Gen Now Addresses Police Accountability

Following a court ruling to reinstate a police officer terminated for excessive force, a decision now under appeal by the city, the civic group Bridgeport Generation Now issued this statement:

This is exactly why leaders within our organization researched and developed the “Accountable Bridgeport Contract” campaign + demands: demands that the Bridgeport Advisory Task Force on Public Safety recommended at their April 2021 meeting:
“To address the lack of police accountability, renegotiate the police union contract with these common sense reforms in mind. These recommendations aim to reduce the capacity of the Bridgeport police to cause harm and should be adopted in order to hold the department accountable:
● The Chief of Police must fire officers who are found guilty of using excessive force or in violation of Class 1 complaints.
● When being investigated for excessive force, sexual misconduct, or off-duty offenses, officers must be placed on unpaid leave and release their firearm. If they are cleared of wrongdoing, they will receive back pay for lost wages.
● The Chief of Police is required to recommend officers for decertification who fit the state’s criteria.
● City-funded overtime accrual shall not exceed 10% of an officer’s base salary.
● When being considered for promotion, all past records of discipline should be considered.
● In progressive discipline, all previous disciplinary action should be taken into account, including verbal warnings.

It’s time that we make structural changes to our police union contract so that abuse, misconduct, violence, corruption, and racism are rooted out from the Bridgeport Police Department–permanently.
👉 Read more about the ABC Campaign Demands here:…/1FNnoMOrKZlTimCPfphu19x3…/edit
👉 Read the Task Force recommendations here:…/2021-04-01_Bpt…
👉 Read the full article here:…/Bridgeport-ordered-to-rehire…



  1. Police Officer Michael Stanitis should be permanently barred from law enforcement for “general misconduct” under the state’s 2020 police accountability law that was passed in the wake of the George Floyd killing in Minneapolis.

  2. Gen Now, most of the items must be negotiated with the union and for the city get most of these items there will be a cost and that cost is for the city to give up money and benefits in order for contract language. In the early 1990’s Hartford negotiated a contract to give the Fire Chief more power benefits. New Haven is dealing with the state’s certification of police officers. Before finding a new police chief there needs to be overview of the entire police department, think about this, there’s been more time and money with Joe Ganim trying make AJ Perez the chief instead of a overhaul of the police department.

  3. Bridgeport Gen Now has apparently has zero credibility, no experience in policy formation, and sounds like they hire little undergrad kids with no life experiences.

    You know how I know, this post is 5 days old on Facebook and they don’t even have a single “like” on their page. Why? Because nobody takes them serious because what they are asking is so far left no body wants it but them. Even cities that defunded cops after George Floyd are taking back everything they did because they realize it’s not practical to act that way.

    Fund your department to train more cops, better equipment, better incentive to be a cop to have a better more qualified of candidates to promote. You lower the benefits and standards you’re lowering the quality of your department hence more lawsuits for stupid nonsense .

    1. Jo, the Port is not looking for Ivy league material of our PB, We are more into high-grade community college. Just don’t want to see dudes being stomped on after he is in cuffs laying flat on the ground, choked, or pistol wiped in the back of the head when you are complying, and such the likes. It’s a cultural thing that many have no sense of and as time, generations pass. but they will.

  4. Without getting into the politics of the Bridgeport Police Department. Gen now knows the political game and should know it extends into all departments. Considering #4 on Lennie’s list, it is nothing but politics, so they know. Probably the one behind the low number, a sense of corruptionist in its own right. But overall that list is pretty generic and reasonable in its functionality.

    ● When being investigated for excessive force, sexual misconduct, or off-duty offenses, officers must be placed on unpaid leave and release their firearm. If they are cleared of wrongdoing, they will receive back pay for lost wages.

    I guess it depends on what is a class 1 violation is (IDK) and the situation. Let’s not forget, most likely the cops are called to a situation, not as they go around looking for it, for the most part, and there is increasing defiance based on the demonizing of the police to this day escalating the situation too, coupled with a police force to weak or unwilling to engage can create a less safe and lower the quality of life for the communities in questioned with an increase in crime and criminal behavior. That is also common sense too.

    ● The Chief of Police is required to recommend officers for decertification who fit the state’s criteria.

    That’s a push. Not every investigation of wrongdoing is a firable offense but contains some wrongdoing of misbehavior/or lapse judgment., A more important issue to address would be the time frame of this investigation.

    ● The Chief of Police must fire officers who are found guilty of using excessive force or in violation of Class 1 complaints.

    If the shoe fits,

    ● City-funded overtime accrual shall not exceed 10% of an officer’s base salary.

    Is nothing but politics, I guess that is the way it is said the wheel of accountability moves slow. a more practical number overall is 25% to 30% of an officer’s pay.

    ● When being considered for promotion, all past records of discipline should be considered.

    How can it not be, like not looking into someone’s ability for the promotion? The reality is, they look past it. just like AJ’s ability to run the police department as Chier of Police. SMH

    ● In progressive discipline, all previous disciplinary action should be taken into account, including verbal warnings

    Should commendation be looked at as well?

    Some notable demands that didn’t make Lennie’s list., Divestment/reallocation of funds from the Police Department

    ● Investment in social services, community programs, and public schools
    This is Apples and Oranges.

    ● Removing SRO’s from public schools
    A waste of personal time/money, for the most part, to have cops on school ground throughout the day, however, I can assume cops should/are being assigned before school and after school, during the time schools get out at the high schools.

    ● Hold police officers accountable for violence/bad behavior

    ● Demilitarize the police department
    For the most part, the equipment is a waste of money in upkeep and usage. IMO

    ● Require police officers, police commissioners to be committed to anti-racism.
    We really have to define racism in the politics of the Port’s PD though. Clive Higgins comes to mind.

    ● Increased transparency from the police department and city government.
    Transparency, I don’t even know what that means, but I am sure it is politics. 🙂

    P.S in case, you don’t know who Clive Higgins was/is As you can see people The Port’s police abusive behavior is equal opportunity. To be fair, the White and Latino were found guilty while the black cop go off. Things that make you Hmmm, To be fairer. as you can see it’s the white cop who is corrupting the others.

  5. LMFAO!! Hey Gen Now, why don’t a few of you patrol some of the areas in need of “help” and see how you make out. Be bold, show everyone what you’re made of!! Lol.
    Truly a useless group of idiots who know nothing about what they desire to change.


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