A promotional and swearing-in ceremony Wednesday night in City Hall brings the total number of firefighters to 308, what Chief Richard Thode declares is “the first time we’ve been at full staffing in years.”
From Tara Oneill, CT Post:
“I’m happy and proud. The Bridgeport Fire Department is experiencing tremendous turnover.”
And Thode said that turnover is being handled without significant disruption because Civil Service has kept up with promotions and the mayor’s office has seen the importance of keeping a full staff of firefighters.
Over the next few years, Thode said, the department will have more new supervisors and firefighters.
The department tried to host swearing-in ceremonies as often as possible, but there have been so many retirements, hirings and promotions, it’s been hard to keep up, Thode said.
Full story here.
Congratulation to all but my comment is directly to Fire Chief Richard Thode, Chief Thode I have always respected you as a man and your service to BFD, I find honest, hard working, smart and loyal. Chief Thode I must question the direction the testing with the results of NO FEMALES being hired in over 10 years, NOT one woman of any race, Chief, females were promoted but now women no longer want to be firefighters? No Chief, the different between these females being promoted and all of the other females on the BFD is NONE of the current females on the BFD had to take and pass (CPAT)Candidate Physical Ability Test in order to be hired. Chief, what’s wrong with this picture and most importantly what are you going to do Chief Thode to hire women for the BFD or are you going to be an agent of discrimination that David Dunn and Mayor Joe Ganim have allowed to exist in the Bridgeport Fire Department? Rich, I know you are a better man and professional to allow this discrimination to continue.
And why is the Police Department result so different, especially with an overdose of overtime annually?
** Can this department manage its own affairs or do all the signals come from City Hall and relate to excess overtime?
** Does an Acting Police Chief get the same service from Civil Service as does and actual Fire Chief?
** If the only Police Department numbers we are provided regularly are Overtime millions and 100 hires since Ganim2 came into office again, do we need more numbers supplied like actual and potential retirees in coming months and years?
Back on topic about milling before repaving, Ellsworth Avenue, corner of Hackley had several large dumptrucks to receive milled surface just scraped and a milling machine about 7:45 AM. No Signs up for 24 hours. No Police as customary. One guy doing several jobs at one time. Interesting delegation? Overall management? And that site was completed by 45 minutes when those same machines were departing onto Fairfield Ave. Private initiative? Time will tell.
I’m so glad to see Lt. John McMahon poses for photos with his son James, John was my neighbor and remember his son James being pulled around in his red wagon. This the third generation for the McMahon family John’s father retired as a Battalion Chief and was a long time South End resident. Back in the mid 1990’s when closed Ladder 3 on Wood Ave. Chief McMahon was in court every day as the fire union fought to keep Ladder 3, that’s how much Chief McMahon loved this City because he was always concern about the safety of his neighbor and his firefighter family. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, the McMahons are the real good guys.