Can Hector Diaz Make A Play For Town Clerk?

When the Democratic Town Committee meets Tuesday night at Testo’s Restaurant to endorse candidates for office no shocking developments are expected, but with city pols ya just never know. Mayor Bill Finch should receive near-unanimous support among the 90-member DTC for another four-year term. One possibility for some action, however, is former State Rep. Hector Diaz’s play for the endorsement for town clerk. Incumbent Town Clerk Alma Maya’s history of independent thinking (gee, a politician with a brain) rankles some party regulars.

Hector’s dad had a long and distinguished career as town clerk before retiring in 2007. Hector, no doubt, has some town committee support. He’s a member of the town committee in the predominantly Black Rock 130th District where Danny Roach is district leader. Hector is also close to Mitch Robles, leader of the 131 District that covers the South End and West End. Does he have enough to get close to the 46 votes necessary to win the endorsement?

A number of pols say Alma’s doing a good job as town clerk, why mess with her. She’s touching base with party regulars to shore up her support. This is one fight Finch doesn’t want to touch. If Hector comes up short of the endorsement will he run a primary? Hector, feel free to give us an update.

The Town Clerk’s Office provides a variety of services as the keeper of land records, some election responsibilities and issuing licenses. Absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots are issued by the office. The office is also where candidates for municipal office file campaign finance reports.



  1. Alma Maya is one of most capable people in city hall. She does her job professionally and very courteously. Why do BPT politicians believe your last name entitles you to jobs? Who the hell is he–an Ayala?

  2. Alma Maya is one of the few who deserve to be in a position of public trust. We need more like her. There are so many incompetents in elected positions; isn’t there another Hector can run for?

  3. Please tell me someone is also running for registrar of voters because I would never ever cast my vote for that Bridgeport registrar of voters again after what happen in November, hell no.

  4. The Town Clerk’s office handles a lot of responsibilities. Everything from dog licenses, to fishing licenses, to recording land records, etc. What could Alma do that would piss someone off?
    Oh, wait a minute. The Town Clerk is the office that handles Absentee Ballots. From recoding and controlling applications to sending out the actual ballots and controlling the information about when ballots are received back.
    Maybe someone was looking for Alma to shield some of this info from anti-party people and she wouldn’t play along.

  5. File this under the rats are jumping ship dept.

    The chief of BOE maintenance named Garcia who was a custodian with no formal management training when Bellinger and Ramos handed him the keys to the BOE has quit. We should expect a ton more to follow as the people who destroyed the BOE will jump and leave the workers to learn what the state will do.

  6. Hey tc, great news for you.
    BRIDGEPORT, CT (July 20, 2011) – Engaging the community and addressing quality of life issues are two of the highlights of Police Chief Joseph L. Gaudett’s ‘Safe City-Safe Street’ Initiative unveiled with Mayor Bill Finch during a press conference held Wednesday, July 20 at City Hall Annex. The underpinnings of this plan calls for increased traffic enforcement and higher visibility throughout the City’s neighborhoods via a return to ‘area commands.’
    Other major components of the Safe City-Safe Streets Initiative include:

    Traffic enforcement – the Traffic Division will be cracking down on speeding, driving under the influence, talking on cell phones without a headset, and driving without a seatbelt. Traffic officers are now working a 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. shift throughout the City, especially in the downtown area.

    “Residents will definitely see an increase in traffic enforcement throughout the City,” said Chief Gaudett. “Drivers can expect to see radar speed trailers and DUI checkpoints on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.” Radar speed trailers will be deployed throughout the City in a two-week rotation, based upon need or special request.

    So if the vandals in your neighborhood DARE to drive around talking on cell phones or without seatbelts the BPD is going to nail them; especially if your neighborhood is downtown.

  7. And tc, I know one of your biggest concerns with Public Safety is the other PS, Park Safety.

    Park safety–Officers will be patrolling Seaside and Beardsley in cars, and on bicycles, Segways, and ATV’s, as well as specific walking details, especially during special events, festivals and large neighborhood gatherings. The Mounted Unit will be patrolling in various areas of the City, as well as assisting at major events throughout the summer.

    “Our beautiful parks draw in crowds from throughout the region each summer,” said Mayor Finch. “This boost to the police department’s park detail ensures that everyone’s experience is enjoyable and safe.”

  8. Grin, thanks for the messages. You and I both know this is election-year bullshit. Why after 3 years of declining police coverage is all this happening? Still no increase in the number of patrol cars on the streets.
    A message to Bill Finch, get a freaking clue. Boosting the park police presence, big deal!!! How about an increase in police presence in our neighborhoods? Bill you need serious treatment for terminal dumbass. You still don’t get it. We who live here need to feel protected, screw those from the region who are using our parks. Do they pay taxes?

  9. Why are they throwing Alma Maya under the bus? She’s a competent, educated woman who does the right thing and can’t be controlled. Oh, that’s why.


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