What About The Times Square Bomber? Bridgeport Loses Security Funding

When federal spending is cut, something has to give. Bridgeport is among more than 30 U.S. cities losing anti-terror dough from the feds. Senator Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, says both Bridgeport and Hartford, recipients of a combined $5.5 million last year, are being cut from the program. Lieberman statement:

“I understand that everyone must sacrifice to bring our federal deficit under control. But I do not support cutting the budget on the back of our national security, particularly since foreign and homegrown terrorists will continue to strike us at home.”

Full story in the Washington Post.

New York Congressman Peter King told 1010 WINS it was almost impossible for Bridgeport to be attacked.

“They were on the list because it was a way to send money to these cities, it was a–in effect–a political handout that was going on for too many years.”

Didn’t the Times Square Bomber reside in Bridgeport? One year ago the city was awash in law enforcement. Oh well.



  1. I am more curious than concerned about this message upon first hearing. How much did we get last year? What did we use it for (assuming we used it for something already rather than earmarked a project to happen later)? Does the cutting have anything to do with City behavior, i.e. failure to act or report in a timely manner that might have made other cities appear more interested in funds and therefore more competitive? Was any of this related to our port or other departments where we have “acting” leadership?

  2. Did they forget Bpt was the home of the Times Square Bomber? We have more than our share of wackos. Speaking of that did we all notice the return of Local Eyes?

  3. The security funding is all about sucking on the federal hooter, more money for the police and fire departments.

    I haven’t been around OIB much over the past few weeks. The New York Post is a much more lively place to blog, what with Arnie’s love child, Dominique Strauss-Kahn attempting to rape a hotel chambermaid, and the cast of “Jersey Shore” going to Florence Italy, for a month. The Kid has a lot to say about all of that …

  4. The NYPD arrested a man from Bridgeport last night. He was selling pipe bombs from a car trunk in a shopping center parking lot in the Bronx. Imagine his sales pitch: “Hey man, wanna blow shit up? Got what you need right here …”


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