Amazing! Land Deal A Done Deal Between Bridgeport And Trumbull

Break open the champagne. Spoon the caviar. Sound the trumpets. Can you believe it? A deal that makes both Bridgeport and Trumbull happy! The state legislature on Wednesday approved a border change that transfers 48 acres within Trumbull to Bridgeport for construction of a 1,500 student regional magnet high school, and Trumbull picks up a 20-acre parcel of open space it can now negotiate with the state DEP for future use as well as the city’s Parks Department Building. From Mayor Finch:

Statement from Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch re: Vote on Border Change proposal

“We are very happy with the Legislature’s vote on this extremely important issue. Now, we can move ahead with our plans for the Fairchild-Wheeler MultiMagnet High School on Bridgeport land.

“I want to again extend a heartfelt thank-you to Governor Malloy and his legal staff, especially Andrew McDonald and Anthony Jannotta, and to the Department of Education for their diligent attention to this matter. And, many thanks to our Legislators for taking up this vote in a timely fashion.

“We hope to have a shovel in the ground soon so we can all celebrate the hundreds of jobs this project will bring to the region. More importantly, we will be able to celebrate the ultimate results–a state-of-the-art school with 1,000 seats for Bridgeport children, offering a science and technology education unparalleled in the state.”



  1. There’s nothing in the street
    Looks any different to me
    And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
    And the parting on the left
    Is now the parting on the right
    And the beards have all grown longer overnight …

  2. I’ll give Finch his due on this one, even though the deal was brokered by the Governor’s office. If it weren’t for “Andrew McDonald and Anthony Jannotta, and … the Department of Education for their diligent attention to this matter” it wouldn’t have happened, period.

    1. The Bridgeport Kid,
      Don’t give Mayor Finch too much credit for the done deal for the school. My sources have said that Nancy DiNardo & Mario Testa brokered that deal before it went to Hartford. Finch could not even get the bottle bill passed when he was up there.

  3. I agree. This is a win for Bridgeport’s high school students as well as those from the region. Thank goodness the torture is over and the children who are already going to the Discovery Interdistrict Magnet School have a shot at a Interdistrict high school. It will also be another example to regional parents that Bridgeport is not so bad after all and maybe just maybe they might think better of our students, parents, and, oh yeah, discover the rest of the great things that call Bridgeport home. Just think, Bridgeport high school students with athletic fields within walking distance of their buildings. Yes Bridgeport still needs to build at least one new high school, and maybe that needs to be on the GE site but let’s give thanks the crap that long delayed this high school is now behind us. Get the groundbreaking scheduled asap.

  4. The City’s Parks Dept building was always located in Trumbull, near the movie theatres. (Except for CC who has a plush office in the Annex next to the Mrs.) With this land swap, do they have to move or are they part of the deal? Maybe CC can go work for Trumbull. Let Marsillio deal with him.

    1. How many union print shops are in Bridgeport??? Take a look, they were made in Bridgeport. A Bridgeport Company, Bridgeport employees. What’s wrong with that?

  5. Finch went to Hartford to argue against Malloy’s fiscal plan “B” and it was amazing. The man actually did something for the city. Or perhaps he’s trying to save the jobs of all of Mario Testa’s friends he’s hired …

  6. And I remember the days when Bill Finch was paranoid about Anthony Jannotta challenging him for his Senate seat. Jannotta was popping up everywhere so Finch started calling him Zelig.


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