Candidates for mayor are all over the city this weekend attending events, knocking on doors, planting lawn signs, raising money, pleading for votes for the September 16 Democratic primary.

What’s this? Former Mayor Joe Ganim plants lawn signs at the restaurant owned by Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa. Does this mean the chairman is all in for Ganim? Or does Mario welcome lawn signs from all Democratic candidates? Let’s start a sign war at the restaurant!
What it means is not good for Joe or Testa’s business. My friends live across the street and are outraged. Not because they dislike Joe but it is sign pollution and an act of desperation. Ganim lawn signs show up as multiples on most properties. People see it for what it is, especially in a Finch stronghold.
Personally, I love the strong connection. Mario obviously realizes he is done. His endorsing Ganim before the vote was about as unprofessional as a town committee chairperson can get. It speaks volumes and reminds everyone about the connection during the darkest days of Bridgeport. Good thing Mario cannot vote.
You presume to know it all. Amazing. And really comical.
La Wicca dice la verità.
¡Es verdad!
Mario has an apartment over the restaurant and he can vote. Wrong again, Steve.
city hall smoker and you are impressed he has an apt he does not live in. It is sort of funny as Ganim also has an apt he does not live in.
I know what I said but on this one you are 100% wrong. Mario lives at the Madison Ave Apt 5-1/2 days a week. Please get something right once in awhile.
Andy, I’m sorry and you know this because you are part of Mario’s inner circle? Btw, it really doesn’t matter to me. One more vote for Ganim. Nice!
Steve, so Mario is the disrespectful one because clearly Mayor Finch has been nothing but respectful to others. Let us know when you wake up from your dream.
I was at the Back to School Bash at Barnum School today. Mayor Finch came to the microphone and yelled “Who thinks Bridgeport is headed in the right direction”? All you could hear were the crickets. Then he started yelling about Stealpointe, parks, new school buildings, and all you could hear were crickets.
As soon as Joe showed up, parents and voters start rushing up to him on the sidewalk. He got stuck at the entrance for 15 minutes before he could even get into the event.
A woman I registered was getting in her car with her son. She got so excited when she saw Joe approaching, her jaw dropped. She got out of her car and went over to Joe and then insisted we register her son to vote.
The reaction he gets from the average citizen is pretty amazing.
He is like a Rock Star, it really is amazing, my neighbors swoon every time they hear his name. When he shows up at parks it is like the scene from the movie Bye Bye Birdie, the song Honestly Sincere, everyone just passes out because he has an electrifying persona. Poor Bill, cursed with the personality of lint. So very sad. I am putting six Ganim signs on my lawn.
Don’t be surprised if Mario Testa uses his out-of-town absence as an excuse to justify Ganim putting lawn signs on his property. Otherwise, this is a political no-no.
Steve and Local Eyes, I’ve seen this and I’m sure both of you have also. Wait until the week before the primary, you won’t drive by any street, business, etc. without seeing the “war of the signs” from all candidates. God, I hope my opposition doesn’t decide to put up signs because then I may have to also. I dislike signs, and I don’t think they have much effect on an election outcome.
The signs don’t make a difference in voter turnout, they are just another excuse for campaign volunteers to engage in petty one-upsmanship.
Lisa Parziale, you are correct. They do not!
Let’s not forget our ex-state senator Ayala who also had an apartment in one district and lived in another. Not until he became commissioner did he finally admit what everyone knew. The funny part is Ayala is in charge of the DMV and he used to drive a car with all types of MV violations. Lol. Bunch of liars.
I’m not sure I agree the signs don’t make a difference, I think for the people who don’t really follow election news or candidates daily like a lot of us do, the signs offer name recognition, and if the casual observer sees them all around, over and over again, subconsciously, it may make the casual voter say “hmmm, so many people are supporting this person, he or she must be a good choice.” I know it’s a crazy way to make a decision, but it does work that way.
Those people don’t vote.
Bubba is right. Harvey, do you really believe a person would take the time to vote and base that vote on a lawn sign? Harvey, you’re my hero, is something wrong?
Lisa, sadly, I do think a few would base their vote on lawn signs, seniors and such.
Well you do have a good sense, so maybe you’re right.
Lawn signs don’t vote!
Steve–How would you characterize a Mayor who has raised taxes five times and failed to increase the tax base in his seven and a half years in office, yet in a mailing piece claims he’s “held the line on taxes” and added “millions to the tax rolls?” Liar? Congenital liar? Delusional? Dumb? Unelectable? Sleazy? All the foregoing?
Steve–no response? Not like you.
I would not use the adjectives you are using. And he is my choice for mayor. Hilary is my choice for President. I do not agree with your character assessment.
I am banking on that Dolphin’s Cove dinner.
Come Back Bridgeport, you are supporting a very fine candidate. However she has let a convicted felon and sociopathic liar (his years of denial) put her in a far-distant third place. If this is how her campaign is run, how will she be able to run the city? People have already gotten the impression Ganim has stuff on her and that is very disturbing. As for Mayor Finch, I think he is a hard-working mayor. He has put the city on the right course and to be honest, if ever there was a time to want to be mayor, now is the time. I think Finch deserves to see the fruit of downtown and Steelpointe. I do not believe he walks on water like Joe Ganim and he is not as fashionable as Mary-Jane Foster. And if this were a personality contest, well let’s just say I supported Mayor Finch his first term. When I supported Mary-Jane Foster, I was not a disgruntled city worker, development was going too slow for me. After that primary, I supported Finch again and have ever since. If ever there were a time when development were going to happen as the economy improves, it would be now. I think David Kooris has proven himself. I know this administration has the support of developers and all politicians who can help this city, so to me it is a no-brainer. Come Back Bridgeport, If Mary-Jane Foster does not kick Joe Ganim’s ass, I can assure you she will live to regret it!
Mayor Finch is my candidate, final answer–four weeks to go. Now kick some ass!
Steve–Try justifying the recent Finch mailer. Are you really supporting someone so loose with the truth?
Steve–let me be more direct. Do you agree with Finch’s latest mailer that says he’s “held the line on taxes?” And “the tax rolls have increased” under him? Do you really not deny these statements?
Come Back Bridgeport, I did not see the new mailer. I am glad he has one. I thought we were going to use that same piece over and over again.
This is a political campaign. I suppose everyone has their own perception of reality. 🙂 You know every topic I address and your candidate has not addressed any of them and people are curious about her vision. Was there ever a time taxes were not an issue for Bridgeport? This is the first time in recent history development is picking up steam. That is what people want to hear!
Was the Jerk Fest named after Bill Finch?
Last night one of my Portuguese friends was handing out literature on McLevy Green at the Jerk Fest. She did not know who Finch’s son was. She tried to hand him a piece of literature and he politely said “no thank you.” Then Mayor Finch said “Can I have one of those so I can wipe my butt with it after I go to the bathroom?”. He then told her “You must be getting paid a lot to hand out literature for a thief” She responded by saying she was volunteering her time and had to move out of Bridgeport because of the taxes and the schools. He then responded by stating he guessed Joe couldn’t count on her vote then. My friend responded by stating all her friends and family would be voting for Joe. Mayor Finch just walked away.
She was stunned a sitting Mayor would behave in such a way. I explained that is a contributing factor as to why so many residents dislike him and want him gone.
Maria, I do not believe that story, but I absolutely believe you do. I was at the Jerk Fest for hours before the mayor arrived. I left to go to Newfield Park. Of course everyone was there except Ron Mackey and Donald Day.
I totally believe the Mayor’s son was a gentlemen and have to be honest, I hope the sitting mayor did say that, though I doubt it. Could your friend really be that stupid to hand Mayor Finch that literature for Joe Ganim? Honestly Maria, that stupid and reporting to you. The dialogue almost sounds like every person you talk to at Hooker School. You lose credibility passing on these childish rants. Almost like all Ganim supporters are raving lunatics. 🙂 By the way, the Jerk Festival was excellent, and though I did not eat there, I must say the food smelled awesome. I was very happy to see many neighbors there as well as Kadisha Coates and Bob Halstead. The festival gets bigger and bigger every year. Charlie Coviello was there schmoozing. I was visiting the Bridgeport booth. The sound system and music were terrific.
Maria, I have no reason but to believe you. At least his son was polite, but I can’t believe a candidate at any level would make such a comment. We have some feisty bloggers, but I can’t remember anyone stooping to vulgarity; and then to belittle a campaign worker. That’s not good!
Lisa Parziale,
Jim Fox and Derek Brown are just two bloggers who stoop to vulgarity. 🙂 Sometimes vulgarity is humorous. Amy Schumer and Seth McFarlane are two of my favorite vulgar comics.
I agree with the comic relief, I guess I didn’t tie it into serious vulgarity.
No need to tie it in, Lisa. This is coming from a man who comes onto the blog merely to argue and annoy people. You know what, Steven? I bet you were beat up a lot back in elementary school. Probably wet the bed, too. Time to change your Depends.
Are you being a bully, Derek? I apologize if I annoy you. I think you can take it.
I can take it, Steven. It’s just annoying, day after day after day. I come here to engage in thoughtful objective conversation about local sociopolitical matters and it’s all a joke to you. Your taunts and mocking and constant carping on religion and politics and other people’s opinions not aligning with yours, really Steve. It’s just getting really stale. Are you here to engage in adult conversation? It doesn’t look that way. You only annoy others. I’m not the only one tired of your behavior. You take away from the seriousness of the topics discussed.
I don’t believe you are sorry for anything, Steven. Nice try. You disagree with everyone here almost all the time; mock them if they don’t agree with you. You are really part of the problem with Bridgeport, not part of the solution.
Derek Brown, I actually believe you cannot take it. You are telling me your posts are meant to be taken seriously? And you insult me with childish elementary disparaging remarks? Are you serious? I am part of the problem? You are like a cancer and you only are interested with those who think like you. You are extremely disrespectful of my support of the Mayor, you are obsessive compulsive about Mary McBride. I am glad you like religion in your politics, you mock me because I do not. You do not think Steelpointe is a benefit to the city and rant on incessantly about minimum-wage jobs. You never offer a solution. Just like a cancer eating away daily at anything positive happening in the city. You are a frustrated individual who loves to dish it out but can’t take it. Derek Brown, your true self is revealed every time you respond to me. If you find me and Robert Teixeira annoying, do not respond to us. You think I am the only one who finds you disrespectful, annoying and cancerlike? Dude, you have no idea. Now either be respectful and play like an adult or continue to act like a crybaby who just wet his diaper. I have offered you the opportunity to treat me as invisible and yet you just keep responding to me, antagonizing me and just being an idiot. Really Mr. Brown, I have no problem with you not responding to any of my posts. Did I ever give you the impression I respected your opinion? It is clear we do not see life through the same lens. Yours are covered with shit and mine are hopelessly optimistic. You sir, again, do not need to acknowledge my existence, I do not need attention, especially from you.
You’re just an angry man, Steven. You taunt, mock, disparage and scorn everyone else here. You make a few good points but the ratio between the good points and your asinine behavior does not balance out.
You have anger management issues, sir. Time for you to see a doctor.
Derek, isn’t anger management and conflict management one of your areas of expertise? I have asked you to treat me as invisible if I am upsetting to you. I will work on my ratio of good points that may be acceptable to you.
Just for the record, I happened to be in the vicinity of Testo’s this morning. All I saw were two Ganim signs and some contractor’s sign. Frankly, I don’t think it’s wise for any business to display a political sign of any sort on their premises. Patrons may take offense to it if they don’t happen to agree with the owner’s choice of a candidate and as a result not frequent the business.
I had the funniest experience knocking on doors today. I knocked on the door of a voter I know. She answered the door and as soon as she saw me she launched into me. She said she was mad at me for supporting Joe Ganim and she literally started to close the door on me. I told her I was running too and could we speak about my candidacy. She was fine with it and then I transitioned back to Joe. We discussed the poor paving of her street, taxes, education and crime. By the time we finished talking she says to me “I am so close to voting for Joe now” as she holds up her thumb and index finger to demonstrate how close she is.
I honestly believe she is going to vote for Joe, but just in case I made her promise not to vote for Finch. I asked her if she truly couldn’t vote for Joe, would she promise vote for MJF. She did make that promise.
The next house had a Portuguese family of four who love Joe and are voting for him. The dad tells me he cuts his neighbor’s grass because of her age and he committed to nudging her to vote for Joe, too.
On just three houses on that street I locked in 11 votes. I also put up six lawn signs on that street today. Not one person told me they were considering Finch today.
Another great day.
Maria, great job! Joe is very lucky.
By the way Steven,
If you don’t want me to comment on your posts, just stay off the blog. Everyone else here is an adult.
Why are you stalking me? Treat me as invisible, for the 10th time. 🙂 Okay so I said it three. But just stop harassing me. I am sensitive and you are hurting my feelings. 🙂