bully pulpit but if what you say is true then how is this supposed to come about? Please enlighten me.
Jeff, let me start by saying I agree with you most of the time and I enjoy reading what you say but on this I disagree with you. I understand the point about corruption and I remember when my good friend Chris Caruso ran for mayor against Finch and lost by only 270 votes, Chris put too much into the corruption issue and there were people asking me to tell Chris to change direction.
Jeff, I agree with Bob Walsh but Jeff, I respectfully ask that you please read what MJF is saying and I believe you and she have much more in common than anybody running for mayor now or later. MJF has given a new vision, new direction, new leadership and honesty.
I find this initial speech rather aggressive. MJF shouldn’t try to take a shot at Finch for the Charter Referendum to take away our right to vote for the BBOE members which would have allowed him to appoint all nine BOE members. She herself ran on a platform that she wanted a hybrid board where the Mayor would appoint five members and only four would be elected. In other words, she agreed to mayoral control of the BOE also.
She believes in second chances, but not for Joe Ganim. So if a convicted felon were to be appointed to a position by the Mayor that would be fine, however if thousands of voters went to the polls and elected Joe that would be bad.
Joe can only become Mayor if the voters of Bridgeport want him to be Mayor. I’d rather have a felon who is elected than one who is appointed or hired because of whom they know.
Bridgeport does deserve better, and Mary-Jane is the ONE to do this. She did a swell job with her speech last evening, Go MJF Go, you have my support all the way.
Nice lady … snowball’s chance!
Okay, so Joseph Ganim had his two minutes on Channel 12 and last night Mary-Jane Foster had her two minutes. I guess all we have left is the speech by Mayor Finch and I am expecting it to be an amazing speech that unfortunately will have the tagline Bridgeport getting better every day. But alas, it is. The future is here and he can talk about what’s going on down the way and I am certain there will be some major announcements before the election. These are my hopes and Mayor Finch is my candidate. Even if Mary-Jane Foster mentioned her vision for development I would have been impressed. Just the same tired anti-Steelpointe rhetoric you can hear from Bob Walsh on any given day. I think it is a great idea offering police and firemen incentives to move in Bridgeport. I believe the city had programs like that in the past including teachers. How does that help all the taxpayers? What, the police and fireman don’t make out well with their union contracts that have bankrupted the city, now we have to offer them incentives to live here? No. If you made the plan to only hire Bridgeporters–that would be a plan.
Joe Ganim today blasted Finch on the news asking what has Finch done to try to keep the business in Bridgeport (Sikorsky). The company made a business decision and Bridgeport was not part of the conversation. It made business sense to incorporate the two plants. The workers still have a job. Ganim and Foster need a plan and a vision. Why would anyone change captains without a plan or a vision? How about telling us what you will do for the city that Finch is not addressing? You do not like the parks going up all over the city? What is your plan to improve the quality of life in the communities? Maligning Finch, calling him every name and disparaging his character does not help you. I want Ganim who has been Mayor to talk about what he is going to do, not what he did after Mary Moran declared the city bankrupt and Weicker funneled millions to the city. No tax increases and now the city is still bankrupt while we carry all the social burdens for neighboring communities. Finch has $500,000 to get his message out and ask the residents for four more years to complete the job and watch the city grow with thousands of new residents and improve the quality of life that makes the city a place to raise a family and charter schools to give the not-so-wealthy in poor communities an opportunity to send their children to a local school that Finch’s opponents have not done. At least the Mayor can boast his children attend Bridgeport public schools. Ganim just moved back to Bridgeport.
And a note to Maria Pereira, whom I totally love chatting with on this blog. Regarding Mary-Jane Foster, can you tell me number one, why is it a sin in your mind Mary-Jane has made a nice life for herself? I do not believe if my memory serves me correctly, that Mary-Jane foster was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. I think that silver spoon came years later in her adult life and good for her. The contributions Mary-Jane makes in this city are many. She could not make such an impact if she did not have her station in life. I always find it amazing people attack people with means. It is not where you come from that is important, it is the actions and impact you have had and where you are going. If you have no direction you will fail.
Steve, Mary-Jane Foster did it the old-fashioned American way, she earned what she has, she did what we want our children to do, go to school, learn and apply what you learn and work as hard as you can to be successful and earn a honest living and help your community.
The reality is Steve, MJF has no connection or understanding for the vast majority of constituents she wants to govern.
In 2011 when she was running for Mayor, she was walking with a canvasser on East Main Street in broad daylight on a 90-degree day. She turned to the canvasser and stated there were so many people on their porches and in front of businesses. The canvasser told her it is 90 degrees and most of these people don’t have air conditioning and could not even afford a window air conditioner. MJF responded by saying “Well I’m scared.” The canvasser said she never went back to work on her campaign.
If you are scared of the people you want to lead and govern, you probably shouldn’t be running to be their Mayor.
Listen dummy, MJF walked every area in Bridgeport, even the villages, without a police escort. You don’t know what you are talking about.
Without a police escort?
Yes, I wrote police escort in response to your comment and I quote, “MJF responded by saying “Well I’m scared.” This was when she was allegedly walking with your friend the canvasser.
Well, any mayoral candidate who would consider a “police escort” to walk through neighborhoods to knock on doors definitely should not run for Mayor.
Maria, you really are out to lunch. You just keep making stuff up.
So Stevie,
First of all, thanks for the shout-out.
Now to brass tacks. You think stabilizing the city through encouraging public safety officials and other city employees to live in the city is a bad idea? A strong middle class is bad for the city? Or are you just picking on the plan because Finch never did so? Because most of Finch’s highest-paid officials live outside the city? Please enlighten us some more on what you consider to be a non-issue.
And Stevie this “If you made the plan to only hire Bridgeporters–that would be a plan” is either a throw-away line or blatantly illegal. I believe Mary-Jane already said she would restrict entry-level civil service positions to Bridgeport residents.
On the contrary Bob, I always want everyone to live in Bridgeport as you know. I do not think it is a new idea. Most police and fireman opt out of Bridgeport because they want to raise their families with a good school system. We stop Charter schools and they do not want to pay for private schools. My point was just benign. I was just saying offering them incentives to live here would be just another benefit added to their already favorable compensation which BTW I totally support. They do a great job. Bob, all I want to hear about is economic development. I do not think the average voter cares if our firemen or police live here. Although I do agree if they did they would most likely be more apt to care more about the city as opposed to just a job. No Bob, a good idea is a good idea whether Finch or John Doe comes up with it. Is it an idea that is so amazing it brings in votes? Nah, I do not think so. I wish Foster had advisers who understood the importance of economic development and made that a foundation of her campaign, but I guess since I am supporting Finch, I am glad she does not.
I am glad, she was wise to address Ganim. She has a lot of catching up to do.
But again, you do not think growing the middle class homeowners in Bridgeport is a positive inducement for economic development?
Are you so myopic in your views that bricks and mortar are the only measurement of economic development?
Okay Bob, for crying out loud! You win! That one single firemen who gets a low-interest loan to move to Bridgeport until he gets married is a brilliant idea. Let’s send out some three-color marketing pieces and tell that to the voters. Was this one of your brilliant contributions to her campaign as well as knocking a theater and a Bass Pro? What’s your vision, Mary-Jane? I AM GOING TO LET YOUR ADVISERS CONTINUE TO HAVE YOU ADDRESS ITTY BITTY ISSUES THAT ARE OF NO INTEREST TO THE VOTERS.
This coming as a comment from a guy who does not want to look at fiscal issues? Is this an example of practiced or fundamental ignorance?
When you choose to avoid major Achilles heel problems of the Finch administration, I can see where getting public safety forces up to full force and at the same time controlling City expense are not real issues to you. But you are plain wrong. You keep putting both feet in this up to your hairline. Stick with shrimp rolls while you wear your Tonka yellow hard hat. Those things will keep you happy and away from utter frustration from others. Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, my recurring nightmare. I arrive at a party, there are a million cars outside. I enter. The place is completely empty. I turn for the door and it is no longer there. There are no windows, no music, no food … and then you enter and I realize I am in hell and for eternity you ask me the same redundant questions 24 hours a day every day for eternity. I am in hell because although I thought I led a good life I spent too much time attacking Joe Ganim who in fact was the savior of mankind, let alone Bridgeport. You were in hell simply because of your tireless support of the Catholic Church. Go figure! Who knew?????????
Maria, you are an out-and-out f’n liar. Name the person who was with MJF when she stated what you allege. You are a phony of the first order. You always make comments but you never mention your source. Just the other day you stated you converted six Republicans over to Dems to vote for Ganim. Name one. BTW there are very few porches on the commercial side of East Main, you drag your fat ass down there in 90-degree heat and tell me how many people are outside in 90-degree heat.
Maria, try the truth once in awhile.
I converted one just on our street. Why don’t you ask Ed Gomes about these comments regarding the canvasser? There were others in the room when I shared this with Ed, and they confirmed everything I said was true.
There are plenty of porches on the upper end of East Main Street. Now Andy, you are certainly not in a position to call someone else a “fat ass.”
Once again, you cannot debate an issue on its merits. You constantly call others names and use foul language because you are incapable of any level of intellectual discourse. When you have to revert to what you do, you have already let everyone know you have lost the debate.
Four years ago upper East Main St was still middle class and if that’s the area where this BS happened then you proved you are full of it. You still did not give any names and I don’t care who was in the room, where was the person who said it? In your imagination. Maria, a debate with you cannot be held because what you bring forth is straight from your imagination.
BTW Maria, if you could not find the homes where there were 23 votes when you were with Ganim, how did you find the lone Republican? You are a pathological liar.
Maria, if what you are saying is this happened on the upper East Main St, it’s more proof you are lying. When MJF walked up here either my wife or myself were with her, not a canvasser. Try getting your stories straight.
Someone, unnamed, told me Maria was not at as many meetings in Hartford as stated and she didn’t speak to persons as stated. That is what I was told.
Pat Fardy, there are guards, cafeteria staff, lobbyists, legislators and cameras everywhere throughout the Capitol to discredit every single comment you posted.
You just come across as someone having a temper tantrum.
Maria, you are so full of yourself, you believe the cafeteria people and guards know who you are. Really.
Andy, none of the guards know me by name, however if you showed them a picture of me I do believe quite a few would recognize me.
If you asked the cafeteria aides and cashiers if they knew Maria from Bridgeport, I do believe several would definitely know me.
P.S. If you asked Barbara in the gift shop if she knew a Maria from Bridgeport I believe she would know me as well.
Yeah right, and they would know how many times you claim to have been there. Yeah right.
Here we go again, some unnamed person told Maria this, that and the other and now she feels obligated to share these lies with OIB. I said it once and I’ll say again, I wouldn’t believe you if your tongue came notarized.
That is a very clever line. “I wouldn’t believe it if your tongue came notarized!”
Thank you, Steve, for sharing your scary dreams with OIB readers including your belief in an afterlife and of a very personal Hell. Perhaps none of that is true. Perhaps your dietary preferences you share with us, and the times of day you consume such are causing sleep disturbances you term a nightmare. And perhaps you are admitting how unhappy you are to be a lonely Finch supporter on almost every count but refuse to look at his financial performance. So you demonize me for your naivete?
Steve, would it be important to learn the City actually spent $66,862,919 in FY 2013 for CODE 06 “OTHER FINANCING USES” that include Pension Obligation Bond, School Bonds, OPED Administration financing, supportive contributions, etc.? And the 2016 proposal in three short years increased the same expenditures to $79,049,156? Most of those expenditures are bond repayments that go on for decades. Where have you been informed of those by the Finch leadership? And what are the bonds paying for? Where is that info posted on the City web site? Time will tell. (But possibly not in Hell.)
Donald Day, I finally get to see what you look like. My initial impression is you remind me of “Huggy Bear” from Starsky & Hutch.
I don’t “lie” because I have no need to “lie.” You don’t know me, and have never met me, therefore your accusations and baseless assertions do not matter.
I have met you and I do know you and I have seen your nastier side. Donald Day knows you like a book.
Andy, you have seen my “nastier side,” really. Are you on some type of medication that makes you delirious? You are most definitely not in a position to call someone else nasty.
Maria, your nasty side was exposed at the town committee elections where you spent the day badmouthing my wife and Ann Barney, candidates you talked into running. You even called the police on one of my sons because he challenged you. The police told my son to try to stay away from the crazy lady to avoid conflict. Nastier side, yes I have seen it first-hand.
You must live in an incredible fantasy world. What is the cost of admission?
Maria, what I wrote above is not fantasy but the truth but it’s there. If you remember that day most all the other campaign workers stayed away from you because you were off the wall.
Andy, I wasn’t off the wall, your wife was. She was yelling across the parking lot at me, your son started cursing and yelling at me while I was having a respectful conversation with Mark Anastasi. I had never met or seen your son before, therefore I had no idea who he was.
At the end of the night, when your wife lost she started yelling “are you happy, Maria? Are you happy? Did you get what you want?” I was speaking with Mark Anastasi in the lobby, and I looked at her while she made a scene, and then I went back to my conversation with Mark Anastasi. Then she yelled “you aren’t even going to respond to me.” I never said one word to you, your wife or Ann Barney the entire day. Not one.
You know what they say, actions speak louder than words. That was certainly the case on that particular day.
Maria, you are a pathological liar. My wife did not work the polls nor was she there for the machine count. My wife would not lower herself to speak to you. My son challenged you about what you were saying about his mother. You went to the cop on duty and complained. The cop told my son you were a crazy lady and he should avoid you. This cop should be promoted to detective for recognizing your antics and calling them right.
Andy, your wife was sitting at the polls when I arrived at 5:55 a.m. She was there on and off throughout the day. She was absolutely there at the end of the night and wrote down the results after the polls closed. She confronted me in the TH lobby after the loss. There are quite a few people who can testify to that set of facts including fellow members of the slate. Melanie Jackson, James Morton, etc.
Maria, I will say this once more. You are a pathological liar, pure and simple.
I don’t lie and I loved Huggy Bear on Starsky & Hutch.
You go, Donald Day!!!
GOOD JOB Mary-Jane, good speech.
No Maria, you are wrong, I’ve known you my whole adult life. I’ve known you as a man, as a woman, as a black, as a white and as a Puerto Rican. Not only do I know you I’ve also dealt with you my whole adult life.
You are self-serving, one who started out with good intentions, but somewhere during life you thought you were bigger than the cause you were fighting for. At some point in your life you became self-aggrandizing and you lost your ability to discern from what’s right and what’s best for Maria. Yes Maria, I do know you and have never met you in my life.
It’s been said the liar’s punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
Donald Day, why don’t you specify all these “self-serving” deeds I have committed? I have never received a job, compensation, kickback, etc. for any of my deeds. I have poured thousands upon thousands of my personal financial resources to regain our right to vote, to elect a multitude of candidates, for fliers, t-shirts, posters, buses, and I have donated pajamas, books, toys, etc. to our BPS children.
I think it is safe to say I have a better idea about what is best for Maria when compared to someone I have never met.
You seem to feel you know quite a bit about “liars.” I am assuming that is probably because you often see one in your own reflection, or when you are seated across from your dear friend.
Really, all without a job.
I am sorry, however last week you indicated I at least was answering a phone for a living. I guess I lost the job I never even knew I had.
Sure you did, and we should believe you why?
Donald, great post. Pat and I thank you for writing the facts, as always.
I want to be clear, in all my years of politics, it’s never been personal. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to run, enduring the negativity associated with it, walking on eggshells to get their message out. When I support a candidate I do so fully. Never has it been my intention to insult or personally attack even those who use those tactics. May the best candidate win, hopefully Bridgeport will shine through the next election and the new administration hold true to the needs of this City we call home.
Bob. I don’t have the time to answer your question in detail at the moment, but you’ve read other commentary by me where I’ve explained my position in regard to the above commentary.
But let me pose a couple of questions for you. When you think of the answers to the questions you’ll probably understand what I was talking about above, and have been trying to communicate to Bridgeporters for years (some of whom actually get it).
Why did the state force a juvenile jail on Bridgeport, and on downtown, waterfront property no less?
Why do they–the state and federal government–allow coal-burning power plants to operate in Bridgeport, but nowhere else in the state?
Why is all the regional power generation and waste-disposal infrastructure for the region packed along our waterfront when places such as Norwalk are decommissioning power plants on their waterfront to make way for higher-value usage of their waterfront property?
Why wouldn’t the Gold Coast allow us to have a casino in Bridgeport? (Remember Stamford Area Chamber of Commerce President–now the Business Council of Fairfield County–Chris Bruhl’s comment to the effect of “… we can’t let them [Bridgeport] have anything like that or we’ll lose our cheap labor pool …”? It was in the Connecticut Post in July, 2001, I believe.)
Why wasn’t Bridgewater directed to Steal Point when they were rejected by Stamford for location on their Harbor Pointe development area? No one at the state level thought at least suggesting that option on Bridgeport’s behalf would be a good idea? (I wrote two commentary pieces that appeared in the Post in that regard.) That would have meant $750 million in grand-list growth for us, and about 30 million/year in taxes. Even half of that, by way of a tax break, would have been a great deal for Bridgeport.
Why does Bridgeport get all the tax-negative housing and “transit-related development” in the region and not the state and federally-supported UBS and RBS bank-type of development that Stamford gets?
Why are “corrupt” Shelton and Danbury doing so well? (And why is such a significant part of the governor’s transportation initiative planned so as to house people in Bridgeport and move them back and forth to Stamford?)
I could go on, Bob. But if you don’t get it by now, with your long political history and background in accounting and economics, you never will.
So Jeff,
This great conspiracy has taken place in the wide open over at least three governors (Rowland, Rell and Malloy), three Bridgeport mayors (Ganim, Fabrizi and Finch) 15 – 20 Chief Elected Officers from every city and town from Fairfield to Greenwich for at least the past 20 years and now you want a mayoral candidate who is going to blame anyone else but ourselves?
I think Mary-Jane got it right when she said the past and present is represented by corruption and incompetency. Time for a change. Because Bridgeport deserves better.
“Bob. I don’t have the time to answer your question in detail at the moment”
You don’t? 😉
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to rumble. In the right corner we have the tag team of Pat and Andy Fardy. In the left corner we have tag team Donald Day and Ron Mackey. All four representing team Foster. In the middle after a whirlwind tour we have Maria the Piranha representing team Ganim. Maria the Piranha recently trounced Steven Auerbach representing team Finch. True to form, Auerbach will take on Maria P at the Arena at Harboryard. The sold-out event will be a one-time event and will he bloody! One-time event because Moore and Gomes voted the event down. Tickets sold out in less than 8 minutes. Go figure!
I’ll have what he’s having.
Steel(pointe) Cage Match?
Not the cage match, just the imagination enhancement method! 🙂
Steve, I laughed the entire time I read this. Excellent!
Yes Bob, I want someone to reverse our 50-year-long nosedive.
From what I’ve seen and heard so far, there is no one in the present pack of mayoral candidates who truly appreciates what needs to be done to reverse our descent, much less any candidate who has anything resembling a plan to accomplish such a reversal–by any timetable.
“Stop the corruption!” isn’t a plan–and it has truly become tired and irrelevant to most long-suffering Bridgeporters. –
As I stated, Shelton and Danbury are as corrupt as Bridgeport, and yet they thrive.
How can the candidates solve our problems when they apparently have no real understanding of the political and economic bases of our problems?!
But then, P. T. Barnum was a saint–and a horrible civic leader and mayor.
You manage to cherry pick the examples you think fit your theory but you do a pretty poor job of it. Firstly, why don’t you mention Waterbury. A city that is more corrupt than Bridgeport. But it is as poorly developed as Bridgeport. But since it is not in Fairfield County you choose to ignore it.
You mention Danbury and Shelton. I do not believe a single elected official from Shelton has been convicted of corrupt acts let along sentenced to prison but because some lower-ranking public officials have, you use it to fit your thesis. Same for Danbury unless you are going back 40 years to Jim Dyer.
But if you look at Hartford you will see similarities with Bridgeport. Of course being the state capital they receive far more in state funds but recently I read where their mil rate is 77. Pretty bad.
So corruption is much more of a cause and effect than the powers in lower Fairfield County picking on Bridgeport. And until Bridgeporters stand up and say no more, it will continue.
Hartford has assessed for taxes value of 30%. We are 70% (as is the majority of the state), thus the higher mil rate.
www .amybergquist.com/HartfordTaxes.php
I am concerned about Bridgeport in this election. I am not indifferent to the other poor cities of Connecticut, but they can’t all be my priorities. I live in Bridgeport.
Waterbury is situated differently. Geographically, of course, but also ships lots of labor to Fairfield County. Hartford similarly supports its wealthy suburbs. If you take a close look at the dynamics involved in these poor cities, you’ll find striking parallels to the Bridgeport exploitation.
But this conversation is getting tired.
Come on, Bob. You’re a smart guy. Take an analytical, objective look at things. Don’t let your mind stay trapped in “Bridgeport-think,” it won’t help this city or your candidate.
(Go back to the abolition of county government in Connecticut. Why did that happen? Was it engineered to keep Connecticut cities economically and politically strong? Don’t be naïve, Bob. Believe it or not, there actually is deliberate exploitation and injustice in this world–even in Connecticut.)
Get real, or your candidate doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. Get real, and maybe she’ll get some attention and put together a real, meaningful platform.
With all due respect, Mr. Kohut. You are not one to prophesy who has a snowball’s chance in hell to win. If that were the case, why did you even waste your time in 2011?
Wicca, with all due respect, no one wastes their time when they exercise their right to run for public office. Thank God we have individuals who are willing to try to make a contribution in public service.
Thanks, Lisa. You get it. But then, you actually put you heart and soul into trying to do something for this city, and you have the courage and integrity to put your name behind what you say!
Could not agree more. With both of you.