Seeking Judicial Appointment, Dannehy Explains Why She Quit DOJ, Trump’s Crony Meddled In Russia Investigation

From Mark Pazniokas, CT Mirror:

Nora R. Dannehy, a nominee for the Connecticut Supreme Court, broke her long silence Wednesday on why she quit the Trump-Russia investigation and resigned from the Department of Justice, calling it a matter of conscience.

Testifying at her confirmation hearing, Dannehy confirmed what media outlets have reported: She saw Attorney General William P. Barr as improperly pressuring the investigation for an interim public report ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Dannehy told the Judiciary Committee of the General Assembly that not only did Barr’s request violate Department of Justice policies against commenting on ongoing investigations or influencing elections, but she “strongly disagreed” with conclusions in a draft interim report.

“My conscience did not allow me to remain,” Dannehy said.

Full story here



  1. Awww…..”broke her long silence” ……”strongly disagreed”…with her boss!!!….nominee for the Ct Supreme Court!! Thank goodness she finally come forward! Russia, Russia, Russia 😂
    I suppose she really wants that position! 😜


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