News release from Ganim campaign:
The International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1 are endorsing Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim for governor of Connecticut. The union represents around 1,400 hard working men and women all over Connecticut. The endorsement was announced today at an event at the Cherry Street Lofts development project in Bridgeport. The $250-Million project involves the renovation and conversion of an old factory building into apartments and a school in the West End of Bridgeport.
“I am honored that the bricklayers and craftworkers are throwing their support behind my candidacy,” said Ganim. “This endorsement is meaningful because it demonstrates these hardworking men and women recognize my number one priority as governor is to grow Connecticut’s economy and create jobs. I pledge that as Connecticut governor I will fight every day to create and retain good jobs like those held by this group of skilled union workers.”
International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1 President, Secretary and Treasurer Gerald Marotti says the vote by the union executive council to endorse Mayor Ganim was unanimous.
“Mayor Ganim’s history of leadership demonstrates his dedication to supporting strong union values,” said Marotti. “During his tenure as mayor, he has secured project labor agreements that have created many jobs for our members and ensure continued union work. Joe Ganim’s vision for a prosperous future includes being a staunch supporter of working people. As governor, he will make our state flourish for working men and women.”
Mayor Ganim previously accepted the endorsements of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 488 of Monroe, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 30 in North Stonington, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 478 in Hamden and the United Association Local 777 Plumbers and Pipefitters in Meriden. Combined with today’s announcement, Mayor Ganim has endorsements that represent close to 10,000 union households.
This is such a farce. Most of the building trade unions are endorsing Joe and yet he did nothing to deserve this.
I was at Geraldine Johnson school when the deal was approved for the theaters and apartments downtown and the Carpenters Local was begging Joe for the jobs. And what did he give them? Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Well boys here’s your chance for payback. Give him nothing in return for the governorship.
Joe you lost the biggest union organization in the state,the AFL-CIO to Need Lamont and that vote was a run away vote for Ned.
What? The candlestick makers did not support Ganim?
Ganim might just lose the city of bridgeport in the democratic primary
*** Its called a political side-show, no? ***
Congratulations Mayor Ganim. Rumour has it there were at least 8 people at Ned Lamont headquarters for the Grand opening including Mayor Finch and Working Family Party Sauda Baraka and 20 people for the tour of Housatonic. He might just win by a lanslide. The only people missing were Marilyn Moore, Ron Mackey, Jim Fox and Bob Walsh. Ned lamont is a very nice man. donj- Ganim just might lose the city of Bridgeport, seriously?
Again, on an upbeat note. Congratulations Mayor Ganim on the latest endorsement. I find it very strange, but normal occurrence on this blog that it is better to insult the city of Bridgeport and it’s leadership than offer any praise.
One thing has become apparently clear. There are a handful of posters that actually believe Ned Lamont will take care of Bridgeport better than Joe Ganim.
Of course Ron Mackey and Donald Day will tell us what Ned Lamont will do for the Black Community after sharing what Marilyn Moore will do.
One thing is clear, Ned Lamont has a problem connecting with people. Belonging to a restricted club should be a non issue. Not being a minority he would not be aware that there was prejudice against Blacks and Jews. I could care less.
I am certain Ned Lamont will be at the P.T Barnum party this weekend most likely walking hand in hand with Marilyn Moore. -I’d be shocked to see either one of them. It would however, be nice to see either one of them.
A lot of work ad energy goes into planning a reunion party. So many folks from Bridgeport and all neighboring communities started their lives in P.T
Walking Nob Hill today, there was so much support for Joe Ganim and Dennis Bradley. I will say that not one person even mentioned Ned Lamont. Many people did mention that there was a lot of negative comments made by a woman representing the opposition and that did not help Aaron Turner.
This is the first time in our recent History that Bridgeport, the largest city in the state. Once the arsenal of Democracy , onece a city that was as exciting as Boston and New York, has a man that can take care of us the way Rowland funneled money to Waterbury and Malloy funneled money to Stamford. Bridgeport has been the bastard stepchild for the past 5o years.
This is an important moment in Bridgeport’s History. Voting for anyone but Joe Ganim would be no different than cutting off your nose to spite your face. If you are a taxpayer or just hopeful for Bridgeport’s future, Ganim is the only choice. Lamont is not a fighter. Especially for the city of Bridgeport.
Thank you Stevie Albatross.
Steve, “Of course Ron Mackey and Donald Day will tell us what Ned Lamont will do for the Black Community after sharing what Marilyn Moore will do,” Steve one thing that I do know because the record speaks for its self and that’s Joe Ganim after going to Rev. Stallsworth church on “Emancipation Day” which is the day to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln which ended slavery in rebelling state on Jan. 1, 1863, is a very special day to blacks. Well Joe Ganim launch his comeback with his come to Jesus speech. Well, two years later after black voters came out in huge numbers to put Ganim back into office after coming out of federal prison, Joe Ganim done absolutely NOTHING for the black community. Ned Lamont has not had the power to be in a position of power like Ganim to make change like Ganim has and has done SHIT. Hey Steve, you need to get over this hating of Marilyn Moore because she kicked your guy Musto out of office. Senator Ed Gomes is also walking it Ned Lamont and Aaron Turner, Steve why don’t you attack Ed Gomes like you do with a black female who’s supporting Lamont?
Ron Mackey over the years I found one thing extremely clear. YOU NEVER ANSWER A QUESTION. Ever!!!! You will agree with someone but never answer.
Steve, what’s the question? Of course you never answered my question of what Joe Ganim has done for the black community since he has been back in office. I know that Ned Lamont has done anything for the black community because he has never been in power like Joe Ganim and have the power to make change.
The question was Ron, What will Ned Lamont do for the Black Community and what has Marilyn Moore done for the Black Community. Simple. Just answer the question without asking me what Joe has done. The Black Community is supporting Joe, he must have done some good. Not being back I do not know what he promised the blck community that he hadnt promised the entire diverse population of this city. I didn’t vote for him and I think he is doing a great job!-
Ned Lamont has done nothing for blacks. Senator Moore’s district is white. Now what has Mayor Joe Ganim done for the black community in the past two years?
Your iPhone must look like the floor of a fast food restaurant, all covered with grease and cheese and bits of half chewed meat…
Oh Bridgeport Kid keep posting we love you . WE love all of your comments you are just so funny. We have to hang out and have a drink because your comments are always so “spot on”, On the Mark, so cool. You are my new best friend. I just love you ! Keep the comments coming. You , LIsa, and Donald day can be my new best friends.You keep the comments coming, I know people do love reading them . Not!
LOL! Steve,you have no credibility in the outcomes in the 138th District. You shared the same rhetoric when Mayor Finch and MJF ran and we all know how that turned out.
*** The history of political side-shows has been brought to an all time high by the current commander & chief, “45”. His “make America great again” side-show campaign slogan propelled millions of silent majority forgotten whites looking for there’s, back to the voting booth! It also managed to get a few token minority’s to also vote for “45” without realizing that in time, “45” would show his real colors towards minorities in general & the U.S constitution. Fox news, Breitbart, Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh & others are in meetings with Hollywood Pictures to discuss financing a future white R-wing nationalist movie based on “45”s, “make America great again” campaign slogan. GOP movie credits are already predicting that this movie idea could turn out to be a nation block-buster movie like the “1915” nationalist hit movie by D.W Griffiths, “THE BIRTH OF A NATION”. ***TIME WILL TELL, NO***