Mayor Joe Ganim’s petitioning campaign for governor has amassed roughly 32,000 signatures, 10,000 from Bridgeport, about twice the verified number he needs in his quest to qualify for an August 14 primary against Democratic-endorsed Ned Lamont. Tuesday was the final opportunity to submit signatures to local elections officials who will review the petitions to determine if they are Democratic electors in Connecticut before final tabulation by the office of the Connecticut Secretary of the State. Others, both Democrat and Republicans, are trying to do the same.
The Democratic campaign of entrepreneur Guy Smith reports it will submit roughly 23,000 signatures. Republicans David Stemerman and Bob Stefanowski are also petitioning candidates. They need more than 9,000 verified signatures. Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti announced on Tuesday his petitioning effort failed. Party-endorsed Mark Boughton, mayor of Danbury, former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst and Navy veteran Steve Obsitnik have received ballot approval via GOP convention support.
Petitioning candidates need a significant signature cushion because many will be rejected for lack of party affiliation compliance. In some instances one third, or perhaps more, will be rejected. This is an extremely labor-intensive process where the greatest success rate comes from reaching voters registered with a party at their home. Petitioning at a resident’s front door is good, in front of a shopping center not good because of its high failure rate.
Local registrars will spend the next week reviewing petitions before shipping them off to the state for final tabulation.

New Haven, along with Bridgeport, is where the Ganim campaign operation has piled up a majority of the signatures. Ganim made a stop on Tuesday in New Haven to chat with the New Haven Independent.
Ganim cast the petition drive as reflective of a “grassroots campaign” aimed at shut-out voices, targeting a wealthy endorsed opponent who is self-financing his campaign.
“Many people who signed this petition will not be out on their yachts in August or in the Hamptons or the Cape. They’re going to be struggling in a hot summer on the streets. We are looking for them to come out and participate in change on Aug. 14,” Ganim said.
In recent weeks Ganim has emerged as a feisty underdog candidate who seems to be benefiting from efforts by party leaders–worried about the prospect of a gubernatorial candidate who spent seven years in federal prison for taking bribes–and others to sideline or silence him.
He has embraced speaking about his crimes as part of casting his campaign as a “second-chance” quest that speaks for all people who have made mistakes.
Full story here.
Who the duck is paying this guy while he goes around with his petition for Governor?
Hint. You and me that’s who.
Maybe that’s why nothing ever gets done in this hell hole known as Bridgeport.
Aaron Turner will qualify. 🙂
His friends and family really worked hard for him. The 138th District turned in 352 signatures for him, and his campaign did not spend one dollar in payroll for them.
I was talking to someone I had registered to vote a couple of years ago. He has voted in every election since. He told me a “weird chubby guy with thick sideburns and a golf hat” came to his door to ask him to sign Ganim’s petition. The voter told Kevin Monks to get off his property. Andy Fardy told me he told Ganim’s people to get off his property, too.
I did not have a single voter refuse to sign Aaron’s petition. 🙂
What time do I have to hand in my 1800 Ganim signatures ???
Is it still at 5 pm?
For Ganim Sandi Ayala is working on Moon time zone. So you’ve got about a week more to go.
The photo above should be captioned “This is how I forge the signatures of dead people…”
If I’m not mistaken that’s a picture of Fireside Apartments.
What is Joey G doing in the 138th???
$32,000 for 32,000 signatures, his not buying this primary, is he?
How disingenuous!
Let’s go to the video tape. We can check up on all of these signatures now that the high tech surveillance system is up and running in Bport.
I sold may Ganim Signatures to Ned for $3 each.
JG: Do you think they’ll count this one? Mickey Mouse?
Woman at the door: YES. Sandi said she will count ANY signature as long as you can’t disproved it. Now go get some more.
Sandi Ayala does exactly what Mario Testa and Joe Ganim tell her to do. Denise Merrill’s office should re-check EVERY Ganim Petition signature the Democratic Registrar approves.
Did you know that every member of the Bridgeport delegation, except Danny Roach and his wife, voted AGAINST Denise Merrill to be re-endorsed at the state convention? That was Mario Testa because Denise Merrill consistently attempts to hold Sandi Ayala accountable.
Denise Merrill, many honest and ethical Bridgeport residents support your efforts. Keep it up.
I signed a petition at a supermarket recently. No ID required.
Ganim appears to be heavily reliant on signatures from public housing projects. Enough said.
“He has embraced speaking about his crimes as part of casting his campaign as a “second-chance” quest that speaks for all people who have made mistakes.”
But, he has not admitted guilt for the felony crimes he was convicted of. How charming.