From Jordan Grice, CT Post:
Fairfield County’s newest concert venue at the former Bridgeport Bluefish stadium is on track to open in the spring of 2019. Updated story here.
The design plans for the state-of-the-art outdoor concert amphitheater were unveiled Wednesday morning by Howard Saffan, principal of Harbor Yard Amphitheater, Jim Koplik, president of Live Nation Connecticut and Upstate New York, and Bridgeport city officials.
The facility, open spring through the fall, is expected to draw 250,000 people a year.
… The project’s groundbreaking will happen within the next two months, Mayor Joe Ganim said.
Full story here.
Amazing!!! Gonna really happen…..Comedy Club about to open . German hall seems to be doing well. The Brewery is nice. The theaterwill finally come within 3 years. New higher end apartments bring good income downtown. A few more options to dine and eat im sure will follow…Things are looking good..CAN DOWNTOWN Bridgeport actually BECOME A SERIOUS DESTINATION???????
Yes it can! I am banking on it! The press conference was amazing! This will be an award winning venue. 30-60 days to start. That should piss off most of the people on this blog :-). That alone gives me great joy!
well truth is it should……..this is going to happen and the miracle of it all , not taking 20 yrs
This is what is going to make people happy.You say you going to do it ,get it done…Now the rest
Coach, one caveat: the city is still working through issues with operators of the city-owned arena that maintain the amphitheater represents unwanted competition. Ganim needs to resolve that, otherwise it will be bogged down in lawyers for a long time.
Lennie, what you say may be true and give hope to the naysayers. Don’t hold your breath. The 2 venues will be more successful and the Arena knows that. The Arena will not be competing for business with the 5500 seat Amphitheater. The synergy will be positive and the construction will be seen from I95 like Steelepointe and Cherry Street development. It will make the Poli and Majestic project become more realistic in the minds of many. No matter how you spin it, today was a great day for Mayor Ganim and everyone that believes in the city.
I agree about the synergy. Hope you’re right and construction is not delayed.
The new amphitheater will be a fine addition but
Blog is a noun and a verb. This is the verb part:
Steve A. has a restricted appetite. Give him something that is wondrous. That tasted good. Give him something that has spin and pizzazz!! He will exult over it for paragraphs (especially since he joined the DTC–a “mood enhancer”?) There is nothing wrong with that, Steve. Stay with exultation if it floats you boat. But don’t call everybody else a “naysayer”>
Naysayer rhymes with taxpayer, and the way Ganim2 tells stories, it is not about taxes, ever except that he will keep them down. More to the point with every one of these projects, there is a value to land, to buildings projected, to furnishings, etc. These are all taxable, and therefore quantifiable, but Ganim does not talk about the revenues to be produced, the potential gains in the Grand List, and the real problem if one or more of these is delayed, deferred or canceled. Break it to us for real Joe. That’s what the suburbs are used to from their mayors, city managers and selectmen. They have finance boards with knowledgeable folks. What happens then to your silence about priorities and the way you have treated certain elements in your City with genuine benefits and taxpayers as if they are low hanging fruit, ready to be picked at all times. Not a formula to be repeated. What is your State plan? Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, G-d Bless you on this holy weekend. Thank you for always addressing me. I am no more enthusiastic about this city today as I was 35 years ago working in Stamford and writing letters to the editor regularly.
You are a Naysayer and have this uncanny ability to suck the life out of the room. There is a black cloud hanging over you and I hope one day you may have joy in the little base hits instead of your miserable diatribes that are a real “boner killer”. :-). You are of course entitled to your opinion, but not at my expense.
I knew you were gonna wet your nappies over this one, Steven: “Oh my God, progress! Development! New food options! Hallelujah!”
Hey Bridgeport Kid, I am happier to report I lost 26 pounds and still love patronizing Bridgeport restaurants. Just thought I share.
Eating only gluten free finger sandwiches?
staying away from Kool -Aid
Having read this I would call John a realist and you an optimist. Whenever I think of a Ganim project I think of all the progress, or lack of, made on Steel Point during JG1. In Bridgeport talk is cheap; like free advice you get what you pay for and its worth the price. Until Ganim puts his ceremonial shovel in the ground its anybody’s guess what will happen.
So you are a tax payer big deal. JML points out with facts the fudging that is going on with the budget, he points out how the city is hiding monies by putting fake positions in the budget and you call it a diatribe. Of course you wont say anything because you have your head so far up Ganims ass that a proctologist will need to be called to remove it.
You know what is a diatribe ITS YOU and your bullshit walking around like Cinderella saying everything is wonderful. You have spent so much time kissing so many asses that you cant see the forest for the trees. Steve you are one of the biggest phonies I have ever met.
If I am one of the biggest phonies you have ever met…. OMG.. You can’t get any more honest and sincere than I . ON THAT NOTE Don’t get your panties in a twist. You need not respond to anything I write. If there is anyone more of a bore than John Marshall Lee it would be yourself. Seriously, You suck the life out of the room.
You dont have to worry I would not be in a room or a building you were in
No they all left because you farted.
Kid that was your breath
*** Can’t get enough year round entertainment acts or musical artists downtown, etc.. for the Klien Memorial, Harbor Yards Arena, Bijou-Theater, Old Polka-Dot Playhouse Theather, Caberett-Theater, etc… What in the past, present & possible future of Bpt’s history & economic$ is going to change the year-round support of the excisting venues that are just surviving now & also take-on the new Palace & Majestic projects along with the new Amphittheater in the downtown area, etc…??? *** Show Bpt. taxpayers the money,parking,jobs, extra traffic control,better roads & access to & from Bpt. ***
Right on point Mojo
Mojo. The other venues have been caught up in years of bad perception and residents fleeing the city. For years locals went to the Klein for 3 kings day celebrations while others went for the Symphony and Opera. Bridgeport has no problem selling out a venue when a big act comes to town. The problem has been Bridgeport was always an after thought. Cher, Bon Jovi, Beyoncé, Mike Buble, Lady Gaga, Tony Bennet and Barbara Streisand would have no problem packing a theater. The Amphitheater will be run by a first rate promoter. If the City ever is fortunate enough to have a casino, it becomes another plus for entertainment. The Cabaret is always packed and Out of towners are discovering it daily. The problem is, Bridgeporter’s do not support their own city. This will help stimulate the other venues. The Klein is always packed when the Symphony is there. The Shubert in New Haven as well as the Palace in Stamford do very well as does the Palace in Waterbury. Why not Bridgeport. That should be our slogan for everything! WHY NOT B$RIDGEPORT! Downtown and Steelepointe will be a success because outsiders will move here and take advantage of all of our assets. Just my opinion of course.
*** Or is this another political atta-boy for those Pols pushing it; where the ones that really make money are the building de-signers, contractors, city tax accessor’s office, lawyers, and anyone @ the top thats a silent partner in one way or another? *** “Long Term or Short Term Bonds”, depend on the “Sink or Swim” economic mentality of the City & State on a long term basis! ***
Lennie this city needs this bad. It needs for the politics to go away. It needs the arena to become high end now. Only top performers now. The AMP gets the up and comers. Mid range. But the arena can now focus on straisand elton Joel. Or even better now Beyoncé. Jay z. Etc
Coach T
who ever you are, thank you for being a supporter of an obviously positive step for our city. This is beyond politics. This is a real positive for Bridgeport and outsiders will take notice.
It’s a tie.
For their upbeat posts celebrating Bridgeport’s arrival as a top entertainment spot, Coach T and Steven Auerbach are nominated as OIB Bloggers of the day.
time to change the aluminum
ACF, NO tariff for domestic use.
*** Wish in one hand & shit in the other, see which one comes to reality first? *** Love these downtown Bpt. dreamers, no??? ***