This is a good time for Maria Pinheiro to watch the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black. Chief U.S. District Judge Janet Hall on Monday sentenced the Dolphin’s Cove Marina owner to two months of imprisonment followed by one year of supervised release for filing false tax returns. Dolphin’s Cove is a popular seafood restaurant off Seaview Avenue along Bridgeport Harbor close to Pleasure Beach and the Steel Point redevelopment area.
Pinheiro does not have to surrender for her short federal prison stint until after the completion of the busy summer restaurant season in October.
In March, Pinheiro pleaded guilty to one count of filing a false tax return. As part of her plea agreement, she agreed to pay back taxes, interest and penalties in the total amount of $243,956.98, which she paid in full today, according to a news release issued by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The government accused her of under reporting her taxes by $92,251.
Pinheiro, 58, of Trumbull, will be required to perform 100 hours of community service.
From 2007 through 2009, Pinheiro was the sole shareholder and bookkeeper for Dolphin’s Cove, and she handled all of the restaurant’s finances. Instead of depositing all of the cash receipts into the business checking account, Pinheiro deposited $352,437 in cash business into her personal bank account.
Some of deposits were structured in amounts of less than $10,001 in order to evade her bank’s currency transaction reporting requirements.
Well thank G-d for those of us who love Dolphin’s Cove and Portuguese seafood. Good Luck to Maria.
And what did Ernie Newton do and for how much because I forgot?
Ernie is black and does not own a restaurant.
Another dumb-ass comment from Steve A. A quarter of a million dollars. Thank God she only got two months. This is the type of development Steve appreciates.
I patronize her establishment. Never seen any of you there. Surprise Surprise Surprise. Not sure what she has to do with Ernie. Not sure what Bob Walsh’s comment has to do with development, though now that I think about it she will be a lot richer when Steelpointe opens. She creates jobs. She is paying all her taxes. People depend on her business for a livelihood and excellent Portuguese cuisine as buying lobsters and clams. She was not an elected official betraying the public trust and I have no idea where race plays a role in this but I do know Ganim’s photo is hanging in the restaurant. I am not sure what her prison sentence should have been and I cannot equate it to Ernie’s. But it is interesting my light post of well wishes and happy one of my favorite restaurants would remain open should elicit such hateful responses. I have been to her restaurant more than 200 times in the last 26 years. She has weathered many storms in that neighborhood in a neighborhood that does not patronize her business mind you. But the location and time and reputation have brought patrons from near and far. I wonder if Ernie has ever been there? Bob Walsh? Ron Mackey? Andy? Oh yeah, remember she was not an elected official. Is Ernie the barometer by which all crimes are measured?
Here is a question. With this sentence, would Theresa Pinhiero be able to get a job at McDonalds or Home Depot? Or just run for Mayor?
BTW, Maria is the pregnant dishwasher feeding a family of four.
Theresa Pinhiero I will be there next week for your amazing seafood sauteed in banana liquor. If it is raining we will sit in the beautiful private dining room. If sunny we will sit outside and enjoy Bridgeport on the sound!
Steve, she was not paying her fair share of taxes until she got caught and men with guns came to her door. She pretty much tried to give herself a 60-year tax abatement.
It is a great little spot, I have been there a few times.
Yes, she got caught. She paid back her theft. Yes, she is a thief and I fear if she didn’t have a restaurant the only career option would he Mayor. Let me be clear, she is guilty guilty guilty. So he got caught and paid the price. She is no personal friend of mine. Just an acquaintance of 26 years and it would be a shame if it had to close down. Would I visit her in jail? No. If another Portuguese Seafood restaurant opened would I know the difference? Probably not. Just so we are clear. I wish her success. Will she do it again? Probably. Will the food still be amazing? Most definitely!
First of all, you are a sanctimonious ass. How did I get involved in this? By asking questions? Steve, I have eaten here from the day they opened until now maybe 20 times.
Andy Fardy, I agree with you, all I did was ask one question and I can’t seem to get an answer.
Ron Mackey, that question wasn’t for me, was it, because I forgot also. It was a ridiculously low amount.
Steve, I never asked you a question, I wanted to know the amount of money that was involved with Ernie Newton and nothing else.
Bob, do you even read your posts? Dolphin’s Cove btw is one of the best things that has happened to the neighborhood in 26 years. Her financial heartache is none of my business other than she is paying it back and 100 hours of community service and she keeps her employees and patrons happy. Bob Walsh, crawl back under your rock.
So how do you sync this up with Joe Ganim. Maybe she took half of the taxpayers’ money Joe did. Maybe one third but by not paying her taxes she stole from the other hard-working taxpayers who pay their fair share.
She gets two months and Joe gets nine years. She is back in business, never skips a beat. Doesn’t have her liquor license suspended, doesn’t have to close her business at all.
You believe it is great for her and yet you also believe Joe should never serve as mayor again. Quite hypocritical of you if you ask me.
Actually Bob, let me be clear. I will support Joe Ganim if he becomes Mayor. If you are anywhere near him I will absolutely makes his four years a living hell. So that answers the Joe Ganim problem. I however, do not believe he will beat Finch. MJF on the other hand every day she sinks deeper and deeper in quicksand almost as though you Bob Walsh are standing on her shoulders. Every time you open your mouth. Personally, I do not believe a convicted felon should run. But since he can I say let the cards fall where they may. Hey, who am I to judge? We have two experienced Mayors running.
Very hypocritical of Stevie if you ask me!
A false belief his opinion or point of view is more valid, another one with a false sense of importance.
After September 16th he’ll be kissing Joe Ganim’s ass!
Jim Fox, I am only important because you make me so. Kissing Ganim’s ass after September 16th. First, what did you imagine was going to happen on that day? 🙂
So how do you sync this up with Joe Ganim? Maybe she took half of the taxpayers’ money Joe did. Maybe one third but by not paying her taxes she stole from the other hard-working taxpayers who pay their fair share.
She gets two months and Joe gets none years. She is back in business, never skips a beat. Doesn’t have her liquor license suspended, doesn’t have to close her business at all.
You believe it is great for her and yet you also believe Joe should never serve as mayor again. Quite hypocritical of you if you ask me.
Oh I get it, Steve. She only rips off the federal government when it comes to taxes, is that it?
She would dare under report state or local taxes.
Oh but wait a moment. Local personal property tax is pretty much the honor system. So then the question is how much did she rip off she didn’t get caught doing? She under reported $353K in cash business and is willing to pay $244K in taxes, interest and penalties. That does add up to good business practices in my head. I would have to guess there was a lot more going in to the cash draw to make sense out of this equation.
But as long as she serves a good calamari that’s all that matters.
Well, Mario serves good calamari at Testo’s, I would not want him to go to jail.
Bob, I am happy her restaurant will remain open. If the food sucked, that alone would give her 10 years. Please let this conversation end. You have more important things to fry. She is really not one of them.
Andy, I’ll see you there next week. Btw Andy, were you aware that was myself and Maria Pereira who stopped at your house Saturday and complimented your yard? I wasn’t sure you recognized me since the accident.
I was aware it was you.
Has DiNardo paid his taxes yet?
QD, if you’re not going to pay your property taxes, it’s a good idea not to pay them for a long, long time.
At least that’s been the case for controversial developer Sal DiNardo.
Mayor Bill Finch, who constantly complains about brownfields in the city and has known the DiNardo family all his life, rarely mentions the developer’s multimillion-dollar tax bill on the large, crumbling Remington factory on Barnum Avenue.
In fact, at a North End community meeting Sept. 12, Finch, when asked what the city is doing about developers who owe back taxes, responded, “Developers who don’t pay their taxes? I don’t know any.”
www .ctpost.com/local/article/DiNardo-gets-big-tax-break-4851634.php
Ernie did five years for $5,000, she will do two months for avoiding paying $244,000, that’s what this has to do with Ernie, it’s not fair.
concerned citizen, I totally agree. I am sure there are thousands of individuals who did not get a sentence equivalent to Ernie’s. It is very disturbing and cruel. But Theresa Pinhiero’s sentence had nothing to do with Ernie, other than shining a light on this travesty.
Jimfox, can we boot DiNardo’s car to collect the 10 million? 🙂
I wish we could, but all of Sal’s cars have dealer plates on them, again to avoid any taxes or very little.
Stop bickering. She only got two months.