Politics is nuttier than a jar full of Goobers.
Here today, gone tomorrow, maybe even return. It’s a whiplashed breeding ground for mental illness. East End District Leader Dr. Ralph Ford has acquired a notable professional career for the cause–he’s a trained therapist. Pull up a chair.
And it’s all about timing.

Four years ago, State Senator Marilyn Moore had the ball teed up to drive Mayor Joe Ganim into the unemployment lines. It was her race to lose given the optics: an incumbent coming off a befuddling run for governor matched against her legislative base of support with potential reform credentials.
For the most part Moore’s message was–I’m not Joe Ganim. Moore and messaging are often in dispute as well as organizational skills. Ganim did just enough to survive the primary on his way to a solid general election win, Moore reduced to write-in candidacy because she fumbled the signature process to qualify on the Connecticut Working Families Party line.

For some voters the kind of campaign you lead is representative of the kind of city you’ll run. A job in the state senate where you largely vote yes or no is nothing like being a chief executive.
The 2019 primary outcome was a kick in the can for Ganim. He eschewed the thought of another public office to pay more attention to mayoral business. He has development successes to tout, leadership stability with new Police Chief Roderick Porter and will not raise taxes this year. Still, he’s not a lock for reelection.
Along the way, unless guided by issue flareups, Moore was not active in positioning herself for another run, nor loyal to the fidelity of her 2019 followers who wanted something different.
Her aloofness sparked openings for others.

John Gomes, who entered city hall in 2015 as a key supporter of Ganim’s mayoral comeback, had a falling-out with the mayor. So too, a core of others. It’s the nature of the beast.
In 2022 Gomes was out of a job that was declared a reorganizational move. Gomes pooh-poohed it as political play. In December he announced his candidacy for mayor and shocked many by banking $100K in one month. Something like that gets noticed.
In addition, Gomes worked the phones for support. Some of those people he schmoozed had supported Moore in 2019.

Example: economic development consultant Kelvin Ayala whose family has deep roots in city politics and engineered votes for Moore in 2019.
Other Moore supporters have not signed up for 2023.
Example: State Rep. Andre Baker who donated $200 to the exploratory, now candidate committee, run by Lamond Daniels, a former Finch administration official.
Another example: former state representative and two-time mayoral candidate Chris Caruso who ran on Moore’s ticket for town clerk. Moore failed to utilize his campaign experience to catapult her over the top. Caruso has not committed support to any candidate yet, but even if he sits out this cycle that’s a blow to Moore.

Then there’s pugnacious City Councilwoman Maria Pereira who supported Ganim in 2015, divorced him shortly after his return to office, who has a vigorous following in the Thomas Hooker precinct she represents in the Upper East Side.
Pereira did not support Moore for mayor in 2019. In fact, Moore didn’t bother asking for her support, perhaps a nod to how the piranha of city politics chews through relationships.
Now Pereira is no fan of Gomes for this and that reason, but a number of operatives who have managed to maintain civility with Pereira–paging John Ricci, paging Maria Pires–are backing Gomes.
Could a deal be struck between Gomes and Pereira to grant her selection of Board of Education candidates to run on his ticket? She had a similar agreement with Ganim in 2015. Don’t be shocked if it happens.
Back to Moore who had trouble finding a treasurer for this run but prevailed upon a loyal soldier John Soltis, everyone’s favorite Black Rock librarian, to accept. Soltis was also tight with the late State Senator Ed Gomes who had a long-time friendship with Moore.
Moore, way behind in fundraising, has been schlepping donation cards to her peers in the state legislature to raise early money–politics has its necessary indignities.
Moore, enjoying a state senate base, cannot be discounted this cycle, but one thing’s for sure, 2023 has a much different dynamic than four years ago.
If she fails to put in the work necessary to build coalitions and inspire others her way, watch for more defections be it to Gomes or Daniels.
Campaign operatives seek a place to land.
The people of Bridgeport are more worry about the defection of Bridgeport Police Officers (10 in the last 2 months) to Shelton (The mayor is a Republican). It’s simply the best town to work as a police officer:
You keep bad mouthing your employer.
Is it better to be a janitor in Bridgeport or a police officer n Shelton?
Ask Joel Gonzalez — he’s a self-styled expert on that subject.
The Oscar for best editing goes to?
Being Moore was the reason for Joe’s LOCICAL choice to appoint Porter to top cop. It can not not be said of what took place by the police in Memphis. Or should I say, it should not not be said?
The CNN/left’s take on the matter is telling. It showed the first incident encounter, in its entirety, with Tyer and the police. Well, fifteen minutes or so of it after Tyer ran from them where the white cop is tending to a black cop and retrieving his taser shots. During that time other police officers had caught up with Tyer. They only cut from the first encounter to the second, the actual beating and death of Tyer, when the white officer tells the black officer I hope they stomp him.
Out of the first four officers who caught up with Tyler after the chase, they chose to show the body cam from the officer who was last to the beating that was in progress, who walks away from most of the “stomping”, for a time, come back the beating with a baton. They showed the audio of a cam that was on the grown during the encounter, and the street cam that showed minimal of the beaten, Pretty much the same time frame as the last officer’s body cam with the baton.
But no matter how much or less graphic the video context to the death of Tyer by these officers was shown/released. The LOGICALNESS is apparent. That’s what they do, regardless of black, brown, or white. Just like the release of the white cop’s shootings/death in Bristol. The Public never really got an understanding of that encounter. Other than a Lee Harvey Oswald’s single shot with no line of sight, through trees, after the melee.
However, if this police brutality/murder incident was by white officers, and more than just the edited WORDS, ‘Fuhgeddaboudit. Racist America, BML, and politicians/politics as far as the eye can see. But this police brutality/murder was done by black officers. What gives?
Surely this brutal stomping and beating of a black man to his death by the police warrants outrage, protest, and media coverage as Floyd’s death by the police?
I mean does Tyer’s black life matter? Where’s BLM? Where’s the outrage? The politicians?The Celebrities? The athletes? The defund movement? The White Supremacy institution?
LOGICALLY, politics has to be at its core, vie race. So let’s be honest people. BVM, Black Votes Matter. I mean will see this for Tyer Nichola? Time will Tell
LeBron James.
Perhaps, but in what way?
While Politics may be at the core, perhaps it’s the soul of the nation that is steak. JS,
peace out, try to play nice.
P.S. This video always cracks me up. The white dude with the cut-off sleeves in the front instigates, (James) the encounter, and right as it starts he takes off running. 🙂
So it begs the question, since, BVM is more the BLM in this political game when some incident that is tied to emotion. I don’t know (James) like a death of a black person by the police. Is it wise to let outside white anti-America come into your community and incite, and conjure up racial emotions to burn your own community? Well, not your community James 🙂 #BVM
No need to burn down your community with BVM, people. There’s a much more LOGICAL choice. way BVM🤣
Besides The Port has already issues with blight, Garbage in the streets It doesn’t need burnt-out buildings. too 🙂
P.S. Curry’s still sick. 🙂
Play nice people, I depart with the Prophet of King James. 🙂
My bad. 🙂
Final thoughts, I am not saying there shouldn’t be times for peaceful protest, but fiery. After witnessing Floyd begging for his life for 8 minutes for a cop to get off his neck. I was like Nero, watching Rome burn.
While I believe, know, the total context of these cops beating Tyer to a pulp was not shown, you would have thought there would be more BLM protest, consider? ZI only found one clip on Fox News of a highway being blocked for a few hours with not a single BML sigh.
Altlanta had to call up 1000 national guards because of weeks of protests, sometimes fiery, over a proposed police TRAINING facility.
The Civil Rights Attorney Crump characterizes the incident as a police culture. Perhaps there is some truth to that half of the loaf. But it is hard to find the LOGIC when he praises the Chief of Police in Memphis on hand
and condemns the police-created tactical unit that was allowed to flourish under her. There is no double about it, if Tyer didn’t die these officers would still be doing what they have been doing under her company. or if those officers were white it would be a different narrative.
Not trying to take away any praise for black officers who are doing their job, Professionally, Porter, 🙂
and whites for that matter, or the need to defund/reform a culture that can be quite seeded.
I am saying we have to define LOGIC. Because it is ILLOGICAL to witness a black man beaten to death by the police and not have the BLM organization not out front protesting a black man that has been on the front line of police abuse. When a black man who was on his way home was dragged out of his car, and ultimately beaten to his death, JS