From State Senate candidate Marilyn Moore:
Community leaders, activists, educators and government reformers have stepped up to support Marilyn Moore for State Senate, declaring constituents in Bridgeport, Trumbull and Monroe deserve an elected representative in touch with their concerns addressing regional cooperation, creating jobs, wage fairness, economic opportunity and protecting public schools and children.
“I am supporting Marilyn for State Senate because we need her intelligent problem solving, her advocacy on behalf of struggling families and her ability to bring people together for common good,” says Mary-Jane Foster, executive vice president at the University of Bridgeport. “She will be a true bridge builder on behalf of constituents in Trumbull, Monroe and Bridgeport. She will do us all proud.”
“Marilyn Moore is an amazing individual and truly a woman of substance,” says former Bridgeport City Councilman Bob Walsh. “When I look at her work with the Witness Project helping to find medical treatment for women inflicted with cancer, her efforts in addressing hunger and malnutrition in the city and the state, her projects at her church and with the city’s youth; I am in awe of her effort. I am proud to call Marilyn a friend and would be even prouder to call her my state senator.”
Trumbull resident Dan Shamas, a retired educator, announced, “I am supporting Marilyn because she’s a refreshing departure from politics as usual. I spent my professional career as an educator. I know she will stand up for teachers and our public schools. I am urging all my friends in Trumbull, Monroe and Bridgeport to vote for Marilyn.”
Community leader Stephen M. Nelson stated, “The 135th District residents are excited and encouraged about the upcoming senatorial primary. Our recent victories electing members to the city council and town committee are evidence we are making change happen. Now we are mobilizing to elect Marilyn Moore for state senate. She is the change our district needs and will represent our residents in Hartford.”
“When I served in the State Senate, Marilyn was right there with me providing a voice for the voiceless,” says Ed Gomes. “She is a fierce advocate for health care, wage fairness and strong public schools. When greedy politicians in Bridgeport tried to take away your right to vote for an elected board of education, Marilyn led the fight to stop them.”
Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee Vice Chair, Elaine Pivirotto announced, “Marilyn Moore has worked tirelessly as an advocate for economic equality and opportunity, quality education, healthcare, struggling families, diversity, and so many more issues and challenges that are front and center in the minds of Connecticut residents today. Marilyn’s background represents the people in the 22nd district in a way that is keenly relevant to the reality of living in Connecticut today. Bridgeport, Trumbull and Monroe deserve an in touch Senator who can hit the ground running on behalf of the real needs of her constituents. That person is Marilyn Moore.”
“We need more reform-minded watchdogs and fewer lapdogs in the state legislature,” says State Rep. Jack Hennessy, who co-authored a government reform bill with State Rep. Auden Grogins to enforce the Bridgeport City Charter prohibiting conflicts of interest on the City Council. “I’m supporting Marilyn Moore because I will have a partner in protecting taxpayer money from the conflicts of interests protecting political sacred cows. The state of Connecticut will only benefit from having municipalities that have sound governance policies in place. And that includes supporting municipal home rule approved by voters.”
Black Rock neighborhood residents Pete and Kate Spain announced, “We know firsthand Marilyn Moore’s ability and resolve to build coalitions for the common good from traditionally divided factions. Marilyn promises to support Representative Grogins’ and Hennessy’s legislation to prohibit Bridgeport city employees from serving on the City Council and voting on budgets submitted by their boss, the mayor. Incumbent Musto blocked this sensible legislation from getting to a vote in the senate. That bill was merely trying to close a state loophole that circumvents the Bridgeport city charter–approved by a majority of voters already. The charter bars city employees from serving on the Council. We cannot afford such undemocratic and substandard governance practices in the 22nd district. Trumbull and Monroe don’t allow their municipal employees to vote on their own department budgets; why should Bridgeport? Let’s right this wrong with real leadership. Time for a real change. Time for Moore.”
“Marilyn Moore, throughout her career, has always worked for and supported what is in the best interests of the region while Musto has shown himself to be more interested in protecting his own career by not offending the political bosses,” say community activists Don and Maxine Greenberg. “We are proud to support Marilyn for State Senate.”
“I was never involved with politics but realized that if we are to change Bridgeport we have to change leadership,” says City Councilman Bob Halstead. “Marilyn is the change we want.”
About Marilyn Moore
Marilyn is the founder and CEO of The Witness Project of Connecticut, a breast cancer education support group for low income and African American women. She is nationally known for her advocacy on behalf of breast cancer and is active participant in the war against hunger. She serves as board chair for End Hunger CT! Marilyn recently organized coalitions to address food equity and as a result the City of Bridgeport formed a Food Policy Council. She served two years as the Legislative Aide to former State Senator Edwin A. Gomes (D) 23rd Senatorial District.
Very impressive and deserved endorsements. Very best of luck on August 12.
These were very thoughtful endorsements. Maybe just a tad hyperbolic in nature. I did see a Marilyn Moore sign on Lake Forest. I am still waiting for my Musto sign.
Good Luck to the Moore camp.
In the late ’70s Andrea True, a former porn star had one of my favorite disco songs, the Andrea True Connection.
“More, More, More,” how do you like it!
Play it! Could be your theme song!
Anthony Musto, Where’s my sign??? No theme song for you!
Sidebar: anyone watching Ray Donovan? Awesome show, totally missed last season.