Trumbull Town Councilman Chad Ciocci is the Republican candidate for State Senate challenging Democratic incumbent Anthony Musto in Connecticut’s 22nd District that covers all of Trumbull and portions of Bridgeport and Monroe. News release from Ciocci:
Trumbull – Chadwick Ciocci, Candidate for State Senate in the 22nd District (Bridgeport, Monroe and Trumbull) and Majority Leader of the Trumbull Town Council, released the introduction to his campaign platform to cut spending and repair Connecticut’s economy on Monday, August 8th. As the campaign moves on, Ciocci will be releasing more proposals and details on his plans weekly.
“I am running for the State Senate because this economy is hurting too many people that I know and love,” said Senate Candidate Chadwick Ciocci. “The problems we face now stem from poor decisions we made in the past. If we are going to have a brighter and more successful future, we must move our government away from its current tax and spend scheme to a save and invest model.”
During the past two years, the Democrat-controlled General Assembly and Governor Malloy have pushed legislation resulting in:
• The largest tax increase in state history which was applied retroactively and fell disproportionately on the middle class
• Revenues vastly underperforming expectations
• A deal with state employee unions which included a four-year, no layoff provision and promised employee concessions that never materialized
• Spending increases despite repeated indications that suggest Connecticut’s economy is not recovering as fast as some predicted and therefore cannot sustain such increases
• State unemployment rate increasing to 8.1%
• The utilization of budgetary gimmicks and one-time fixes–including raiding state employee retirement funds–despite Democrats’ promise not to use them
• The downgrade of one of Connecticut’s credit ratings, which may make it more expensive for our state to borrow money
• Filling a budget deficit in FY 2012 by transferring over $200 million that would have been used to pay down debt early, a likely budget deficit in FY 2013, and an out-year deficit totaling nearly $330 million in FY 2014
In order to fix these problems, Senate Candidate Ciocci promises to introduce legislation to:
• Repeal the Musto-Malloy tax increases
• Reduce spending to 2010 levels and balance the budget
• Regain the state’s bond rating so Connecticut can pay less to borrow
• Integrate education reform as a fundamental part of putting the state back on track
• Create a business-friendly environment so companies stop leaving the state and new companies can establish themselves here
• Increase tax revenues by increasing the number of jobs, not the tax rate.
“In the past two years, we have had a government that has smothered our citizens with taxes and buried them in debt,” continued Senate Candidate Ciocci. “As a result we have seen people–younger and older alike–leaving our state. We can do better. We must do better. And we will do better once we take back the State Senate in November, including our district.”
To learn more about Ciocci’s platform, please visit his campaign website at www.chadforct.com/platform.
If you would like to get involved and volunteer for the campaign, please contact Deputy Campaign Manager Matthew Prutting at Matthew@ChadForCT.com.
*** Too little too late, homie! *** HARD-KNOCKS LIFE ***