Nothing like political star power to pad the campaign warchest. With “music and flavors of the East” Mayor Bill Finch enjoyed that Monday night at the Easton home of Bangalore Mahesh, owner of several Dunkin’ Donuts coffee franchises in Bridgeport, where Governor Dan Malloy and Connecticut’s two U.S. Senators Dick Blumenthal and Chris Murphy bolstered Finch’s efforts for a third four-year term.
What’s the bottom line? With this fundraiser, at a tiered contribution from $500 to $1,000, Finch has inched close to the $400K fundraising mark overall with opponents having raised pennies. That’s a mighty good position at the close of March and a campaign finance report to file in a week.
Finch is expected to have election company soon from former Mayor Joe Ganim and 2011 primary opponent Mary-Jane Foster. School board member Howard Gardner’s in the race having raised no money. Three-time mayoral candidate Charlie Coviello has pennies in comparison as well.
Both Ganim and Foster have the ability to raise money. On the cusp of April they will not raise as much as Finch, the larger question is will they raise and spend enough to compete. What’s enough to compete? Probably around $200K. That means, in anticipation of a mid-September Democratic primary, an average of raising $35,000 per month. Not an easy task.
In 2011, Malloy did not endorse Finch with Foster as his primary challenger, perhaps in deference to the governor’s friendship with Foster. But Foster has not yet entered the race formally giving Malloy an opening to step up for Finch. Foster in 2011 had formed an exploratory committee in January and hit the $100K fundraising mark in mid-June.
Ganim was a relentless fundraiser as mayor, but now he’s on the outside looking in. Will the money be there?
The Finch political operation is not taking anything for granted as the mayor heads toward $500K raised.
Finch is a whore and the people who stand with him need to rethink just where their moral line is and if they’ve crossed it yet. Not for me to say but I would suggest they consider pigs get fed and hogs get slaughtered. Finch and his people are nothing but hogs.
I guess Bill is Runnin’ on Dunkin’!
Time to make the Doughnuts!!
Heard they were featuring munchkins as the whores-duh-orvis! Something fishy going on with this bundle-galore for Finch!
I wonder if the Z.B.A. can spell FBI??
Something fishy? Then they would have been serving Night-Crullers! Something really Phishy would have featured mushrooms!
Can anyone connect the dots?
I’m sure the BOAA can!
Lennie? Was the drive-thru open for this event???
Malloy lost 1600 votes in Bridgeport in 2014 when compared to 2010 although he easily spent twice as much in 2014. I love the idea of Malloy endorsing Finch. It will do nothing to help him. I actually think it hurts him.
Today’s photo looks like the winner’s circle of politics and enterprise in Connecticut. Readers should not be surprised to find the Mayor in the middle of that mix. You know you’re on the right track when you draw that kind of attention and you haven’t even announced yet!
Bonus: www .antinozzi.com/overview/principals/ <– local firm with impressive client list.
This photo is a study in telling body language. Murphy with arms folded looking at Blumenthal’s clasped/clenched hands. Blumenthal side-glancing Malloy, with clenched hands and Malloy hiding his hands behind his back (in poker, that’s called a “tell”) head bowed, long face, looking like he is ready to start kicking a can down the street.
Finch is looking like he is delivering a speech into outer space. And nobody’s listening. Who loves ya, Finch? FINCH.
Looks like everyone but Finch just discovered one big poop in the room.
To me, they always look like this in all photos, including the Wicca description of their body language, no matter whom they are with. That being said, the statewide Dems obviously believe in Finch, and it would appear they support and like what they $ee. He needed 1900 AB’s his first election, wonder how many he has posted on his wall for the next election cycle.
I wonder if the Finch campaign must report the funds for the ministry of public enlightenment as an in-kind contribution. How about Finch’s ‘Bridgeport is getting better every day’ campaign? Must the funds for that be reported by the campaign?
Appears the fundraiser host in Easton did not get the message Bridgeport is the place to live and raise a Family.
Wicca, you said it.
The Gov appears to be napping. Blumy, in a ‘Shall We Get the Heck out of Here?’ pose, is looking for the exit. And Murphy looks to be grinding his teeth and thinking, “Who booked me to be at this thing?”
Does anybody know why when Government access shows the video of our council meetings there is no sound?????????
Just to annoy Stevie A is what they say.
Bob, that’s exactly what I thought. Fix the problem or do not waste air time!
I’m guessing Ganim is a greater threat to the Finch oligarchy. Foster will be entering the race. Can she raise a good-sized campaign warchest? I would think so. With her connections and contacts in the business world, sure. Ganim is trying to secure as many DTC votes as possible. If it comes down to it, a primary race between Finch and Ganim is likely. Ms. Foster will run as an independent in the general election. Ganim would draw more votes from Finch.
Wicca, you’re right on with the body language, I never would have caught that. No warm and fuzzy body language, that’s for sure!
Maybe they just ate a bad batch of bagels or some bad cream cheese.
Would that be considered a schmear campaign?
Just about now the Finch cartel will need to do a poll, if they haven’t already, if it’s a dead heat between Ganim and Finch with Foster coming in a close second or third. Then it’s imperative you keep an eye on your mail box, Finch most likely will start sending out those $600 tax rebate checks, postdated of course.
Bridgeport is getting Bitter every day.
I realize the picture is of five political figures and not just three primates, but after reflecting on the body language comments above, is this a 2015 restaging of a multidimensional Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil (or at least not much in front of other political figures)? It is not a scene of ACTIVE LISTENING to the Mayor, and the position of the hands says a lot. Perhaps the host has a ‘mantra’ to use in moments like this? Time will tell.