Check out the Bridgeport Art Trail calendar.
Welcome to the 5th Annual Bridgeport Art Trail, a collaboration involving the arts community of Bridgeport. Use this guide to view galleries and open studios throughout the city on Veteran’s Day Weekend, Thursday – Sunday, November 7-10, 2013. Included are an arts organization directory and the November weekend calendar of events.
The Bridgeport Art Trail grew from three previous efforts: the very successful Open Studio weekends of American Fabrics artists on Connecticut Avenue, a simple Downtown ArtWalk map that City Lights created in 2007, and the Black Rock Friday Art Walks that took place 2006-8.
The purpose of the Bridgeport Art Trail is to promote the artists, engage the community, attract visitors to discover Bridgeport Art. Our mantra is VIEW ART / TALK ART / BUY ART.
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