Bridgeport resident David Walker is on a mission–to some a mission impossible–to deliver national fiscal reform. The former Comptroller General of the United States is the leading national voice to impose sanity upon the federal budget–making process and by example for state and local budgets as well.
Walker for nine years headed the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) under Presidents Clinton and George Walker Bush, and managed to transcend the partisan nightmare that is Washington. He was the guy, long before the national economic collapse hit home, who predicted we are going to hit the rocks, a storm warning that was wise enough for a 60 Minutes feature.
Walker will highlight his mission in a new venture “Comeback America” modeled after themes in his book in an effort to hammer home solutions to the fiscal madness. And Bridgeport, according to the mission statement of his new challenge, could play a role in his illustrated reform initiative.
If I’m Mayor Bill Finch and Economic Development Director Don Eversley I’d be all over this to persuade Walker to house his new venture in Bridgeport. Can you imagine a national think tank in downtown Bridgeport? Walker has national media credibility and a Bridgeport presence would feature the city in the national discussion about Walker’s reform measures.
Walker shared with OIB that he hasn’t made a final decision, but is considering Bridgeport as a location for his venture. Walker purchased a house in Black Rock previously owned by former Congressman Christopher Shays who now makes his primary residence in Maryland but also owns a condo in Black Rock. See the mission statement of Walker’s Comeback America Initiative followed by news release:
To promote fiscal responsibility and sustainability by engaging the public and assisting key policymakers on a non-partisan basis in order to achieve solutions to America’s fiscal imbalances.
Areas of Focus:
This non-profit organization will foster a national discussion around the themes in the book “Comeback America,” with an emphasis on various specific policy, operational and political reforms to put government on a more prudent, sustainable and accountable fiscal path. The organization’s primary focus will be federal fiscal issues; however, it will also highlight the larger national fiscal challenge (federal, state and local) and may engage in selected state (e.g., Connecticut) and local (e.g., Bridgeport) reform initiatives.
Major Activities:
CAI will engage in various online, on-air, publication and other communication activities, participate in various town hall forums and other public events regarding fiscal matters, and assist key policymakers in their efforts to examine and build support for specific policy reforms to help ensure greater fiscal sustainability.
All activities will be non-partisan in nature and will be designed to make government more future focused, results oriented, successful, efficient, equitable and sustainable. This includes steps designed to transform government to increase transparency and accountability in connection with key areas of ineffectiveness, inequity and fiscal irresponsibility.
News Release:
Peter G. Peterson Foundation to Support New Fiscal Organization
New York, N.Y. September 17, 2010 — The Peter G. Peterson Foundation (PGPF) announced today that President and Chief Executive Officer, David M. Walker, will be leaving the Foundation to launch a new initiative focused on promoting and achieving specific fiscal solutions. The new organization will be entitled the Comeback America Initiative (CAI). Walker will serve as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of CAI, which has received a three-year grant from the Foundation and will engage the public and promote fiscal solutions, including those outlined in Walker’s book, Comeback America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility.
“Dave Walker has been a Paul Revere on the unsustainable fiscal outlook for our country. He has done a first rate job of getting our Foundation off to a fast start and raising awareness of the critical need for fiscal responsibility. We look forward to continuing to partner with Dave as he begins this important new initiative,” said Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the Foundation.
Walker said, “It has been a privilege to work directly with Pete Peterson, and I highly value my relationship and experience with my colleagues at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. With a report from the President’s commission to be released in December, the next three years represent a critical time for our country’s fiscal future and I am excited to be able to devote more time and energy into engaging the public regarding my potential specific and action-oriented solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges. I look forward to launching the Comeback America Initiative as a means to engage Americans and assist key policymakers in making government more future-focused, results-oriented, responsive, efficient, equitable and sustainable. I am very grateful to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation for offering the support and resources that will help make the Comeback America Initiative a reality.”
Walker will remain in his current position through October 15 and will work with the Foundation in an advisory capacity until the end of 2010. He will also continue to serve as a member of the Foundation’s Advisory Board. Pete Peterson will serve as acting CEO of the Foundation in addition to his role as Chairman.
Prior to his work with the Foundation, Walker served as Comptroller General of the United States for more than nine years, during which he headed the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Speaking Of Walking …

It’s Bridgeport, Surprise!!!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful, and at the same time strange, if the move towards sustainability (in all things, not just green buildings and recycling habits) but fully including fiscal affairs met the death spiral of nonsustainability currently playing at the junction of municipal executive office and City Council, here in Bridgeport?
Walker is bright, experienced, accomplished in addressing the public and politically independent. He has appeared in person on several occasions already in the City. He has a real interest in public finance at the national level, but knows the interdependence of local and State budgets, policy, expectations and laws in providing prudent government financing. It would be surprising if he were not able to focus some attention and perhaps find some dollars for research into better alternatives and practices at the municipal level, and the structures that might support more positive results.
Stay tuned!!! This could be great news for our City. And for the sports fans involved (who may be City taxpayers), who love to play fantasy sports and argue about what the sports stats indicate, maybe there will be a big scoreboard posted downtown, in view of workers, residents and I-95 drivers, that would show the financial stats at any moment of the City’s Green Team. We have been waiting for real evidence of progress for too many years. Good targets for productive activity, great focused effort by the whole team and open, accountable and transparent process with a big scoreboard is what has been missing. Maybe our time will come with David Walker’s energy and experience!
BEACON2 // Sep 19, 2010 at 3:19 pm
What you’re talking about was the kind of evaluation and measurements done by CitiStat that so scared our currently elected City Mayor that he got rid of the “messenger” (Gomes) so he wouldn’t have to listen to the message.
I agree with you…Bring the statistics, bring the scoreboard, bring the measurements, and bring the open and transparent governance when you elect new leaders for this City in 2011. Don’t expect the current administration to handle this. They won’t.
But we can get this right if we stay focused on the whole City, not the personal wants of a favored few.
Unfortunately, there is no leader or follower in Bridgeport who can “Walker” for a minute in David’s shoes. Perhaps David Walker can give a few of his books to city decision-makers and hope he gets their attention.
The University of Bridgeport could be a great location to host this entity.
*** David Walker for city Mayor *** Another good location for this wishful entity is the Bpt Barnum Museum. It’s full of old circus history “Comeback America Initiatives!” *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Mojo may be onto something … a self-financed non-political candidate for mayor, like David Walker, who can expose all the shite in the city and present a plan to sustainability (a great new word). He/she could run as a Republican or even as an independent soul???
“Comeback America” has a lot of really good points. We had him on “Bridgeport Now” TV show recently. Many local issues to address: unfunded entitlements, transparency and accountability issues; Bridgeport is a target-rich environment. Finch was at his talk at the Black Rock Library. I wonder what he took away from it and if he read the book. I know Himes told me he was reading it.
Don’t just ask them if they read the book; ask questions about the book’s subject matter, ideas and concept. If you read the book you’ll know if they didn’t.
Thursday, October 21st 6:30 PM
David Walker returns to the Black Rock Branch Library for a presentation of IOUSA: Solutions, the sequel to his film on the national deficit IOUSA.
For more info or to preview the film, go to:
Williams needs to listen to people like David Walker.
JGonzalez you are right. I actually have the whole book full of notes and broke them down into like 10 bullet points. Would be good idea to apply concepts to Bridgeport. I actually have a account already, might be a good idea to take those ideas and get people together to push for reform issues in town. Prob is you need to get enough people together. The Committee to Ungag the Public was successful in their mission due to all the community that got together and their persistence.