Could the Board of Education be entering a period of détente? For the past decade a revolving door of chairs, superintendents and blistering battles among disparate personalities has dominated the district in Connecticut’s most populous city.
Monday night, however, John Weldon was named for another year as chair at the annual organizational meeting. The other officers were maintained as well. Bobbi Brown vice chair, Joseph Lombard secretary.
A period of peace?
Meanwhile, Bridgeport has hauled suburban districts into court.
From Dan Tepfer, CT Post:
The city’s Board of Education claims it is out more than $3.2 million for educating students from other municipalities and it is demanding they pay up.
On Friday, the Board of Education for Bridgeport filed suit in Superior Court against the boards of education of Stratford, Shelton, Trumbull and Monroe.
“We are fairly confident we are going to be able to resolve this case in the near future,” said Associate City Attorney John Mitola, who brought the lawsuit with attorney Russell Liskov.
… According to the lawsuit, since 2017, the Bridgeport Board of Education has educated 529 students from Stratford, 275 students from Shelton, 61 students from Monroe and 202 from Trumbull at its magnet schools.
Full story here.