Arrested Councilman Castillo: “I’m innocent – I’m Following The Orders Of The Democratic Party”

File image of City Councilman Alfredo Castillo with Democratic Town Chairman Mario Testa. Castillo is not happy with Democratic leadership.

Maintaining his innocence, a frustrated City Councilman Alfredo Castillo, days after he was among five political operatives arrested by the state for a variety of election charges, declared on Wednesday in an interview with OIB that he was simply “following the orders of the Democratic Party.”

“I’m pissed off and frustrated that I have to go through this,” he said. “If we don’t get out the vote, Ganim loses.”

Castillo didn’t stop at the local level citing Governor Ned Lamont, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy and Congressman Jim Himes benefiting from city turnout.

“I’m innocent,” Castillo added. “I’m following the orders of the Democratic Party. This is what they tell us to do, get out the vote. Then we get criminalized.

“Our job is to get out the vote. We’re loyal. Always the foot soldiers get whacked and then everyone benefits –  Ganim, Lamont, Blumenthal, Murphy, Himes. Then it’s thank you, we’ll see you in four years.”

Last week Castillo, City Council members Maria Pereira and Jazmarie Melendez, Democratic Vice Chair Wanda-Geter Pataky and campaign staffer Margaret Joyce were charged related to the 2023 mayoral race. The three City Council members charged were also on the ballot.

State investigators made public the affidavits detailing a cluster of allegations including forging signatures, possessing absentee ballots, changing votes after being cast, pressuring electors how to vote, registering non-citizens, harvesting absentee ballots for dumping into designated drop boxes.

Castillo, Geter-Pataky and Margaret Joyce supported Mayor Joe Ganim while Pereira and  Melendez backed John Gomes for mayor.

Previously, Castillo was also charged with election fraud, which he is challenging, from the 2019 mayoral race.

Castillo was charged, among other things, with registering a non-citizen. He says he didn’t know she was a non-citizen.

“How am I supposed to know? She gave me a social security number.”

Castillo claims the loyalty runs one way. For years, he and Geter-Pataky have had a close relationship with Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa.

“How much more loyal do you want us to be? We get out the vote and we get criminalized. Now we have to pay for lawyers. I have a wife and kids who are afraid of me going to jail. The party should have lawyers representing us.”

The defendants in the case are lawyered up with seasoned defense attorneys including Castillo who is represented by Frank Riccio.

Castillo, one of the senior members in service on the City Council, says his arrest will not deter him from seeking reelection this year.

“I’m running and my people will vote for me.”



    1. Folks, take a look at the above file photo of Castigo and TC Chairman Mario Testo.

      Does it looks like Castigo is NOT happy?
      Does he have his arm wrapped around the Chairmen’s shoulder? Is the bald guy in the back ground me? Was this photo snapped just seconds before Alfredo Castillo kiss the ring? Let met get the hell out of John Marshall Lee mode.

  1. Mighty, mighty thin defense! Really, it is simply a Nuremberg defense — a CONFESSION, sans apology; “I was only following orders!” Guilty! $20,000 fine, 6 months in jail, 10 years probation during which you may not engage in political activity or seek or serve in political office!” Next case!…

    (Next picture for Castillo is a mug shot — no more pics with Lamont, Murphy, Himes, Blumenthal, Ganim, and Mario!)

    Pretty soon an open Council seat…

  2. When you come to know Alfredo Castillo, you likely are impressed with his energy and affability.

    It is interesting in how he explains the circumstances involving many of those charged with official wrongdoings at this time. He has identified the officials who win elections in CT because of Democratic votes locally. His narrative shows how “power” is exercised by some who manage to keep their hands clean, and their opinions to themselves.

    Wrongdoing, election after election, sometimes with “special sauce”, like conflation with “renter rebates”, or promises of a job or other benefits can be overlooked for years, obviously.

    But where is enforcement for the Democratic Town Committee of responsibilities or duties required of it for having a VOICE, Open, Accountable, Transparent, and Honest to the community it has captured, in essence?
    Who enforces the rules of the State Democratic Committee which call for more substance of the local group, who with 90 members attempts to limit official endorsements to those who will be loyal? To what? Or rather to whom, and stay quiet when questioned?

    Do they recruit, select, and support only the most loyal who look to DTC “answers” for a response to most questions, rather than independent reflection and decision making over any and every issue on which they vote, from a wide audience of Bridgeport residents? What say you? Where will Fredo receive a fair and timely hearing? Time will tell.

  3. drop a dime
    Inform on or betray someone, as in No one can cheat in this class-someone’s bound to drop a dime and tell the teacher. This expression, alluding to the ten-cent coin long used for making a telephone call, originated as underworld slang for phoning the police to inform on a criminal and occasionally is extended to any kind of betrayal. [1960s]

    1. If he tries the snitch route, his credibility will be -0. How he got a drivers license? Over 30 years ago when I met him in my former City Councimen partner, he told me he was my colleague’s cousin who happens to be Puerto Rican 🇵🇷, so all the years up 2024 I thought he was Puerto Rican. Now his parents turn out to be from El Salvador and Nicaragua. He told me he was adopted and brought here at a young age. He then proudly fist- thumoped his chest and said, “I’m MS-13 since I was a child growing up in El Salvador. Does he sound credible all bias aside?

      1. His City Council’s short bio ends with”…born and raised in Bridgeport.”

        El Salvador’s President deserves a gift from me. Let’s see if my Government Representative can at least deliver him. El CECOT is waiting.

  4. BULLSHIT, ignorant blow-hard. If Lennie Grimaldi encourage and convices me that Robbing M&T bank or the Wellsfargo Armor Truck when they pick up Joke Ganim’s money and I pay off your mortgage, Jim Fox’s new pick up, and the buy OIB for Grin Ripper. Am I “Innocent”.
    In many of the elections, like the last mayoral, there weren’t any Federal office seekers on the ticket. Had there been any, the Federal Elections Commission would be all over Castillo’s (Castigo) ass as well as any other involved.

    Having written this, I challenge: Gov. Ned Lamont, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal, Chris Murphy and Congressman Jim Himes.

    Who he is or whether born here of El Salvador is a question I’ve been looking into.

    I filed a complaint/allegations with The Department of Homeland Security over a month ago. This is the number issue to it:

    HLCN: 1737810658639

    Who is or what is the real Alfredo Castillo?

  5. Typical,when backs are to the wall,they all start blaming each other..Why isn’t there any comments from the leaders of Bpt’s DTC,Mario & Joe,the silence is deafening..Maybe they “had no idea anything was going on”?
    That’s some quote from Castillo though “ If we don’t get out the vote, Ganim loses.”.. basically saying if we don’t falsify AB’s,Ganim loses… With one sentence,he incriminates everyone involved..

    1. It’s a no brainer. If Gomes’ team ran a successful GOTV operation would Joe Ganim be the mayor today.

      Clearly, from the start of the last 4 mayoral election, it was all about ‘Beating the other side at their own game.’ I pulled up a comment (Speedy Prediction) from the OIB archive dating back to 2013 where I predicted all y’all see transpiring. I also warned/advised that “if or when caught , get ready to suffer the consequences. ”
      If I had a dollar for each time I said to operarmtives, “Be careful” and another dollar for their only response, “I’m not doing anything wrong.” My company (NRI) would have been in full operation in El Salvador, years ago.

      1. Joel Gonzalez says:
        February 25, 2025 at 6:31 pm

        Joel Gonzalez says:
        November 9, 2013 at 2:23 pm

        “Despite all this, the Dems lost at the polls and the ABs saved just one of them. In doing this, the Democratic Party showed how weak, splintered, and vulnerable they are. The only way to deliver a political death blow to the machine as it currently stands is to beat them at their own game of Absentee Ballot Magic.”


    2. Harvey, did you see news12 comment MariaPerra made. She said she beat the Bridgeport Police four (4) times.
      Pssst. Harvey, let me tell you a secret. Four (4) is her bad luck number–It’s the highest I can count with my left hand. The Perra still hasn’t noticed the four (4) on her 40 charge counts. Should I slap her with my right hand by filing a SEEC complaint in regards to the five (5) FALSE complaints she filed against various individuals. There is a Statute against perjury when filing SEEC complaint. All five (5) complaints were dismissed.

    1. Ya Jeff,saw this the other day,Castillo is going out scorched earth…Looking forward to their trials..loyalties will go out the window..


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