This is too funny. Get a load of the opinion piece Mayor Bill Finch penned in the CT Post. This excerpt would have been perfect for Finch to swoon over Malloy in the 2010 gubernatorial primary. Except Finch supported Ned Lamont.
As mayor, Dan transformed Stamford by tackling big issues like improving city schools, providing universal early childhood education and attracting major economic development–creating jobs and prosperity for all residents. As our governor, Dan Malloy will be able to call on the skills he honed as mayor, and he will be able to rely on mayors to help right the ship of state–the state of Connecticut.
Check out entire article here.
Mayor Finch should be ashamed of himself for this blatant ass-kissing message. Bill, a few months ago you were singing the praises of Lamont and now you are talking about Malloy as if he were the second coming of Christ.
BTW Bill don’t call our governor Dan any more he wants to now be called by his full first name of Dannell seems like he no longer needs the folksy appeal. Back to the pompous ass he has always been.
Back to you, Bill. That’s an impressive list that the mayors have to take care of. Mayors must according to you
1. Balance the Budget, You still don’t have a balanced budget after 6 months
2. Crime has increased and you have no answers
Bill the JFK comparison is pure utter bullshit. You and Malloy were about 3 or 4 years old when that speech was made. I know you fancy yourself after JFK but you really must get a grip.
Bill where is the vibrant development downtown and at the waterfront?
The fact of the matter is Malloy did none of that. The real power in Stamford are the CEOs and Corporate Boards of Directors who made it abundantly clear to all political influence in that town since the late ’60s. “Stay the hell out of our way.” Just look at Zoning, Education, Police Commission and Public Works. All of these committees are made up of people with close ties to the corporate infrastructure who are there to make sure that the work at hand is done right. Corporations are not going to invest the mega billions that have gone into that town unless taxes are reasonable, schools are effective, crime is low and zoning is mindful of corporate growth needs.
Nobody paid attention to Malloy, Stafstrom, Murphy et al.
Does anyone who currently lives in Bridgeport really want Bpt to be like Stamford? Be very careful what you wish for as the grass while greener may be artificial.
Mayor birdbrain strikes again.
I think we will be in for a long four years with all the problems the state has. Someone is going to pay the price, it’s either the taxpayer, the unions or both but someone will pay.
I hope Dannel is up to the task.
If we don’t get more candidates in the mayor’s race we will have four more years of incompetence starring Finch and his advisers. Time will tell.
*** Rather amusing; Politics 101, no? *** HERE WE GO! ***
Gov. Dan Malloy, as well as most Connecticut mayors, is the product of a generation that was called to action by JFK. It was people like Malloy, a former mayor, whom Kennedy had in mind when he said, “The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.”
I don’t think JFK was addressing his remarks to a five year old. I knew Jack Kennedy and Bill Finch is no Jack Kennedy.
I knew Charlie the Bum and Bill Finch couldn’t even aspire to comparable status.
Hey Charlie the Bum was too nice a guy to be named in the same category as any of these politicians.
I think this editorial piece by (nothing’s below me) Finch should at least get him a job offer from Dan (Dannel P) Malloy in the EPA department or in the DOT as the man in charge of rain barrels or at the very least he could be in charge of painting all state equipment Green. Dannel P Malloy please help Bridgeport and take Finch off our hands.
I like the part about putting politics aside and doing the right thing. Bullshit! Bill Finch wouldn’t know the right thing if it bit him in the ass. Did he put politics aside when he laid off longtime employees and forced givebacks and paycuts while at the same time he hired his political cronies? Finch is RIGHT NOW trying to figure out how to create more jobs for his and Mario’s politicos. You will see in the next few months as certain district leaders are demanding jobs in exchange for their political support.
No matter how much Finch kisses ass, Malloy will not forget the fact that Finch LIED to him. He pledged his support to Malloy and then switched because Mario thought Lamont would win. Finch secured a job for himself and Wood with Lamont. They couldn’t wait to get the hell out of Dodge. That’s how much Finch cares about Bpt. The man has no honor. It is embarrassing. JFK is turning over in his grave.
Lennie thanks for the memory. Charlie The Bum was known by most everyone on the East Side.
I’m not sure what is funnier: The mayor’s obsequious essay in The Post, or posting up a picture of Charlie The Bum. This was great!
Joel Gonzalez on facebook:
People always lie. For example, how many times have you heard someone say “I’m taking the elevator”? And the truth is the elevator is taking them.
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WARNING: Lennie Grimaldi is a facebook friend
I never knew Charlie The Bum. I grew up on State Street and the famous bum in the ’70s was Chendo. Chendo looked like Charlie and my sister Marisol was scared of this man. I remember her being afraid to go outside for fear of seeing Chendo. I remember walking on State Street with Marisol and my late brother Jimmy and when we got close to Chendo he would grab Marisol and try pulling her close to Chendo while he would exclaim, Chendo la nena! You should’ve heard her screams and seen the strength she would fight my brother off with. Chendo died in an alley on State Street. He froze to death while sleeping one winter night in the alley.
I would never say Bill Finch is a Bum. But many of the decisions made by his administration or approved by the City Council have caused me to say, “What a Bummer!”
If we are to mention the Bridgeport infamous than we can’t leave out Old Black Joe or Pitusa. The kids would sing “old black Joe, shine my shoes I got some money but, it ain’t for you.”
Lol. Hector that bring us younger folks down memory lane.
I’ve always wondered what happened to Old Black Joe, I could only imagine he met the same fate as Chendo.
“… traffic moved safely, books lent, animals controlled (or, in Bridgeport, fed in the zoo) …”
1) Traffic hasn’t been moving that safely during the last Snow Storm in 2010 nor any better on the one today.
2) Books lent thanks to those of us who supported more library funding.
3) Two puppies flushed down the drain at the animal control facility.
4) Flat funding for the zoo. The only security guard (what was that guy’s name?) position is cut from the zoo budget. Three years later, the zoo still has no security in violation of standards for zoo certification (how did they get by this?).
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Malloy-aides-say-transition-records-not-public-943237.php
Classic Finch, tries to create a phony appearance of friendship and connection to people he screwed as to minimize the fallout for himself. Fake, opportunistic and pathetic–end of story.