Barack Obama turned on the charm Saturday afternoon at the Arena at Harbor Yard before 9000 (according to fire officials) charged-up supporters urging them to “bring that spirit” to polling places so “we will live the American Dream.” (See the YouTube video above for the entire speech.)

Just about every seat in the arena was occupied in its hockey seating configuration with a throng of party regulars from throughout the region filling in space on the floor in front the main stage podium. Congressman Jim Himes did the honors of introducing Obama who took the stage to an earsplitting eruption of “Yes we can … yes we can.”
“Hello Bridgeport. Hello Bridgeport,” Obama returned the love and there was lots of it except for a collection of protesters from Global Aids voicing discontent with the president’s financial investment in the world cause. The protesters were drowned out by chants of “Obama, Obama” and then left the building.
Obama segued, hammering the Republican Party which he said acquired amnesia after they had made “such a mess of things. We have a different strategy, let’s fix the problem.” Obama spoke about the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression that caused millions in job losses his initial months in office. He said the country has experienced nine months of job growth but the job isn’t finished.
“The economy is like a car and the Republicans drove it into a ditch…We have the car pointed in the right direction … and now the Republicans have tapped us on the shoulder. ‘Can we have the keys back?’ We don’t want to go backwards. Let’s move forward.”
Obama echoed the words of a Republican who he said was sensitive to American concerns, Abraham Lincoln. “Government should do for people what they cannot do better for themselves.”
He spoke about investing in infrastructure such as roads, bridges, highways and runways, money for health care and college tuition and bringing troops home from Iraq.
He closed by urging them to vote. “If you bring that spirit … knocking on doors … we will restore the economy, rebuild the middle class and we will live the American Dream.”
The entire Democratic ticket was on hand including Dan Malloy for governor, Dick Blumenthal for U.S. Senate and Congressman Himes the driving force behind Barack’s visit. Dem operatives hope his visit pumps up Bridgeport voters on Tuesday. Himes is locked in a tight fight with Republican Dan Debicella, and both Malloy and Blumenthal have formidable challengers in Tom Foley and Linda McMahon respectively.
Shortly after 2 p.m. Mayor Bill Finch cranked up the crowd with his signature Wooohooo!!! “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” Finch roared and the crowd followed. “I’m so proud to be mayor today. I’m proud of you being here. I’m fired up. Are you? Obama loves Bridgeport and Bridgeport loves Obama!”
The crowd included a mix of black, white and brown faces who began filing in around 1 p.m. Best line of Barack’s nearly 30-minute speech, imploring the crowd to think big: “In 2008, they said you couldn’t elect a skinny guy with a funny name.”
On my way in a few.
I’m here and hundreds waiting in line already.
Drove by the arena at 10:30 looks like a big crowd already. Line is 4 &5 deep and past the ballfield.
*** Hope the party puts a dent on the present problems in America before making “more” promises! *** Don’t believe the Hype. ***
God damn it I have never seen lines that long going into Seaside Park!!! If Blacks and Latinos showed up like they did at harbor yard today then Himes will win easily!!! Bridgeport was fired up!!!!!!!!!
This is going to be the theme song for the GOP on Tuesday.
What does Finch mean “guess who’s coming to dinner?” That’s an odd reference. I mean I’m just sayin’.
Am I missing something or wasn’t that extremely offensive?
It was a stupid remark in typical Finch fashion. That’s how you introduce the president? Totally inappropriate and disrespectful. Tell you one thing though: BPT was fired up. OBAMA IN THE HOUSE!!!
Typical absent-minded professor mentality.
Take a look at who runs the departments in the city/boe and that’s why BPT is not moving America Forward.
So moochers came from all over CT and NY to get a FREE glimpse of the president. Doesn’t mean they are going to come out and vote. Especially since Obama isn’t running for anything.
*** There were even “Moochers” from the Tea Party but nobody was “drinking” that witches brew! *** STOP THE HATE ***
Today was a day I will never forget at my young age. I never thought I would see a president. Obama is beyond popular in Bridgeport. Lines into the miles!!! People were taking pictures of the old house built by blacks, yup that’s how far the line was all the way to the beach. Blacks came in large numbers. Whites came, Latinos came. I saw high school friends from ’07, I saw neighbors, I saw teachers, I saw people from church. Bridgeport was all over the news CNN had a special straight from Bridgeport. The sleepy city has been awakened!!! Thousands came out!!!
Russell Simmons was quite impressed with Finch: “Man … I like your Mayor!!!”
donj I am happy you saw the president. I am impressed with your enthusiasm. I know if more people cared about voting as you do this would be a better place. Don’t ever lose your enthusiasm and zest to vote.
If Finch were on the city council and made a comment like that Brantley would try to get him thrown off.
*** Nothing wrong with the comment, it was “colorful!” Besides, like beauty, color’s only skin deep! *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Thanks TC I appreciate it. Props to the way Bpt officials handled it. It was done very good and got to give them credit. I will upload my video later on tonight but for now watch this video. Bridgeport Obama territory … watch video of today at harbor yard
Here is my video just uploaded it off my blackberry but quality not so good but shows how huge the event was.
Yawwwn, let’s see how many who showed up today show up on Tuesday. Obama has no pull.
Go back to Fairfield. Bridgeporters are energized, mobilized, homogenized and ready for election day.
For the record I never left Fairfield. Bridgeporters were energized, mobilized, homogenized, and ready two years ago too. How’s that workin’ out for ya? He really came through with those FEMA funds too huh? Did his little stint for a couple of hours make the city money or cost it money? BTW do you think you’ll ever see Himes after yesterday? Dream on.
city hall smoker you are correct. Bpt is energized more than ever, not even a reggae/rap concert had so much buzz like today. Young people came out in the hundreds and what was the best part of it all blacks whites and Latinos and so on were in harmony with each other today it felt great. When people come for a common cause it is great.
Tue 8 pm this is where you get results by town and updated every second
We should all be happy that the President received a warm welcome in B’port. Did Finch or Himes invite him to come back and tour the city? How many people in the crowd were NOT from B’port?
Noticeably absent during the group pic (I know he was there) is Dan Malloy. Could it be he doesn’t like to share the spotlight? Did anyone see him run off the stage as soon as he spoke to a group at a Jewish center in New Haven? “I have people waiting” was his line. Imagine!!! He wrote those people off. Much like he’ll write off the unions that he suckered into supporting him.
Finch’s comment is about what we should expect from a birdbrain.
Thank you Mr. President for stopping by. Wee doggie! Y’all come back real soon!!!
Obama in Bridgeport gave new meaning to OIB!
Google “Bill Finch Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” and you will see that what was supposed to be a shining moment for Bridgeport has become a national embarrassment not only to the city, but to the President himself. Elections have consequences and as long as we continue to elect leaders who are either incompetent buffoons or corrupt to the bone, we deserve what we get. Bill Finch is not qualified to be driving Miss Daisy and after yesterday, the whole country knows it too.
Who wrote Finch’s speech? John M Gomes?
Isn’t Cape Verde an African nation?
The luckiest man in BPT due to a monumental blunder from Finch among 4 years of many.
What made the President look worse?
The aides activists or the racist mayor?
How long did it take for the DNC to call up Testo’s for some calamari and Finch’s head on a platter salad. Serpico is right, John Gomes is the luckiest man on earth today not only our minority majority BPT.
Pondering changing my name now to
Mr. National Embarrassment City
Ganim, Fabrizi, Finch
3 strikes we are out, can’t we get in the national news for something GOOD for ONCE?
I’ve always been a Caruso backer, but as a minority myself, I will take Mr. Gomes’ candidacy MUCH more seriously now. I enjoyed his pol pod interview and Bridgeport needs to get into the 21st century.
Mr BPT // Oct 31, 2010 at 9:13 am
Responding to your question
We can do something good for once … would love to have your help getting it done … 9/13/2011
Do I see a pattern?
Dr. Evans during Black History month.
Guess who’s coming to dinner.
Bill Finch is a white anglo from Trumbull. He should stop trying to act like he’s from the “‘hood.” Elaine Ficarra gets paid big bucks to write Finch’s speeches. How did she let that slip in? What a fool. Did he fist-bump the President too and call him bro? Gimme a break.
How did those global aids protesters get in? We were told no signs or banners. My wife’s small purse was turned inside out. Yet the protesters bring in large banners, obviously with the intent to embarrass the President and disrupt his speech. Obama’s gotta be thinking “what kind of a hick town is that. Never again. Never again.”
CHS: That was one of the other questions I had. Who was responsible for letting protesters in??? The President was at three rallies yesterday–in Philly, in Chicago and here. And what’s all over the news about Bridgeport? That he was introduced by the mayor with an inappropriate reference to his race and then heckled by protesters. The story has been picked up in the U.K. How embarrassing.
As a minority in the state’s largest city I felt better having Obama as our president, today I feel as if it’s 1967 all over again.
What are the qualifications for mayor of Bridgeport?
Must be a thief (Ganim)
Cocaine and booze and be behind sexual abusers (Fabrizi)
A state Nimrod who relieves African Americans of their jobs (Gomes and Evans) or embarrasses presidents (Finch)
Most important all must make national news. Imagine if the Conn Post were a real news paper.
They pick it up in the UK before the Post does.
Guess Who Is Running for Mayor in 2011???
TC — Gomes???
This city has one year to make up its mind as to the direction it wants to take. The voters are going to have to get off their collective asses and vote for change.
We certainly cannot keep going in the direction we are now going. We have an administration that respects no one including the president of the USA.
We have a mayor who keeps hiring political cronies and laying off the nuts and bolts worker. We are spending money on 5000 large recycling buckets that the residents think are garbage cans they are so big.
We have a council that goes along with all of this BS like little lambs.
So far we have 1 declared candidate John Gomes. I expect Chris Caruso to run unless Malloy wins and gives him a state job. The we have the incumbent who invited the president to dinner. I am 100% positive there are people here in Bridgeport who can run this city, all they need to do is step forward.
Note to Carolanne I know John Gomes can run the city but I would like more choices at this early stage.
Problem being TC, the last three choices to run the city ended up making national news for all the wrong reasons. I have to disagree there are many people here at all who can run this city back to where we want and need to be. I also agree Gomes can run the city due to his CitiStat and small business experience, but how many more qualified people are there? I don’t see many choices at all.
It’s an AFSCME ad!
Good job, Musto!
*** Any political change in Bpt must start @ the district local level first; which means getting rid of (some) of the district T/C chairpersons & members. Only then as a whole can the 90 members change some of the things that continue to plague our city past & present. Not by talking but by doing & getting involved in the local political process when election time comes! Only then can different choices be made about who exactly will be endorsed to represent the real resident taxpayers of Bpt & not the ones who stand to gain something on a personal level for themselves, family & friends. It’s an uphill battle no doubt, but the best solution instead of leaving it up to misinformed voters, as is & has been the usual process in this city.