President Obama will campaign for Governor Dan Malloy Wednesday sometime after 8 p.m. at Central High School, 1 Lincoln Boulevard, according to a news release issued by the Connecticut Democratic Party.
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets will be distributed to the general public on Monday at 3 p.m. at 908 Wood Avenue and 2484 East Main Street, according to party officials. One ticket per person will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to limited space, only a limited number of tickets will be distributed. Central High School gymnasium can accommodate roughly 2,000.
The general public should enter Central High School via the northeast gate located off Madison Avenue. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are required for entry.
In 2010, Obama’s visit to Bridgeport to campaign for Democratic candidates jammed the Webster Bank Arena with 10,000 strong. The president’s advance team including Secret Service agents dictate location for visits. The calendar for the arena does not show an event booked there Wednesday. So either logistics did not work or the president’s campaign operatives were concerned the arena would not be filled.
Statement from Mayor Bill Finch:
“I’m thrilled that President Obama and Governor Malloy have chosen to hold a rally in our state’s largest city,” said Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch. “President Obama and Gov. Malloy have each made critical investments that are helping make Bridgeport a better place to live, work, and raise a family. These include a number of major initiatives–the re-opening of Pleasure Beach after years of neglect (bit.ly/1CYCxSr), breaking ground on Steelpointe Harbor after decades of broken promises (on.wsj.com/1rfN3Ml), and building a second train station (bit.ly/1o0TDVj). We’re creating more confidence in our city’s future, and it wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of President Obama and Gov. Malloy.”
What happened? They felt they could not fill the arena so we went to a local high school gym?
Hooray for Bridgeport. Hosting a sitting President not once but twice during his time in office!!!
Yeah, but only during an election cycle. Keep in mind he is coming here to support a Governor who stuck Connecticut with the biggest tax increase in state history; when that didn’t work as planned, he with the support of the Bridgeport delegation passed cuts that hurt the poor and middle class. The $120 million to Social Services alone affects Mental Health (Adam Lanza could have used some) and many other services our community needs. Despite all of this, the Office of Fiscal Analysis projects Billion dollar state deficits in the coming years. Go drink the Obama Kool-Aid. Anyone who can’t see or ignores these fiscal and social realities should not even consider running for mayor of Bridgeport.
Recently, a US veteran jumped the fence at the White House and entered the building and I guess he wanted to have a talk with President Obama. His last name is Gonzalez–we are all related. My cell phone and internet activities are being monitored by the Secret Service. Good luck with your waste of time, guys. I won’t be there–I’ve never been a groupie like those Grateful Dead followers. Enjoy the Kool-Aid, folks.
More Kool-Aid for teachers:
I see Foley is staying out of the “Bushes,” he doesn’t want George H 41 or George W 43 to come to Connecticut to help him.
This isn’t about the Bushes. It’s about Malloy and Soetoro. So what have they done FOR Bridgeport? As opposed to what have they done TO Bridgeport? Nothing, Nada, Gornish.
All the Democrat Party is doing is rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. By the way, isn’t the sexual predator known as Bill Clinton coming to Connecticut? How’s that doing on behalf of the “War on Women?”
Bob, woman love him. The war on women is the right to choose and equal pay. Republican woman are idiots.
Is that why the women administrative assistants who work for Obama’s White House are getting 80% less than the men?
I think you’re an idiot for drinking the Soros/Styer Kool-Aid. Styer made his billions in investing in coal and now is selling the “green energy” bs. Did you know that? Or are you plugged into MSNBC 24/7?
No comment, Bob. War on woman is not a woman who asks to perform fellatio and save her dress. Keep thinking the way you do. Republicans still do not get it. Foley is gonna lose and for Prez? Yeah, good luck with that.
Steve, there’s more to your statement than you know. Just because Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton were consenting adults doesn’t make it ethical for our 42nd President. That Hillary hadn’t left him after his multiple peccadillos speaks volumes about her political ambitions.
The war on women is a dishonest Democrat talking point, pure and simple. It’s part and parcel of the left’s endless crusade of identity politics to divide the nation in order to win elections. FACT: Married women went for Romney in 2012 and here’s another inconvenient FACT, Democrats haven’t won the majority of white women since 1992.
Hey Ron, most people don’t want Obama’s help either.
Andy, that is correct if you are watching Fox news. Well, welcome to the real world. Malloy is wise to have Obama here. It is a shame only 2000 people will be able to see and hear Obama stump for Malloy. Andy, you are ridiculous to think otherwise.
They’re having it at Central HS because the Webster Arena would be empty otherwise.
Steven and Ron. I noticed Obama is coming to Central High School this time. There’s room for only 2000 people. The headlines will read the place was packed. Why wasn’t the Arena an ideal location this time? A place where you can fit 2000 people over a place you can fit 10,000. There is a good explanation for this–it would be pretty embarrassing and telling when only 3000 people show up to see the President in a place where 10,000 people fit.
Is Foley doing that good he doesn’t need any help? I don’t see Republicans across the country asking for the Bushes 41 & 43 to come to get out the vote for them. I’ll take Obama with low numbers and Bill Clinton coming to Connecticut any time. Time will tell.
More like Malloy is so bad he’s looking for someone to help. How’s his Bridgeport agenda working for Bridgeport? They blame Foley for his wealth while accepting donations from Weinstein, Soros and Styers (who are all billionaires). They’re hypocrites of the first order. Then while they blame Foley for his economic success they forget about how Malloy protected his criminal son while Mayor of Stamford.
I find it totally amazing you can believe Obama would not fill up an Arena. It probably would be easier to control the psychos out there. You know. Joel, I am certain not only could he fill the Arena but there would be lines. Obama is a rock star. 🙂
The expected turnout is about 2500 people according to the group in charge of vetting and securing the venue. They usually have an accurate estimate of attendance.
JB, I always suspected you were a Secret Service agent!
Oh, the fun I am having these days.
Jennifer, are you kidding? People from all over the state want to see Obama. There will be many many many thousands of people who will be very disappointed. Typical of amateur Republican pundits to have the answers. Clinton and Obama in CT. Not good for a pro-gun anti-woman anti-gay has-been candidate.
Actually, the “answer” was from a Democrat.
It has much more to do with midterm election apathy and less to do with the rock star status of the President-
Steve, watch MSNBC and CNN and they will tell you the something I did. Steve, do you know why they are having this rally at Central High and not the arena? They were afraid an empty arena would look bad for all concerned. BTW Steve, why is the president’s favorability rating around 42%?
Dream on, Andy. Even CNN and all Washington insiders are perplexed with those numbers because he has the wind at his back. Those numbers will change.
There is one person who is happy with Obama’s numbers and that’s Jimmy Carter. He is happy because he is no longer the worst foreign affairs president, he has been replaced by Obama. How do you feel about the massacres in Syria and Iraq? We are sending a few meaningless planes to bomb pickup trucks while thousands are being slaughtered. Steve, start paying attention to what’s going on rather than be an ultra liberal with your dreams shattered and your head in the sand.
Central High School’s auditorium cannot seat 2500 people. This is not going to be pretty.
All the high schools are taking the SATs on Wednesday. The last thing that is needed is any distractions.
The Parent Advisory Council had to cancel their citywide meeting due to this unexpected visit.
I think they are using the gym.
It’s so good for Malloy that Charlie Coviello is running Foley’s campaign office in Bridgeport. Even the flies are leaving the BS behind.
Coviello is running Foley’s campaign in Bridgeport? That is beyond sad if true. I got my ticket and I am extremely excited to miss my Wednesday night lineup. Still no Moore sign on my lawn.
I got that info from a member of the DTC of Bpt.