: Turnout past the midway point of the primary is brisk, and looks like it will easily surpass the raw turnout for the last Democratic mayoral primary in 2011 when about 9,200 voted.
How many times have you voted? Today is what it’s all about, the culmination of blood, sweat, tears, money, mail pieces, door knocks, volunteers, absentee ballots. Oh my! We will do our best to provide updates during Democratic primary day with results after 8 p.m. Meanwhile, let us know what you hear out there. The Secretary of the State’s office and the State Elections Enforcement Commission have opened the Election Day hotline 1-866-SEEC-INFO (1-866-733-2463) to report problems at the polls.

Voting after work for either Finch or Foster.
donj–make your vote count!
Hearing voters are making “mistakes” and not checking in at Central.
Do you mean they are getting a ballot without checking in?
I’m hearing Finch increased taxes and it’s making it hard for Bridgeport families. I am also hearing Steelpointe is not going to bring new tax revenue for 20 years. And it’s also bringing only low-paying jobs.
I am hearing Lennie Grimaldi will be hosting grief and counseling sessions for all individuals who were incapable of dealing with reality and suffering from suicidal tendencies.
I am hearing low-paying jobs are better than no jobs at all.
I am hearing there was yet another announcement of a major project for Downtown.
That helps Joe and Mary-Jane how?
Because it’s all BS and the voters are seeing through it.
I’m glad you’re on the blog and not at the polls brainwashing voters.
I thoroughly enjoyed Lennie’s NPR interview! Since my good-paying job in Bridgeport was eliminated, I have plenty of time to listen to the radio now commuting to Greenwich. Thanks, Finch! You get a Jason Pierre-Paul thumbs up. Nubbie …
Steve A posted Finch’s campaign slogan is “A low-paying job is better than a no-paying job. Vote Row A.”
And your slogan would be? No Jobs and No Development Vote Foster because that is what you deserve? Or, do we deserve better?
Brick, when was the interview? I would love to catch it on the internet.
Here’s an excerpt with a link to the audio:
I heard it listening to WNYC radio. He even got a plug: Now “Grimaldi runs the respected online news site called Only In Bridgeport.”
That would be a good name for a “you stink” award. The Nubbie.
Anyone else find it funny there are three pictures and out of all of them MJF’s is like empty?
Because Bob Walsh was there.
Voted at Cesar Battalla School at 6:00am, first person to vote there this morning, then I left to pick up two other voters who are also MJF supporters.
Ron, I picked up four senior citizens in Black Rock, they told me they were voting for Mary-Jane.
I dropped them off at IKEA in New Haven and told them to follow their nose. Mary-Jane was making Swedish meatballs on the second floor.
I’m sure they will find their way out by Friday!
165 voted at Black Rock School as of 9:00am.
Exit polling: Joe Ganim 3, Foster 23, Finch 139.
Any votes for Jasper McLevy?
Sandi set up a Stuporvised Balloting for him at Park City Cemetery.
Where are you getting these numbers from?
He’s pulling them out of his sleeve, like an endless handkerchief.
You forgot all the ABs for Pat Paulsen.
225 at 10:00. Ten are probably Republicans.
What is the Republican primary?
Finch announced yesterday 50 thousand people visited Pleasure Beach this year. I’m waiting for his ABs to wash ashore from there this evening.
Up On Bridgeport, LOL!!!
On a serious note. Do we know when the first numbers come in?
Just voted for the only honest candidate and it felt so great.
Frank the Cabana Boy–Congratulations, she is a nice lady.
I will be voting in 35 minutes when I get out of here! I am voting for the Future. Bill Finch, of course!
What time does the nut house let you out for lunch? Hope they gave you your meds!
I voted early, and often.
Voted at Central. Absolute zoo. Construction on-going, parking an issue with school in session, too many hangers-on at the 75-foot line.
I voted for Joe Ganim, voted for a bright future and a second chance.
An attorney pimping for Ganim approached me a couple of days ago, tried to bring me over to the dark side. I told him “If Joe Ganim wants to talk to me he can approach me himself.”
Did you get that, Jeff Kohut? Joseph P. Ganim is a big boy; he can speak for himself. He doesn’t need a sleazy lawyer running interference. Or you, for that matter.
So are there any updates yet or do we have to wait until like 11pm?
Results won’t be in until like eight o’clock or something.
Thank you kind sir! I will stay tuned!
Final prediction–Foster 4,400; Finch 4,122; Ganim 3,784–for a total of 12,306 votes.
Pass whatever it is you’re smoking!
Wtf? Where did those numbers come from? Sad to say, Foster will indeed finish third. It’s like she’s running only to put it on her resume, there was no campaigning for her outside of Black Rock, or so it seems.
When do the buses return from the casino? ABs under every seat!
As of 6:58pm 772 people have voted at Black Rock. Huge turnout. Did not know a Republican primary is going on too.
Voted Foster.
Outside of mayor races, I’m interested:
130th – do JML and Tyisha take that race?
138th – the personal vendetta race where Jamal Morton/Melanie Jackson under attack from Maria, along with the BOE challenge and how much Joe wins by there, if he does.
Race is interesting. Joe’s team seemed to focus more on the heavier minority areas (Trumbull gardens, today at Dunbar school). Does he find the minority community more forgiving? Will he stay engaged with them after the election?
Finch ran a standard incumbent campaign. Development, names on signs where development taking place.
I still say this. What does Joe do about this development if he wins? His team message downplayed the development (or type of development. i.e., using the term STEALPOINT) as a Finch negative. Will he embrace it if it proves successful?
Finally, does Joe buy a house here to share the taxpayer pain? LOL.
Thomas Hooker and ESM both were victims of voter fraud. People used fake ID and tried to vote a second time. I know there were at least two at Hooker and four at ESM.
Andy–any word on whom they were trying to support? Tough to tell, I guess. Interesting, and sad.
Won’t be long now before we learn who won, the joker or the thief.
Up On Bpt, don’t laugh. I saw Finch signs in Lakeview Cemetery. Not at or outside but by the gravestones. 🙂
Upbeat observation about the primary–only 8% of the Bpt population decided Bpt does not want Bpt to get better.