Mayor Bill Finch will appear on Dennis House’s Face The State Sunday 11 a.m. on WFSB Channel 3, and he has some pointed observations about former Mayor Joe Ganim contemplating a run for his old job, although Finch does not specifically mention Ganim by name, prompted by a House question, according to the advance transcript. Several years ago the mayor declared Ganim should be allowed to reenter politics, but now shares a change of heart. From House:
The mayor of Connecticut’s largest city is seeking a third term, and he effortlessly rattles off a list of things he believes shows Bridgeport is a better place than we he first took office. Mayor Bill Finch is our guest this Sunday on Face the State, and during our taping we talked about development in Bridgeport, guns, crime, transportation and his re-election.
There is a buzz in Bridgeport these days that former mayor Joe Ganim may try to resurrect his political career by running for his old job. He’s been out of prison since 2010 after being convicted in a corruption scandal. I asked Mayor Finch about a Ganim candidacy.
“I hope a lot of people run because I believe this is the greatest job in America … but I don’t want to go backwards.”
Finch also told me a convicted felon with a corruption conviction shouldn’t be allowed to run, and “we shouldn’t be paying retirement for the rest of their lives. The poor people in Bridgeport who pay taxes pay for that and it is not fair.
Here’s what Finch told the Connecticut Post several years ago about Ganim:
Mayor Bill Finch said he would not object to former Mayor Joseph Ganim, or anyone else convicted and punished for a crime, resuming an active role in local politics as long as he or she remains a good citizen.
“Joe Ganim should not be treated any differently than any other person who is re-entering their community,” Finch said Tuesday of the former five-term mayor. “Anyone is welcome back to the (Democratic) party as long as they paid their dues, meet the requirements and remain good citizens.”
“I can’t imagine what a terrible hardship it has been to be away from your children and your family for nearly seven years,” said Finch. “As a mayor, I work closely with the re-entry community. Anyone who has paid their dues and wishes to get involved with the party should be allowed to do so as long as they continue to be good citizens.
I agree!!!
Steve, last week I posted every single candidate who wants to run, should. That included Ganim. You posted you agreed. Why take a different position now?
Because, I really do believe he should not be able to run. I do believe he served his time but like a pedophile I do not think should run a daycare, you get my drift Maria, I do not think he should have the keys to the kingdom and that has always been my original argument. I forgive him but people are stupid and sometimes need to be protected from themselves. This is one of those scenarios, sorry if I disappoint you.
I am no fan of Ganim. But time after time Finch shows what a manipulating, institutionally corrupt and either not smart enough to hide it or just completely disrespectful to those who put him in office. Mayor he is and you freaking defend him, but you have no problem throwing Ganim under the bus. Don’t get you at all. Really.
Seriously, MUSTANG???
Poor Joe, so innocent and misunderstood. Finch so terrible. I get it, I think this blog has gone insane. Sort of like Damian from the Omen. Scary actually interesting. I hope Ganim runs! Damian. lol.
Steve, Finch crowing Joe should not have the right to run does only one thing in the eyes of most voters: why is Finch afraid of Ganim? If Finch were a popular mayor comfortable in his job he’d not even acknowledge Ganim. He’d simply stay focused on his accomplishments. I write this from the perspective of having been a campaign strategist for both of them, albeit a long time ago. Every time Finch says Ganim should not have the right to run, he builds up Ganim.
I said I am no fan of Ganim. And I am SERIOUSLY no fan of Ganim. I just don’t understand why you think it’s okay for Finch to be corrupt and not Ganim. And make no mistake, Finch is corrupt. How’s about we try to find a Mayor who is not. Do you like apples? How do you like them apples?
LENNIE, as a political ignoramus, I see FINCH reminding people he destroyed the reputation of the office. Worse than Clinton’s blow job. SERIOUSLY. As soon as Joe announces I will not be ripping him down. Finch or Joe can pay me $1500 a week and I’d be happy to put either one in office or just let them sling mud left and right. I DO NOT THINK Joe will be the recipient of sympathy. Steelepointe and downtown and new schools, I do believe Finch should just stick to his record and Mustang, honestly, when it comes to corruption you are equating Finch with Ganim? Do you think the public sees them as Apples and Apples?
LENNIE AND MUSTANG, certainly you do not believe I tolerate corruption in City Hall. If Jesus were running everything would be honest. He is not running. We have a choice. They are night and day. Lennie, Joe is a nice guy and so is Bill Finch. One had it all and nearly destroyed the City. The other OIB readers dislike but the City is moving forward. I suppose people will have to think about the reputation and developers and which Mayor can get the ball rolling. I do not care if you totally despise Bill Finch, at least acknowledge all the positives happening in the City. If you choose to not acknowledge it you are mean spirited and have your head stuck up your ass and obviously do not care about the future of our city. MARIA, Joe Ganim will definitely get votes. 5000 may be pushing it. I am not so sure this time around there will be enough money on the street to buy votes. Finch may be able to do that this time. Lennie can attest to the fact Ganim is used to having his boys drive voters to the polls, give them a few bucks and explain how they are to vote.
Steve, if 5000 people were to vote for Ganim, would you decide they were all “stupid?”
Maria, yes.
So Mayor Finch is so concerned about the poor taxpayers of Bridgeport. Now let’s see. Was he concerned when he spent $600,000 on the driveway and litigation, was he concerned when he spent $300,000 on the reevaluation that is now top secret, was he concerned when he bonded $1.2 million to build a park in my neighborhood that is 100 ft. from Beardsley Park, was he concerned with the $200,000 settlement that was paid to the man those three police officers brutalized in broad daylight, etc.
What an absolute bunch of bull.
Well, now that the paragon of virtue has spoken, we can all sing kumbaya and move on.
Be careful whom you judge, Bill. You have a wife and family and you never know what life brings. Karma is a bitch!
Lisa, have you lost your mind? What kind of a comment is that? A threat to Finch’s wife and kids? Karma is a bitch? I found your post disturbing. You should hang your head in shame. You may not be happy but I am calling you on it! Karma is a bitch and seriously, were you drinking when you wrote that disturbing post? OMG. Maybe Finch will wake up with a horse’s head in his bed.
Stevie, which Clinton was giving blow jobs? ‘splane!
Oh come on Jim, Monica Lewinsky, the woman whose mother saved the dress. Duh!
Stevie, did you say you have Monica Lewinsky’s dress on? With what color pumps?
Yes Jim, I did. It is a tight fitting black dress, a foot above the knee with the leopard pumps. I am a fashionista, what can I say; and you are a moron. 🙂
What threat? The only thing I am reading into Lisa’s comment is Finch needs a job because he has a family to provide for.
I see it as a threat and suggest she should be watched closely by secret service. See Bond Girl, it’s all about perception. Recent ranting shows some sort of instability and the fact Ron Mackey is loving Parziale makes me concerned about the Mayor and his children. If something were to happen Bond Girl, I’d assume one might think you and Parziale are in collusion. The police with start with just a few questions like how do you feel about the Mayor? Do you hold the Mayor personally responsible for all of Bridgeport’s ills? Would you support a convicted felon to run for office?
And while we’re at it, is there presently a law that states he can’t run or is this just your wishful thinking? After the improper, immoral actions I and many others witnessed last night by members of your administration, do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut. Are you that afraid of Joe Ganim? If not, you should be.
Lisa, honestly you sound ridiculous!
In 2011, Mayor Finch stated if Joe Ganim served his time and wanted to re-enter his community he should be allowed to do so and that included running for office.
Suddenly he is totally opposed to it. Sound to me Mayor Finch is beginning to feel nervous about Ganim’s potential run.
What are you worried about, Mayor Finch? After all, you contend “Bridgeport is getting better every day.” If the voters of Bridgeport truly believe that, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
It looks like Bill has taken the Hypocritical Oath!
Whoomp There It Is, straight out of Bill Finch’s mouth, he loves to tell lies, it has to be his way or the highway. Lying is what Bill Finch does best.
youtu.be/Z-FPimCmbX8 Whoomp There It Is
Yes, Bill changed his opinion, let’s punish him and all support Ganim. After all, Ganim is honest and Finch changed his position. Sounds like a rallying cry from OIB. I was at Hooker school today. Finch is not despised here at all.
Finch is a liar and Joe Ganim is a liar and a thief. Hmmm, choose; I know for Only in Bridgeport the choice is so difficult. For the City, bad press, laughing stock, moving backwards because of political hacks. I especially loved Lisa Parziale’s post, blaming Finch, not Mario for last night’s episode? Lisa, weren’t you are member of the DTC during Bridgeport’s darkest days when corruption was just the way? I could be wrong but methinks thou protesteth too much. The icing on the cake will be a Mayoral endorsement from MJF supporting Joe Ganim. I would be disappointed but not shocked.
Every time I hear Finch speak or read a quote of his, it sounds like such fake crap.
Wow, Bill must be really scared of Joe running, and he should be, this is fantastic! What a creep Finch is, only concerned about his own agenda. Slowly but surely Finch is being exposed for what he is.
We love Joe, run Joe. Bridgeport is in darkness, we need you. We have waited your return since forever, we are here for you. We can intentionally paint a picture that makes you the innocent lamb and Finch a horrible man. You will lead us into four years of darkness and hope you speak from your pure heart from as many pulpits as possible. The people they wait with a yearning that is almost unbearable. Welcome back, Joe! We will adore you and hope your balls grow bigger and move forward to the Governor and yes the President where the country will adore and worship you. We will start with the City of Bridgeport. The largest city in the state, The poorest city in the state in the wealthiest county. You shall again enjoy the fruit of your sycophants drinking $500 bottles of wine while your biggest supporters ask if they can watch you enjoy it. The developers will shun us and those who remain will be taxed to death and just walk away. Bridgeport will become the welfare city and all homes will be worthless. The cancer of corruption will totally absorb the light in this once great city, but Joe Ganim will be redeemed and after all, we are all extras, little people in the life of our great leader Damian, I mean Joseph Ganim our Messiah who will fill yet again. May he reign forever and darkness prevail and let the people choose him.
Steve–that posting was priceless … and on the money. Joe Ganim always had a Napoleon complex, so why Damian when Napoleon is so much more fitting?
Seriously Adam and Bill, did I earn my check this week or what?
By the way, I think the Connecticut Post should have interviewed all former Mayors and asked how they felt about Ganim running. And speaking about the origins of Harborpointe, I ran into Mayor Lennie Paoletta last night with his wife. He looks terrific. He must be thrilled to see Steelepointe finally taking form. I give Mayor Paoletta full credit for the vision of Harborpointe and the attempt to really market the City. I still have those great inserts that appeared in the Bridgeport Post so many years ago.
Why ask the former mayors, they all moved out of town.
Jimfox // Jan 13, 2015 at 11:06 am
Mrs. F: “Shut the blinds and come to bed Bill, it’s freaking 3:30am!”
MF: “I can’t, I know he’s across the street in the Park with a pair of night vision binoculars, watching my every move!”
Mrs. F: “Ever since Joe’s apology, you’ve been paranoid, up every night thinking he’s going to run for Mayor!”
MF.: “Never mention him by his first name in this house again!”
Mrs. F: “Come on, you have $300k and another $150k in the other accounts with Woody the SEEC will never find, he can’t possibly raise that kind of money by August!”
MF: “No! But he can raise that kind of money by November! I got it! I’ll have Kooris, Billy Minor, McCarthy and Hamilton Burger put together an RFP for the downtown Majestic and Palace theaters, we’ll twin it together with the Main St. North project. The voters will love it!”
Mrs. F: “Come to bed now, the voters will think you’re making this shit up just to get reelected.”
MF: “Hey, if Grogins can make Black Rock think they have a walking bridge coming, and a streetscape, then I have to keep making this shit up all the way ’til November! Will Apply for Grants from the National Trust Preservation Fund, will do a Press Conference with all the suck-ups, Auerbach, Tippie, McCluster, McGee, Blumie; and bring in some theatrical people like Tommy Tune, if he’s still alive!”
Mrs. F: “Now come to bed, I’m sure Joe’s home sleeping now.”
MF: “Joe who?”
OMG. Is this déjà vu? I swear I’ve heard this before.
Kind of fantastic to see how easy it is to get into the head of a politician. What a difference it would be if those running for office and then leading the community afterwards were speaking from and towards principles. Political agendas fail when confronted with the truth and full facts of public service. Who will serve the public truly? And I am not talking about letting the waiter know you prefer your steak “Well Done.” Bridgeport taxpayers have been held over the fire too long already. Time will tell.
JML, never order a steak well done. Are you insane? 🙂
Mayor Caretaker, seven years of taxing the good people of Bridgeport, you should be paranoid! Joe never taxed the people of Bridgeport!
Jimfox, DOESN’T IT STRIKE YOU AS STRANGE MAYOR MORAN DECLARED BRIDGEPORT BANKRUPT AND GANIM NEVER RAISED OUR TAXES AND WAS A CONVICTED FELON AND HERE WE ARE PRETTY MUCH A BANKRUPT CITY? Jimfox, JUST HOW DO YOU THINK MAYOR GANIM COOKED THE BOOKS??? How long could that go on without a tax increase? People will be reminded about that and people are generally not that stupid, are you? Since no-tax Ganim is your mantra.
For 10 years Joe Ganim held the line on taxes!
Stevie, it was called ZERO BASE BUDGETING and it worked.
Finch has yet to balance the BUDGET, the last time we had a balanced budget in Bridgeport was with a REAL MAYOR … Joe Ganim.
Gee Stevie, why is it all Finch’s projects are post-November Election? Because he’s a liar!
Finch claims he created 3000 jobs, that’s more then Harvey Hubbell, Bryant Electric, and GE put together! Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!
Bill Finch and Mr. Sherwood have been cooking the books for seven years.
If this political hack gets reelected, by 2016 we will have a double-digit tax increase and fools like you Stevie, will then say how did that happen? Then those pigs will be shooting out of your ASS, for sure!
Jimfox, the City is going to get a tax increase with the revaluation and Ganim is hoping he can blame Finch. Fox, you really are a fool. A fool in love with Joe. I heard he is available.
Is this the same Finch who constantly cries poverty then makes two more political hires in less than a year? He’s hired Tiago to fill pot holes at an annual salary of $100K and and Teri Brown to be assistant CAO for $130K. Is it not political corruption to use taxpayer money to make hires for positions that are not needed just to take care of friends in need of jobs? Go ahead and split hairs with me, Steve. Go Ganim! Finch is shaking in his little space boots. Can’t wait to see the city’s top-paid list for 2014. Oh that’s right, no one seems to notice Finch hasn’t disclosed that in many years to hide the salaries of his lackeys.
Damn Phantom, you’re right. I haven’t seen the top paid list in years. Things that make you go hmmm. Steve, you for Finch is just like you for Musto, and we see how that turned out.
That is correct Donald Day, and let’s hope your girl Marilyn performs or she will be the star on this blog when the City begs for Michelle Lyons for Senate.
Stevie’s the only one in B’port with a Musto lawn sign. Steve, take the sign in for the winter, and you can put in back up in the spring. Duh!
Hey Mayor! The 14th amendment gives Joe Ganim the right to vote and run for office!
The Bridgeport Comeback is underway and I credit Mayor Finch and those who support his policies. Prepare to see shovels on the ground, cranes in the sky and heavy machinery everywhere.
But not until after November’s election.
No, Fox. It is all perfectly planned for now. FINCH knows what he has to do. The press conferences will make Ganim’s nonstop commercials showing the corruption trial make him a forgotten entity supported by miserable obsequious ill-advised taxpayers.
Lennie’s point is spot on. If Mr. “Better Everyday” Mayor is so great–with all his alleged accomplishments (but please, ignore all the follies and arrogant disregard for state regulations he gets away with thanks to his buddies in Hartford)–why should Finch now be addressing this non-issue on network television?
The meta-communication from Finch in this context is: I’m too good to run against, and possibly lose to, a felon, so let’s prevent that from happening.
The voters in Providence RI, given the chance to re-elect Buddy, didn’t.
And yet here in Bridgeport, Finch feels more is needed than voters’ judgment to make this decision? Again, he knows better than the voters of his city, it would appear. Hasn’t he learned his goal of taking the vote away is not a winning battle for him to wage?
And so he won’t, instead he’ll work the channels in Hartford. Watch for a new bill to emerge in Hartford–raised by a friend of Finch (Andre Baker, perhaps?)–to ban the likes of Ganim for running for public office. Pretty hard for an elected official to vote against that, right? If this happens, they’ll cite Rowland, Newton, anyone, … anyone but Ganim.
Pete Spain, what the hell are you doing, damn, you stole what I was going to say. Well, it looks better when you write it. Why in the world is Mr. Big Shot, Mayor Bill Finch concerned about an ex-felon, he’s the mayor of the biggest city in the state, he stood and took pictures with President Obama and now he’s running scared of Joe Ganim. The guy is a liar and now the voters are starting to see it.
When it comes to Bridgeport, progress is in the pipeline. Mayor Finch is in the arena while others sulk on the sidelines hoping the coach puts them in.
Ditto, once again I earned my check two days in a row. Thanks Mayor, thanks Adam. Local Eyes, isn’t it a great feeling, like a super hero having to have these constant diatribes with the same characters?
Donald Day, Jim Fox, really, you are still talking about Anthony Musto? I did not even know the guy.
OK–Here’s my two cents for what it’s worth. I agree with Lennie’s analysis, Finch has made a tactical error in opposing Ganim’s right to run for mayor. Ganim has done his time and has every right to run.
Having said that, I will not be supporting Ganim under any circumstances. For starters, his “pay to play” policy retarded Bridgeport’s economic growth at a time when places like Stamford and Shelton were booming. I could (and subsequently will) get into the other reasons I oppose Ganim, but for now that will do.
At this point, I just want to let everyone on OIB know, not only will I not support Ganim, I will work my butt off for whichever candidate has the best chance of defeating Ganim.
And there you have it, folks. I think John from Black Rock has shared the sentiment of many Bridgeport residents. Perfect laconic statement.
Steve, I believe John has clearly stated Joe Ganim “has every right to run.” That is all many people on this blog are saying. You are stating he does not have a right to run, therefore John appears to have joined the chorus and is not the soloist.
Salty (John), care to share insight into your conversation with attorney Ed Farrow who broke the state senate endorsement tie on behalf of his client Richard DeJesus?
Well, I asked Mr. Farrow if he was an attorney and if he represents DeJesus. He answered yes to both questions. I pointed my finger at him and said (or perhaps shouted) “You sir, have a conflict of interest.” I then stormed off. A few minutes later, realizing he might have thought me rude, I spoke to him again, apologizing for my possible rudeness. I then asked him how he did not have a conflict of interest several times and all he kept saying was under the rules he did not and he knew everyone in the room. He also stated he had just lost half his friends and there I agreed with him.
Seeing as I was getting nowhere I chose to end our conversation and walk away. As I was leaving I believe I heard someone (certainly not me) direct the words “You bastard” at Mr. Farrow.
Steve I have read this whole blog, and I must note every person who did not agree with you about Asshole Finch, you insulted, belittled and called stupid. How far up Finch’s ass have you placed your head, or whole body? P.S
don’t try to insult me, because you have proven to be one stupid asshole.
MAGOO, you have been on your knees for Ganim at the taxpayers’ expense for years, so shut the fuck up before I let everyone on this blog know what a Ganim cocksucker you are!
Steve, you have things mixed up and should substitute your name for MAGOO and Finch for Ganim.
When I said progress is in the pipeline, I was talking about Bridgeport’s upcoming projects and not specific members of this blog.
To all the interesting, well-informed bloggers, I have some food for thought. By now we all know we have one very disturbing “hater” who posts endlessly. It has been my experience in many situations the only way to focus on the good is to ignore and never dignify consistent “haters.” Why don’t we all give this approach a try. I won’t dignify this person by using a name. We all know who it is! Try for one day of posting to ignore all and anything this individual has to say. A few things may happen: He’ll get a life; he’ll go away (doubt that); or he’ll be left babbling all alone. Obviously I’m not referring to any woman or women, since the gender wouldn’t have to resort to such drastic measures just to get attention (sorry guys). Just my opinion. Indulge me, at least those of you who are my friends. Let’s see how long it takes this knucklehead to “out himself.”
Steve used to drive me crazy. Now I simply scroll down past his posts. He is uninformed about Bridgeport politics and the goings on in City Hall. For some strange reason, he refuses to see the truth and continues his misguided love affair with this administration. He is insignificant.
I say, RUN JOE, RUN!
BTW, what’s up with Rich Paoletto? Still out on paid vacation?
There you go, another idiot on his knees for Ganim.
Scroll away. It’s not like you have anything to say.
Lisa Parziale, good idea. Maybe I’ll go away and you can all get on your knees for Ganim. You no doubt will get to the front of the line. Me, I’m tired of being the lone one, so I say adieu to you and you and you. I am certain I won’t be missed and I can assure neither will any idiot supporting Joe Ganim. Like John from Black Rock, I will most likely do everything in my power as limited as it is and make sure Joe Ganim does not succeed in humiliating his family again. I know I said if Ganim were to run I would not bad-mouth him. Well, with the disrespect I have received on this blog, I changed my mind. A convicted felon will never be Mayor in Bridgeport so you can all stop hoping to become relevant again, including yourself, Lisa. Enough said. We all know some people enjoy spirited conversation and others only like to associate with like minds. Me, I’m not interested in being part of the anti-Finch choir. I’ll wait for the announcements, and finally the election. Anyone but Ganim! My mantra. The good news is I do believe Finch deserves to win, Fabrizi and Foster are not running. Daniels will take it to the people and may the best man or woman win.
Steve, you have a thing for people being on their knees. I think it is you who leads by example. Stand up, STEVE.
I think Joe Ganim only needs 5300 votes or friends to win.
Joe Ganim appears to have carefully crafted an apology, but he has not admitted guilt for the 16 felony counts he was convicted of. He was convicted of crimes directly related to his role as mayor of Bridgeport. Given these points, I don’t see how logical, clear-thinking people could vote for him. But then, we’re talking about Bridgeport.
Yes Tom, I appreciate your points, and they underscore Lennie and John’s point: Let it be; stop playing Father Superior when it’s really just about eliminating a potential political rival.
Joe Ganim specifically stated in the video “I broke the law.” Am I mistaken?
Maria, that may be appropriate in the confessional (Bless me Father for I have sinned) but in the case of Joe Ganim, he violated specific laws and has denied guilt. When he admits guilt for what he did (and found guilty in court) his mea culpa will have more credibility.
Tom White, I served with you on the City Council and observed your sense of right and wrong. I watched you vote across party lines when you felt the issue or circumstances were warranted. But I also observed you “vote and go along” party lines many, many times when you knew better. My point is this, you were complacent when you shouldn’t have been. You did a great job while you were employed by the City of Bridgeport to work and assist the City Council. You saw more improper actions than most of us, but I’m sure your paycheck hampered your morals a bit, because it was only after you were wrongfully terminated you began to talk. I admire you as a man and you know that, but again I reiterate, don’t judge. I’m sure all of us wish we had made different decisions at one time or another. Your input is respectful and professional, but you’re no more human than the rest of us.
>>MAGOO, you have been on your knees for Ganim at the taxpayers’ expense for years, so shut the fuck up before I let everyone on this blog know what a Ganim cocksucker you are!<<
This post is so offensive. You sound like a drunken bum. Rude, lewd, and uneducated! I can’t believe they let you teach. It’s disgusting and you shouldn’t have the ability to post here using language like this. There is no justification for this, on any blog page. You are one very embarrassing and belligerent human being. Your mother should have slapped some sense into you.
I’ve gleaned from this “hater” he works with children in some capacity. On Tuesday I intend to get the scoop on this man. Where he works, and what exactly he does around children. In addition, I intend to get a copy of his comments, language, lewdness and everything else that speaks to the character of this person that may negatively impact children. Should he be allowed to interact with children? I don’t know, but the educational professionals do. There is a public speaking portion before the Board of Education meetings. I will give copies of his inappropriate language and innuendos to all members of the Board. I will also take advantage of what time I’m allowed to speak. This kind of sicky should not be allowed to teach, or whatever it is he does, with children. Unless there are some known mental health issues he is addressing and have been fully disclosed to his superiors, it’s my opinion he should be brought before the appropriate body to explain his behavior and a determination should be made by the professionals who oversee the protection of all children attending our schools.
Lisa Parziale, this is one where he talks about the entire black community in Bridgeport and he works with black children. This is an outrage.
Steven Auerbach // Jan 9, 2015 at 4:43 pm
I forgive Joe Ganim, but that’s me. I wouldn’t give him a standing ovation. I would not say he has any more support in the black community than Finch, Caruso, Foster, Daniels, Coviello, Ted MEEKINS or Jesus.
It makes the black community look like a bunch of unenlightened idiots still controlled by reverends who have personal agendas, thieves, adulterers and down-low scum. It is ironic he would choose the East End church (not) as opposed to his Syrian Orthodox Church on upper Park Avenue. I hope Ganim was sincere and gives his time as a volunteer in the East End as a positive force using his charm and law experience. He can help so many people walking among them than going back to his personal agenda. I’d support Ganim after he worked in the community for a few years. That to me would show sincerity. To assume the black community is just going to enthusiastically support you would assume they are just a bunch of dumb fucks! Honestly Joe, some of them truly are and as you know $5 can buy a vote. And a reverend can feel so very important.
Ron, thank you for reposting. The entire post again stands on its own merit. It is Ganim, not myself who imagines he has the black community in his pocket. He does not. Working with black children??? Btw, I am certain everyone has read the paper today about Ganim??? On a higher more optimistic note, doesn’t everyone feel Mayor Finch did a fine job representing our city on WFSB this morning? I think his positive message is resonating with those in Bridgeport as well as statewide.
Now tell me, what would the children of Bridgeport’s school system think about this comment, “It makes the black community look like a bunch of unenlightened idiots still controlled by reverends who have personal agendas, thieves, adulterers and down-low scum,” and to think this person is around them and is being paid by their parents?
Ron Mackey, you just gave me a great idea, the timing is perfect on the eve of Martin Luther King’s birthday and after seeing an amazing motion picture Selma, I am going to take my post and send it as a letter to the editor so more people can view it.
Steve Auerbach, please send it as a letter to the editor; but you are scared to do that.
Absolutely not Ron, at your urging it will go out this evening.
Lisa Parziale, your insanity and rants speak to your character. I stand by my comments and freedom of speech. By all means speak before the board. Try to make yourself relevant again if possible. You are just a faded rose of days gone by. This blog has become a Joe Ganim lovefest of which I am an outsider. I promised I would not post but honestly, I had to respond to your attempt to malign me based on a blog. Your history here also speaks for itself. Is my language offensive or my choice of candidate? Let’s face it Lisa, 99 percent of my comments are pro Bridgeport and I have no problem being one of the few who support our city and Mayor. You have been part of the cancer of this city for 30 years. So, happily, we don’t agree on most issues.
Take a couple of deep breaths. Please do not rush to write to me. You love Bridgeport, as do many others who post here, or else they would not be reading and writing. So most of us love a certain vision of the City, although most would admit Steve’s version is different from Andy’s viewpoint, and from Ms. Pereira’s experiences, or Jim Fox’s perspective, or BOE’s world view, etc., etc., etc. Such is diversity, lived experience, are part of the reason many like living in Bridgeport.
But loving the City as you do and supporting the incumbent Mayor (who fails in so many ways to provide the full stories and accountability that might enhance “public trust”) leaves you in a strange position. Why do you never seem to dig into the cumulative impact of increasing taxes, the slow rate of economic development, the strategic failure to observe Charter and Ordinance requirements that maintain the public in the dark (including most of the City Council??? Your best answer seems to be you have better things to do with your time, including television. For one who speaks up in support of local governance so readily and frequently, why aren’t you more conscientious as a ‘thinking person’ to look for basic facts that support your positions? Time will tell.
JML, as much as I respect you and your knowledge you share so freely, I have to say I have attended my fair share of Common Council meetings. I attend when there is something I find extremely interesting, as well as planning and zoning. I speak to a number of people weekly in City Hall and am always up to date on development projects. I have very little free time to attend meetings that drag on. I can watch on channel 88 if I want to know what’s going on with the Bd. of Ed. Maria Pereira is so well informed, my cup runneth over. I of course do not focus on the politics. I take six credits in New Haven, piano lessons, have a fairly descent social life and attend cultural events.
My circle of friends is not interested in politics and I usually get more interesting political information from PBS, NPR, CNN, Fox etc. Local politics is just too negative for me. I work with Alzheimer’s patients as a volunteer at the Jewish Home. There is just not enough time in my day to do it all. It is axiomatic this blog I discovered during the primary with Mary-Jane FOSTER has become more of a sounding board for all disgruntled with Mayor Finch. To be honest I am drained being attacked left and right. I have never encountered such negativity in my entire life. Since this blog has been a rallying cry to bring back a convicted felon, it is so ironic Fabrizi was afraid to run. Mary-Jane FOSTER supporters now think Ganim walks on water. Let them converse amongst themselves. I am so pleased that although the press tries to imply Ganim has support in the minority community, it is not a fact as my neighbors have stated. Let the cards fall where they may. This city needs new young blood. We are in the 21st century.
JML, I was at the Watermark last week. I am finishing Mr. Sullivan’s book and I am tired of the past corruption and black eye this city has received. I still maintain JML, any candidate running for Mayor would be wise to chat with you and Maria P. Just the facts, not the politics.
You are such a “busy boy” it seems to have provided this lengthy post. First of all the City Council (replaces Common Council in Charter language some years back) is nothing if it is not reasonably brief, especially when compared to P&Z meetings. I do not know what you consider your fair share but which formal City Council meetings did you attend in the past 12 months? What was it that brought you out to it?
If you are tired of the City history of corruption, then you must revise your assessment that criticism of Finch is pure negativity. That is your error. I talk about facts very regularly. Most of the criticism on OIB has a basis in fact. Getting around to change is where disagreement roams far and wide.
You mention you are tired of attack from all sides. Take a look at your comments from several weeks ago, for instance. What were you saying? Did you provide facts or sentiment primarily? Was your commentary to the point or did it ramble and confuse those who are always on topic, if not necessarily accurate or factual themselves? From that vantage point and distance you might begin to see how you put yourself on a Hyde Park Stand and almost dare those who have well-founded exceptions to the Mayor’s practices and execution to oppose you. With or without spoiled fruit or vegetables! And it comes back to the questions you have been asked frequently: Do you receive any City money (other than for substitute teaching)? Are you looking for a City position with BOE or City after the November election? And if the answers to both of these questions, should you choose to answer both, is NO, then why are you making such a target of yourself, man? Time will tell.
OMG JML, are you kidding me? I had to take a nap halfway through your post. I do not get city money. Although I do appreciate all the principals who encouraged me to go for certification, I do not think I’d be happy. I am not concerned about being a target. I actually enjoy it. I have no problem taking the blogging off target. JML, with all due respect I am not interested in council meetings simply because I have better things to do. There are council members who do not even show up. Even those looking to run for office do not show up. Now for the four times I have gone to meetings I appreciate your contributions. Unless I personally feel like speaking at a zoning meeting, I can wait for the response. Now I appreciate your encouraging me to go to meetings. Maybe you can get some of the members of the DTC to show up, I do not think I have ever seen any of these political hacks take an interest other than seeing who is more popular on a town committee. I really do have outside interests and as long as I have my tablet, I can put my two cents in. If you are hoping I will acknowledge Mayor Finch’s shortcomings, you can forget about it. Not as long as the alternative is a convicted felon. Thanks, John. I will run into you at some meeting I am sure, but these days I am overwhelmed and extremely busy.
Does anyone know which administration was in office when 270 homes and businesses were taken by eminent domain to make way for Steelepointe? Did we relocate these minority families or give them the minimal amount of money to find their own home? Who were the councilmen? If anyone knows the answer please respond.
Ron Mackey? Donald Day? Anyone from the East End???
BARF, that statement was from STEVE, not me; and get your info correct you fuckin’ asshole.
Yes “MAGOO,” I knew it was the other guy’s post, as did everyone else, but now I see your words can be quite similar.