City Council Launches New Video Platform To Communicate With Constituents

New release from Mayor’s Office

Today the City Council of Bridgeport, Connecticut is introducing a new method to connect with residents, create transparency, and improve access.

With Rep’d, a video Q&A platform, residents can ask questions of Bridgeport officials and receive short, personalized video answers. Residents are immediately notified when their question has been answered via an email sent to their inbox. Rep’d gives every resident in the community a microphone and an easy way to engage Bridgeport officials.

“We care a lot about what our residents have to say regarding their community and wanting to stay in the loop of all updates happening in our City,” stated Mayor Ganim. “With this tool, I think Rep’d will help to perfectly bridge the gap between any communication barriers our residents might feel, especially for those that may not have access to information regarding their specific neighborhood.”

“We’ve heard from constituents that they would like to know more about what is happening in their city and neighborhoods, and we feel this platform will make it easier for council reps to reach their community,” said Council President Aidee Nieves.

“We’re always looking for ways to connect personally with the Bridgeport community while keeping residents informed,” said Councilmember Scott Burns. “We’ll be using this tool to make sure everyone in the Bridgeport community is heard, informed, and has a personal connection to the city’s leadership.”

Rep’d is designed to keep residents and businesses informed about key developments and situations around the city, but not as a political platform.  Council reps look forward to engaging productively with the community in this new program.

Residents are invited to join the discussion at




  1. Open, Accountable, Transparent, and Honest have been the values of governance I have pursued over the years. Elected leaders have heard them again and again as spoken. They have seen them on paper. So a thank you to Lennie Grimaldi for providing information about this new service from the City to consituents.

    I know that new technology is bein used in this case. But I have had disappointments on City technology in the past. So, when I click on, I expect to connect. What I must do is to enter a PASSWORD. Imagine my surprise when I learn that an easy eight letter password with capitals, letters and numbers, used in multiple cases in the past, does not work, when I repeat the effort three times.

    Perhaps as I am early to the scene and site, someone may provide an explanation? Time will tell.

  2. When I clicked on the address once again, it brought me to a serious image of Scott Burns, and a listing from December 4, forward, WITHOUT ME PUTTING IN ANY PASSWORD!!! Imagine.
    Who is able to access the questions to and answers from City leadership? What party is responsible for oversight in this endeavor? Council persons when asked? Or City Departments when a question is raised? Several years ago, City budgeted finances were offered to the public through internet access. What has been the utilization of the system? What is the annual expense to the taxpayer for that system? Does the current offering through have an expense to the City? Time will tell.

    1. John, if you have any specific questions about governmental platforms’ regarding accessibility Ask Rep’d. 🤣

      Perhaps a live feed of the city council meeting with the public speaking as well. Everybody should have the privilege to see John’s red boots. 🙂


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