When Tom Foley announced his exploratory campaign for governor at the Burroughs Community Center last September he acknowledged Republicans must perform better in Democratic strongholds with a promise to spend more time in cities. We’ll see if he puts words into action. The U.S. ambassador to Ireland under George W. Bush made his formal announcement on Wednesday in Waterbury seeking the Republican nomination for governor in a GOP field that includes State Senator John McKinney and Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton. An August primary is expected.
“The failure of the governor’s agenda falls hardest on the residents of cities such as Bridgeport who already were suffering from high crime rates, too few jobs, the impact of corruption, and underperforming schools,” Foley told a gathering of reporters in Bridgeport last September. “The fate of our cities will be the fate of our state. Governor Malloy and the legislature are not doing nearly enough. So I will be spending a lot of time in Connecticut’s cities listening to residents’ problems and helping craft solutions.”
Foley narrowly lost to Democrat Dan Malloy in 2010 with cities such as Bridgeport and New Haven making the difference on that crazy Tuesday when the city experienced a ballot shortage that became embarrassing national news following a visit by Barack Obama three days prior.
“Connecticut’s future is really as good as the future of our cities,” Foley announced on Wednesday. Foley promised to cut the sales tax and help address city issues such as crime and poverty. He also said he would institute school choice in underperforming districts.
Governor Malloy has not yet made a formal reelection announcement.
In anticipation of Foley’s announcement Democratic Party Chairman Nancy DiNardo stated, “Tom Foley is against the minimum wage, against common sense gun control, and he supported the Tea Party led government shutdown that cost Connecticut residents a lot of jobs. He’s wrong on the issues, he’s wrong for Connecticut.”
Bridgeport resident David Walker has formed a candidate committee to explore a run for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor. He’s been busy raising money to qualify for the Citizens Election Program of publicly financed races. On Tuesday Boughton announced former Groton Mayor Heather Bond Somers as his running mate. Will Walker land as a running mate with either Foley or McKinney?
*** Well Tom, try not to spend too much pol money this time and pay attention to what average folk have to say in the state’s cities this time. Also a GOP financial State platform and ideas or maybe the help of Mr. D. Walker might be helpful, even if you don’t pick him to run with you as Lt. Governor, which you should consider! *** EDUCATE THE VOTERS! ***
David Walker would be a fantastic running mate for any GOP candidate because of his ability to draw votes in Bridgeport, where several elected officials–from both sides of the aisle–have a debt of gratitude to repay. Also, he has specific goals most candidates can accept.
He has media friends for publicity, too. Once he appears on New York TV, every station in Connecticut will want him as a guest and don’t be surprised if he gains enough momentum to run on his own. His message is that potent.
Local Eyes, what district outside the 130th district could Walker win when NOBODY knows him besides those in Black Rock and Mojo? He has no position on issues, he answers no questions and what will he do for Bridgeport?
Foley could win the cities if he favored the following. Legalize casino gaming in the state. This would eliminate the property or state income tax. Give a five-year tax abatement for any business opening up in CT that hires 50% of the employees for entry level positions. Push for term limits on all statewide elected officials. Rescind the property tax on all senor citizens. Allow school vouchers.
He will do none of the above so another professional politician will be elected and the people be damned.
Here is a concept: let’s check out what the candidates Democratic and Republican campaign on, and discuss those topics. Let’s ask them what their plans are for issues that concern the citizens of Bridgeport and the State. Let’s not act like we are clairvoyants and push forward opinions and predictions that distort the at-large concerns. I am really hoping to read some intelligent discussions not weighted down with a heavy coating of sarcasm and dripping with obvious scorn.
I want to learn about the folks running, and I come to this venue to do so, not to deep sea dive for a valid question or stance in a sea of inner tumult that has been splashed vehemently on this blog.
It’s not fair.
Bond Girl, I’m in agreement with you. State Senator Toni Boucher brings a lot to the Republican ticket as the candidate for Lt. Governor beside being a female. I would not vote for any of the Republicans running.
In the State Senate, Senator Boucher serves as a Deputy Minority Leader. Senator Boucher is the Senate Ranking Member of the General Assembly’s Transportation Committee, Education Committee and of its Higher Education Committee. She also serves as a member of the General Assembly’s Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee.
As a member of the Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee, Senator Boucher is working to resolve the state’s existing fiscal problems and plan for the future in a bipartisan manner. She believes that Connecticut must recreate an environment where businesses can grow and families can prosper. Senator Boucher, who served on the Appropriations Committee as a State Representative, is now on the front line of efforts to balance the state’s growing budget deficit while holding the line on taxes, reducing government spending, saving businesses and growing jobs.
Thank you for providing some info about Sen. Boucher from New Haven, previously a State Representative.
For the life of me, though I do not speak for him, rather listen to him occasionally, I can’t see Dave Walker differing in being “on the front line of efforts to balance the state’s growing budget deficit” and I am sure he looks to hold the line on taxes, too, but don’t we want to know what areas of spending are to be reduced, what efforts and resources the State has expended on saving businesses and the results of that as our fiscal status has worsened, and just how “growing jobs” is working out here in CT?
All of a sudden the words “working families” is being used frequently by political leaders of different persuasions and I am at a loss to understand what it means entirely. I am still working after age 70 and so is my spouse, who is younger, though I will not comment on our age disparity. Are we a “working family?”
Each of us has considered our parents and siblings as family members who have worked until early death (males) or retirement (females, mostly) took us from the workforce.
Bridgeport residents as homeowners pay increased property taxes that has served to lower their residential property values relative to other area communities. City employees, who have bargaining units representing their interests, see increases in total compensation including earnings, healthcare expense and pension commitment while many, if not most go home to a community less fiscally taxing. Municipal employees and employees for large construction firms that build schools and other public buildings represent “working families” too, and for the most part are middle class, but their total compensation comes under a different approval process than that which works in the private sphere. Perhaps we all need to be careful about codewords and meanings, especially when we get using capitals when the same words are used. Time will tell.
Are you speaking code words here or simply just misspeaking?
Sen. Toni Boucher from New Haven is not from New Haven. Are you confused with former Senator Toni Harp; now Mayor of New Haven? Maybe the fact there are two female senators named Toni in little old CT is two too many?
Toni Harp was a Senate Majority leader, Toni Boucher is a Deputy Leader. If you know anything about partisan politics you should know these titles would put them in different political parties.
And although Toni Harp may have been endorsed by the WFP I am sure Toni Boucher was not.
But John, why again this rant about the Working Family Party? I reread all of Ron’s remarks on this topic and he does not even mention the WFP. So John, what is all of that about? CODE WORDS?
Bob, thanks for correcting my confusion on two Tonies. You are more interested and aware of political players than I am.
That being said, this week Nancy DiNardo has used “working families” in her CT Post coverage and messages from Washington have used the same terms. So Bob, I did not use the formal WFP as you mention but seeing “worker” and “family” connected in public comment (and when it is spoken capitalization is lost), I am wondering what this frequency is all about. We have had a big middle class in this country for many years. To a significant extent it has included working folks with families.
I guess I am asking what messages are being crafted to “working families” today … is it a message meant to get loyalty and favor through a $650 tax refund (as Finch offered some years ago) or $55 State of CT non-taxable return from Malloy … or should attention and current surplus funds be dedicated to the fact “rainy day” funds will be very necessary in the next year where expenses will overwhelm the revenues expected available … or should current and future State retirees be supported in the form of current funding for significantly “overpromised” and underfunded retirement plans?
As the formerly vast US middle class decreases to the half-vast middle class because attention has not been paid to public commitments to current and future operating budgets greater than taxpayers have understood; as well as to future promises that have not been conservatively and regularly supported by elected leaders of all parties and at all levels, because a promise is easy to make (and the promiser will never be remembered when the bill has to be paid).
That’s my rant. Not a new one. Has nothing to do with Ron, I suggest. But I will ask anyone who may know about the recent and frequent use of the words by many on the governance scene. What’s going on? We have found there are financial institutions that are too big to fail. The 99/1 category is not yet an accurate description of the fiscal struggle out there, but what is meant by the linkage of “working” and “families” in the same phrase? Anybody care to comment? Time will tell.
She has a lot working against her. I don’t personally find her substantive enough to run a decent race. I know her personally, and wish her the best, though.
Ron, if you are going to copy and paste, you should cite your source.
Tom White, that’s from her website.
Does it really matter who is elected?
No matter who it is they will spend time in the cities to get elected and then we will not see them here in Bridgeport for 3-1/2 years.
*** Not if D. Walker is Lt. Governor; you’ll see him in Black Rock, no? Besides “maybe” Malloy, who are some of the other Democratic interested candidates and what’s their surprise “pol platform?” ***
I found this on Senator Boucher’s website:
Senator Boucher calls on her extensive experience in the business world when working with her legislative colleagues on state government fiscal issues. Senator Boucher, who holds an MBA from UCONN Business School, is the founder and former owner of a small business and a former member of corporate management for two Fortune 50 firms. Senator Boucher also co-founded and served on the Board of Directors of a marketing design agency in San Diego, California which specializes in clients working in biogenetic, aerospace and leading edge computer applications. She is honored to have been a recipient of the Southwest Area (CT) Commerce and Industry Association’s Community Leader Award.