From the Bridgeport Public Library
COMMUNITY POLICING is a term with a variety of meanings. Come to Bridgeport Main Library, Broad and State St., on February 10, 2018 Saturday from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Retired retired Bridgeport Police Department Lieutenants Ron Bailey (Housatonic CC instructor) and David Daniels, III (Community Service consultant) will serve as a panel to answer questions and invite your best comments over what COMMUNITY POLICING can become in the City.
The safety and protection of people and property in a community is the primary duty and responsibility of sworn officers of local and State police units. Yet, men and women in uniform, bearing disabling or deadly tools of their trained trade, are part of the process with power of arrest per State law and department policy.
Police officers have wide latitude of discretion in their activity over the application of the letter and spirit of the law. In that regard, what type of policing does a community want employed? How do they act to get it as citizens? How does “community policing” work to achieve the goals of a department within the spirit and style expected by citizens in the community?
When the public is asked their wishes, usually they respond:
• Sense of safety
• Feel protected
• Officers be “nice to them” (until disrespect happens, respect is not necessarily an expectation)These are minimal wants. Communities can gather together to explore fuller, more relevant and specific measures and expectations of their officers. How do you attract such officers in light of the fact that 70% of applicants fail for one reason or another?
2 excellent candidates to discuss these issues. Very Happy that David Daniels is back with the city. I hope that this will be a well attended event from areas that are the hardest hit with crime. I would imagine that Eneida and Ernie will be promoting this even as well as Lydia and Maria . I would imagine all council people would share this with their constituents. We are all in this together.At least I always believed that.
Thanks for helping get the word out Lennie – looking forward to a great program with a large turnout.
JFBR (aka: John Soltis, Assistant City Librarian)
This should be a great event. Ron Bailey who I am very proud to call my friend was an outstanding member of the Bridgeport Police Department for many years. He served the people of the city with pride, integrity and compassion. He was a high activity street officer for many years who was well known and respected. And he is still willing to come back here and give his time to the community. I am looking forward to reading his book.