On December 6, 2023, attorney Tyisha Toms, just prior to her appointment as Bridgeport’s chief legal counsel, wrote this in the OIB comments section, regarding City Councilwoman Maria Pereira threatening to file lawsuits against several individuals and media outlets:
Actually, when the plaintiff is a public figure, they have the burden of proving that the defendant acted with actual malice or reckless disregard for the truth. Arguably the defendant can just say “I didn’t know it was untrue.” Then the burden shifts back to the plaintiff.
Strange what can happen in the fit of emotion, or a new legal spin.
The other day at 3:33 p.m. just minutes after this story was published about her friend Janene Hawkins dubiously double dipping city positions, I received a lively, to say the least, threatening phone call from City Attorney Tyisha Toms with whom I have always had a cordial relationship, accusing me of defaming her friend. I’ve also had a cordial association with Hawkins and have written favorably about both of them.
Attorney Toms pushed loudly.
I pushed back, in paraphrase, I explained this was a story about taxpayer money and all the payroll records show Hawkins, as chief administrative officer for the city and a human resources adviser to the superintendent of schools, profited a windfall at taxpayers expense.
You’re the city attorney for Bridgeport, isn’t it your job to protect the taxpayers of Bridgeport rather than your friend?
“I’m not calling as the city attorney!” she shot back.
Would you be calling if you were not the city attorney? (3:33 p.m. on a weekday)
Toms cited some cockamamie policy that pays the full eight hours, even if you work just one hour per day. If true, I responded, what a horrible policy.
She intimated a few unflattering things, liar this, you’re a that, etc. I stood my ground. She hung up. I don’t recall ever having choice words previously.
City attorney is a powerful position, no matter the municipality, where legal cover can be crafted for executive and legislative bodies. And friends, for that matter,
The decisions Toms issues, be it to the mayor, City Council, boards and commissions, are the legal guideposts for how the city conducts business and procurement process. She has more than a dozen lawyers at her disposal on payroll as well as many others paid as legal consultants to the city.
The City Attorney’s Office is also the place where requests for public information can be green-lighted or stymied.
I’ve been bitched out by plenty of city officials in the past. Goes with the territory. This one seemed very different. Very knee jerk and personal. Was she blaming the messenger because this was a screwy double-dip arrangement?
Good grief, her friend made $228,000 in 2024.
Prior to that Toms wanted to know “why now?” re publishing the story.
Let’s visit the why-now timeline. In January 2024, Hawkins was Bridgeport’s chief administrative officer, top department head, second most powerful administrative position in city government after the mayor. That comes with plenty of influence and power, depending on how long of a leash the mayor wants to give.
Hawkins approached the mayor’s executive staff and relayed, according to several sources, that she wanted to spend some of her work time as a loaned executive to help the new school chief, now gone, Carmela Levy-David, to provide human resources support. Added pay was not part of the pitch. They agreed.
On January 11, 2024, Levy-David issued the following memorandum to education staff: “
Please arrange to begin compensating Dr. Hawkins as of Tuesday January 2nd for her role as CHRO in BPS.”
The thing about City Hall, rank and file employees notice things. I had received a number of calls during that period declaring Hawkins was invisible at 999 Broad Street, the Margaret Morton Government Center, spending her time on Lyon Terrace, home of school district administration. Double dip allegations were rampant. Word of this also came to the attention of City Council leadership that didn’t hold back about what was pitched as a loan to the school district.
Also, during this period Bridgeport’s 2023 mayoral race extended into 2024 due to ballot-box stuffing allegations in which a state judge ordered a new election. There was plenty to write about.
In February 2024 Hawkins was confronted by mayoral staff about the two pay checks she was receiving. She postured defensively, according to sources.
On February 14, 2024 Hawkins, under her personal letterhead, issued a formal CAO resignation to Mayor Joe Ganim effective two days later, thanking him for eight years of city service. Ganim was effusive in his public praise of her. Prior to serving as CAO, Hawkins headed labor relations.
Fast forward several months. Levy-David appoints Hawkins chief of staff, a position that pays the most, after the superintendent of schools.
Friction builds between Levy-David and the school board over a variety of issues, including a growing financial mess. Levy-David is shown the door. Royce Avery becomes acting school leader and sets upon eliminating administrative positions to help close the financial gap.
One of those positions is chief of staff to the superintendent.
In early December 2024, Hawkins was moved from Lyon Terrace to the Bassick Library, which she alleged is moldy, and mouse-infested.
Other school district staffers also work out of the library, not just Hawkins. She files a complaint with the state health department over a couple of mice and a few other things. What’s this really about?
Is this retaliatory from either side?
I received more phone calls asserting Hawkins is trying to build a claim for another pay day, at taxpayers expense.
Okay, considering the new information, let’s take a look at pay stubs.
During the months of January and February 2024, according to pay stub records, Hawkins received $3,653.85 per week from the school side spending and $2,931.71 from city side per week. She was paid for 80 hours of work.
Hawkins banked a total of $60,166.11 during the two-month double dip, including vacation time buyout, sick days and holidays.
In total she received $227,754 in 2024, the most other than Levy-David.
Now, let’s give Hawkins the benefit of the doubt that she believes in her head that she made it very clear to mayoral staff what the arrangement would be – double dipping city pay with a deal from the school chief that would largely keep her out of the Morton Government Center while the mayor is campaigning across the city for his political life.
Either way, none of it is a good look.
Also, no effort has been made to recoup those dollars.
Ganim, the past few weeks has locked arms with superintendent Avery, who has a difficult task ahead of him bringing stability to a cash-strapped school district, about the need for transparency.
Okay, Joe, how about some retro transparency as well? The school district is broke.
Now, let’s get back to City Attorney Toms friendship with Hawkins. Shortly after the threatening tone of Toms phone call, I heard from Hawkins in a text who wanted to chat. She was upset. After the call I received from Toms, I was not inclined to hear more of the same from her friend.
I explained in a text, “Hi, if you have something to say in response to my story, please issue a statement. Thank you.”
“I will have my attorney contact you,” she responded.
I heard from the City Attorney Toms. Waiting to hear from Hawkins attorney.
No malice here or reckless disregard for the truth. It’s a story about the spending of taxpayer money.
Note to Attorney Toms: thank you for the December 2023 legal advice.
Mr. Grimaldi, the picture heading this article looks like each person is enjoying the moment. Isn’t that special?
You indicate that the time in context was January, 2024 that is 13 months ago. It was a time when the Mayor and Council President were promoting a City Charter Review. Twelve months come and go quickly and we are still poised to hear about that Charter Review. And the disheartened public as to local elections are stuck in the status quo.
Is the article about your conversation with the City Attorney, her relationships with you or others, or just another example of managing stories to protect the Mayor. As the leader of local governance action he allows stories to circulate where he knows better. Why does he fail to restore order and respect for City employees who serve well and effectively such that they are in demand in other City Departments? He could put a quick end to the discussions about “double dipping” in the City with an explanation of what really has happened. But he has not. Wouldn’t a contract back in the day when the CAO was working for two departments, with his knowledge one supposes, have the official paperwork in order so that she was fairly compensated for her efforts, but the concept of double dipping was taken off the table? And if he did not know, or care, then as I often do, why not care?
Do you find that the daily national news items that filter through to us can only reveal “officials elected to represent all the people” who are acting contrary to their responsibilities to all Americans as human beings? When a solo billionaire without any officially explained authority other than a nod from the King sitting at the Resolute desk in the White House can put records with multiple levels of secrecy be exposed to folks without security clearance, when employees of many types are fired without any process, due or otherwise, how is this representative of making American Great Again? When you are cost cutting or firing a weapon, don’t you study and know the specific target by getting READY, then taking AIM, and finally exploding the round by triggering FIRE?? Why use a club when the specific targeting weaponry is available by law and due process? Time will tell.
JML, remember this?:
John Marshall Lee says:
February 6, 2024 at 3:49 pm
Tyisha Toms will provide the citizens of Bridgeport with a fine intellect, integrity in her legal profession. and a variety of experience in the challenges of municipal legal matters. In addition to those character values she gets along with others using great listening skills, strong empathy, and her often present and radiant smile.
Ten years ago we shared a challenge ticket to those folks endorsed by the party in our District and knocked on many doors. She is a great worker and fun to be around. We failed to win, but the thing I prize most was the opportunity to learn the ways Tyisha contributes to the Bridgeport community by her presence. Seriously, time will tell.”
JML, you and all who likes your posts of questions, shall all Go and FUCK YOURSELVES.
Speedy, Play Nice,
I liked some of John’s posts. Though, I guess, this is kind of playing nice. 🙂
Based on one of those comments you posted it would seem Toms has been trying to get into the political game. Perhaps has been, She’s a player how worked to lead the City Law office.
I can assume this doesn’t come off will for G2 considering Janene Hawking’s comes for his camp/administration, but than again so did Cruz, Gomes, Maria, to name a few. There was a time. 🙂
A lot of people had G2’s back in that room. JS
Billboards, people, billboards. 🙂
Angry and outspoken to others? Unfortunate and predictable that very few listen to you.
Questions open up otherwise taboo subjects locally and nationally. Policy questions get at purpose which I assume to be the “long-term common good” of officials who comments or an oath upon winning an office, provides more specific definition of what they are about, and how to measure their success, or not. When answers fail to provide specifics, or defer and delay subject matter, how do we practice active daily governance obligations? Isn’t it up to all of us as neighbors? Is this to naive a viewpoint, but isn’t it the perspective of an active duty military person who will protect others, unknown people, but vulnerable humans? Who are you debating? Who are you serving? Time will tell.
Lennie Grimaldi, this is legitimately a matter for a Complaint the Connecticut Bar Association.
Lenny: As egregious as this should seem to all concerned — Bridgeport taxpayers included (especially) — this type of double dipping/multi-position-job-crossover, including retirement and rehiring to allow for pension double-dip, and beyond — is not news in Bridgeport. Neither are no-show jobs. So; you have the taxpaying public largely in sympathy with your reporter’s zeal to expose a juicy story from City Hall, but it’s just more-of-the-same. One more smack on the head taken from City Hall by overburdened, disappointed taxpayers who are too numb to give much of a rise to this “news.” Will we get a refund from Ms. Hawkins?! No. What we will get is a big $ettlement bill to shut her up about all of the other City Hall double-dipping, no-show jobs, ballot-box-stuffing, et al., that she was privy to during her halcyon days in City Hall.
What does the Mayor get out of this vicarious indignation over this blatant case of double-dipping/tax-money theft by another “connected,” high-level official . He gets to look like he’s taking the abysmal state of City finances and his failing city seriously to Governor Lamont — who is only too happy to play along in time to secure those vital, re-election votes from Bridgeport. So he’ll pat Joe on the back, give him a few $million for “education” in the context of some “oversight” and Joe will take the money and run, giving Ms. Hawkins a $million or so from the Governor’s gift as “shut-up”/go away money (which, who knows, she might split with Attorney Toms for her energetic, “friendship” interference on her behalf…)
Just another “Bridgeport” story by way of explanation on why we can’t get out of our own way and make any real progre$$ in a booming economy…
The entire City of Bridgeport government as a whole is crumbling, from the Board of Ed. to the double dipping Police Chief. and a police academy with more than one instructor who’s a sexual predator of female recruits of the recent and prior classes. Corruption that is being allowed by the biggest criminal himself, the little man puppeteering OZ. Countless federal lawsuits on deck and they can’t get out of their own way and just do the right thing by the people and taxpayers of the city (myself included). Then again the City Attorney’s Office IS A LITERAL JOKE so what do we honestly expect?!? A city that’s hemorrhaging $$$ between crooked administration getting paid and lawsuits from their arrogance in believing that they are untouchable.
The FBI should be coming in to due a full review of every department top to bottom within the Corrupt city start putting people back where they belong either Jobless Or better yet….behind bars!!!
Haven’t you heard the FBI (Bridgeport Fucking Idiots) has always been behind all the malfeasance taking place?
“…to the double dipping Police Chief…”
Correction: Police Thief
As the Joke Ganim is buying time to:
1) Cause the list of three (3) Finalists of which there’s only one (1), LT. BLACKWELL, to expire.
2) The Lawfurm of Pillager, Pillager & Pucci, Tom Pucci to be more specific, will file motions to delay the Thief’s appeal of CMERS ruling.
3) By year three (3) of the Thief’s contract, Mayor Joke Ganim shall entertain a buy-out of the two (2) remaining years. The Thief will be able to reimburse the CMERS fund and pocket the rest. The City of Bridgeport will of course cover the Thief’s legal cost also.
When rats feel like they are getting cornered,they try to protect themselves by biting back..Sadly as a long time taxpayer in Bpt,I’m numb too this never ending corruption,it’s just one thing after another and another,Joe as the common denominator is not a coincidence.
This whole thing seems off.
I believe Janene hiring was not done accordingly and because of it her contract was null and void. She was moved out of 45 Lyon to Bassick High School Library. The person how gave here that position has been replaced. We really don’t know who the new Acting Superintendent will want as his chief of Staff, if it’s even up to him.
Perhaps this whole thing is an attempt as a rallying call to the black on her behave to community to put
pressure on the BBOE to certify her employment, if not you can be sure a lawsuit will be filed. So worrying about Lennie “alleged” deformation by posting it on OIB, Blog the fact she was paid by the City and BBOE for eight week that no one has placed any action to recoup, if invalid. Seems off.
We are talking about a 200K a year gig.
At any rate.
John, I know it is fashionable to invoke race, particularly when trying to court the black community in political racial identity politics but as it stand, America has been running on a massive credit card funding for quit a while. It pays like 900 billion annual in interest. That somewhere around half of what it spend on Education for the entire country. Speaking of weaponry, its a few hundred billion less the Defense Department annual budget. 😂
There’s no real operational expense/apparatus. Just a check.
Every year and growing the US says, Thank you sir may I have another. 🤣
Life was so simpler when I was doing Asian Science and downloading Asian Music.
Response to City Attorney Tyisha Toms’ Actions and Comments:
Mayor Joe Ganim’s appointment of Tyisha Toms as City Attorney is truly a head-scratcher. Based on her recent conduct, it seems more like a case of loyalty to friends than to the taxpayers she’s sworn to protect.
Just a few days ago, Toms was involved in a troubling phone call where she defended the dubious actions of her friend, Janene Hawkins, regarding taxpayer-funded double dipping. Instead of focusing on the core issue – misuse of city funds – she took a personal and aggressive stance, threatening defamation suits rather than addressing the real concerns at hand. Her response was not one of a city attorney trying to ensure justice and transparency, but rather as a friend attempting to shield a colleague.
This raises the question: Shouldn’t the City Attorney be serving the citizens of Bridgeport, not backing her friends in high places? Her actions don’t inspire confidence in her role or abilities. And let’s not forget the sheer amount of taxpayer money being mishandled in these double-dipping allegations—$227,754 in 2024 alone. This level of fiscal irresponsibility cannot, and should not, be tolerated.
What’s even more troubling is that after a threatening call, Toms seemed more concerned about protecting a friend than addressing the public’s right to know where their hard-earned money is going. At this point, it feels like she’s more about playing defense than holding the city’s officials accountable.
It’s time to ring the bell. Mayor Ganim, with all due respect, if your goal is to have the city run on transparency and integrity, Tyisha Toms is not the right person for the job. With her recent behavior, it seems like she’s more interested in shielding her allies than defending the public’s trust.
This kind of unprofessional conduct is not what Bridgeport needs in its legal counsel. It’s time for a change. Mayor Ganim, it’s time to make the right call and say “you’re fired!”