Monday night’s City Council meeting had all the ingredients for a virtual rats nest of madness. In the end, other than a few bumps, it was rather sanguine considering the noisy narrative playing out days prior. Mayor Joe Ganim chaired the Zoom/teleconference meeting with patience, allowing council members to have their say on projects pro and con, among the virtual sound din.
The legislative body approved $4.5 million for the Harbor Yard Amphitheater because of what developer Howard Saffan cites as unforeseen structural problems at the former city-owned ballpark that is being refitted into a 7,000-seat concert facility, now scheduled for a spring 2021 opening.
Several council members had pushed back on the extra money for the amphitheater among them Maria Pereira, Eneida Martinez, Scott Burns and Matt McCarthy, all of whom were among the seven voting against.
City Council President Aidee Nieves argued Monday night the $4.5 million is a reallocation of $20 million in bonding money that the council had already approved for Downtown developments, not newly authorized money.
On the morning after, East End Councilman Ernie Newton reflected on the vote.
“This is money that the city would have spent anyway. For people trying to frame it as new money is wrong. The city owns that building and whether we like it or not we have a responsibility. The man is putting his own money into the project.”
Newton said he supports the project for its jobs creation.
“Some council members tried to dig up fabricated dirt. You have a right to vote yes or no, but you don’t have a right to character assassinate a man’s integrity. I didn’t like that.”
Newton referenced Pereira who advanced a weekend email push to persuade her colleagues to vote against the measure describing Saffan, a sports entrepreneur and former president of the Webster Bank Arena, as “an absolute charlatan & snake-oil salesman.”
For Pereira it was a night of voting against every tax-incentive/financial agreement on the agenda including projects for Black Rock, Downtown and the East End parcel Civic Block slated for a supermarket, retail-housing mix in the food desert neighborhood.
Some of the projects she declared support for but balked at the rich financial incentives for developers.
Newton echoed a statement he made Monday night “Don’t let the council turn into another Board of Education because we govern by our own rules and not rules of the Board of Ed,” a swipe at the Pereira-era school board that featured fractious splits and continues today with the personality mix.
For the East End project Pereira questioned the commitment to housing by developer Anthony Stewart.
Newton: “This developer is trying to change the culture of our community … Don’t give the impression that housing will not be built … People who don’t live there don’t know what’s going on.”
The council also approved the “Protection for Bridgeport Families and Immigrants” Ordinance introduced by councilor Marcus Brown and vociferously backed by the immigration support group Make The Road Connecticut.
The ordinance codifies Connecticut’s Trust Act that limits communication between the Federal Immigration & Customs Enforcement agents and local police. It also requires the city to train municipal employees on the provisions of the Trust Act and take steps to ensure non-discrimination and inclusion in city services.
Ernie, seeing that this is not new money then would you please list the names of the women contractors, the names of the black contractors and the names of the Hispanic contractors and how much is their portion of the that contract for $4.5 million dollars?
According to Kelvin, the city got 30 million in matching bonding. So the cost to the city on the extra 4.5 apparently is no extra cost to the city’s bonding obligation, in a sense. While the vote was almost split and always seemed it was going to pass. Was there a missed opportunity to gain some revenue from the joint project or just a good cop bad cop vote for a show?
Even at a dollar per ticket could have generated a few hundred thousand dollars to the city coffers. No one seemed to be interested in trying to extract more revenue for the city, and since everybody knows it was going to pass why didn’t any of the no vote force the hand of the other council member to not want to increase the revenue to offset the extra money. Specifically, Maria, because all her lone no vote is worthless. You would have thought she would force an increased vote on her colleagues. JS 🙂
Hey Rob, you are misunderstand my comments about $30 Million in matching funds 5 years ago 100% non related to this vote.
Can ANYONE explain why there was an emergency meeting at 5PM yesterday by the Budget and Appropriations committee allocating an additional $4.5 Million dollars for the Amphitheater against the FY2021 Capital budget PRIOR to yesterday’s City Council Meeting at 7pm???????
The Answer:
I get your point, but bonding is all new money,with some 30 million of state and fed, money too. Shuffling it around seems to be the game. My point was simple. For the extra money given into this private/public for profit making venture the city could have gotten just one $1 per ticket increase that would have generated hundreds of thousands to the city’s coffer. The 7 no vote council members could have force that vote to attach the money to a ticket increase Or at least tried to fight for it. They know it was going to pass.They could have tried to make the city whole instead of cutting the baby in half with a no vote. That seems to be most peoples position, for what ever rational. If the shoe was on the other foot and it was a developer who was on your side you would be singing a different tune. The amphitheater is an asset to the city. But make no mistake the city could have made a lot more money on this deal. JS
P.S. What’s the rational to hold a emergency bond meeting to approve the 4.5 million at 5 pm when it was on the city agenda to bond the 4.5 alone the other bonding items that was going to pass anyway at 7 pm? The bonding for the extra has been on out there and this debate has been going one for weeks. If they didn’t have that emergency meeting and Marcus didn’t make that statement would it have it stopped the vote and the approval of the 4.5 million? Like I said, “Port you poor baby. 🙂 JS
Here’s a better question. Why didn’t Maria try to leverage more money 💰 for BBOE, which is supposedly near and dear to her heart, when she had the opportunity?
In her defense education funding not really part of scope of this amendment for HYA.
this isn’t the kind of economic development project that garners a community benefits agreement or creates other subsidies.
I do not consider this an economic development project, its repurposing a city owned asset. We have tenant landlord arrangement, The tenant simply came to us and said he needed $4.5M to help with tenant improvements. We just agreed to give it it to him with any record or proof that the original contract was adhered to.
I suggest to table this decision and negotiate better concessions and even propose “LENDING” the $4.5M at a very low interest rate where it becomes part of the funding stack of the project. We did with cherry street lofts and offered a gap loan before. But to give the money the way we did annoys me.
So did I, and Maria’s response was under no circumstance will she take it up or vote yes, in a sense, Then she blocked me from her Facebook page, 🙂 I like said, Port you poor baby. 🙂
Please read my comments under the previous City Approves $4.5M for amphitheater project.
This was all for show. They didn’t need to do it. Was Ganim just looking to involve the council to provide himself some cover???
From FB
Maria Pereira Marcus’s comments on the $4.5 million already existing were completely inaccurate
The City Council approved $20,000,000 in general obligation funds as a match for a $20,000,000 grant Senator Marilyn Moore had secured.
The City bonded and has now claimed $10,000,000 has been sitting unspent because projects did not move forward or other funding sources were utilized.
Meanwhile, there was millions of dollars sitting their accruing interest and being used as a slush fund
Those bonds were non-taxable municipal bonds that Bridgeport taxpayers have been paying interest on for three years.
However, you cannot simply shift the existing $4.5 million to the amphitheater project because it is a public/private partnership.
Marcus Brown, and 13 additional city council members voted to allow our bond counsel to re-bond that $4.5 million for another twenty years in required taxable bonds which are significantly more expensive. This $4.5 re-bonded debt will cost taxpayers $2.5 million in interest and taxes which brings this taxpayer funded gift to Mayor Gsnim’s friend Howard Saffon to $6.5 million.
Maria Pereira Marcus’s and Aidee’s comments on the $4.5 million already existing were completely inaccurate
The City Council approved $20,000,000 in general obligation funds as a match for a $20,000,000 grant Senator Marilyn Moore had secured in 2016.
The City bonded and has now claimed $10,000,000 has been sitting unspent because projects did not move forward or other funding sources were utilized.
Meanwhile, there were millions of dollars sitting their accruing interest and being used as a slush fund
Those bonds were non-taxable municipal bonds that Bridgeport taxpayers have been paying interest on for three years.
However, you cannot simply shift the existing $4.5 million bond funds to the amphitheater project because it is a public/private partnership.
Marcus Brown, Aidee Nieves and 12 additional city council members voted to allow our bond counsel to re-bond that $4.5 million for another twenty years in the required taxable bonds which are significantly more expensive. This $4.5 re-bonded debt will cost taxpayers $2.5 million in interest and taxes which brings this taxpayer funded gift to Mayor Ganim’s friend, Howard Saffon, to $6.5 million.
What this also demonstrates is that Marcus Brown, Aidee Nieves, Ernest Newton and others did not even comprehend that when they voted in favor of last night’s bond resolution they were voting to authorize our Bond Counsel to take $4.5 in bonded funds that taxpayers had already been paying on for three years and re-bond it for ANOTHER 20 years as taxable bonds which are significantly more expensive because taxes must be paid on that $4.5 million.
Jimfox, base on Maria’s ability to do research I believe her over anything that the 13 other council would say. It’s my understand that Hamilton Burger also agreed that the council members were wrong concerning their vote.
Jim Foxx, Kelvin Ayala and anyone else out there
In every bonding resolution in the fun print is that THE MAYOR decides what to do with unused bonding money which includes completed projects with excess money left, incomplete projects which may or may not be completed or projects not even started. I should know this because I tried to strike that language nearly every time it was presented to us and that’s a lot of times so believe me.
And is was surrendering what according to the Charter is the responsibility of the City Council. Believe me.
So the city’s share of matching funds may have been put in jeopardy if it used the money there was NOTHING preventing the mayor from doing so.
And the only response from Bond Council at the time was Why would you want to do that. If you don’t believe me get me the bond resolution and I will show it to you.
This is the BIGGEST problem with bond in the city.
I believe you Bob!
JimFox is the bomb? So smart.
Knowing that I ask you why would the mayor do this? There is only one answer. He wanted the council to be duplicit in this action. He wanted to say he went to the council and the council agreed. So don’t blame me if something goes wrong.
Bonding Resolution 61-19
Third Resolved from the end
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the Officials in connection with the issuance of the Bonds to allocate any unused bond proceeds to other City projects authorized
for bonding, consistent with the applicable tax and other laws, as deemed to be necessary or
advisable and in the best interests of the City by the Officials; and be it further
There it is my friends. the language I am referring to.
And in the first resolved in Resolution 61-19 the city officials are named “as the Mayor, the Finance Director, and the Treasurer (collectively, the “Officials”).
And finally
The city council of the city of Bridgeport, by vote of the majority of the whole number of council members may authorize the issuance of bonds for the use of the city of Bridgeport, the property of which are to be used for any public work or improvement of a permanent nature, the purchase or taking of land or interests in land, the improvement of land taken or acquired for such public work or improvements, the purchase of equipment of a lasting character and for any other purpose for which cities and towns are authorized by the general statutes to issue bonds.
(c) If a surplus remains from the proceeds of bonds issued for a particular purpose or purposes after such a purpose has been accomplished, the city council may authorize the use of such surplus bond proceeds for any purpose for which bonds of the city could be issued or for paying the principal of such bonds as they mature.
So there you have it. In a neat little package. In the Charter the City Council has the right to determine how to use surplus boning money and yet the council continuously by ignorance or desire continues to give its power over unused bonding money away to the mayor with no strings attached.
Bob, I have not seen anything that shows the list of black contractors, Hispanic contractors and women contractors who will be hired for this project and the amount money for their contractors and why is there is only one Hispanic (minority) City Council member, Eneida Martinez, has stepped forward on this issue.
Ernie, has to say those things to keep in the good graces of Mario and Joe and the bestowal of their blessings.
Let me say this I forgot to mention I received a phone ☎️ call from Our Chairman asking me to Vote No on this project. Well I vote Yes I march to my Own beat so for all you Joe Ganmin and Mario Haters. Ernie is his own boss and I not afraid of what people think. Bob W when you and Lisa served on the Council how much money did you put in for Education. You both could have fully funded Education but you didn’t.please talk about your record
It’s not the yes vote that’s the problem. It’s not getting extra revenue for money the City put in. You and the others, including the chairman, could have asked for an extra $1 in ticket revenue, money that could have been used for education. How do you and the rest of the council expect to fund anything if all you do is give tax breaks to every project that comes across the council’s desks? We seem to bond everything. How much money did you request for education since you were back on the council? You should be asking why BBOE, out of its budget the is half of the total city’s budget doesn’t provide computer like its white counterparts districts. The city got taken in the deal and you and all the other council. members let it. The Chairman, mayor, the no’s, and the eyes are on the council. Period.
Why are you putting Mario and Joe in the same category, I’m sure Joe didn’t call you and asked you to vote no?
Ernie, you do things for what you think is best for you. Like you said, you trivial all over the world, and you still got it. Do you not see anything wrong with this picture? You are having a grand old time on another Junket. I don’t have a problem with you playing politics liking for the good the comes with it. I just wish you tone down the praising God, It’s annoying. I am sure God didn’t guide you with this unjust vote, Moses of his people.
P.S. in case you missed it. You are dancing to one of your people playing the drums on a street corner on buckets. And to your pissing partner, You is a fool. You are all socialist Bernie Sanders but vote no on all city government spending; A so-called politician who doesn’t listen to anyone’s viewpoint that deviates for you in the slightest. You look down on people because you are smarter than them, typically liberal. Yes, I am annoyed and angry. $1 people, really. JS.
It must be Ground Hog Day! Ernie raised his head out of the hole to see if it safe to come out.
Not safe yet. Six more year of not representing his constituents
Ernie, why don’t you tell me how many times I voted against the budget? How many times I offered amendments to the budget to increase funding for education? I can’t tell you because it was too many but I would guess at least half the time.
So now you tell me how many times to you play follow the leader and just went along with Ganim’s budget just to be a good soldier.
JimFox, Aidee and Marcus, don’t have a clue what they’re doing.
Ernie, do you think for one second that people’s displeasure with this additional 4.5 million dollars is because we hate Mayor Ganim and Mario? What kind of new FOOL are you man. People’s displeasure with this is only about the money and nothing more. Why should the people of Bridgeport be saddled with this extra expense of 4.5 million when it should have been borne by ya boy Saffan!
You should be ashamed of yourself that you would sell out the city that you so frequently profess to love. I thought you were better than this my brother, I thought I knew you after almost 50 years of friendship, but the Moses of his people would never shit on those people that depend on him to lookout for their best interest. I never thought I would say this, but my hope is that you lose your next election and I will personally donate my pension money to anyone that runs against you! I still love you Brother, but my people deserve better than you as their representative.
And for myself, this just smells like the last corruption scandal that the city went though. Even some of the properties are the same.
And how much confidence do we have in the City Council?
They are doing the same things that were done before. Even if there is nothing illegal, they are not asking the tough question. They are not doing their homework. They are not demanding the rules to be changed.
And the few new council members that we had are gone. Couldn’t take this nonsense. This feeling of self importance. And as Don points out the people in a position of influence have chosen to just go along.
What a shame.
I want to say Thank You for the brave counsel members who had the courage to say no.
The Moses of his people has sold out his people with this deal, Moses is more concern about taking care of pharoh than his people by not hiring contractors who are black, Hispanic and female. Ernie, where is that City list contractors?
Ernie, let me first say that I have so much history with you and your family that I can sincerely say I have deep affection for all of you. Now with that said, it’s only because of that fact that I’m not going to chew you up and spit you out because you know I can. Bob Walsh and I were exceptional representatives, you couldn’t hold a candle to our accomplishments, however, I’m not saying you didn’t occoccionally step up. Remember, I served one term with you with when Mayor Paoletta was there, you screwed up so badly that the true leaders of your district denied you the nomination and you were cast out to the political desert until you did a penance and were allowed to run for the House later. I won’t go into details, they’re too embarrassing, and I don’t intend to do that to you. Now, be nice, you don’t want to take me on and I don’t want to say anything hurtful to you. You’re a baby next to me when it comes to Council experience and accomplishments, read this “14 years as Council President.” You did two terms as CP, and the second one was your “swan song.”
And let the church say, Amen!!!!
OUCH, Lisa spank dat ASS! If you can’t say AMEN, say OUCH! Ernie, the balls in your court, your serve!
I’ll be kind to Ernie, as annoying as he is, and serve for him, because I am fair. Lisa, if you can chew and spit Ernie out it’s because you have dined at the same place with him. I can neither speak of Bob’s and your accomplishments during Ganim’s first tenure, but it didn’t go so well. In fact, the only things I can say was accomplished was the Arena and Ballpark. Yet here we are at it again. 🙂 Nor can I speak of the true leaders in the East End who cast Ernie out into the political desert before his atonement and his anointment to the State Capital, but apparently Smoking Cocaine is not an outcast offense for them. Consider Mayor Fabrizi, Cocaine might not be an outcast offense in any of the Port Leaders. 🙂
Besides, maybe he was stepping up for the true leaders in the East End and not wanting to make the same mistake twice to be cast out again. However, they (council) could have gotten a $1 to at least cover the principal and interest being bonded. They did it for themselves, personally, politically or for their true leaders, because the Port didn’t get a dime, or even a DAMN 🙂
P.S. I don’t know what your Swan Song was for departing the council, but Bob’s was a racist rant. By the way, old white men just don’t become racist. 🙂 BAM I’M OUT.
How was this comment? Can I get an AMEN 🙂
Robert ,just when I thought you had at least partial brain function, you prove me wrong. Ernie and I have a relationship, so mind your flucking business you twerp. Ernie can take care of himself.
I’m going to take the high road. I’ve known you for over 40 years. We have been in many battles together. If any one knows me you do. and you know one thing about me. I don’t give a damn about what anyone on this BLOG thinks about Ernie Newton That goes for Black white or in between. My record will speak for me and if you don’t know it that’s your problem. Lisa you have always said many great things about me. Please don’t let the peanut galley come between our 40 plus years of friendship.
Lisa 🤔😂😂. A partial brain function would be a step up. 🤫😂😂
Lisa, sorry by whatever gave you that thought?
Day, you would be surprised, by the way, old black men don’t just become racist either.
P.S leave Lisa’s and Ernie’s ASS spanking relationship out of this, 🙂
OUCH, Can you feel it or can I get an AMEN? 🙂
Robert, why don’t you volunteer foe admission to a mental health facility. I’m not kidding, you’re mentally challenged and I have sympathy for you, no judgment. From time to time you appear to have a ghost writer do your comments, and whenever that person makes you appear normal, you make some good points. But it’s so obvious when you attempt to express yourself with your challenged capacity. It’s so sad, in this day and age there’s no shame. I notice you try to make a joke about your limitations, but that makes you look even more pathatic. I can understand how you want to fit in, I can only imagine the amount of bullying you’ve had to endure. But, something tells me you get off on it. So again I say, stay out of personal comments from one person to another, and you say another negative word about my friend Donald, you’ll know what a real spanking is. Then again, you’ll probably love it!!!!!!
Again, you’re right Ron, I won’t ever respond to him again.
Lisa, you really got to the main point about him, that’s a great assessment
No ghostwriter, I write all my material myself. It may appear as if I do not because of my limited capacity to express myself, sometimes I proofread, sometimes I don’t. While I was not bullied, my month has gotten this ass whipped a few times.
P.S Spanking, no, I’m a cuddler, a missionary man, can’t you tell by all of my religious links. 🙂
Ernie Newton, it’s your move.
Have a great day.
Lisa and I go back 40 years together.
Ernie, thank you and you have a great day, by the way thank you Lisa for that information about the history of Ernie Newton and I noticed that Ernie is in agreement with your comment.
NO I’m not going to justify it an answer. My record over the years speak for its self. Like I said before I don’t give a DAMN what anyone on this BLOG thinks about Ernie Newton I care what GOD thinks about Ernie Newton and no one on this blog is God You all my play Gods on this blog but thank God He will Never play you all. Ron thank God i don’t have to answer to you all, Why is that Because none of you Live in my District!
Ernie, I am not trying to play God in making comments about you on OIB, what I’m doing is using my rights of the First Amendment. The First Amendment to the US Constitution protects against laws prohibiting the freedom of religion, speech, and the press, as well as the right to assemble and to petition the government.
Ernie, no one is claiming to play God, but you are claiming to play Moses. Which is annoying in itself. Do you think the people in who live in your district believe you are Moses?
Why are you thanking God for not answering anyone’s questions because they don’t live in your district? When you voted on a project outside your district, that gave $4.5 million in extra capital while asking or getting any extra revenue in return. You vote for all the taxpayers and residents, not just your people you are the Moses of. If you have no regard for the ones who live outside your district how much do you have for the ones who live in your district? It was an unjust, unfair vote without an increase in revenue, Period, be it a yes or no vote to the people of the Port. I’m sure in your 40 years relationship with Lisa in Port politics it was not the first nor the last and God knows them all.
As I said, I don’t care what choices you decide to make or who you want to give an answer to just level God out of it. It’s annoying, at times, Moses 🙂
P.S. Just remember Moses of his people, in your book you paise Moses’ God killed a bunch of innocent children. Think about that while you don’t care what people think about you but lonely God, JS
Ernie, while no one is claiming to be God on OIB how about a prophet? Because we know you weren’t looking for one on that 4.5 million dollar amphitheater deal. BAM 🙂
Me personally, I am a missionary man. 🙂
Lisa, you wrote this about Ernie and I notice that Ernie didn’t contradict anything you said, so that shows that Ernie agrees with you so could you fill in what happen, “when Mayor Paoletta was there, you screwed up so badly that the true leaders of your district denied you the nomination and you were cast out to the political desert until you did a penance and were allowed to run for the House later. I won’t go into details, they’re too embarrassing, and I don’t intend to do that to you.”
Ernie, with all due respect the Peanut Gallery had nothing to do with Lisa taking you to task! One would think that you saying,
“To my friend a former council President Lise with all do respect how much money did minority Contracts get under your leadership.” Or the infamous statement, “Lisa I’m a-shame of you How could you fix your mouth to ask me something like that.”
There was one other thing you said about Lisa and Bob, but I felt those two were enough to illustrate my point that you and not the Peanut Gallery got your ass smacked by Lisa! And here is the capper my Brother, you know as well as I that Lisa’s not going to be fooled by that Peanut Gallery BS because she’s to smart, to sharp and to politically astute to fall for the Okie Doke.
The preacher Hugh Latimer said “tell the truth and shame the devil.” And the Peanut Gallery said, Amen, thank you Lisa for the truth.
Ron and Don
Like I said before thank God I don’t need anyone’s approval on OIB! My record speaks for its self. The only people I have to answer to are the Voters in the 139th district which none of you live in. I will repeat myself again I don’t give a damn what the peanut gallery thinks about Ernie Newton. Have great Friday
Ernie, no one is talking about your approval, the question is Ernie, is it true about what Lisa wrote concerning you and if it’s not true then would you make the correction.
Let’s get back to the main issue. How do you defend or explain to you constituents giving a wealthy white rich man from the suburbs an additional $4.5M and not providing more money for the BBOE?
And how do you defend the outrageous prices that Howard Safrin will be making off of the luxury boxes without sharing that with the city?
And please let’s not be a martyr and let’s not bring God into this.