Mayor Bill Finch announced today that Bass Pro Shops, anchor tenant at Steelpointe Harbor redevelopment area of the East Side, will host a jobs fair from August 17-19, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Klein Memorial Auditorium. Loretta Mercado was recently named general manager of the outdoor retail outlet.
More from city Communications Director Brett Broesder:
“At Steelpointe Harbor we are making promises a reality,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “Steelpointe Harbor will create thousands of jobs and we are seeing the beginnings of that now. This is the largest economic development project in Bridgeport since the Industrial Revolution and will add millions to the city’s tax rolls proving Bridgeport is getting better every day. Congratulations to Bass Pro Shops on hiring Loretta Mercado as their general manager. I look forward to working with her as they begin hiring new employees and bringing jobs to Bridgeport.”
Bass Pro Shops is the anchor for the $50 million first phase of Steelpointe Harbor which also includes Starbucks, Chipotle, and T-Mobile. Earlier this month, Mayor Finch announced that Starbucks has also begun hiring <bridgeportct.gov/controls/NewsFeed.aspx?FeedID=2140> for its Steelpointe Harbor location. The second phase includes the Cinépolis theater and will begin in 2016 with an anticipated opening in 2017.
Once complete, Steelpointe Harbor will be a 2 million-square-foot superregional waterfront destination. Spanning 82 acres, it will feature more than 750,000 square feet of retail, restaurants and entertainment, a 12-screen premium theater, two hotels, 1,100 mid-and-high rise residential units, 30,000 square feet of office and a 200-slip, full service, deep water marina.
And this training is to hire how many people?
Just you, Ron.
I have a new slogan: “Keep Bridgeport Gross!!! Say NO to everything.”
According to the National Department of Labor’s lawsuit, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and women need not apply for these part-time minimum wage jobs.
Bass Pro is a racist/discriminatory company.
What is Ganim’s position on Bass Pro? I take it he wants to run them out of town.
Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster will not address their Achilles heel. The excitement and momentum will build as these facilities become close to reality. This Sunday’s paper identified the corruption of Joe Ganim as a major reason for the stalling of the dredging of Bridgeport Harbor which was just one of the many ramifications that retarded economic development for the city of Bridgeport. Bridgeport Rising, Ron Mackey will not give Finch credit for anything and the comment by Maria Pereira is just plain laughable regarding their being racist. I will assume Loretta Mercado is not a white Eastern European Jewish woman G-d forbid! I think we can safely assume it is a woman of Hispanic descent unless she is in fact a white woman married to a Hispanic man–OMG!!! I am certain the flavor of Bass Pro will be a nice mix as it should be. Bass Pro is going to be enormously successful and it is just one component. Bridgeport Rising, Steelpointe is happening and whether anyone on this blog cares to admit, it is Bill Finch and as we get closer to the election I am certain that maybe Foster, I doubt it, definitely Bill Finch will remind the entire city of Bridgeport what Joe Ganim did with Steelpointe and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits to Mr. Conroy the chosen developer under Joe Ganim’s pay to play his followers are so impressed with.
Joe Ganim’s idea of economic development is building police substationn all over the city. With development slowing down and crime rising under a Ganim administration, the hope of an exciting future will fade to a dull uneventful sad litter-strewn city. Because money grows on trees. At least it did during Ganim’s first time around. Two years as Mayor, seven years in jail and the audacity to run again. I do love his hubris.
Why do you think a store is being built on the East Side?
Sweet! Bpt needs more minimum wage job opportunities! If you prefer good-paying jobs with benefits, look elsewhere please.
I fear in the not-so-distant future those who work at Sikorsky will either be in Texas or flooding the job-wanted lines.
Ladies and Gents, how can we stop this? People might actually go there. People who haven’t been to B’port in a long time might shop there and then get a coffee. We cannot have that, especially if they are white. How can we get some sweatshops onto this prime waterfront real estate? Time will tell.
Bridgeport Rising, I do not know who you are, but I am a fan!
These are minimum wage jobs that won’t transform anyone’s life, but having said that, these jobs are needed. The unemployment rate for black males in 2011 from Bridgeport was 51% for ages 16 to 24.
I’ve never talked to one young brother who said he didn’t want a job, not one. Most know this minimum wage job won’t transform or change their lives or that this is a lifetime job, they just want a job.
This is not an endorsement for Finch because he gave the jobs on the police and fire to white suburban males and those jobs are transformative jobs. There are management positions Bass Pro have available, but if past practice is the rule, they won’t go to people of color just like the Administration of Mayor Finch.
Charlie, its already happened. In 2012 Sikorsky closed a division that had been at the South Ave plant for 60 years. 300+ jobs. Now this administration is letting another 400 jobs go without a fight. I don’t get it.
For every one manufacturing job, five jobs are created on the outside.
Those 2012 jobs were moved to Texas as you stated.
“This is the largest economic development project in Bridgeport since the Industrial Revolution and will add millions to the city’s tax rolls proving Bridgeport is getting better every day.”
There you have it. The ministry of public enlightenment has spoken.
Condition of hire for city employees is drug screening. Maybe the presence of LSD is not tested.