Speaking Of Brawls, Malloy And Foley Duke It Out

Malloy, Foley
Malloy turns up heat on Foley. Hartford Courant photo.

You watch the guber debate Thursday night? From CT Mirror:

Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Republican Tom Foley sharply questioned each other’s character, ability and records Thursday night in the season’s wildest debate, a televised confrontation that resurrected Foley’s long-ago night in jail and Malloy’s brush with a mayoral corruption investigation in which he was cleared.

Foley raised a decade-old investigation of Malloy that closed in May 2005 with a prosecutor’s finding of no wrongdoing, a shot that the often combative governor ignored for much of the debate, finally delivering a blistering rebuttal that seemed to rattle his opponent with the reference to his night in jail.

“I didn’t want to do it out of anger, and I didn’t want to appear to be angry, and I didn’t want to engage in an hour of back and forth,” Malloy told reporters. “I stood there and took his best–took his best. And when it was appropriate, I just reminded everybody that he’s talking about an investigation where I was cleared–and thanked–and told the truth about. And he doesn’t do those things.”

Foley, 62, a Greenwich businessman and former U.S. ambassador, said he proposed a truce after the exchange, an offer that Malloy, 59, a vulnerable first-term Democrat, is unlikely to accept after a night in which he shifted attention from taxes and the economy to his challenger’s record and character for the first time in their campaign./blockquote>
Full story here.

Hartford Courant:

A gubernatorial debate largely dominated by economic issues turned negative in the final 10 minutes Thursday night, with jabs sharp enough to lead Republican gubernatorial nominee Tom Foley to call on Gov. Dannel P. Malloy for a truce that would ban character attacks from the campaign.

Early in the debate, in response to a question about the state workforce, Foley mentioned a corruption investigation during Malloy’s tenure as mayor of Stamford. The governor waited nearly an hour to respond, when in his final opportunity for rebuttal he referred to Foley’s earlier attacks on him and then went on the offensive: He hammered Foley over two car crash arrests and a fine that Foley had to pay the State Elections Enforcement Commission this year.

Full story here.



  1. I just had a Malloy canvasser knock on my door. She wanted to make sure I was voting for Malloy in November. I said I would definitely not be voting for Malloy. She then asked me why. By the time I was done with her, her eyes looked glazed over, she was stuttering and looked completely disoriented as she walked away from my door.


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