Three former allies now political enemies on Wednesday night squared off with some sharp elbows and barbs in the first mayoral forum in a packed Holiday Inn ballroom fronting the hotly contested September 16 Democratic primary.
Each candidate, sitting from left Bill Finch, Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster, had two-minute opening remarks in the debate sponsored by AARP of Connecticut, NAACP and Greater Bridgeport Latino Network.
One of the highlights of the debate was a crackling exchange between Finch and forum moderator CT Post reporter Ken Dixon who snapped at Finch for the lack of crime information from the police department. Finch shot back “I have three opponents” (Ganim, Foster, Dixon), asserting no such order was given to withhold information. The exchange drew hoots and laughs from the audience of more than 300 that Dixon warned on several occasions to suppress reaction.
The debate featured three very different personalities that at one time worked together on city projects but also had a falling-out over different issues: Finch the outspoken two-term incumbent, Ganim measured in his approach and Foster the business women and University of Bridgeport executive urging a break from the past and present.
Finch opened his remarks talking about making decisions in the best interests of the city. He said trust is back in Bridgeport, people feel proud to be residents of the city, he said we’re on our way back with Bass Pro Shops.
Ganim said he’s running to once again make Bridgeport a city that works for everyone, citing crime out of control, high taxes, schools underfunded and underperforming. He said he brought the city back from bankruptcy, held the line on taxes for 10 straight years, built ballpark, arena and cleared site for Steel Point.
Foster said Bridgeport deserves an honest choice for change, highlighted honesty, transparency in government, we need to know our government is an honest broker. “I cannot sit back to see schools underfunded. I will never lie to you and will never make promises I cannot keep.”
Forum moderator Dixon opened with the first question asking about economic opportunities.

Finch said we have seen an incredible eight years highlighting Pleasure Beach, Steel Point, we’re building a new skyline. He said he is promoter in chief. He cited new schools. Trust is back in the city, investment is back. I have never seen a choice like this before. He said don’t look back to corruption.
Ganim said Bridgeport faces highest taxes in the country, and is unsafe to attract development. He said those issues must be addressed to attract development.
Foster highlighted founding of Bridgeport Bluefish with 200 jobs putting people to work, investing in Bridgeport people and vendors that helped to stabilize business. She cited Bluefish adding $40 million to city’s economy.
Education question, charter schools versus traditional schools?
Foster said the city has faced chaos in schools with the failed state takeover of schools. She said Finch and Ganim did nothing to fully fund education. She said schools need an open transparent conversation. We have got to get priorities in order.
Finch said as father of four boys he is building the system back up providing preschool, splash pads, new construction. They never built a school. I’m sick and tired of our kids being treated as second class citizens.
Ganim said we started the preschool program that has lingered under Finch. He criticized effort to take away right to vote for school board members.
Question: Why should city employees be allowed to serve on city council which votes on city budgets?
Finch said when there’s a conflict of interest people recuse themselves.
Ganim said conflicts of interest on the council is an impediment to good government. We need an end to conflict of interest. We need to institute an office of Public Integrity to make government more transparent,
Foster, we have a reputation as a corrupt city. We must adhere to our city charter to not allow city employees to serve on the city council. This conflict of interest prohibits us from moving the city forward.
Question regarding release of public information about crime got heated between Finch and Dixon who said he had trouble securing crime information from the police department.
Ganim criticized the Finch administration for not releasing crime statistics.
Foster said the Finch administration is the least transparent administration in decades, saying this administration squelched videotapes and crime stats that put us in danger. Foster asked about investigation into shootings at Trumbull Gardens. “If you can’t be forthright with citizens, you ought not to be mayor. People are frightened.”
Finch said there was no order to hold back crime stats, saying that was something spread from the police union (supporting Ganim). He cited putting cameras in streets and more police officers hired. Goal is to figure out what keeps kids safe.
Dixon chastised the police department for not releasing information in a timely matter. Foster called on more transparency.
Dixon, his voice rising, went after Finch hard stating “are you going to release police records on a daily basis!” to hoots and howls from the packed crowd. Finch said he never gave an order to hold back release of information.
Finch fired back wondering if he had three opponents saying the Connecticut Post sometimes doesn’t know what it’s doing.
Ganim said in the last six months murders have doubled, violent shootings are up. Trumbull Gardens is waiting for action following shooting. “They couldn’t get a hole in a fence closed.”
Ganim fired back to Finch: Was CT Post wrong when they reported you would give a $600 tax cut? The tax cut never happened.
Finch said Project Longevity, cameras and boots on the ground will make people safe.
Ganim charged Finch with allowing police manning levels to be down by 100 police officers.
Foster said she supports body cameras for police, additional training for cops. I feel strongly about community policing, boots on the ground building trust in city neighborhoods. Let’s figure out way to help police officers with training, equipment, tax incentives.
Finch supports body cameras for cops. Finch said he resents Foster’s statement about community policing saying its making city safer. He said we’re hiring more officers to make it more diverse.
Foster shot back “I did not denigrate police officers, we could do better by our officers.” She said the Latino population is fastest growing and way to advance is to equalize opportunities. Make sure our communities have the education we need and opportunity creator.
Finch said Bridgeport is diverse, including police officers, diverse department heads. He said minorities were shut out of jobs previous to his administration and Fabrizi’s administration. He said minority contractors have new opportunities through his efforts.
Ganim said city demographics have changed. He said he believes his administration was diverse. He added an administration has an obligation to be inclusive, people from neighborhoods should have opportunities to participate. Ganim said Finch’s administration looks white from the top.
Tax question?
Finch said property tax structure of the state is unfair. Finch said car taxes will be cut to make them equal across state. Even though it’s often stacked against Bridgeport we’re growing our tax base and growing new business, “Bass Pro, Chipotle, they didn’t want to be here before because of the corruption.”
Ganim said taxes have been raised every year except election year.
Finch chimed in “I had to pay off the corruption.”
Ganim said you can blame who you want, you raised taxes. “You think people are stupid.”
Ganim said I held line on taxes 10 years in a row.
Foster said we are taxing people out of this city. People are leaving left and right. Foster said discipline must be built around the budget. It’s what women do every day.
Question about Ganim’s past. How will you avoid the same?
He acknowledged he made bad decisions and is asking for a second chance. I have full confidence we will do the right thing without 35-year tax breaks to campaign contributors, a swipe at Finch. He professed an open and transparent administration, citing the FBI agent who investigated him is now supporting him.
Foster said time to move forward. She said she employed former felons as owner of Bridgeport Bluefish, but she said redemption is something you earn. She said Ganim should earn redemption some other way. It was a difficult period in city’s history. I can tell you when I’m elected I won’t require an office of public integrity because I am honest. It’s time for integrity in this city.
Finch said corruption is not a victimless crime, it perverts the city, it has cost every man, women and child more than $1,300 each.
Foster expressed concern about lack of tax revenue from the Steel Point redevelopment area for 20 years. She said repurpose city buildings for small business opportunities.
Finch said people want work, we are bringing work back through new school construction, prevailing wage jobs at Steel Point. That’s why every trade union on the east coast is supporting me. Development is everywhere in Bridgeport.
Ganim said the unemployment is too high. We worked with companies to retain them and expand. Arena and ballpark are job creators. You have to create a good working environment based on safety.
Foster chided Finch for spending $400,000 for a Stratford driveway and $300,000 for a public relations campaign that could have been spent on youth.
Closing remarks from Foster: Bridgeport has given me more than I can give it. We have all faces challenges but I love the resilience and we’re gritty. You have a choice to make. I am your honest choice for change. You deserve it and this city deserves it.
Finch said I want to thank you for making Bridgeport better every day. I adopted JFK as my hero. As your mayor I have met real life heroes and he cited several inspirational stories in the city.
Ganim said city is facing challenges of increased taxes, rising crime. I’ve made difficult choices to balance budgets, fund education, hire police, build ballpark and arena, improve the streetscape of the city. This election is about the future, it’s about you, it’s about being inclusive and transparency and hardworking commitment to bring this city back. Choose me, a Bridgeport that works for everyone.
Video highlights of opening debate here
Ohhh, so wish I were there! Great questions and answers!
What TV channel are they replaying, and when?
CTN network. I think it starts replaying tomorrow.
Thank you! Is that 59 on cable?
Not sure. You can Google it and watch on your computer.
Here’s their website.
www .ct-n.com
There were two prepared and qualified candidates. Then there was Bill Finch who was uncomfortably shrugging like his collar was too tight; who appeared flustered and red in the face and who at one point was actually fiddling his thumbs.
Idle hands are the tools of the Devil?
Dixon ate Finch for dinner tonight.
He was fiddling his thumbs because Adam couldn’t text him his answers.
At one point Bill kept repeating how “Happy!” he was about water parks. I was waiting for Pharrell to pop out with his song.
I guess for Bill tonight, it’s not so easy being Green!
Could be the fiddling was a sign to Adam to hurry up with the answer.
Mayor Finch said “I adopted JFK as my hero,” now isn’t special, this guy has always thought he was a Kennedy if you follow his career but what in hell has he done like his hero? Nothing, zero.
If JFK is his hero, Mr. Finch should know John Fitzgerald Kennedy urged his fellow Americans “to do things not because they are easy but because they are hard.” Mr. Finch must have been standing behind the door in civics class when Kennedy’s moon speech was discussed. (Given the mayor’s antipathy toward Bridgeport’s minority communities it is strongly urged Hizzoner read Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech.)
Mary-Jane Foster, the only candidate who is a proven business leader, a job creator and a champion for change.
Bridgeport, if jobs are a prerequisite for the uplift of the city and its residents, then the choice is clear, Mary-Jane Foster, the only one who has created jobs before and who can do it again.
OK, I am a Finch supporter and I believe he won the debate. I fully expect the Ganim and Foster supporters believe their candidate won and will spin things that way.
Therefore I’m not going to really comment on who won or lost.
What I am really posting about is the debate moderator, Ken Dixon. I have never seen a debate moderator do a worse job.
He was totally unprofessional and in his exchanges with Finch he lost his temper and with that any semblance of impartiality. It was clear from that point on he was going to do everything in his power to make the Mayor look bad.
He even made sure Ganim got to make his closing remarks last even though, according to the pre-debate random draw Finch was supposed to be the final speaker.
Unfortunately, I doubt you will read any of this in tomorrow’s CT Post.
First, if I were undecided before tonight I would be a new Mary-Jane Foster supporter. She did quite well.
Joe was the most at ease, lively when he needed to be, solemn when appropriate. His “Former, Future, whatever Mayor you want to call me” line stole the night. Unless, like me, you would call him “Corrupt Mayor, Imprisoned Mayor, Unscrupulous Mayor, Recovering Addict Mayor, he is a good orator. Probably how he was able to rob from us under our noses all those years.
Mayor Finch did not have a great night, but he made his points. I doubt he lost any of his support tonight. He did not lose mine.
Ken Dixon–where to start? Handled the crowd fairly well, except for a certain Rev. who cannot keep quiet. The beginning of his exchange with the Mayor was on point and fair. But then sandbagging him with an anecdotal story, inserted himself into the debate. Debate moderation 101, and he flunked it. I am surprised, and he should objectively evaluate his performance.
John, Ken Dixon really did a terrible job. His confrontation with Mayor Finch was disrespectful. I know he is a friend of Ganim’s, but I thought he would remain neutral. Very disappointed!
JfBR, I too thought Ken Dixon came off the rails in exchanges with Finch and Ganim. Unprofessional and disappointing, in my humble opinion.
MJF had the most poised positions this evening. Ganim had the most grit.
This just in!
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Bridgeport-mayoral-candidates-come-out-swinging-6467911.php
I thought the article was fair as well as the Channel 12 piece.
The Phantom was in the house to see Finch take an arse whooping. He was so damned unnerved, he drank about two gallons of water. My advice to Billy, do not try to make the CT post look foolish and expect not to be attacked right back.
Or for that matter, do not blame “a high-ranking” police officer for planting a story. It was your idiotic decision to hide police reports and the bumbling chief played along. Man up and buy a mirror. That’s why you got booed.
A few friends of mine were there. I talked to them separately, one said Finch was visibly angry/flustered when Mr. Dixon brought up the ban on reporting crime a few weeks ago, said you could tell Finch was not telling the truth and wanted to change subject. Another said Finch was very defensive, and seemed aggravated most of the night.
Yes on all counts. He was easily flustered and it showed big time.
Hey Lennie, great job covering this. Thanks so much!
As for Mayor Finch getting upset about questions, the lack of crime information from the police dept is unbelievable because Finch has been running on the crime issue and how crime is at a 40-year low, so what’s the problem, mayor? On OIB that question has been asked over and over again. Nine people were shot and one is dead from a shooting at Trumbull Garden and the residents there are still waiting for answers from the mayor and the police chief. That’s not leadership and he should have known a question about crime was going to be asked and not how many splash pads have been built.
Overall, crime stats are down. Violent crime is up, way way WAY up. The Trumbull Gardens shooting is only the first and most shocking. Why has the Bridgeport Police Department not issued any updates? Surely there is some information that could be released to the public without compromising the investigation.
The gun “buyback” program is a crock, period. None of the weapons preferred by gangbangers and street criminals–9mm semiautomatics, .44 magnums, Macs, Uzis–turn up. After one of the most recent “buybacks” there was a spate of revenge shootings, young men picked off while sitting on the front porch.
Attended debate and up-front, I support Bill Finch. That said, I think he did well for the most part although he blew the message in his close, which I’ll address shortly.
Thought Foster did very well. Do not believe she made the case with development finally underway, she should replace the incumbent, she could bring more to the table.
Thought Ganim was weak. There was a very telling question when he was asked how his corruption/conviction might impact current and future development. His response was not very reassuring.
Lastly, Bill’s close was way too namby-pamby. He needed to emphatically state Ganim’s corruption cost Bridgeport incredible lost opportunities and costs we still pay. While not prefect, he has done his best and things are moving in the right direction. Staying the course is in the best interest of Bridgeport.
My take on this evening’s debate, as if anyone cares.
First, I am totally a supporter of Mayor Finch. No surprise. Although I feel he did well, I will say Mayor Finch is the commander in chief. He could have totally crushed his opponents with his accomplishments. I felt he should have elaborated on taxes and emphasized for the first time in 50 years there is development and although there are abatements, they will pave the way for development that will not get such great abatements. I feel that was a missed opportunity. If I had to be honest and extremely critical, I would say the mayor comes across so much better when he is at ease with free-flow conversation. I have seen him with voters on the street without his notes and everything flows beautifully because these accomplishments are genuine. Leave the notes at home! Otherwise overall fine job!
Joe Ganim, not my candidate of choice, was very fortunate. Neither candidate emphasized his past. He is eloquent and comfortable. Joe Ganim has the most to gain and the least to lose. He seemed relaxed. However, he has been out of the mainstream for way too long. I am stunned when he talked about Steelpointe, neither candidate elaborated at the $500,000 he would receive from Conroy. Of course he would concentrate on all the negatives and crime and Trumbull Gardens. He will be the honorary Mayor of Trumbull Gardens even though the residents will support Mayor Finch.
Mary-Jane Foster, I thought she did a fine job. I thought her answers resonated. I thought her support of Ganim’s sidewalk proposal was odd. I thought her talking about Trumbull Gardens was more bizarre as Ganim has been receiving great photo ops at Trumbull Gardens for three months. I think making the reference four years ago she received the endorsement of the police just emphasized Joe Ganim got their endorsement and also proves the endorsement from the police does not win elections, which brings us back to Ganim’s only endorsement.
Overall, I thought Ganim was excellent, Foster missed her chance to knock out Ganim which just makes her next three weeks difficult.
I was happy to see everyone working on all the campaigns.
Marilyn Moore and Ed Gomes, nothing more embarrassing than standing in their company with my personal friends and treating me like I was invisible. That’s okay. Not their fans. I however would never be that rude and classless. Sorry, when you have no class, you have no class. A simple hello would have sufficed. Ganim’s crew always respectful. Thank G-d Foster has Gabby and Gage. Good to see Jack McGregor! Great to see the Finch Family and Ganim family. I was expecting more!
Ken Dixon, I made the comment the other day about his friendship with Ganim. I think Dixon is an extremely sharp-witted individual and very funny. That being said, I was absolutely shocked he was reduced to unprofessional and a combative attitude toward Mayor Finch. I thought he injected himself into the debate and although Foster and Ganim supporters found it humorous, I was disappointed as Ken Dixon as moderator should be neutral. He is not Meghan Kelly and he is not a Fox News pundit. I do not think it was his finest moment and I wonder if he is man enough to apologize to the Mayor.
In the end, I do not think Mayor Finch lost one vote. I do not think Mary-Jane Foster tookone vote from Ganim. And I think Ganim has a core group of solid supporters who are always by his side. They will stand by him until the end. I believe Mayor Finch will come out victorious. He needs to get out his message and leave his notes at home.
Nora Duncan, great job from AARP, NAACP and Greater Latino Community great job. Great event!
Steve, Mary-Jane Foster’s agenda is not the same as yours, you know Finch needs help against Joe Ganim and Finch is scared of Ganim. Steve, you know Finch has been on his campaign with the police chief talking about crime being at a 40-year low and showing the media his numbers on crime being low, so why couldn’t Finch provide Dixon with the answer? Finch was so stressed out he couldn’t answer.
Really, you would not be rude or classless? You exemplify rude and classless and if they ignored you then they certainly did the right thing.
Steve, words from our mouths have consequences so don’t be surprised if some people don’t speak to you, but I guess you forgot what you said but you still want people to talk to you after what you said about them.
Donald Day and Ron Mackey, people do not have to talk to me. When they are politicians and talking to my circle of friends they come across as classless by going out of their way. That is okay. Ron and Donald Day, I would never not acknowledge your existence nor did I care of your sycophantic input regarding Marilyn Moore. I didn’t request your interpretation of her sorry ass. Let’s be honest, with the comments I make about Ganim, he understands politics and he has more grace in his pinkie than Foster supporters, Moore and Gomes. Enough said on her anti-economic development support group. Donald Day and Ron, thank you for your input. In a social setting you keep your attitude in check and show respect. I voted for her. I am her constituent and she is an elected official in my district and her signs were on my lawn so she can keep her fucking classless attitude to herself. You feel me? She hasn’t done anything for me. She got my vote and sign on my lawn and don’t give me crap about my support for Musto.
Did you consider the possibility maybe you were not recognized?
Wicca, get real!!! I am more recognizable around this city than Marilyn Moore. 🙂 I think she just intentionally ignored me. I will get over it. I am now over it! See, simple.
I would bet money Ed Gomes did not know who you were. I might even bet money Marilyn Moore didn’t either. You are so quick to cast aspersions but not so quick to gather facts.
I do not hold a grudge.
Wicca, if they do not know who I am, I would guess they are dumb. There could be no other excuse and I do not really think they are dumb. Just to be clear.
Your posts are occasionally “over the top.” I respect your zealous support of Bill Finch. More power to you.
If other attendees appeared to snub you, it was politics, not personal. Just saying’.
Steve: why do you insist on name-calling?
Remember: Those who are intellectually outmatched resort to bullying when they fail at manipulation.
No other attendees snubbed me and I was at the hotel for hours with folks from all the campaigns. I do not take campaigning personal and I have enjoyed sparring with Ganim and Foster people off this blog. Kid, that is a fact. I only know about 40 Ganim supporters who I enjoy chatting with regularly. A smart politician does not play politics. However Kid, it is okay. I do not hold a grudge I can assure you. I vented. 🙂
Wicca, I know that is your belief, I know you came to both Gomes and Moore’s defense which was no concern of yours and I am not sure I resorted to name calling. I vented, I just stated a fact. Nothing more, nothing less. When I want your opinion, I will give it to you. 🙂 I am joking of course.
Ron, that’s very true!
Steve, did it occur to you to extend your hand and say hello, in case you do not recognize me, I am …? I always do that when people do not speak to me in situations like you described. It was a highly charged event with a lot of people for candidates and elected office to speak with. I am surprised people remember who I am if they have only spoken to me a few times. I think you are imagining snubs that existed only from your perspective, of course I could be wrong, you know I love ya, and would not like anyone to snub or be rude to you, just wish you did not react so harshly. I will say hello two times if that helps!
Jennifer, do we need to milk this? They know me. Let’s just let it go. For the record, I am always the first to extend my hand. Really isn’t important as I am not political. 🙂
I will not hold it against them. 🙂
I was there and thought it all went well, but was alarmed at Finch looking to his right for Adam Wood’s text answers.
Gamim was calm and did OK.
Mary-Jane did very well and answers came from the heart and to the point, no BS. She loves this city and would do fantastic as our next female mayor.
OIB bloggers, pat yourselves on your backs. This a better forum. They were awful. Each had a chance to make a point and seize the moment but none of them did. Here’s the worst part: Ganim had the least dirtiest shirt in the laundry basket.
Full disclosure, as a candidate for City Council in the 130th, I have postponed my decision on a mayoral candidate until the primary when I am at the voting booth with pen in hand. Knocking on doors I am asked frequently what mayoral candidate I support. I state it will be the one with the most integrity and ability. That has allowed me to enter into some interesting conversations as to what constitutes INTEGRITY in the public service sector in 2015.
I did attend last night and was happy the room was full, with many people there because it was an AARP, NAACP or Bridgeport Latino event, not just because they were existing supporters of one of the candidates. Some had never attended a debate before. Many enjoyed the food and beverages provided. And in general the stage was there for the candidates to speak and the audience to hear their messages.
I have read Ken Dixon for decades and respect him. I was surprised at the way he entered the debate process himself at the point of the challenges as to the OPEN or not TRANSPARENT police records in his experience. Because it is an area of Dixon’s expertise, and because in the free and easy Finch discussions Steve Auerbach enjoys, it is real easy for the Mayor to make a comment and disappear, Dixon had him dead to rights as he attempted to explain his way out of his mess. Mayor Finch dug the hole deeper. It was as if he could not help it.
And maybe that is the primary lens of this confrontation: we are all human, even people who run for mayor and therefore we know we make mistakes. But who will own up to mistakes, review them publicly and set a new course, expecting to be monitored? Bill Finch does not do that well. Snow emergency reporting? Airport access way for Moutinho? Disappearance of 2013 reval report? Perhaps Bill Finch does not do that at all, come to think of it in terms of my pursuit of fiscal info. No answer or only part of an answer indicates he does not know or cannot provide a complete answer.
Joe Ganim is human, all too human and has had his story posted for years past and probably years to come in the papers. For reasons best known to him and can only be guessed at by others, admitting his mistakes while in public office has been very difficult for him. Those mistakes had a public cost and there is no way for the public to be protected going forward were he inclined to make similar mistakes again, which is a noticeable human failure. At least Joe has not produced a way to substantiate his remorse and his firm purpose of amendment to many voters whom I have met. His talent and ambition are present. Perhaps as Foster said, forgiveness is one thing to seek, but redemption takes time and needs to be earned.
Mary-Jane is human, too. She’s faced mistakes as well as challenges and appears to have gotten on with life successfully. It is interesting to note neither of the other candidates were worried about her mistakes or reputation for integrity last night. As a matter of fact, Steve Auerbach seems to be the only one commenting on Mary-Jane’s failure to do this or that with her campaign this year, but one suspects this is more about keeping conversation away from his favorite candidate rather than a serious dispute with Mary-Jane.
Today is just another day with less than three weeks to run to Primary Day September 16, 2015 and then it will be on to November 3, 2015 when: time will tell.
John Marshall Lee,
I have walked more miles in this city talking to more residents in this city than you have. Not just supporting Mayor Finch but also members on his ticket. First and most important, people are excited about the direction this city is going and second, most understand the concept of economic development and taxes. Whether they are very well educated or slightly challenged, I have received an incredible positive response for Mayor Finch. It is so easy just stating the facts. This is an election and this is politics and I never said Mayor Finch walked on water. I had also publicly stated on more than one occasion if it were not myself running for office, Bill Finch would be the only choice.
That being said, I think the entire city that is familiar with me knows during Mayor Finch’s second term, I chose to support Foster. I was not running away from Finch, I thought at the time Foster could get Steelpointe and development started quicker. Well after that primary I supported Finch again and have ever since. Not one individual can say I was not a workhorse for Foster while others sat on their asses. I walked the entire 134th and 138th. These days I do that and so much more.
I have only been critical of Foster’s campaign because I have been baffled. As I am writing this I just cannot understand how she let Ganim make her invisible. Mary-Jane did a good job last night but it is today and Finch still has all these developments in the works, Ganim is still fighting his stigma and Mary-Jane is still less known than she was when I worked tirelessly for her. John Marshall Lee, you expect me to write about my candidate’s shortcomings? Are you crazy? Every person in the Ganim camp who supported Foster knows exactly what I did for her. My time and effort was given freely. Mayor Finch is getting that and more. His ticket is getting that and more. I believe the city is at the most important point in its current history. We move forward with Finch into a time of prosperity, we move backwards with Ganim and Testa and corruption and perception thereof, or we lose steam and vote Foster and she can blame Finch for the next four years and claim none of the current developments as her own. I suggested she wait four more years. She did not and now the cards shall fall where they may. I believe Mayor Finch is the best and only choice at this point in time. Time will tell. Nah, I think the responses I have gotten pretty much tell the story. John Marshall Lee, I could be very wrong, David Daniels could in fact be the Mayor, he is a man of integrity, a police background, a nice man and he is on the ballot. I’d choose economic development and the future. John Marshall Lee, my only intent with Mary-Jane Foster was to light a fire under her campaign’s ass. The did not hear and Joe Ganim is the lucky recipient of their deafness. I can assure you I have nothing negative to say about Foster on the campaign trail and I never have anything negative to say about Joe Ganim. There is not enough time and way too many people to touch. I only talk about the Finch accomplishments very few on this blog acknowledge.
Keep walking and talking to folks. We are not competing, you realize. You have your facts and opinions and I have mine. God Bless America.
The explanation you provided above would have earned me a “too long” buzzer some months ago by readers. But it is still short enough to fit within the five minutes allowed at City Council meetings for an address. Accomplishments by leaders are expected, fortunately. And failings are tolerated when they are owned up to. Just saying. Time will tell.
JML, you are funny. 🙂 Yes, I am totally a windbag! I am not in denial.
Bill Finch, Mark Anastasi and the entire Finch administration has been mocking the state FOI laws and fighting the commission for the past seven years. They believe the Finch Administration is above the law. They waste taxpayer’s money fighting against the release of information to the press and the public that is legally theirs.
Most recently they kept from the public crime information and specifically information about the Trumbull Gardens shooting with total disregard for the public’s sense of safety and security.
So now a reporter challenges the mayor on the fact and the mayor and his supporters are up in arms. Too bad, Bill. Man up. Do what you should have been doing all along and this would not have happened.
I cannot find the debate on
/www .ct-n.com
Anyone else try yet? Please advise.
Look up the Connecticut Post’s website.
For what it’s worth:
Joe Ganim took ownership of his past criminal conduct; that made it an ineffective weapon to beat him with. He also has a record of accomplishments to tout. Mary-Jane Foster spoke rather philosophically about fixing the city’s problems without offering a tangible plan on how to do it. Mayor Finch to his credit held his own but did lose his composure more than once, reacting defensively at times.
Ken Dixon did show obvious bias against Hizzoner. Stepping outside the “Was he right or wrong?” box for a moment: Mr. Finch did open himself to media criticism for limiting access to police reports and other public records. Mr. Finch may well have been telling the truth when he said no executive order had been issued. An order came from somewhere, in spite of his claims of ignorance. Those claims do not hold water: any chief executive should know what his underlings are doing and saying on his behalf.
Bill Finch told more lies last night: 1. He stated former city electrician McBride who also does commercials for Finch has 2,000 employees. I can assure you McBride wishes that were true. McBride depends on the electrical union when he needs workers.
2. Finch stated building all these schools brought jobs to Bridgeport. Well they were temporary jobs where most of the workers came from outside the city.
3. The unions are kissing Finch’s ass because of the project labor agreement that states all city construction will be union, period. Where do most of these workers come from? Out of state and from other areas of the state. If the unions really gave a shit they would be training Bridgeport residents for jobs.
Amen to point #3, Andy. The unions could care less about where a member lives versus how long they have been a member. I’m not knocking the unions with the statement, just stating the fact.
The other fact is if Finch demanded entry-level positions and apprenticeships must go to Bridgeport residents then the unions would agree. I have spoken to many representatives from building trades and Fairfield County Labor Council over the years and they recognize how important it is to people from urban centers and by doing so they end up with a member for life.
The only one who would not get it is Bill Finch.
A day in the life of Mayor Finch
Mrs. Finch: Oh honey! Try and go back to sleep, every time we go to the Galaxy Diner and you eat that Pastrami Nightmare sandwich, it always wakes you up in the middle of the night!
MF: That’s not what’s keeping me up!!! Mary-Jane is what’s keeping me up!!! She sits at the end of the podium, playing the part of little Miss flucking Muffet. While I and Ganim are kicking each other’s ass in, Mary-Jane is winning the hearts of the voters on national TV, with her Sister Mary Frances routine!!! That’s what the fluck’s keeping me up!!!
Mrs. F: Oh Bill, I could have died when you ask me to stand up in front of all those people, I was so embarrassed, now try and fall back to sleep.
MF: How can I sleep?! Ganim wants to take this city “BACK TO THE FUTURE” like he has a Flux Capacitor stuck up his ASS! Just what we need, Sal DiNardo, Al Lenoci, and Manny Moutinho running this city again!
Mrs. F: Oh Honey, I forgot to tell you, Sal called this morning and wished you the best of luck, and Manny mailed you another check. Boy Bill, I was frighten when Mr. Dixon was questioning you about those police reports, it looked like you were going to get up and wring his neck!
MF: No! I was going to get up off my chair and rip the colostomy bag off Dixon’s flucking hip and then stuff it down Joe Ganim’s flucking throat!!!
Mrs. F: I really thought Mary-Jane was quite eloquent, and by the way, that’s the last time you’re going to eat a Pastrami Nightmare before a debate! Good night, honey.
MF: I’m so flucked!
Call me vain, but I think I tell Finch’s story better than he does, I’ve put together a cogent anti-Ganim rant that makes sense and in two brief posts, I’ve complemented MJF better than any of her supporters. If you don’t know what that means to Bridgeport, I know what that means to me.
I was there, and agree with the judgment I heard afterward, that Foster scored a 9, Ganim a 7, and Finch a 4.
Now to Little Stevie A (we now know what the A stands for).
Marilyn More and Ed Gomes, nothing more embarrassing than standing in their company with my personal friends and treating me like I was invisible. I would never be that rude and classless. Sorry, when you have no class, you have no class. A simple hello would have sufficed.
Nor did I care about your sycophantic input regarding Marilyn Moore. I didn’t request your interpretation of her sorry ass. He has more grace in his pinkie than Foster supporters Moore and Gomes. Enough said on her anti-economic development support group. I voted for her. I am her constituent and she is an elected official in my district and her signs were on my lawn so she can keep her fucking classless attitude to herself. You feel me? She hasn’t done anything for me. She got my vote and sign on my lawn and don’t give me crap about my support for Musto.
You are one sick dude, man. Why don’t you read what you write? This is all because big-shot Little Stevie A was dissed (in his opinion) by the two State Senators who represent Bridgeport. Could not have been bothered with making sure they knew who he was.
As always it is all about Little Stevie A.
You are one sick dude, man.
Bob, you had nothing to say but felt obligated so you copied and pasted my post. Thank you. Get busy on Foster’s campaign. Nobody is talking about the debate anymore and you have a lot of work to do. My comment about Moore and Gomes has nothing to do with you, Bob. Really it doesn’t. I am not their supporters, I am not a Foster supporter, so stop crying! Little Stevie is just fine, thank you. Boo hoo boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo!
Bob, I am one sick dude and Ken Dixon did exactly what I said he would and you and Moore and Gomes are like lead weights on Mary-Jane Foster’s head. Add Donald Day and Ron Mackey and she is drowning. Sad. Very sad.
This thread went off-course, just a wee bit. The original post was specifically about The Debate and who scored points. Not one of the candidates posts here, not a one. Somewhere along the fence row this turned into a discussion about someone or another being snubbed by a couple of elected officials. Hell’s bells. This is a blog, not a mirror for the narcissistic to admire themselves. Opinions are welcome; fragile egos are not.
Bridgeport Kid, relax, it’s Bob Walsh.
Good Lord, we would be lost without you to remind us of the rules! Said with a smiley face at the end to show I am not being mean, just a bit fresh.
It should not go unnoticed Ganim’s winning of the opening toss was very significant. A huge percentage of communication is nonverbal so Ganim sitting center with the incumbent to the side is a visual I’d bet the Finch campaign would have paid a decent stack of cash to avoid.
Finch losing the toss is an early omen for the primary.