Attention Political Operatives: Gander The Election Calendar

Botch a campaign filing or ignore the election calendar regulations and it could cook a candidacy. Below is a screen shot of the election calendar for upcoming key municipal office dates set by the Office of the Connecticut Secretary of the State.

The Democratic Town Committee on July 23rd, 6 p.m. at Testo’s Restaurant will endorse candidates for mayor, city clerk, town clerk, Board of Education, city sheriffs and City Council.

The very next day, as noted in the calendar, primary petitions must be made available for opponents to endorsed candidates.

State Senator Marilyn Moore’s political operation is gearing up for that very moment. Her mayoral primary petitions must be submitted to the registrar’s office by 4 p.m. August 7 to qualify for a September 10 primary. She’ll need certified signatures from five percent of Democratic voters in the city.



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