What’s a Riccio Deal?
Riccio, as in Joe, the city’s former Port Authority director, received a six-month buyout to go away after he was terminated by Port Authority commissioners several months ago following an explosion over Riccio’s efforts to seek state legislation stripping the city of home rule over the agency.
Apparently, that deal was good enough for Andrew Abate who had served 20 years as head of the city’s Water Pollution Control Authority until his recent firing over allegations of too much raw sewage entering Long Island Sound, or something like that. (Yikes, sounds like the guy eating tuna from dented can.) Abate was a survivor in city politics and his critics had wondered why he lasted so long, especially after it was disclosed during the Joe Ganim corruption trial in 2003 that he received free home architectural work from officials of the Kasper Group that had received lots of contract work at the WPCA.
From what I’m told Abate’s payoff resolution represents roughly the amount ($58K) Riccio received earlier this year.
So the city has carved out financial agreements, avoiding litigation, with Ricco and Abate. A couple of other high profile fired employees remain, former Personnel Director Ralph Jacobs and former Deputy Chief Administrative Officer John Gomes. Both have lawyers representing them.
Party People

This photo is too good to pass up partly because of the man over the shoulder of Ridgefield First Selectman Rudy Marconi, a Democratic candidate for governor. That’s State Rep. Chris Caruso holding court inside Épernay Bistro during the OIB party Monday night. The Great Caruso joined a bunch of city pols, business leaders, and OIB posters and readers. The goofy-looking guy next to Rudy is your favorite local OIB moderator. Rudy is a rarity in state politics, a Dem leading arguably the wealthiest community in Connecticut dominated by Republicans. Yes, Ridgefield is right up there with Greenwich, New Canaan and Westport. Go Rudy!
Speaking of State Rep. Caruso, he passed along this reminder …
Five, four, three … then the switch is pushed to light over 5,000 multi color bulbs that adorn an 85′ tall, 35′ wide Norway spruce in Bridgeport’s North End. The tree located at the intersection of Main Street and Beechmont Avenue was planted in 1910 on the former McGee property and is the centerpiece for the 20th annual tree lighting to be held on Sunday, December 13 from 6-7 P.M.
Hot chocolate, donuts, sing-a-longs, fire trucks are all part of this festive event. Prior to the tree lighting, a visit is expected from the one and only, Santa Claus. The public is requested to bring non-perishable food items that will be donated to the Holy Rosary food pantry located on East Washington Avenue in Bridgeport’s East Side.
News release from SuBy’s campaign. I wonder if Tiger Woods will covet the endorsement of pipefitters?
(Rocky Hill) – As she explores running for governor in 2010, Connecticut Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz has picked up the key endorsement of Local 777 of the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, representing over 3,200 apprentices, journeypersons, and retired plumbers and pipefitters throughout the state. Bysiewicz had previously been endorsed by locals 1150 and 443 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, representing over 7,000 Connecticut working men & women.
“Our economy is clearly in need of a serious recovery,” said Secretary Bysiewicz. “Should I have the privilege to serve as Connecticut’s next governor, my goal will be to create thousands of new jobs in the type of residential and commercial construction projects that will need the high skills and experience that the plumbers and pipefitters bring to the table. I am humbled to have the support of these proud, hard working men and women who form the backbone of our economic vitality in Connecticut.”
Hubert Barnes, Business Manager/Financial Secretary-Treasurer of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 777 said, “Local 777 has endorsed Susan because we would like to see her run for Governor. She is a hard working leader who knows what it will take to get our state back on the right track, she understands the challenges that our members face, and she has been a long time and tireless advocate for workers in Connecticut.” Barnes continued, “Our trade jurisdiction encompasses the entire State of Connecticut where our members work on residential, commercial, educational and industrial projects from small renovation jobs to billion dollar construction projects. In addition, we also work on all types of fuel cell energy, nuclear, co-gen and fossil fuel plants. We look forward to working with Susan as she puts Connecticut back to work.”
if the numbers are correct that means we have spent $108,000 in buyout money to get rid of Riccio & Abate. That’s $108,000 to take care of someone in the administration’s dislike of these 2 guys.
I hope that Gomes & Jacobs fight for their jobs, in either case win or lose they will cost the city more money. All of this to put administration pets in place. Must be quite a slush fund the mayor has. Do you think with all this wasted money we could have lowered the taxes another mil or put these monies into the rainy day fund?
*** “NO”! A mil is = to $6.5 million, far from it. ***
John Gomes shouldn’t take the money and he should take it all the way to court. He should tell the people of Bridgeport what jerks and thieves are running this city.
He must have a lot of shit on these ass****s for them to try and scare him by firing him. I hope he unmasks them all. Nunn, Feeney, Finch. Hoffman, Osborne, Dunn, and the list goes on … The council members are a bunch of p***ies. The mayor says jump they say how high. They should all be ashamed of themselves. They are not representing the people. Do us a favor and get out, and get some Balls.
The tree lighting in the North End sounds like a good time. I spoke with Representative Caruso on Monday evening. He was warm, gracious, and open to what thoughts and opinions I had.
I don’t know what kind of mayor he’d be, but he sure is one upstanding individual.
When are the people of this city going to tell this administration enough is enough? When are the people on the council going to stand up to the mayor and say enough is enough? Wait, I know the answer. They are not going to stand up and be heard as most of them have city jobs and don’t want to end up like Abate, Riccio, Jacobs & Gomes. How many more hacks from previous administrations are we going to hire on a consulting basis? Christ the city is starting to look like the BOE. BTW great audit.
Hopefully the BOE will be going in the right direction once they hire Mrs. Weiner for the director job. No more bs cronies but a real professional with a fresh outlook.
I don’t know about the director’s job, I heard it was filled by a qualified person. They might be hiring a secretary though, they say she has those qualifications.
The party was really quite nice. I loved it. Black Rockin’ took me back to Black Rock and proceeded to purchase several rounds of Bud Lite, which of course I could not decline for fear of offending. I’ve been battling a chest cold. A hangover didn’t make matters any more bearable. Several times yesterday I could be heard muttering “this sucks, oh my head …” under my breath.
Auden Grogins, the Blonde Banned She From Black Rock, came to the party. Took off before too long. Maybe she had to practice groveling for campaign donations …
*** Nice to be able to see & connect the face with the name or web handle due to the Xmas pictures. Since the gathering was such a success, maybe around Valentine’s Day would be nice for another party with lots of pictures for a up-coming yearly “OIB” calendar? All $ made can go to a charity of OIB’s choice, maybe? And it doesn’t have to be just party pictures either, elections, important city meetings or committees, city or state events, etc. Think about it Lennie & Mo, could become a quite popular must-have yearly item? ***
How much has been spent on covering legal bills?
It could be a birthday calendar with people in their birthday suits. Yahooy could be the month of May. May the day never come.
PUKEHEAD of the Year Award goes to the State of Connecticut for giving $95 million to Starwood Hotels & Resorts for relocating from Westchester County to Stamford, Ct.
Today’s Economic Development story goes like this:
STOP dragging companies across state lines and START developing people instead! It’s much less expensive and produces genuine jobs. The current practice is shortsighted and simply reshuffles the deck.
Who’s badmouthing Senator Joe Lieberman?
Answer: members of his own get-me-elected-as-an-independent party!
Why? Because he opposes a public option a la health care reform which over 68% of CT voters favor.
See for yourself: allaboutjoe.org < -- scroll down, start video on left side ...