Finch, Others: I’m Ridin’ With Biden, After Himes Calls For Prez To Pack It In

Statements lead to responses, especially when personal connections matter. Congressman Jim Himes who represents a diverse constituency from Bridgeport to Greenwich along the shore and towns inland, called on President Joe Biden to step aside, asserting a fear he cannot defeat Donald Trump’s MAGA insurrectionists. Biden says watch me win again.

All politics is local and many pols on the ground in Bridgeport are sticking with Biden, including  Gemeem Davis, co-founder of the community group Bridgeport Generation Now, based on reporting from CT Post’s Brian Lockhart:

“Jim Himes is wrong,” Davis said Friday. “The longer this party freaks out about Joe Biden and makes this election about Joe Biden we are not focusing on the danger that is (expected Republican nominee and former president) Donald Trump. … Joe Biden has made it absolutely clear he is the candidate and he’s staying in the race. He’s made it very clear that he believes he can win.”

“We had Democrats after the debate saying, ‘Biden needs to go out, needs to show he can answer questions, take questions in real time from the press,'” Davis recalled. “And he did that. And the press conference was well received. For Jim Himes to come out afterwards just seemed ill-timed.”

Former Mayor Bill Finch weighs in:

“I’m ‘ridin’ with Biden’ until he decides to park the car,” Finch said. “Look, he’s not perfect. I’m not perfect. … Once in a while your brain short-circuits and you say the wrong thing. … We have a guy on the other side (Trump) who misspeaks countless more times and there’s no scrutiny.”

So, too, Town Clerk Charlie Stallworth:

Stallworth thinks Himes, who like Biden is also up for re-election, “Was catering to his more elitist base” in lower Fairfield County’s suburbs.

“I don’t think he had Bridgeport in mind when he made that statement,” Stallworth said. “Democrats have lost their spine. … He’s (Biden) in it. If he’s out tomorrow we get somebody else. But if he’s in it, Democrats have to learn to be firm and be committed.”

As well as City Councilman Akeem Boyd:

“I hate to say it but all the people telling the president to bow out are rich white guys,” Boyd said. “And the people that are staunchly defending him are African Americans, people that got him elected. It’s frustrating.”



  1. You would think Gen Now a race-baiting political organization would call for Joe to step aside, and rally for a person of color, Harris for his replacement after that debate.

    Lennie when you say all politics is local. Can it be this is more of a political attack on Jim Himes since Joe got his groove back an the political wagons are not circling?

    You may be riding with Joe but Y’all know you staying awake. 🙂

    1. Wait what, 😂

      “I hate to say it but all the people telling the president to bow out are rich white guys,” Boyd said. “And the people that are staunchly defending him are African Americans, people that got him elected. It’s frustrating.”

      So the rich white guys are asking the old rich white guy to step aside and let a woman of color run while the African Americans who voted for the old rich guy are frustrated that other rich white guys want the old rich guy to step aside and let a woman of color run.

      Y’ll see this right.

      Outside of Gaston’s visit to the “White” House for gun safety that seemingly supported Harris. I am not sure where the frustration lies.


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