In this surreal campaign season that pits former Mayor Joe Ganim against current Mayor Bill Finch, another mayor, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, is receiving hugs and kisses from the Finch campaign on her birthday in this news release that serenades her for upholding Ganim’s federal conviction. Ya think there will be a few more news releases like this one this summer? From the Finch campaign.
Today, as Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor celebrates her birthday–and a landmark decision regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA)–Mayor Bill Finch’s re-election campaign is wishing her the best and thanking her for standing up for what’s best for Bridgeport.
“While many know Justice Sotomayor as a strong role model and the first Latina justice, we in Bridgeport know her as the justice who kept Joe Ganim in prison,” said Maryli Secrest, the campaign manager for Mayor Bill Finch’s re-election campaign.
“On her birthday, we just wanted to thank her for all she’s done for America and Bridgeport.”
After the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut convicted Joe Ganim of racketeering, extortion, mail fraud, bribery, conspiracy, and filing false income tax returns, he refused to give up and admit guilt. He appealed the District of Connecticut’s ruling to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit claiming he had not received a fair trial and was innocent.
“We reject Ganim’s other challenges to his conviction and sentence,” said Justice Sotomayor writing the opinion for the 2nd Circuit. “Ganim’s resentencing process under United States v. Crosby, was constitutional and his sentence was reasonable.” (1)
“Ganim essentially claims that at the time a quid pro quo agreement is reached, a direct link must exist between a benefit received and a specifically identified official act,” Justice Sotomayor further elaborated. “We disagree, and hold that the requisite quid pro quo for the crimes at issue may be satisfied upon a showing that a government official received a benefit in exchange for his promise to perform official acts or to perform such acts as the opportunities arise.” (2)
After Justice Sotomayor and the 2nd Circuit’s ruling, Joe Ganim continued to lie and profess his innocence and appealed to the United States Supreme Court. (3) (4) Our country’s highest court denied his appeal, yet Ganim would maintain his innocence for over a decade.
1. United States of America v. Joseph P. Ganim, 510 F.3d 134 (2nd Cir. 2007).
2. United States of America v. Joseph P. Ganim, 510 F.3d 134 (2nd Cir. 2007).
3. Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, No. 07-1162, Joseph P. Ganim, Petitioner v. United States, March 13, 2008, Case Nos.: (03-1448). Link: www .supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docketfiles/07-1162.htm.
4. Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, No. 10-726, Joseph P. Ganim, Petitioner v. United States, December 2, 2010, Case Nos.: (10-432). Link: www .supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docketfiles/10-726.htm.
I am sure Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will be pleased Mayor Finch’s birthday wishes are tied to using her as one of his political props for his reelection campaign.
This really demonstrates bad taste. The Hispanic community may consider this offensive as well. Instead of genuinely wishing her well and celebrating her appointment to the US Supreme Court as its first Hispanic justice, they instead try to use her to perpetuate Finch’s campaign.
Let me reiterate, this is demonstrative of Mayor Finch’s complete lack of respect for others.
Maria, I will get the chance to ask her, she’s a very close friend of my cousin Carol Robles (CEO of LEGAL MOMENTUM) former deputy Mayor of New York. I already explained to her about my dealings and their disregard for the truth.
I thought her Facebook response to you was on the money.
If I were Justice Sotomayor, I would be insulted by this action.
A day after she voted in the majority on a historic piece of legislation, Bill Finch finds it humorous to make politics out of a previous inconsequential ruling.
Bill, Brett and Maryli are as funny as some monkeys in a barrel.
Did the mayor’s office or his campaign mail a taxpayer-funded birthday card to Justice Sotomayor?
“Best Wishes on Your Birthday, and Throughout the Coming Year. Sincerely, [signature] Bill Finch”
Ask any lawyer. Judges are accustomed to having their opinions praised or criticized by public officials.
Paul (Local Eyes), please cite a comparable situation.
Pete Spain–yesterday’s Supreme Court case was a perfect example. Obama praised it while Republicans complained.
P.S. In some circles, Holy Cross College is considered the “Catholic Harvard.”
Paul, not comparable.
Re Holy Cross: right, it is widely respected; good friends and my dad went there. Hence the true feeling of embarrassment I have for it that it produced two of the most intellectually dishonest and small-minded lawyers in human history.
Poor analogy!
I did not know the judge was involved in the appeal. Very happy to know this, regardless of the delivery method.
What makes you happy, Jennifer? Did it change your life in some way?
Puppies, unicorns and movies with happy endings makes me happy, thanks for asking!
And the Judge being involved in the Ganim appeal, did you forget to add this to your simplistic post?
No matter how people are interpreting this, the fact remains Judge Sotomayor did uphold Ganim’s conviction. Enough said.
Should we consider this one decision the legacy of her career? Who cares?
What a crock of shit. The Finch cabal is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Desperate times, desperate measures.
city hall smoker // Jun 25, 2015 at 3:38 pm
To your post
In your four words, you have summed it all up.
My God, it’s like the people advising Finch on his campaign are working for Ganim and Foster. How embarrassing for the Finch supporters.
To your point, it has been said many voters in this city have relatives and friends who have spent time in jail. Including me. The notion that someone has gone to prison is not an issue for many people. Being convicted of possessing a joint in a school zone is a lot different than using your elected position to financially benefit yourself and ruin the reputation of a whole city. That point seems to be missed. And with the crisis right now with our state budget, I find it hard for any person to believe any mayor, in any urban city in CT can make anyone believe they will not raise taxes.
Jennifer Buchanan // Jun 25, 2015 at 9:45 pm
To your post, Jennifer,
I want to quote you directly:
“I find it hard for any person to believe any mayor, in any urban city in CT can make anyone believe they will not raise taxes.”
And then I want to talk with you again as Joe forms his first City budget.
If what John Marshall Lee, Andy Fardy, city hall smoker, Jeff Kohut, and all the remaining good government types I have met/worked with through the years in Bridgeport, you’re going to be surprised. Maybe you may grudgingly agree at some point, but I am convinced you’re going to be nicely surprised.
Only if his budget does not include state funds for non-mandatory funding–word in other towns’ elected officials–Bridgeport electing Ganim pretty much stops their votes in sending $$$ to Bridgeport projects. Hope you are right and everyone else is wrong.
Jennifer, it will not be an issue you need to concern yourself with.
The State is Broke!
Jennifer Buchanan // Jun 25, 2015 at 11:01 pm
To your post
Jennifer, you can be pretty sure one of the tricks the Finch administration has pulled consistently through the years is to fund vacant positions, and then pull that money for use in their gameplaying schemes. Significant savings for just one step. There are hundreds more.
Money will come from the State and from the Feds, not to worry.
Mandatory state and federal funding is a lot different from the wish list funding for pet projects the state usually bestows on Bridgeport. And the over 200 million in grant money the city receives, I have to wonder how those requests will be viewed.
Come on Finch, are you that stupid to be associated with this?
Yes, he is that stupid. Stupid and mean-spirited. Keep it coming Bill because your true colors are busting out all over Bridgeport and you are being seen as the complete fool you really are.
Is this a serious attempt to enhance your reputation for GREEN CLEAN by using an appeal to a “higher power?” It seems clumsy at best with more chances to backfire than explode. It is not as if the Justice is telling us about the case. So for all except the “Finchettes” (come out, come out wherever you are; Steve, Simon says, Stay!) the message is kind of “old news” about which people have a stand or at least a feeling already. Banging away at it in June seems really a sign of utter desperation at the moment. What are the surveys showing?
By the way, from what some employed voices are saying, the pressure is rising everywhere. So what happens when City employees upset at the music and beat of the Finch, Wood and Nunn All That Jazz Trio realize their jobs are not in jeopardy when they and families find a candidate who is not an incumbent? Will it look like “freedom at last?” Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee,
Are you on crack? Your entire post was gibberish and all I got was you attempt to make me out to be a dog that does what I am told. The term Finchette, is that new for you? I think when Finch is reelected there are going to be a lot of unhappy bloggers. It is and will continue to be Steelpointe. Get ready, the best is yet to come and Bass Pro is the least of it. There is excitement in the air and it certainly isn’t coming from any of the candidates.
Why this press release went out today is beyond me. I didn’t get a birthday card. 🙂
Finch is so down in the polls, it’s going to take everything he has just to come in third! People of Bridgeport can’t wait to Musto Finch and his high taxes!
When you are “Pitching” from the stretch position, you really know you’re in trouble. This is really quite a stretch.
In an effort to elevate the discourse of the incredibly relevant issues that face Bridgeport, the mayor, instead, runs to the gutter. We all know Ganim was in jail. Now explain why Bridgeport has twice the childhood poverty and hunger rate. Do you have a clever idea for that?
I have an idea: not re-electing Bill.
Do you?
Good post, Rick!
Oh my Ricky, I’m going to call you BUTTER, because you’re on a ROLL.
Sending you a high five for that one, Mr. Donald Day. Good one!
“While many know Justice Sotomayor as a strong role model and the first Latina justice, we in Bridgeport know her as the justice who kept Joe Ganim in prison,” said Maryli Secrest, the campaign manager for Mayor Bill Finch’s re-election campaign.
With the above statement Maryli Secrest qualifies for what I called her in a previous post, she is an unbridled bitch. How long is the Finch camp going to concentrate on this bullshit and stay away from the issues?
It’s time to have an adult in the Mayor’s office. Bridgeport is getting more embarrassing every day.
Guess Who is Coming to Dinner is on channel 76 tonight. Bill, are you going to watch it? Remember what you said when Obama came to town? Only you can insult members of the Hispanic and black communities like it’s second nature.
Bridgeport has childhood poverty and hunger rates proportionate to national demographics. Those numbers haven’t changed since 1991. Mayor Finch’s clever idea is six farmers markets that will pump SNAP money into the local economy. The Mayor’s business acumen has been underestimated.
How did three chickens in every back yard ever work out? How abound Old McDonald’s Farm?
He’s a Counterfeit Bill! Phony as a three-dollar Bill!!!
What are Bill’s three Biggest Lies?
1) $600 deal?
2) I will donate my state senate money to the Zoo!!
3) I will return campaign funds back to Sal DiNardo!!!
Paul (Local Eyes), you wrote:
“Bridgeport has childhood poverty and hunger rates proportionate to national demographics. Those numbers haven’t changed since 1991.”
What does this mean? Your source or sources?
Let me guess, “Machiavelli’s ghost?” BTW, I was at his tomb in Florence in April this year, and I heard him turn over in his grave when I mentioned your name. 🙂
Here are some things you might want to read:
www .nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/hunger/
www .fns.usda.gov/snap/short-history-snap
Also, while I’m all for SNAP, The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) at farmers’ markets, and applaud the pioneering work of M. Nischan of Wholesome Wave and others for “double bucks” initiatives (e.g.,
www .npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/11/10/361803607/how-double-bucks-for-food-stamps-conquered-capitol-hill)
no “mayor’s clever idea” (your words) are going to change in fiscal year (FY) 2009, 936 farmers’ markets redeemed $4,331,888 of the approximately $50 billion total SNAP redemptions (0.01 percent) for the Program. Historically, the percent of farmers’ market redemptions is very small. Source:
www .fns.usda.gov/multimedia/Kohl–Feasibility.pdf
Pete, don’t hurt Local Eyes by hitting him hard with “facts.”
Don’t be surprised if my squadron of “Piranha Drones” skydives on your location.
.01% is how things start. How they finish is what winners determine.
Today was a great day supporting the new Greenport Apts on Colemen St. I ran into so many familiar faces. Mayor Finch was there and gave a very supportive and respectful speech. Chris Rosario was there and of course Joe Ganim showed up with his entourage. The apartments are gorgeous and I wish them all good luck. I stopped down at Downtown Thursdays, a great crowd and spoke with David Daniels and stopped to chat with Charlie Coviello. Saw Scott Hughes and Ernie Newton at Tiagos (I was embarrassed to say hello to Ernie because I insulted him with a stupid joke last week–I apologize. Had a sandwich at Funchals before heading to the City Hall Annex to listen to the restructuring of Lafayette Blvd.
To be honest, I think that press release from Maryli Secrest was in extremely bad taste. Now there will be a time to drop the bomb on Ganim’s head 🙂 but this was honestly cruel and tasteless. I think Maryli should focus on all things positive for Finch and save the mudslinging for the finale. After awhile people will be numb to this. To be clear I am a Finch supporter but a press release like this is beneath the Mayor. But only a fool would vote out of sympathy.
On a high note, the concert downtown was excellent and very well attended. The Mayor would be proud!
Bill also had an entourage, didn’t he Steve?
Carolanne Curry, I didn’t see the Mayor with an entourage and it was not a city event, though the developers wanted the Mayor to say a few words. I did not mention “entourage” as a negative. It was a very well attended event and Ganim knows to be seen is a good thing. It certainly gives him credibility. The difference at these events is everyone wants to talk to the Mayor. Joe works the room or parking lot in this case and then is gone in a flash. His entourage is of course Chris Meyer and two nice gentlemen from his Facebook page wearing the polo shirts I admired last week on the blog.
David Kooris was there but he was talking to developers. Chris Rosario was there and talking to his constituents. An entourage stands almost intimately close to their leader, so yeah, Joe was there with his entourage and I spoke to all of them! 🙂
Steven Auerbach // Jun 25, 2015 at 10:25 pm
To your post
Steven, perhaps you’re not old enough … to receive a birthday card from the Finchette team.
And fortunate enough to get enough from close friends. I do believe a card for seniors is a very nice gesture.
Huge fan for Entourage. which of Gaiman’s Group is most like Turtle?
The movie sucked.
Laughing even louder! 🙂
It’s hard to see when your head’s up your ass.
Laugh out loud!
A day in the life of Mayor Finch.
Mrs. Finch: Honey, I was at the grocery store and I overheard someone say your campaign has a whore working for you.
MF: Honey, who told you that?!
Mrs. F: Some of the cashiers were talking about it.
MF: Honey, I can assure you this is not true!
Mrs. F: Bill, you know what happened to Tiger Woods, he had a nice family and those whores really screwed up his life and his backswing!
MF: Honey, sometimes political people will call someone a political whore and what they are saying is my campaign Manager is a political whore, meaning she will do and say anything just to make a point.
Mrs. F: So where did this whore come from?
MF: She’s Jim Himes’ whore.
Mrs. F: Thank goodness, for a moment I was afraid you going to say Middle St.
MF: Honey listen, she’s not that kind of whore, she doesn’t sell her body to the highest bidder, she only sells her mouth.
Mrs. F: Oh Bill! That’s disgusting!
MF: Honey, please! Listen to me! When someone calls someone a political whore they’re saying she will do anything for the campaign, this way I look good, and she can give Joe Ganim a hard time.
Mrs. F: I think it’s a terrible thing what Jim Himes has done to this city, bringing his whore in from Greenwich! Bad enough he never fixed the Congress St. bridge, and all his other promises that fell to the wayside! So what’s Jim Himes’ whore’s name?
MF: Secrest.
Mrs. F: Ryan Seacrest’s sister?! With all his money, his poor sister has to turn tricks on your flucking campaign, Bill?!!
MF: Honey, I have a headache, I’m going to bed.
Mrs. F: I can’t wait to meet up with Jim Himes, that pimp!!!
Jimfox // Jun 25, 2015 at 10:40 pm
To your post
Am I guessing right or wrong, but is the scenario Adam and Brent Bobsled write all her “releases” and she gets paid the big bucks for taking the shit that’s being flung back into her face and her candidate’s face?
Sadly, this is not the woman I have met and worked with through several campaigns.
Jimfox–I’ve gotten a chuckle over some of your previous postings of these “conversations” between Mr./Mrs. Finch, but I find this one rather distasteful.
Jimfox, that’s it. Whatever your doctor is prescribing for you, I want it too!
Speaking of LSD, I saw John Fogerty at the Mohegan Sun arena last night. Great show. Too bad the Arena at Harbor Yard couldn’t line up acts like this.
That’s right, they’re too busy with MMA.
Getting better …
What a pathetic political gesture.
I’m sure Justice Sotomayor will want to distance herself from this pseudomayor.
Mayor Finch, your panderwear is showing. They can see it all the way in Washington.
All the years I worked for the Bird Man Finch we were told to leave our office and become part of his entourage “or else” at many public events.
MAGOO // Jun 26, 2015 at 2:00 pm
To your post
100% right. Although Steve Auerbach won’t admit to Bill’s entourage, it’s a fact.
Carolanne, first, there is nothing wrong with having an entourage, second, the Mayor should always have his people with him and number three, whenever I have gone to a mayoral event, the folks with the Mayor whether they be McCarthy or Kooris, their presence was appropriate. I do not know any of the people on the Mayor’s entourage list, which is strange. In fact I think I know pretty much everyone in Ganim’s circle, and Foster’s. Oh well, do I really need to know these people?
Which brings us to MAGOO, you loathe Finch so much I cannot believe anyone from his team would want you anywhere near him. As to Carolanne Curry, you have worked for Mayor Finch as well as John Gomes. Can you tell me honestly if anyone ever requested or demanded you become part of his “entourage” at events? I wouldn’t think so. However, if the Mayor had requested you join him, I would assume it would be an honor in a parallel universe.
Steven Auerbach // Jun 27, 2015 at 10:27 pm
To your post
Let me understand this.
Entourage. Not good when Joe has an entourage, but good when Bill has one.
Not good when Joe has someone you don’t know in his entourage, but good for Bill because you know everyone.
Don’t be silly, Steve.