Asserting “We must all do our part to ensure Bridgeport’s progress continues and is shared by all,” Mayor Bill Finch, without a ballot spot, dropped out of the race for mayor on Tuesday thrusting his support behind University of Bridgeport Vice President Mary-Jane Foster, a petitioning candidate in November’s election. When asked what he can do for Foster during the news conference on the 16th Floor of 10 Middle Street overlooking the Steel Point redevelopment area that became Finch’s signature project, the mayor declared “Wearing out shoes and writing checks.”
And that’s exactly what an endorsement like this brings to Foster, co-founder of the Bridgeport Bluefish baseball team, as she engages in a general election battle with Democratic nominee Joe Ganim, Republican Enrique Torres and several petitioning candidates. If she’s going to take out relentless campaigner Ganim with five weeks left until election day, a premium is placed on campaign finances and an army of workers.
A large media presence showed up for the most watched mayoral campaign in the state as fascination grows with the once unfathomable comeback of Ganin, exiled from office following his conviction on corruption charges in 2003.
Finch was defeated by a resurrected Ganim in the September Democratic primary, a major blow to the incumbent’s quest for a third term, in the highest mayoral primary turnout in 30 years. A paperwork snafu for a minor party candidacy in November then derailed any reasonable effort for reelection. Finch’s only option was a long-shot write-in candidacy. In recent days Finch has been gracious in his praise of Foster. Once friends, they had a falling out in Finch’s first term as mayor. She lost the Democratic primary to Finch in 2011.

Tuesday afternoon Finch lavished Foster with praise.
“Mary-Jane and I agree on the big things,” Finch announced to media and crowd at the well attended event. “Mary-Jane is an honest businesswoman. Mary-Jane is a caring mother. Mary-Jane is a strong advocate against domestic violence and equality for women. And, I know Mary-Jane as someone who truly cares about hard-working Bridgeporters and their future … Our city is at a crossroads. And, on November 3rd, voters can go down the right road or the wrong road. Let’s stay on the right road of prosperity and the road with Mary-Jane.”
Foster stepped up to the microphone to cheers from spectators saying she and Finch have had their differences but that they both have a deep love for the city.
She thanked Finch’s 25 years of service to the city praising him for his commitment to sustainable green energy and new school construction. “I pledge to continue that work.”
As media questions came, Finch and Foster generally refrained from stinging criticism of Ganim placing a positive focus on the city’s future. Foster departed a bit when she shared she and her husband Jack McGregor lost their business as a result of Ganim’s “pay-to-play” administration. Foster and McGregor advanced the proposal for a sports entertainment complex at the edge of the city’s Downtown that now includes the ballpark and arena built during the Ganim era.
Foster said she represents “honest, hardworking change.” She added, in a reference to Ganim, “Redemption is something you earn” and is not a right.
Finch staffers and political supporters were melancholy a week after they learned he would not have a ballot spot. Rather than petition Finch’s name directly onto the ballot for November, political operatives played a surreptitious game that backfired, enlisting Republican used-car salesman from Black Rock Rich DeParle as a straw man in case Finch lost the primary. A key paperwork deadline was missed, as a result Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill announced Finch’s name would not be on the November ballot representing the Job Creation Party.
Rather than sitting out the election, the mayor has been calling supporters to express his support for Foster over Democratic nominee Ganim who has been reaching out to Finch political backers as well. An endorsement from the mayor provides fundraising opportunities for Foster against Ganim, who should be well financed for November. It could also land Foster boots on the ground in her underdog effort against Ganim.
Finch’s 5,800 votes in the primary under normal circumstances would have been plenty for a victory. Campaigning around the clock, Ganim inspired voters to the polls who hadn’t participated in primaries including registering new voters and switching unaffiliated electors to the Democratic ranks.
Finch was elected mayor in 2007, recruited by party insiders who feared incumbent John Fabrizi could not defeat party maverick Chris Caruso in a primary. Finch won a close primary on his way to a general election win. Finch served on the City Council from November 1991 to 2000 when he defeated Republican incumbent Lee Scarpetti for state senate. He was reelected three times as a state senator prior to his election as mayor.
Finch sees his legacy as building out the long-languishing Steel Point redevelopment area of the East Side home to anchor tenant Bass Pro Shops expected to have a formal opening in the coming weeks. He also sees new school construction as a key legacy as well as his green technology efforts as reducing the carbon footprint for the city.
Foster remarks from press conference:
I think we can all thank Bill Finch for his 25 years of public service.
You may have heard that Bill and I have had our differences. That may be but I have never doubted his, nor has he doubted my, commitment and love for Bridgeport.
We can all be proud of his determination and perseverance in creating a real path to sustainability for our city. His efforts have earned Bill a national reputation as a true and effective leader in green energy. We have single stream recycling, a parks master plan, reduced carbon imprints, the nation’s largest fuel cell—the list goes on and on. I will continue those efforts because it is the right thing to do for our city—it’s about our public health, prosperity and the future for our children.
Bill has overseen the construction of new schools for our children. Our children will have state of the art schools in which to learn. My promise is that they will have the resources inside those walls to do it. We need smaller class sizes, support staff for our teachers and services for our children and their families. We will meet our children where they are and see that they succeed in every possible way.
This is not about Bill and me. As can be seen by the broad array of folks standing here today—we have had and will have our differences but we are here today because we want the best for Bridgeport.
We are in a space overlooking Pleasure Beach and Steel Point which languished for too long. There is progress in Bridgeport and I look forward to taking this great city to the next level. When the investors and the state have confidence in honest and clean city government, they bring their talents and resources to bear. With that confidence, we can grow our tax base with redevelopment across the city.
All of you who are here today care about this city. I stand here with folks who care about Bridgeport. We’ve all worked for a better city and sometimes we agreed, sometimes we’ve disagreed but we’ve always been about a better Bridgeport.
That unites us and that’s what is important today.
What unites us is a desire for a safe city, where our kids go to great schools, where our seniors are not threatened with losing their homes due to the crushing burden of property taxes, where our residents can find jobs that pay a living wage and where they will know they have a government they can count on.
It is not about the past. It is about the future and I am deeply grateful for this show of support. Together we will move Bridgeport forward.
Wow, what a socially awkward video. No one is smiling, especially not Finch. The background of people are all uncoordinated and are wearing t-shirts. When they are clapping they are still not smiling and the kids look confused. Finch looks pissed more than happy. What a weird video. Not a convincing campaign launch if you ask me.
And she’s reading from a script so it doesn’t look natural and Finch looks like he kisses her on the lips then later his face is all red when she says the word taxes.
And if you don’t believe me watch the video with the volume off.
No-slate Foster hoodwinked us all!
deceive, trick, dupe, outwit, fool, delude, inveigle, cheat, take in, hoax, mislead, lead on, defraud, double-cross, swindle, gull, scam; informal: con, bamboozle, hornswoggle, fleece, do, have, sting, gyp, shaft, rip off, lead up the garden path, pull a fast one on, put one over on, take for a ride, pull the wool over someone’s eyes, sucker, snooker;
Plan B if all else fails!
That picture: They look like they’re speaking before a judge and someone’s going to prison.
You know, it felt completely different in the room. People were amazed at who turned out. Foes in the same room; Nixon to China kind of zeal. I tweeted that the mood was electric. I still think so a day later. The event was graceful and well-scripted with strong message points. Just my two cents.
I think this makes things very interesting. Like many others, I consider myself more anti-Finch than pro-Ganim, whom I voted for in the primary. Covs and the ex-cop are a wasted vote in the general election. So that means the choice is between a perceived elitist with no substantial support outside Black Rock or Ganim whom two years ago I would have never considered voting for.
Ed Gomes and Marilyn Moore, Mary-Jane’s mentors, working with Bill Finch, no way, especially Ed Gomes. Mary-Jane is being set up. It is easier for Bill to say she lost to Ganim than to say he lost to Ganim.
concerned citizen, you need not concern yourself. I do not think there is one Finch supporter who cares about Moore and Gomes. They sunk her campaign. We need not communicate with them. Bill Finch is running the city making things happen every day. It would behoove MJF to start having press conferences daily. Anytime Finch has a press conference she should be there. Anywhere Joe Ganim goes she should be there. She needs to order 10,000 tee shirts and put 10 signs on every lawn. You are concerned about Moore and Gomes? You are kidding, right? You think anyone cares about the mini dramas in a campaign? We accept whom we get along with and those we don’t. Only those sitting on their asses are caught up in political drama! There are thousands of voters and only five weeks. Do you think anyone gives a shit about Moore and Gomes’ opinion of Mayor Finch?
MJF had better count her fingers. I’d hate to guess what she had to give up in the negotiations to get his support (which won’t make a difference), hope she understands he will not keep his word on his end.
This is a Gov. Malloy deal so he can save face.
Hey Ron! Welcome back to the Finchettes!
Mary-Jane will be a Finch-Stafstrom SOCK PUPPET!
I will be at this event this afternoon. I am always curious as to how anyone from the CT Post would know of the content of the Finch announcement. I will be there.
Wednesday Mary-Jane Foster is having a rally, I thought she was supporting Finch.
Wednesday night I will be attending a fundraiser for one of my favorite councilwoman at Vazzy’s
at the Golf Course. She is a wonderful leader and a good friend and I just expect to meet the entire political canvass of the city minus the Foster people. Timing is everything.
I am still supporting Finch until he makes his announcement only because it is a rumor until he speaks.
I realize the Mayor must do what he must do. Four years go by in a blink. He may just announce he is running to make history.
It has always been a two-man race. I do feel bad for Charlie Coviello. He could have created a major party. Joe Ganim is going to pop the Champagne at 3:45. This is getting so weird it is surreal to me.
So you will be voting for The Crook after Finch makes his grand announcement?
I am going to Two Boots Pizza in 5 minutes then I will be heading to the BRBC, 10 Middle Street. I will not be making an announcement, Bpt Kid. This moment does not belong to me.
Charlie could have created a major party??? I want whatever you are smoking. Charlie would run when he wants a job!!!
concerned, except for Gomes, MJF and Moore (mentors?) have worked with John Stafstrom before. In fact I believe someone credited him with helping to keep Moore close in the ‘burbs. Again it becomes Mario or Stafstrom. (I always liked Mario.)
So here’s the editorial juxtaposition of the week, if not the entire bloody year:
Front page of this morning’s Connecticut Post, above the fold. Beneath a photograph of Tax Bill Finch applauding the BPD’s four newest detectives, the headline reads “Foster, Finch set to join forces …” To the right is a story about Lisa Infante of Shelton who was murdered by her husband Thomas. An inset box shows a screen grab from Ms. Infante’s Facebook page:
“Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.”
The same can be said for re-electing Joseph P. Ganim, and the power brokers of the corrupt political machine Mary-Jane Foster has now aligned herself with. Finch’s endorsement is a deal with the devil, end of story.
Kid, I thought the same when I saw the paper. Intentional???
Of course it was intentional. I read that piece in the Courant about King Dannel not endorsing anyone in the Bridgeport mayoral race. He got burned endorsing Tax Bill, as did Blumenthal, Murphy, Himes and every construction worker’s union in upper Fairfield County. As the head of the Democratic Party, the governor has to weigh in–or not. He’s not going to make himself the laughingstock of Washington DC by endorsing a convicted felon. Mary-Jane Foster is running as an Independent, not a Democrat.
Washington DC would be the LAST place he’d be laughed at, accordingly.
Must be “media subliminal message day.” +1 re TBK’s impression of the Connecticut Post print edition. Had exactly the same thought. And appearing now on the Hartford Courant’s iPad app, there’s a story headlined, “Gov. Malloy still not endorsing anyone in Bridgeport mayoral race.” It’s accompanied by a file photo of Dan Malloy in an almost painful expression of pensive thought. There’s also a photo caption for “Joe Ganim,” but no photo of Ganim. So the effect is the words “Joe Ganim” almost seem to be escaping from the Guv’s lips. Ya think?
Did he get a Park Permit to make this political announcement?
10 Middle Street.
How appropriate at Timpanelli’s office?
The 16th Floor office used for the Finch-Foster announcement was formerly occupied by Bridgeport Landing but with actual development, less tower space is required, I guess.
Let’s hope for the sake of those moving as a result of the “historic announcement,” their landing is equally positive. MOM, where are you? MESSAGE I get from Mary-Jane will differ from Bill’s in some important ways. ORGANIZATION remains to be seen, feet on the ground, signs, emotional excitement and MONEY remains to be seen, you say? Time will tell.
Finch’s announcement he is dropping out is anti-climatic. The time is long past for him to do this gracefully. He is not on the ballot and his only choice would be as a write-in candidate. Can you imagine the nightmare at the polls with a write-in candidate? It would not be pretty.
So Bill Finch sold out to Mary-Jane Foster, who in turn sold out to John Stafstrom and the corrupt political machine he operates for fun and profit. Joe Ganim is a sellout who has managed to fool some of the people all the time. Kool-Aid for the cheap seats, steak and ale for the business class. At this point a vote for Foster or Ganim is a vote for the corrupt political machine that plays the game for fun and not the greater good. Stafstrom, Paul Timpanelli, Mario Testa, Joe Ganim, Bill Finch and now Mary-Jane Foster. Every one of them, every fucking one is a sellout, playing the political game for amusement and/or self-gratification, an ego fix.
Enrique Torres is the only one of the viable candidates who can honestly say he has maintained his integrity. In an interview Monday, Torres made it clear he has no intention of ending his campaign. “I will not leave this race,” Torres said. “We could use somebody in City Hall who doesn’t sell out.”
So Foster sold out to Stafstrom, the mastermind behind trying to sell the BOE and Finch who pushed it.
Foster is a political whore just like the Finchettes.
She disgusts me.
You sound an awful lot like Maria Pereira. Or just plain aw-full of yourself.
The members of the business community who claim to be Republicans are the biggest whores. They have been pestering the GOP candidate to sell out the local party and support a Foster candidacy. That’s right, the wealthiest business owners in Bridgeport have been pimped out by Paul Timpanelli, John Stafstrom, et al., at the direction of an anonymous campaign consultant to lobby Enrique Torres to support Mary-Jane for mayor.
As Foster is supported by an alliance of BRBC and a renegade faction within the DTC, it appears she sold out her independence and credibility all in the name of winning an election.
A vote for Foster or Ganim is a vote for more of the same continuing mediocrity that has plagued City Hall for a generation.
Foster’s husband is a huge Republican player in the state, connect that dot.
Foster’s husband was also accused by Finch supporters of being affiliated with the KKK during the last election in 2011. I guess the end justifies the means no matter how revolting it may be.
What about Ganim’s father who ran for office as a Republican?
Foster sold out to Stafstrom???
Please, did I not receive the connect the dots section of this post?
These are the Ganim gnomes reaching for any straw to try to attack MJF.
At least try to make some logical argument for what you are saying, otherwise say nothing.
Stafstrom is behind Finch’s campaign. Duh.
Bridgeport Kid, relax, you are having a meltdown! Mary-Jane Foster is a nice lady, Bill Finch is a great guy, Joe Ganim is still running. You sir, would be best advised to give some positive talking points about Torres since you spent months doing character assassinations on Bill Finch and now you are destroying Foster and Ganim?
My endorsement may send you over the edge!
Your endorsement means nothing to me.
Stafstrom’s people have been reaching out all day for Foster donations, you Walsh are the angry old man who is now faced with backing the political whore MJF and the Stafstrom and Finch machine.
I have spoken to multiple family members and friends (12-15) who were pro Foster. Almost all said if she aligns herself with Finch, they will vote for Ganim. They wanted Finch out and are appalled at this move to have him by her side. It’s the anti-Finch vote all over again. Dumb move, MJF!
Phantom, honestly, that post is just too ridiculous, there is not one supporter of Mary-Jane Foster who would vote for Joe Ganim. No offense, it would be like mating two different species. But your family members may change that mentality. Amazing, 12 more votes for Joe.
That’s not true. A lot of people don/t like finch because he is awful so I would support Ganim or Foster.
Golly Steve, how do you put up with this crowd?
These folks decry deal-making and cronyism, and then they spend all day searching high and low to invent comments about wheeling, dealing and cronyism. I love Lennie’s reporting, and I know he’s well well in with just about every campaign. But the commentary crowd here is the most sad and mad group of Bridgeporters I have met since returning to Fairfield County. Can anyone in this group actually smile or enjoy something other than trolling anonymously? Is there anything abut Bridgeport anyone in this group actually likes? The most fun we’ve had on this blog was the post about the West Nile Virus mosquitoes and pinning responsibility for them.
State Republicans are putting the arm on Torres to get him out of the race. Say It Ain’t So, Enrique.
This one is easy. Finch is going to back Mary-Jane Foster so she will appoint him to a city job so he can get a pension. And that’s the only reason.
Isn’t that special. If Finch works two more years then he can collect an annual pension of approx $30,000 a year for the rest of his life courtesy of the taxpayers. Thank you, Mary-Jane Foster. Has she made promises to Adam Wood and Tom Sherwood too? What about Tom McCarthy? Smh.
Stop making shit up, you have no proof of what you have stated. Just like the rest of the idiots posting on this subject.
Andy, you are right on the money, now get a Foster sign on your front lawn. That’s right, I am on the Foster police patrol!
Bob, that sounds a lot like the type of DEAL she has been saying should stop.
Hector, I have it from a VERY reliable inside source. Additionally, I truly believe once an elected government official (read Ganim or Newton) violates their oath of office, there should be a law in place to prevent them from ever holding elected office again. Otherwise what’s the sense of having an oath of office with no penalty for any violation of that oath?
Wait, Bill!!! The Bullmoose Party!!!
People who know Foster very well said she was seriously ill for almost two years, could she even make a four-year term?
City councilman president McCarthy taking over?
Truth hurts Andy, watch that blood pressure, now go knock on doors and tell the good people of Bpt you support Finch, Wood, Stafstrom, SHERWOOD and all the boys who will keep their jobs if Foster wins.
REBEL, you want to compare blood pressures? Lying raises blood pressure and we know you are a professional liar. The names you mention will not keep their jobs. Stafstrom’s business with the city is a contract that is bid on. Wake the fuck up.
You wake up Andy, your girl sold out and you can’t handle it, feeling that burning sensation from your stomach going up your throat? Maybe a little numbness in that left arm?
BPT REBEL, are you an idiot or what?
When Joe won the primary he inherited some candidates who ran with Finch. In particular the City Clerk and Town Clerk. Do they transfer their commitment and loyalty to Finch over to MJF? Do they run their campaigns encouraging splitting? Something tells me no, it’s too much work. There may be an appearance of support for MJF, but it will fade quickly. The Finch supporters are going to cut their losses and support Joe. I’m receiving phones calls of anger and disappointment regarding MJF. Why would she want to be a three-time loser just to capture the limelight for a few weeks? Well I’m going to be philosophical for a second, we get rid of two losers at once. Neither of them will ever run for public office in Bridgeport again. Well it’s time for me to hit the doors in my neighborhood, not to say a word about Finch, but to let folks know the real MJF.
I had respect for the woman, now I think she’s a F*$%!NG joke!
Here’s the joke, you are so scared, you are afraid to use your real name, now that’s a joke.
Lisa, I don’t believe for 1 second anyone called you angry about MJF. Why don’t you let the folks know the real Ganim? BTW what job under Ganim are you up for?
Andy, go f^(# yourself! Should we talk about the job your son had with the City when you had to sell yourself out by voting on the TC the way you were told to?
Lol, go Lisa!
Lisa, do you think everyone is like you? A person who has made more deals than a change clerk. You whose family members got jobs and the job you got with the city. Lisa, you had your head so far up Mario’s ass you needed CPR. BTW my son got a job at the sewer plant scraping shit off the tank walls. You should know about that, you throw enough shit here.
Andy, tell me what job I got with the City, and tell me what family members got jobs. I never earned a dime for the 35 years of public service I proudly gave to this City. I must really be getting to you; you’re actually resorting to out-and-out lies. You’re lucky you don’t get around much anymore because if I run into you, you’ll be singing soprano after I’m through with you.
Lisa, you really shouldn’t make threats you can’t complete, tough girl. You know where I live and I am up and out every day. Shame on you, threats are against the law, dumb shit.
Lisa, how about the time you were the Democratic registrar of voters. That paid pretty good.
Ashamed of MJF. More backroom deals is the last thing Bridgeport needs.
And what was the deal?
Ron Mackey,
Let’s be honest, I can. I think I am one of the few people on this blog who has friends in all camps. I would say probably every single anonymous poster trashing MJF is a Ganim supporter.
They realize with the support of Finch, Foster gets another chance with the entire city voting. They are talking silly. They realize what seemed like yesterday a guaranteed Ganim victory just became questionable. Add the Foster and Finch votes together in the primary. Add in Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliates. Add the endorsements coming down the pike and a new slew of supporters. The day after the primary, the Finch campaign headquarters was bombarded with phone calls from stunned voters who wanted to help Finch, fate decided otherwise, but with Finch’s support Foster’s chances have become very real. Lisa Parziale knows it to be true. The Ganim campaign did an amazing job! Everyone who could or would vote for Ganim did. Now everyone gets to step up. You will see Foster signs everywhere because many of us believe signs do vote. 🙂 Signs, banners, excitement is now in Foster’s hands. Will she run with it or will it fizzle out? Ganim hopes it does. I don’t think so.
Great News! Still on the road, but my wife and I can’t wait to start working for MJF when we return next week.
You mean working for Finch, don’t you John?
A vote for Foster is a vote for Finch.
BPT REBEL, a vote for Foster is a vote for Finch. That is exactly what we are counting on. Foster will create her administration, support all things green and continue developing this city. That was the point of the endorsement. To give Foster the support she needs to cross the finish line.
MJF: WE NEED to get these corrupt politicians out of office!!! FOR A BETTER BRIDGEPORT.
A week later …
MJF: I am not going to run for office come November.
Two weeks later …
MJF: Finch is desperate, he should drop out!
BF: Mary-Jane, I’ll drop out and back you as long as you can give me a position for a minimum of two years. Wood too?
She’s a clown show!
Why are you denigrating clowns!!!
Poor Fardy, the only person he believed in sold out to the man he hates the most, how’s that blood pressure, Andy?
Your idol is a political sell-out whore.
My blood pressure is an excellent 112 over 74, how’s that? Everyone who is writing the same nasty crap about MJF are sanctimonious assholes. You don’t think Ganim would not have wanted to get support from Finch? Really? The stories people are calling people taking about MJF and Finch are bullshit. In case any of you sanctimonious assholes didn’t realize it, when you enter an election you enter to win. Duh!!!
Another example of putting one’s self-interest ahead of principles!
C’mon Ganimites, had Finch endorsed Joe you would be praising him for putting the city above his pride and doing what’s in the best interest of Bridgeport and its residents. C’mon Ganimites, had Finch endorsed Joe he would have graciously accepted his endorsement and you all would have been patting him on the back and none of this vitriolic bullshit you ascribe to Mary-Jane would have ever been said.
I saw absolutely nothing in the article that insinuated, intimated or said Mary-Jane gave one damned thing to Finch for his endorsement. Lisa, I expect that vitriolic bullshit from others, but I thought you were better than that because you’ve been around the political block on a few occasions.
You know Donald, I was just thinking of you, Charlie, Rick and my friend Howard Gardner. I was proud none of you compromised yourselves, continued on with self-respect and dignity. Let me quote you. “You have been around the political block.” Yes I have, and it hurts and disappoints me to see a woman, who everyone thought was so classy, including me, to sell herself to a man with the hope of becoming Mayor. Donald, it will never happen. I’m not known to embellish so please believe me when I tell you I’m receiving calls, mostly women, who are ashamed of her and will never vote for her again. As far as your assumption about Ganim, I can’t answer that because only he knows what he would or wouldn’t do. I’m very disappointed a mature woman would politically whore herself at this point in her life. I like you Donald and ask you not to judge me on this one. My feelings are not bullshit, they’re real, and I can’t wait to run into MJF to tell her to her face what I think of her.
Sell herself to a man, are you fucking nuts? Lisa, you should look in the mirror when you talk of political whores. From this moment on you no longer exist and I will never mention your name or your blog again. You have a lot of nerve calling MJF a political whore. You are backing one of the biggest whores in Bridgeport so I guess political whores stick together.
Lisa, honest to G-d, how did MJF sell herself to Finch? Women called you and would never vote for her again? Now they are supporting Joe? Do you really expect that story to fly? Before you start attacking me, let’s just agree, I do not think you are a liar. I think the press conference spoke for itself. It was packed! I think you are being strangely too critical of Mary-Jane Foster for being thrilled to get the endorsement of our sitting Mayor, who was endorsed by every Democratic Mayor minus Ganim, the Mayor who received nearly every endorsement worth having and most likely will receive the Board of Education endorsement. Joe Ganim definitely stayed one step ahead of Finch nearly every step of the way. Today, Foster and Finch threw you a curve. Now, UB is a non-issue. They forgave each other for less than many in the city forgave Ganim for. Let’s be honest. MJF is a classy lady. The time and effort she has freely given to so many causes is worthy of accolades. She has been very classy in her treatment of Ganim. She rarely brought up his past. Today’s endorsement by my candidate to my former candidate changes everything. Foster is now my candidate for the future of this city. For developers and investors everything will go so much more smoothly. A fresh outlook by a seasoned woman of substance. I am just so perplexed by your criticism of Mary-Jane Foster. It seems so out of character, Lisa.
I can now see the Foster signs all over the city. This can become a very exciting finale to what was a very lackluster primary. 400 votes citywide is a very small victory compared to the general election. Let’s see Foster debate Ganim!
Lisa knows a sellout when she sees one, and if you think Finch ate crow for free then you are exactly the dumb voters Finch/Foster are counting on Nov 3rd.
I may be dumb, but I sure as hell don’t hide behind the cloak of anonymity or inscrutability to speak my mind about any issue. You hide behind a pseudonym while casting aspersions on other people. Grow up and say what you mean, man what you say and say it with your real name.
Are you kidding me? Any chance of this nice lady winning is out the window.
You mean to tell me she accepted a Finch endorsement? This a-hole refused to acknowledge even that UB existed and in return dissed her.
I believe this is a big mistake on her part. One only can wonder what kind of backdoor deal they agreed on.
My respect for MJF is out the window. Does she really need the endorsement from that loser?
After November she will become a member of the club of losers who were beaten by a convicted felon.
NICE. Lol.
Donald Day, the ditto in question was in reference to your comment about the alias poster. Definitely not in reference to Vale la Pena’s comment! Just to be clear.
On many occasions I heard MJF refer to Finch as incompetent. She accepted his endorsement, so what does that make her now?
“Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.”
Kind of hard to hear Finch state he and Mary-Jane Foster (MJF) “agree on the big things.” If that were true, why would MJF have run against Finch? For the small things? Seemed they disagreed on many big things during the debates, no?
Here are some pretty big things I thought the Mayor and Mary-Jane have NOT agreed on:
1. Bridgeport Public Library one (1) mil tax be levied to establish and maintain a free public library and reading room: Finch no, MJF yes.
2. Illegal mayoral takeover of the BOE: Finch yes, MJF no.
3. Adherence to the voter-approved city charter and its prohibition on city employees serving on City Council: Finch no, MJF yes.
4. Public support for expansion of the charter school enterprise in our city while underfunding Bridgeport public schools: Finch yes, MJF no.
5. Firm support of or adherence to the state min. budget requirement, whereby all municipalities in the State of CT must provide at least 20% of the total local school budget in US dollars: Finch no, MJF yes.
6. Support of a tax-deadbeat for State Senate selected by his lawyer via a sham tie-breaker: Finch yes then no (shifted to Moales), MJF no.
7. Most recent state senate race, 23rd district: Ed Gomes: Finch no, MJF yes.
8. Most recent state senate race, 22nd district: Marilyn Moore: Finch no, MJF yes.
9. Active support of the University of Bridgeport and the integration of its numerous resources with our diverse Bridgeport communities: Finch no, MJF yes.
10. Actively supporting the development of, and hiring of, trained Bridgeport residents for fire and police department jobs: Finch no for years (but recently shifted to yes), MJF yes for years.
11. Claiming your opponent’s spouse was associated with the KKK when he/she was not: Finch yes, MJF no.
Has Mary-Jane’s stance on all these positions changed now because Finch says so? Of course not. But who’s in charge? Can anyone tell Bill to stifle and practice being the “Quiet Man” for a change?
Good luck to Mary-Jane Foster in facing a supreme challenge in (1) differentiating herself from Finch among anti-Finch voters while trying to co-opt his campaign forces into her campaign, and (2) trying to overcome a seemingly growing Ganim campaign across Bridgeport.
Andy, read my blog, go f$%^ yourself.
Really, oh Lisa you broke my heart!!! Not. Gee, you speak good English.
Pete Spain, Mary-Jane Foster has her own platform. Her endorsement by the sitting Mayor did not come with compromises.
Mary-Jane Foster sat on Bill Finch’s transition team. Foster does not need to differentiate herself from Finch. She needs to share her platform and talk about economic development stability. She needs to differentiate herself from Ganim and not even discuss the other candidates. It just isn’t necessary. Finch was solid in Black Rock. Foster will easily take Black Rock and that is your area, no?
Pete–very well presented. A convincing case for MJF. Anyone who suggests Mary-Jane would “sell out” for an endorsement clearly does not know her.
Pete Spain // Sep 29, 2015 at 6:46 pm
To your post
This is a devastatingly accurate comparison, and demonstrates clearly how much damage MJF has done to her reputation and credibility in accepting this “arrangement” with the Mayor.
There are no winners here. Only losers.
Pete, thanks for that recap. I’m printing it so I don’t forget any of your points as I start working to get rid of her.
It’s too bad you didn’t work hard enough to get on the ballot.
Lisa, working to get rid of her? Is this Lisa Parziale or did someone steal her identity??? Lennie?
Lisa, you know I have the utmost respect for you as a person and as a politician. I have no doubt about what you say because you have never lied to me about anything. It’s just all the innuendo about deals and crap, when just maybe Finch dislikes Joe so much he would do anything to stop him from being mayor, just for the pleasure of stopping him.
It’s personal with Finch and at this point there is nothing he wouldn’t to do hurt Joe, but the fact is he hasn’t accepted that Joe taught him the game and he could never out-Joe Joe. Just saying.
Whoa, slow your roll cowboy, this isn’t a marriage in any shape, form or fashion. This is a candidate saying I agree with you , I would make a better mayor than the other guy.
Mary-Jane doesn’t agree with any of the failed policies and practices of Finch over the last eight years. In fact she was adamantly opposed to everything done by Finch as the mayor and because she agrees with him she would make a better mayor she somehow threw out her whole agenda in favor of the failed policies of Finch.
The things she believed in prior to this endorsement, she still believes in and in my humble opinion would never sell her integrity by running with the agenda of a known liar for an endorsement or an election.
Donald Day no offense, read your post! Foster and Finch are trying to mend their past. Finch is supporting her and hoping his people join her. Is it your goal to alienate the Finch supporters looking to help Mary-Jane Foster? Seriously? MJF is no fool. For anything she did not agree on she will make her own trail given the opportunity. She cannot deny the rejuvenation of this city Finch brought to fruition. Just the Finch votes alone helps MJF. Do not be so proud and dismissive of Finch’s support. It means everything to Foster! Maybe not to you.
With the support of Mayor Finch you get me and I get to support MJF as I did four years ago. Ironically, four years ago I couldn’t stand many of her supporters, this time my favorite people went with Ganim except a handful whom I loathe. Funny isn’t it. Some people like me and some loathe me. The difference between me and others? I am a team player. We do not need to play together. Our job is to get Foster elected and you only do that by knocking on doors and getting off your ass.
I had a pacemaker put in and two days later I was working for Finch. Now it will be Foster. The bullshit commentary on deals is not relevant nor is it any of our business. We have only one job to do.
I do not need to say one negative word about Joe Ganim and I did not when talking to potential voters. I saved that conversation for selected readers of this blog. On the streets, I have a different persona. I walked four years ago for Foster. I think I worked almost as hard for her as I did for Finch–so here we go again. Mr. Day, I do not need a pat on the back, but if I were a Foster supporter, I would gratefully welcome every single Finch supporter who crosses your path. I know would! Just saying!
What a suck-up!
I don’t know what BOTH sides are proud of!!! Since 1957, DemocRATS have CONTROLLED Bridgeport for 50 years! Let’s examine the record. The data is based upon 2012 estimates.
The report, released last week, said a hypothetical Bridgeport family of three making $50,000 in 2011 would have paid $12,250 in taxes, a whopping 24.5 percent of their income. While Mayor Bill Finch didn’t argue Bridgeport’s taxes are too high, he took issue with the city’s placement at the very top of that list.
education: 183 /184
So here is the track record of the PROUD DemocRATS after running Bridgeport for 50 years. The HIGHEST TAXES–NO JOBS–HIGH POVERTY–183th WORST EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM–FILTHY DIRTY–CORRUPT–etc.
Facts speak for themselves. Actually you could fill pages with the Democrat policy failures.
Hey Donald Day.
I’ll give you a lesson on why people had to go anonymous here.
The guy your girl sold out to threatened our jobs so many times over the last eight years, we had to protect our livelihoods.
That’s the guy your MJF is in bed with now, she went DOWN to his level. She laid down with the dogs and she will now have their fleas.
Does anyone here criticizing this action have any other better strategy for blocking Ganim from returning to city hall?
Donald, you’re right. Finch hates Ganim so much he’d do anything to get him. Donald, that’s why I’m so upset with MJF. None of you men would have gone for that. I don’t know of any deals, and if there were deals made, that’s politics; it’s inherent in the system. In all my time in politics, nothing comes to mind that was as blatant as what she did.
You said the same thing when Lincoln was running.
Start reminding people as an officer of the court he lied under oath. This is why he has no law license. It is the lying under oath we need to remember.
Lake Forest Guy, it’s obvious by your post you don’t know much about politics. There is no strategy to block Ganim. The people of Bridgeport voted for him and he won the primary, as he will the general election.
Lisa, Joe Ganim is very lucky to have you! He is a very nice guy, to some I suppose there may be a few who do not like him. I like him. But, as I was four years ago, I am supporting Foster. I was a staunch Finch supporter and I am following his lead and supporting a woman I worked tirelessly for. There is much work to do. As for Joe Ganim, my goal is not to block him from being elected. He had 12 years and the rest is history. I have no personal vendetta against him. He is a likable guy. There are so many people like yourself whom I really respect and have relationships with. I do not see my support of Foster as an anti-Ganim platform. I see my support as looking to the future of our city. I do not believe the city will go through the black hole if Ganim got elected. I do believe Foster is a personal friend of Gov. Malloy and has the support of all those who endorsed Finch. Those are all positives for money being funneled to Bridgeport. I know developers and investors will trust Mary-Jane’s integrity. The University of Bridgeport will have a higher profile which is excellent and having the endorsement from Finch will make sure all projects in the pipeline will continue smoothly. There were many Democrats who did not vote to wake up stunned. Now we have Republicans and Democrats as well as unaffiliated voters who will come out to vote.
I know for just a glimmer, Ganim was feeling on top of the world. WICC Jim Buchanan loves Joe Ganim. Mary-Jane Foster needs to get in front of the camera and on the phone. She needs to copy Ganim’s playbook. Most Finch supporters will support Foster. A few political Finch supporters will visit Ganim. I think in the end if Foster completely revamps her campaign she can definitely take the prize. If she runs her campaign the way she did the last few months she will fail and Joe gets to replace everyone in city hall. How exciting is that! Run Mary-Jane, Run! 🙂
6264 Democrats voted for Joe Ganim on Primary Day. 5859 Democrats voted for Bill Finch in that race. 1177 Democrats supported Mary-Jane Foster with their vote.
All that means is Joe won the race over Finch by 405 votes. Foster and Finch together took 772 more votes than Ganim. And now we add 3,000 Republican voters and about 15,000 unaffiliated, and some Democrats who did not vote in the Primary may vote in the General Election, and some of the above may change their votes. Well there you go; that’s what they call a General Election (with apologies and hats off to the other mayoral candidates who will also be on the ballot, or tried to be there).
For the anti-Finch or Finch-critical voter, the Primary vote and subsequent revelation of inadequate Plan B consideration, Finch will not be Mayor. Was yesterday’s 16th Floor gathering, focused on the future rather than the past, a recognition of political realities and a realignment that is pragmatic if not necessarily pretty? As a fiscal observer of the City, did you hear Mary-Jane’s comments about first actions “when (she) becomes Mayor” will be a thorough fiscal review of where the City stands now? Have we heard such a comment previously from the bull elephants?
And the increased commentary by folks with “handles” rather than real names, is somewhat disturbing in that if Finch is out of office, to the extent they may be current City employees who want to remain, do they still have something to fear? And if they accept one candidate’s message that “mistakes were made,” why are they suddenly on a moral crusade inventing plots where evidence is hinted at, but not provided? So Lennie, the book that will be written on this campaign and election season is approaching 15 Chapters already with 34 days to go. How many more “twists and turns?” Time will tell.
I’m usually a proud Democrat, but I’m ashamed at what has happened in Bridgeport under Democratic control, and all Democrats should feel the same. Think for yourself and give Rick Torres a chance. Go to his market and seek him out. Ask him what he’ll do differently than these others. He will not screw this up if you trust him with your vote, I guarantee that.
George Boland, how can you guarantee that? Is that what Ganim supporters are telling voters?
I totally appreciate your support for Rick Torres. He has a great business and great breakfasts. How do you guarantee he will not screw up? I will say this, Rick Torres is a very likable guy. It is a pleasure watching him in his element. I had the pleasure of observing Rick teaching a little girl how to ride his latest toy he had at the St. Ann’s festival a few weeks ago.
I guarantee it Steven because I know Rick is a humble man, and a humble man is well aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and also knows his limitations. He knows he will need help to change the stagnation in Bridgeport’s business community, the hopeless apathy and resignation in its politics and the desperation and hopelessness in the poor communities. His family and closest friends are part of the beautiful community he helped build around the market, and they will not let him fail. I know because I’ve known Rick for over 20 years I’ve been going there. If he feels he can do the job (he does), I believe him and trust him, and will try to help him; and when people know him, they too will want to help a true honest man and not let him down. But he believes he can do it with humility, not grandiosity.
Mr. Boland, that was beautifully stated!
Bridgeport Kid, this is what you have to do for Rick!
Lisa, maybe it’s time we stop giving politicians the built-in excuse of “it’s only politics, everybody does it.” We need to start holding them accountable with real consequences.
What are you suggesting? Jail?
Quentin, I didn’t mean to sound cavalier. I agree with you, but I’m a realist. Politics is about horse trading to get things done. This went way below the line. And rest assured Quentin, she’ll know the consequences of her actions when she loses in November.
Interesting tactic to (sort of) save face for Democrats, union leaders, etc. who supported Finch. This way they can say they support the Democrat in the race endorsed by the Democrat they endorsed.
Mary-Jane has some big-time explaining to do, beginning with the points in Pete Spain’s posting. (Good job, Pete.) Mary-Jane needs to disclose if she agreed to anything to receive Finch’s endorsement or if she did it to have a strong effort to avoid Ganim or (God forbid) a Republican being elected.
Let’s see if Murphy, Blumenthal or Malloy find a job for Finch.
Let’s see if Foster has a job for Finch!!!
Electing Foster keeps everyone’s job in check!
Finch, Wood, Nunn, McCarthy, J. Stafstrom, just a few.
The other reason is this, Steven: Bridgeport politics has been infested by power-driven narcissists who have mocked the honest taxpayers, and who know they can get away with just about anything. Whatever deal MJF made with Finch is filthy and disgusting; regardless if there was no criminality, because they both lost their integrity in the process. Was the lie how you felt about each other before, or is the lie how you feel now? Bridgeport voters may be too cynical and jaded to understand the massive difference of hiring a competent, honest man who will create a competent honest system, and that system will reject dishonesty outright. That system will not tolerate dishonesty. But a system based on dishonesty (which each of the three Democrats have now displayed in spades) and patronage, in that system dishonesty is the rule and honesty and integrity will be cynically rejected. Bridgeport has a Golden Opportunity, but the only choice to change everything is to vote for Rick, and it’s not even close.
George, honestly. Talking about the deal they reached being filthy and disgusting? You are talking about two people I have a great deal of respect for. I do appreciate your respect for Rick, but to character assassinate Finch and Foster without including Joe Ganim is just not being inclusive. Using the term filthy and disgusting in reference to Foster and Finch sort of takes away your credibility. I wouldn’t work incessantly for anyone who was filthy or disgusting. It isn’t like I was getting paid for my time or effort. Perhaps a better choice of words.
I didn’t mean to be offensive with my choice of words, Steven, but I’m not sure how to describe the disingenuous arrangement since each appeared to have such mutual animosity, and now are working together. You may say: “that’s just politics, it’s being pragmatic, grow up and don’t be naive, it’s for the greater good,” etc, etc. but I feel it’s degrading to each person, perhaps politics is degrading by rule. But Rick has not and will not degrade himself in the process, yet I think he is now reasonable and mature enough to know he will have to make deals he’s not always thrilled with.
George, just think of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The fight to the finish and the attacks. Funny, isn’t it? That is politics and it is what people do. Build coalitions for a greater good.
Yes Steven, and that was a great match; wait a minute, are you comparing Mayor Finch and MJF to Hillary and our President? Really? But I get it about politics making strange bedfellows. Nixon became one of Bill Clinton’s closest confidantes in the last couple years of his life.
Steve, actions speak louder than words and the actions of these two speak volumes!
Plain and simple, Finch thinks Foster will be better for Bpt than the alternatives.
MJF doesn’t have to differentiate herself from Finch, she has to differentiate herself from Ganim.
Mary-Jane Foster is PROgressive while Joe Ganim is REgressive.
In a related matter, Quentin Dreher and George Boland are newbies and only by Lennie’s good graces are they here.
Quentin Dreher and George Boland maybe relatively new to regular posting but perhaps they have been readers previous to that. And obviously, based on their writings, consumers and thinkers with regard to facts and actions about governance over the years. Newbies, OK, but based on their opinions they make sense and contribute (with their own names) to the site. Wouldn’t you say this is Lennie’s good reason or business sense rather than his good graces? Just asking. Time will tell.
George, what is it you allude to? Supposition, a belief, surmise, idea, notion, suspicion, conjecture, speculation, inference, theory, hypothesis, postulation, guess, feeling, hunch, assumption, presumption.
I read the same article as you and saw the same video as you, but I’ll be damned if I saw anything about a deal or a disingenuous arrangement. C’mon man. Ricky met with Finch and had Finch not suggested Ricky drop out and offered his endorsement, Ricky would have been on that endorsement like a Republican on a self-righteous crusade.
Donald, yes I believe Rick would have embraced the support of any of the others; perhaps I’m being too cynical myself in assuming there was a “deal” for support. I think I’d be less cynical if the mayor or MJF came out to support Rick, maybe it’s sour grapes. Although Rick has thrown out his share of barbs and negativity as they all have, I know Rick as a man is embracing of others, and judges people primarily on the actions they take. Maybe he’s just not conniving enough to get the job.
BPT REBEL, this is the last time I will ever acknowledge your pseudonym existence. It’s not fair the accused is not protected from adverse publicity whilst the accuser is guaranteed anonymity, whatever the verdict.
Need to call a WaaaaaaAmbulance for you, your parents name you after watching Animal House??? Kool name though, D Day.
George, to you and the Ganimites of OIB, could you allow yourself to think, feel or believe no deal was reached because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” an ancient proverb that suggests two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy.
Show me the deal.
So that means Obama should not meet and talk to Putin.
Steve, thank you. I have no intention of even disagreeing with you. I told you before this primary was over I respected your loyalty and belief in your candidate. My outrage has very little to do with Finch. He’s angry, I’m sure concerned abut where he goes from here. My disdain is toward MJF. She showed the public just what an opportunist and phony she is. I never judged your passion, please don’t judge mine. I will stop now, I’ve more than expressed myself. Instead I’m going to do what I’m pretty good at. Spread the word to my former constituents, family and friends, and anyone who will listen to me about who she really is. I started out working hard to help Joe get elected, now my mission is to see MJF fall on her face again.
Lisa, why is your mission to watch MJF fall on her face again? I am confused. Maybe I missed a previous conversation. Your disdain for Foster is confusing to me. She and Finch united is going to be Ganim’s worst nightmare. Better you find support for Ganim, no???
Lisa–Did not Joe also seek Finch’s endorsement? Your inconsistent reasoning is getting to be a bit much.
No he didn’t, you’re misinformed!
Lisa, what did Mary-Jane say or do to earn your disdain? She accepted his endorsement and said after, “she and Finch have had their differences but they both have a deep love for the city.” What’s wrong with that?
As president of the Firebird Society, Joe Ganim taught me two things I will never forget and for swhich I am eternally grateful. The first being, there are no permanent enemies, just permanent interests and the second being the art of compromise. ‘Nuff said.
You left out the part where they say they agree on the major things, but that doesn’t fit your agenda of defending a political whore.
This does not look good for either Foster or Finch.
It looks amazing for both of them!
“a clean city government with integrity”
“together we will move this city forward”
OMG, how horrifying!
I continue to believe a Mayor Ganim would be very bad for Bridgeport at this time. Nothing has changed in that regard.
Frankly, after a very emotional and disappointing primary, Bill Finch agrees with many, Ganim is not the right guy for Bridgeport. I have no problem with him endorsing Foster.
I’m confused why there so much vitriol regarding Foster coming back in. I very much doubt there is any kind of crazy backroom deal between her and Finch as so many who post here.
For myself and countless others, who I think may well be the “Silent Majority,” I have to decide who has the better chance to beat Ganim.
Given the Democratic Party and very skilled, pragmatic leaders like Danny Roach and Mario Testa, both of whom I think of as friends, it will be very much an uphill battle regardless.
It still comes down to Rick and Mary-Jane and I’m really going to have to weigh that vote.
I do not think there is a question. Foster and Finch united will carry the city. There are so many Democrats alone who are stunned. This is not about personalities, this is only about Bridgeport and our future. It should be clear. Rick Torres nice guy, not a chance in hell, a wasted vote. It is between Foster and Ganim, not about friends working on campaigns. We are all in this together. If Foster does not change her strategy her fate will be the same as before. Her campaign needs an overhaul. Today she has momentum on her side! A little excitement and some heavy hitters couldn’t hurt. Finch’s endorsement carries a lot of weight.
Why do you think anyone takes you seriously, Stevie boy? You’re the same fool who said Finch would win the primary in “a landslide.” Haven’t you you made enough of a fool of yourself already? I can still hear Finch screaming “don’t stop daddy, don’t stop!” I guess he didn’t heed his kid’s advice.
Phantom, your first mistake was to read my post. Your second mistake was to respond to my post. My only mistake is responding to your ignorant comments. I know everybody reads my posts, I am not sure if anyone gives a crap what you have to say. Finch would have won by a landslide if he had the ability to be on the ballot. Now it is up to Mary-Jane Foster to run with her new momentum and make the anonymous Ganim supporters squirm.
Phantom, you may call me anything you want. When I speak or write you know where the information is coming from. I however, will safely assume I am responding to an asshole. Assholes are people too. I know you pride yourself in being an ass. Perhaps you might want to say something positive about your candidate. That could be a start. If you have nothing to say, you can continue reading and responding to my comments.
Steve. I read your post for the same reason everyone else does. To see what other dumb-ass comment or laughable prediction you come up with. You clearly said Finch in a landslide in the primary. Now you’re giddy because MJF is so dumb as to have a loser the people voted out by her side. Only you can see this as a love connection. The rest of us see it for what it is. It’s a brutal mistake and nail in the coffin for a candidate who did zero to try to win the primary herself. She barely tried then, so what is she going to do now? She has no connection to the common people, who see her as cash-rich, bored and from Black Rock. I’m sure she’s a nice lady but that’s how she comes off. You keep latching on to Finch’s huevos my friend and continue to make your foolish predictions and butt kiss as you obviously seek a job.
Obviously I am seeking a job. I would choose yours if I knew who Lennie Grimaldi was protecting. Again, you continue to insult and assault me as an anonymous motherfucker, who only Lennie Grimaldi knows the identity. So I will just assume you are a motherfucker and I will continue to call you a motherfucker until Lennie Grimaldi identifies your pathetic ass or gives me the same opportunity to do character assassinations under the guise of an incognito motherfucker.
Now Phantom, you motherfucker, if you have nothing good to say about your candidate, then I would suggest you go fuck yourself.
Lennie Grimaldi, I do want to thank you for protecting this motherfucker and not reacting to the conversation we had the other day.
The one thing I share in common with Ron Mackey and Donald Day is sometimes we just get tired of the field day these anonymous motherfuckers have at our expense. Ron Mackey and Donald Day would never use this language, but I have been listening to these constant attacks by anonymous motherfuckers for an awfully long time. I am certain I haven’t offended anyone reading this blog. If I have, go fuck yourself and request Lennie remove me from this blog.
I can live with that! Phantom, clearly you are a Ganim supporter and that is just about as sad as it gets, you motherfucker. Gee I feel better already, thank you all for letting me vent to this motherfucker.
To say a vote for Torres is a wasted vote is to rationalize pessimism. He’s the only candidate who has no connections to the machine. You may as well be saying “Fuck it, I’ll vote for corruption and high taxes.”
Because the anti-Finch vote for Ganim in the primary might be in jeopardy with the likable MJF in the race, and Joe knows he must keep the anti-Finch vote, by vilifying MJF that vote might stay in place for Joe. This morning, pro-Ganim people started tearing into Steve Stafstrom because he said he would stay neutral in the primary, but was witnessed campaigning for Finch. It was implied they would cross lines and vote Torres if he ran for the state seat next election cycle. MJF did the same thing when Stafstrom ran for state rep. So guess what, deals might have been made.
So Bill Finch stood in front of the people and the press and held the hand of a women who trashed him for four years without getting a deal to get him his pension and overlook his Sherwood cooked books.
Y’all are such suckers, let me sell you a bridge I own, you deserve the doofus and the political whore tag team.
Tom Swan, an adviser to Foster, said Finch set no conditions on his endorsement, other than asking her backing for his environmental initiatives.
I know, I know he’s lying, but he was there and you fools who aren’t there know what happened and what was said, right?
Will Finch be the Director of Environmental Initiatives and keep his $100k-plus salary and bennies? I don’t believe for a minute there was no deal made. Neither do most people in city hall.
Of course he’s lying. At this point Finch is desperate to save face.
Yeah right, gullible voters like you are what they are counting on, anyone who knows Finch knows there’s always a deal in the works, and your MJF’s credibility is as low as his or even worse in the last 24 hours.
MJF’s credibility makes her a giant when viewed across the Bridgeport political landscape. MJF is a lawyer with a license. She’s fair; she’s honest and she thinks Bridgeport deserves better. What’s good for Mary-Jane Foster is good for Bridgeport.
I encourage everyone to jump on that bandwagon.
This is a deal with the devil, a midnight visit to the crossroads to sign the contract offered by Old Scratch.
God save the Queen
We mean it man
We love our Queen
God saves
God save the Queen
We mean it man
There is no future
And Bridgeport’s dreaming
No future no future no future for you …
TBK, I knew I liked you for some reason.
Long live The Sex Pistols!
God save the queen
It’s a fascist regime
She made them a moron
No future
JML, thank you for the kind words!
*** Shot in the foot, shattered alter ego, at times used to having others make important work decisions, and too quick to make statements or promises without having all the facts. These are just some of the political qualities this Mayor’s endorsement should bring MJ Foster’s campaign, no? *** WHOOP ***
*** Almost forgot; “OVERCONFIDENT!” *** WHOOP ***
It is real sad about the political NATURE of Bridgeport!!! More than half the voters are either too IGNORANT or don’t give a DAMN, while many of the city workers live out of town!!! Many vote because of the little “d” after their name.
When people do NOT care how high their taxes are, or how poorly educated their children are–it doesn’t matter any more!!!
You can’t change things for the better when you keep voting for the same losers over and over again!!! I am glad I moved out of Bridgeport years ago. I can see nothing has really changed!!! The DemocRAT political class fighting over the big salaries, while the citizens get screwed!!! And if you read all the comments, you will see I am RIGHT!!!
Ugh. If we could discuss this without using misogynistic language, that would be real nice and grown-up. I’m looking at you, Lisa Parziale.