Wow! Jepsen Nets Dannehy

Nora Dannehy, a career federal prosecutor who put away her share of pols, will become George Jepsen’s deputy in the state Attorney General’s Office. Dannehy will transition from criminal investigations to those civil in nature. The AG’s office has no criminal oversight. This is an intriguing move for Dannehy who served for a period as the chief federal law enforcement officer in the state and was passed over for permanent U.S. Attorney appointment in favor of David Fein. The federal post is a political appointment. Dannehy’s smart, with a reputation for fairness. From Jepsen:

HARTFORD – Attorney General-elect George Jepsen Friday named veteran federal prosecutor Nora R. Dannehy as Deputy Attorney General, to serve as his as second in command in the state Office of Attorney General after he takes office Jan. 5, 2011.

Dannehy of South Glastonbury was one of 12 applicants and three finalists for job. The selection process involving Jepsen’s transition team began after the election and is ongoing for other members of Jepsen’s administrative staff.

“I’m delighted and honored that Nora Dannehy has accepted my offer to serve as Deputy Attorney General. Her enormous integrity, skills as a lawyer and experience managing law enforcement professionals are unparalleled in the state,” Jepsen said during a news conference at the Legislative Office Building to introduce Dannehy and to discuss the transition.

Dannehy, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Wellesley College and Harvard Law School, has served since September as chief in the financial fraud and public corruption unit of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Connecticut. She served previously as an acting U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia investigating the removal of U.S. Attorneys in 2006.

“I’m honored that George chose me to serve as Deputy Attorney General. This is a wonderful opportunity for a new professional challenge and to continue to serve the citizens of Connecticut,” Dannehy said. “I have worked with many of the talented assistant attorneys general in the office and look forward to working with all the staff.”

From April 2008-May 2010, Dannehy was the court-appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, managing an office charged with enforcing federal criminal laws and representing the federal government in civil litigation in the state.

She also served as senior litigation counsel, investigating and prosecuting complex white-collar and public corruption cases, including the prosecution of former Gov. John G. Rowland, Peter Ellef, Rowland’s former co-chief of staff and deputy chief of staff and former State Treasurer Paul J. Silvester.

Dannehy, 49, is admitted to practice before the Connecticut Bar and the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Her salary has not been set.

Jepsen expects to announce his remaining staff appointments in the next few weeks. Jepsen’s nine-member transition team was led by Francis J. Brady of Murtha Cullina LLP of Hartford, outgoing president of the Connecticut Bar Association.


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