The School Board’s Purgatory Period

Tiheba Williams-Bain, a Democrat, is the latest school board member to resign and, going out the door, called for a state takeover that would banish the local board for a total state-run option.

An intermediate step, however, is underway.

Last week the Connecticut State Board of Education authorized Education Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker to address the stability of operations, address student performance, assign a technical assistance team to guide district initiatives, require the local school board to undergo training to advance operational efficiency and effectiveness, examine the potential appointment of a district improvement officer selected by the commissioner for a term of up to one year and authorize the hiring of a permanent superintendent of schools.

Royce Avery, the new acting school leader, is engaged in an arduous task to lead the district out of the fire with the state peering over his shoulder. Perhaps not such a bad thing for someone who wants the permanent position, should progress be made. He did not create the financial mess of the district, more than $30 million in the red, nor the school board infighting over this and that.

He’s been a cerebral antidote in some regard to the head-banging drama between the board and his predecessor Carmela Levy-David who was shown the door after about a year on the job.

About 15 years ago during the Finch mayoral administration the local school panel voted to abolish itself in favor of a state takeover with members appointed by the state ed board. Education fixer Paul Vallas was brought in to bring stability.

Eventually the act was negated by the court on a technicality. The local board did not undergo training, as required by state law.

The Finch administration placed a charter amendment question on the November 2012 ballot calling for mayoral appointment of all school board members. It was defeated by voters during Barack Obama’s reelection.

This is also an election year for several local school board members so new faces could be in play for four-year terms. State law requires minority-party representation on local boards so six is the most seats Dems may occupy of the nine available creating opportunities for Republican and third-party candidates.




  1. 1.The State Board of Education should appoint a full time Ombudsman, to provide a check on the interests of the Bridgeport Board of Education.

    2.. The city also desperately needs a Board of Finance. (charter change)

  2. Y,all owe Marie an apology🤣

    This dysfunctional shit to have been going on for quite a while. And we know the quality of Education was practically non-existence for God knows how long.

    Let’s not forget all the shit maria got when she first got reelected and was in charge to correct the 40 million dollar deficit in the BBOE before she was driven off the city wide election and had to go run for City Council in her own District where her support was Stronger. Just saying

  3. President Lamont, I would have your team/ Administration, select a new superintendent, suspend the current School Board , replace it with a school board to work with your superintendent. have your ship pick up the passengers of BBOE sunken ship and stare it in a efficient effective Financial stability that has a positive increase in Port educational student body. Then hand over the helm of the the ship to an Port electorate body with new elections to replace your hand picked. Perhaps peace meal the them.

    President Lamont, show the woke Ds, MAGA Rs, Independents Libs that you are not no ordinary D. 🙃

  4. We don’t need a repeat of 2011, with another state-imposed, pseudo-educator, “Paul Vallas,” being put at the helm of the ailing Bridgeport school system. He created a non-evidence-based system of “reforms”, run by a money-wasting administration of outsiders of his selection that ran the Bridgeport Public School system further into debt and disarray. That was a Dan Malloy initiative that was exemplary of his incompetence.

    Lamont isn’t incompetent, but he is just a Greenwich Republican in D’s clothing who has no interest in Bridgeport beyond its ballot-stuffing capabilities needed by him to retain the Governorship. He is not likely to take any meaningful action for Bridgeport beyond the appointment of “Advisors” that don’t know the district and have no pragmatic, goal-oriented vision for the city or its education system.

    What we need from Lamont is a commitment to fully-fund the Bridgeport Public School system, at Stamford levels, under a Lamont-appointed BOE that consists of 50% members from outside of Bridgeport and 50% members from Bridgeport to oversee a new superintendent selected (in the context of competency/experience requirements and evaluation of a written essay “What I want for the Bridgeport public schools and how I would accomplish it”) from within the ranks of Bridgeport BOE teachers/administrators. In this context, a series of public meetings should be held for the purpose of creating remedial and long-term-success goals for the district in which public input, from Bridgeport residents, would be used in the goal-creation process, which would occur over a 1-year period…

    Having a system run by outsiders at the Board and superintendent’s level is not a short- or long-term answer — we need the state to fulfill their constitutional duties to Bridgeport while respecting the need for “local” solutions to local (albeit, largely state-created) problems…

  5. Jeff, perhaps the Port don’t need a repeat of 2011 with another state imposed pseudo-educator being at the helm of an ailing Bridgeport School System, by a a governor of a money wasting Administration to select an outsider to helm the ship the bridgeport’s alien school system.

    While, we can agree that the Port’s school system is “ailing” however President Lamont, is not Governor Dan Molloy. We do have to Define what fully funded means. I mean according to Maria in that video being on the board of education has nothing to do with the education of the students but rather controlling what is now probably 250 million plus operating budget. Not to mention she also said that the Board of Education reimbursed the city for funds that they did not use which would mean they were overly funded. If my math is correct, no?

    And I am sure you can agree we can’t have the repeat of superintendents coming and going bored members resigning because it is dysfunctional, to say the least.

    As for your remedy I believe the Board of Education holds regular meetings. When was the last time did you attended a Bridgeport Public School meeting to present your public input regarding it’s sunken ship 🤣

  6. Jeff, perhaps the Port don’t need a repeat of 2011 with another state imposed pseudo-educator being at the helm of an ailing Bridgeport School System, by a a governor of a money wasting Administration to select an outsider to helm the ship the bridgeport’s alien school system.

    While, we can agree that the Port’s school system is “ailing” however President Lamont, is not Governor Dan Molloy. We do have to Define what fully funded means. I mean according to Maria in that video being on the board of education has nothing to do with the education of the students but rather controlling what is now probably 250 million plus operating budget. Not to mention she also said that the Board of Education reimbursed the city for funds that they did not use which would mean they were overly funded. If my math is correct, no?

    And I am sure you can agree we can’t have the repeat of superintendents coming and going bored members resigning because it is dysfunctional, to say the least.

    As for your remedy I believe the Board of Education holds regular meetings. When was the last time did you attended a Bridgeport Public School meeting to present your public input regarding it’s sunken ship 🤣

    Side note,
    With regard of ICE in public schools perhaps this immigration crisis has been going for awhile under various Presidents

    P.S did they ever find Obama’s birth certificate.🤣

  7. “…What we need from Lamont is a commitment to fully-fund the Bridgeport Public School system, at Stamford levels, under a Lamont-appointed BOE that consists of 50% members from outside of Bridgeport and 50% members from Bridgeport to oversee a new superintendent selected…”

    Should have said “…under a Lamont appointed BOE that consists of 4 members from outside Bridgeport and
    5 members (a majority) from Bridgeport…”

    1. Still have to Define we’re fully funded means, if you take Maria at her statement that the Board of Education gave Finch the administration a reimbursement then you have to conclude the Bridgeport Public School System was not only fully funded but overfunded.

      but at least you’re susceptible to the need President Lamont to intervene, 🤣

  8. What changes have to be made to see ACTUAL year to year gains from scores of students relative to expectations of the State BOE of all communities? What are parts of the remedy necessary, for too long, while State and local BOEs ‘muddle’ along? Likely we can understand there is no ‘silver bullet’, but rather a handful of changes that can be prioritized, enacted, and overseen as to potential for increasing the trendlines of outcomes. How do these actions get enacted, overseen, and communicated by internet to a public which has been denied such regular info? Isn’t this a major reason for distrust of leadership and paltry voting results in the City? What do we do for neighbors who stand for office as believers in democratic duties in terms of training for civic duties and evaluation of accomplishments as regular process? What does the State in turn demand or provide? Time will tell.


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