From Superintendent of Schools John Ramos:
Community Forum
Designing Schooling for the Times We Live In
Please join Superintendent Dr. John J. Ramos, Sr. and Dr. Rudy Crew as they share the changing reality of education, what the educational enterprise needs to look like going forward, and what our community must consider doing in order to empower our students to be globally prepared.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
5:45pm-7:30pmCity Hall Council Chambers
45 Lyon Terrace
How about Empowering Parents?
*** More student power B/S, no? *** HERE WE GO! ***
I hope they make it clear to the kids and their parents that their competition is learning calculus in high school while the schools are producing dropouts who can’t add, and who have to go to community college to learn what they should have learned in high school.
LowLevel, community college is not a college for remedial learning, many good students go from there to 4-year schools and shine you make it sound as if cc are for non-academic achievers it is a better choice for kids and young adults who cannot at first afford 4-year school, there’s a superior court judge from Bpt who went to Central High and then to Housatonic CC and then on to Temple Univ and then law school so don’t put down CC system.
Yeah, but how much has that Superior Court Judge given to his old community? Where is he?
Rudy Crew, this is the man who was mentor to Sonia our previous super of schools in New York City he then brought her to Miami and she got asked to leave there too and he is now helping our schools? That is bs.
bpt guy, LowLevel is right that many products of the Bpt public school system have to take a least a semester of remedial courses–maybe more–at HCC as a pre-requisite to the “real” courses. Courses like remedial math, remedial English, remedial writing, etc. These courses do not count towards the degree. They are in fact making up for what the student didn’t learn in high school.
I did not mean to put down CCs. They represent one of the strengths of our system, its flexibility.
Nevertheless a lot of other countries seem to be producing more knowledgeable graduates. They’re our competition.