From State Rep. Steve Stafstrom:
After months of negotiation and hearing input from residents across our state, I am happy to pass along great news. On Monday, the House of Representatives passed the $24 million state budget proposal which provides $600 million in tax relief for working families. The budget cuts taxes more than any other Connecticut state budget in decades.
Thanks to the hard work of the Bridgeport delegation, our city will receive a $1.6 million increase in total state funding from FY 2022 to FY 2023. The city will also receive $188,956,317 in state education funding for Bridgeport Public Schools. This budget reduces the motor vehicle mil rate cap from 45 mils to 32.46 mils. For a motor vehicle assessed at $21,000, this would represent a savings of about $230. To offset revenue losses associated with this provision, Bridgeport will be reimbursed $7,069,461during FY 2023.
The budget also includes a $129 million grant for the construction of the new Bassick High School. This represents a 78.93% reimbursement rate. The budget also reimburses Bridgeport for the cost of purchasing land in the South End for the new school. As you know, building a new Bassick High School has long been a priority of mine. I’m hoping this re-authorized and additional funding will finally get shovels in the ground.
In addition to municipal funding, the budget package also makes groundbreaking investments in children’s mental health, increases funding for juvenile justice programs, leverages new federal funding for important programs, and invests in childcare, education, and our workforce.
This budget will:
— Cut state income taxes for retirees
— Lower property taxes on homes and cars
— Extend tax cuts for workers in low-paying jobs (EITC)
— Create a state tax credit for childcare
— Extend the 25-cent cut to gas tax and free bus service until December
— Establish a state child tax credit for income-eligible taxpayers for up to 3 dependent children under age 16
— Make a historic $4.2 billion payment to CT’s pension debt, saving taxpayers considerable money
— Provide a significant tax break for businesses on unemployment insuranceThe past two years have been difficult, as we’ve faced economic challenges through an ongoing pandemic and now record high rates of inflation. The budget plan we’ve put forth works to maintain our economic recovery and improve the quality of life for all residents.
Respectfully, if true that Bridgeport is in fact receiving only $188,956,317 ECS entitlement grant that represents a FAILURE. It is a 1.5 million dollar cut to promised and expected revenues coming in to the Bridgeport Public Schools. Did any one of our representatives or Senators raise an amendment to this cut to the largest school district in CT? If so please make yourself and the date of the Proposed amendment known.
Our schools are dying and building a new school is great and getting it funded good job. But how on earth does anyone expect to pay for escalating staff costs on the $15k additional state funding plus whatever the anemic boost the city council provides?
We will never have respect, as far as education funding in the state goes until our city steps up and does it’s part, and when our reps stop co-sponsoring and supporting education bills like HB 5283 which would if passed disproportionately increase funding to 12 smaller districts. Hartford, New Haven and Waterbury would receive 7 times the increase as Bridgeport.
I won’t speak to the $1.6 million increase that the city will receive as I’m sure someone else will step up to compare it to what other municipalities are seeing. We need to remember in September, then in November.
Apologies in my haste and anger, I used an old figure in my head and gave our reps too much credit. I did the math and the increase they are crowing about amounts to $11,000.