In 2009, before State Rep. Chris Caruso screamed holy hell, before neighbors from the Upper East Side blew a cork, before rallies and vigils and protests made it clear that Governor Jodi’s Rell’s proposal for a juvenile detention center for girls was unacceptable, Mayor Bill Finch had made it clear he was all for building a prison in a residential area. Until he heard the screaming. Then he reversed himself. Oh gee, I was really against it before I was for it!
Now a halfway house for men in the city’s West End, approved in 2008 for zoning, has neighbors screaming, Why us? Why must Bridgeport continue to take on the burden of the entire region? The concern is legit.
The mayor has flopped back and forth like beached bunker at Seaside Park on getting involved in zoning matters. When it’s convenient he says I don’t get involved in zoning matters. When he’s inconvenienced by voter unrest, he’s compelled to take a position. On Feb. 28, the Planning & Zoning Commission will consider another extension of its halfway-house approval.
What does a mayor do when he’s been on the wrong side of the issue while examining poor polling numbers? You embrace the folks who’ve been screaming the loudest against it. It’s called political expediency, but not without being called on it. Mary-Jane Foster, who’s exploring a run for mayor, wonders about the mayor’s new religion.
“The Finch administration is once again a day late and a dollar short,” Foster says. “Where was the administration on this issue two years ago or even before the last Planning and Zoning hearing on January 31? Two years ago, Bill Finch was behind the curve on the girl’s juvenile detention center proposed for the Upper East Side. Instead of taking a principled stand on these issues, Finch has stuck his finger in the air, tried to figure out which way the wind was blowing and then followed where his nose took him. There is no leadership and no coherent or consistent plan for development in Bridgeport–a real plan for redevelopment would mean private sector jobs and an increased tax base.”
The mayor issued this news release the other day:
Mayor Bill Finch is joining concerned West End and South End residents in opposing the plan by Community Solutions, Inc., to build a 120-bed halfway house for recently released prisoners across the street from a playground and around the corner from a City school.
“This is the wrong neighborhood for a facility of this kind. It’s wrong to put children at risk and cause their parents the added burden of worry that comes with housing a large number of recently released offenders,” the Mayor said. “This runs counter to our economic development vision and our Master Plan of Development for the City. This building would better serve the neighborhood if it were repurposed to bring tax dollars to the City, rather than a nonprofit use.”
The planned facility would be housed in a former factory building that is across the street from the recently renovated Went Field, a heavily used neighborhood park, and the practice field for the Bassick High School football team. Cesar Batalla School is about two blocks away.
The Bridgeport Planning and Zoning Commission originally voted to approve a Special Permit in 2008 under the old zoning regulations. The Commission then voted to allow the developer a one-year extension of the Special Permit and Coastal Site Plan until November 2010. The developer should not be given a second one-year extension. A 120-bed halfway house in this residential “R-C” zone is incompatible with Bridgeport’s new 2010 Plan of Conservation and Development and the new Zoning Regulations effective January 1, 2010. Any application for a new permit should be reviewed under the new Plan and Zoning Regulations.
“I’m urging the Commissioners to really consider if we want this type of development where it’s proposed. They need to consider all aspects of the issue before any final decision is reached.”
The Rev. Carl McCluster, President, South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone, Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church and chairman of the economic development committee of the Bridgeport Interfaith Ministerial Alliance joined the Mayor in decrying the project.
“I am truly disappointed that the sponsoring group(s) for this project does not consider communication with residents and stakeholders in the surrounding communities a priority in a project of this nature. The South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone, along with other community groups has reached out to the sponsors to get a better understanding of the scope, function and feasibility of the center, but were told that the concerns we expressed were not significant enough to merit a one-month delay in moving forward. This refusal to engage citizens in meaningful dialogue about the project before construction and implementation is a significant statement about the type of neighbor we can expect this group to be if they are allowed to move forward. This failure, when added to the failure to physically move this project forward in a timely manner, necessitates rejection of their request for a second extension of permits allowing exceptions to Planning and Zoning regulations. The negative impact on this school, park and densely residential neighborhood surrounding the proposed site is too high. The project, as now proposed, is unacceptable.”
“Currently statistics show the city provides 82% of the beds for the halfway house residents in question but Bridgeport only generates 40% of them. The time has come, for the sake of Bridgeport’s future, that our suburban neighbors take some responsibility. Bridgeport can’t handle any further burden,” Frank Borres, West Side NRZ chairman said.
The Planning & Zoning Commission will meet on Feb. 28 to consider Community Solutions’ application.
If the BRBC doesn’t take you, how about a job at UB (ouch) teaching how not to run a city?
This is not a new thing for Finch & Company. They along with our two council people knew about the jail that was proposed for the upper East Side one full year before it was made public. No one said a word, the project was announced and the neighbors went to war. Then and only then did Finch and the two council people step up. If no one said anything these three and others would have kept quiet and we would have had another jail.
Finch does not want to get involved in zoning matters? What’s new? He has only one commissioner and maybe two who are serving terms that are current, the rest are serving on expired terms. These zoning commissioners are all his picks. He just needs to make a few phone calls.
I must remind Finch that being mayor of this city involves more than fundraisers and ribbon-cutting. Damn I got carried away, what ribbon cutting? What is new in Bridgeport except the Kuchma project?
Finch is supposed to protect Bridgeport and its citizens from projects like this. These projects do affect the quality of life for the people who live near them. Indirectly these type of projects affect us all.
Where are the council people from this district? Where is the district leader from this district?
Where the hell are the do-nothings from our state delegation? Hey McCarthy get off your ass and stop going to the mayor’s announcements, you look like a gnome when you are there. How about showing some leadership? Glad to see MJF spoke out about it.
And where was Finch on the Congress Street Bridge issue?
He was in bed with Paul Timpanelli until Himes got on board with stimulus funds.
I can’t believe Jim Himes is co-hosting a Finch fundraiser after the way Finch and Woods laid down on Himes until the last days of the 2008 election.
For someone who threw the first event of their exploratory committee less than a week ago, MJF sure sounds like a candidate getting the red-carpet treatment.
When MJF says The Mayor is “behind the curve” is she trying to use a baseball analogy to impress voters?
Here’s why I asked:
The Bluefish play exhibition baseball within a modified format. Political primaries are played under different rules.
Attend a meeting before releasing a statement please.
What meetings are you talking about? Zoning meetings? MJF has attended them. How do you know if MJF has attended any meetings of city departments? This was just a wild shot in the dark and you know it.
2011, you have issued a lot of statements here without attending meetings or knowing the principals. But I guess that is alright.
2011–To quote a lyric from the a Black-Eyed Peas song, “You are so two-thousand-and-late!”
I attended the Ferry zoning meeting until 1:45 am this summer and Foster was there to the end. She didn’t mail her statement in like others on this issue.
Sounds like Foster’s got that “Boom-Boom-Boom!”
*** Seems like political P/R on Foster’s part, where’s she been in the past on Bpt & South End issues when it doesn’t affect her interest in general? And anyone who’s familiar with this admin. certainly knows they’re out of touch with city workers, resident & community issues if there’s no publicity involved. Also where’s the input from the reps. who represent this district; heads in the sand? Clocks a-ticking ’til the local Mayor’s endorsement & primary choice with time stopping for no one! *** HERE WE GO! ***
Council & BOE meetings TC? 0 is the answer.
I can’t comment on the BOE meetings but I can comment on the council meetings and I have seen Mary-Jane Foster at these meetings and I have spoken to her at these meetings.
It’s no biggie because none of the candidates attended a lot of these meetings before they decided to run for office. The only politician who attended a lot of city meetings was Chris Caruso.
I attend plenty of meetings TC, both council & BOE, my kids depend on me being informed.
Maybe 2011 is going to council meetings in the suburbs. While 2011 and Local Eyes whine, Foster has created jobs in the city. What jobs has birdbrain created? If you’re going to run for public office, candidates must state opinions. In Foster’s case her opinion is based on fact. Birdbrain has no shame.
The only people (running for political office) who I saw at that DiNardo zoning meeting for the 120-bed halfway house was Tom Lombard and John Gomes.
The only person I saw (and running for office) at (Derail the Jail) was Tom Lombard. The only person who was told to sit down as he asked about why the city stopped using manual lever voting machines since all the trouble in the past election, was Tom Lombard. Tom Lombard is running for Chris Caruso’s seat in the 126th. Go Tom!
Jim, I emailed Tom Lombard to ask him to share with OIB his rationale for running and what he’d like to accomplish in the legislature. Looking forward to his response.
Ron Mackey // Feb 13, 2011 at 11:08 pm
“Follow the Money,” you have the wrong congregation.
Ron–With all due respect to your congregation on 12/01/2008, Mt. Aery Baptist Church received a $1000.00 donation for “People for Excellence in Government,” check #1201.
I have the greatest respect for you, Pastor Bennett and your congregation. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with accepting a donation from this Finch-controlled PAC.
I just hope the Moneychangers will not use their “Bully Pulpit” to peddle influence to your members.
I guess you could say I was in the right church and the right pew on this one. Hope all is well.
I, too, like to “follow the money.” It is often a worthwhile exercise. It sometimes takes one to curious places, places you never thought about, and then found interesting as to the reasons for money moving from one party to another. So what is the full and accurate name of the organization that issued check #1201 to Mt. Aery Baptist Church (or Corporation, or some entity thereof)?
I have googled that group name and added Bridgeport and come up with nothing initially. Wonder why not? Perhaps you can explain since you know the check number? If the check was to fund an initiative or program, what was the purpose? Was this from a request for a grant that was submitted in competition, or just something that came in unexpectedly over the transom?
And if you happen to know, what is Mayor Finch’s participation in this organization so as to have his name linked by such a check? Who are other members on the Board of this group? Where does their money come from?
Thank you (or anyone else) for sending this info along. As Jack Webb used to say when questioned on his interrogation technique: “Just the facts, (ma’am or sir), just the facts.”
It was a donation. The named organization “People for Excellence in Government” speaks for itself. They are a bunch of oxymorons.
More info on the Moneychangers to come. Drip! Drip!! Drip!!!
Someone, perhaps you, has indicated that “People for Excellence in Government” is a Political Action Committee. Is that correct? Who are the leaders? The title may speak for itself in your mind, but this activity does not on its face seem to be typical activity for a PAC. Why would a PAC send money to a Church? What is the purpose?
There are awards for “Excellence in Government” that were started by David Walker (now of Bridgeport, formerly of Washington DC fame as Controller General for the Federal Government for 10 years) to honor auditors and others who truly show that quality.
Hope that you are able to supply some facts and answers to this subject. Or maybe Ron Mackey, who seems to know something about the receiving end of this check might assist us. Failing to be forthcoming can compromise your credibility with OIB readers. In that case you may become the “drip” that you reference three times above with increasing expression!!!
When you are building a case you do it gradually without spilling the beans all at once. The drip, drip, drip, THAT reference is to water torture. I don’t have to worry about my credibility nor do you. I’ve done my due diligence.
I’m no David Walker although I like his cousin, Johnnie. I hope David will help our city and country get in the black.
“Follow the Money,” Rev. Bennett has NEVER allowed any politician or political candidate including State Rep. Clemons who is a member to speak at ANY church services, in fact ask any candidate or politician if they have ever been allowed or seen one speak at the church. Politicians and candidates can speak at political forms at the church. “Follow the Money,” you made it seem like the Moneychanger was using a Bully Pulpit at Mt. Aery, well you can Mayor Finch if he ever spoke at Mt. Aery.
Ron–I never said Finch spoke there. What I said was they accepted, in my opinion, money from a questionable PAC. Once again, I reiterate my high regard for your congregation and its great contributions and history of serving our community.
Get a grip everyone …
Who showed at what meeting isn’t the biggest issue going on here.
There are two candidates today who intend to remove Bill Finch from Office and then replace him … depending on voter choice.
Neither of these two candidates are going to make statements without basis in FACT … hardly a practice in the current administration …
Will you please give these candidates (either one) some of your help rather than tearing apart the presence or the absence of someone at this point in the campaign …
Today MJF issues a press release re: a halfway house in the West End. The other day Gomes used this blog in an attempt to rally support for his candidacy. All well and good, but if they do not get out into the districts and meet with like-minded people to get them on board and field candidates for council seats and other offices, they are blowing into the wind. By this time they should have been well on the way in the process of forming their own “machine” to drum up support for their team.
*** So far, too little too late from those interested in change of the local political status quo. However it takes money & the help of interested voters to get the word out, along with some type of candidate platform towards recovery not merely repeating obvious known admin. blunders. Budget time is coming & there’s no better place to start than where’s the money going! Time to get the old political playbook out, no? *** HERE WE GO! ***
Every time Mojo dives for clams, he comes up with pearls!
Mojo is a real oyster in the rough!