: New link to city website is up under Government, here.
Nice to be a pilot with your own plane. Morgan Kaolian, octogenarian extraordinaire, has a passion for Pleasure Beach in photos and phonetics, as he writes to the Park Board in an appeal for preservation.

Dear Honorable Parks Board Members:
This a request to save the old Polka Dot Playhouse at Pleasure Beach. We should not allow this building to meet the same fate as the Carousel Building and the Dodge ‘Em Cars Pavilion.
An aerial survey by me this afternoon (April 19th at 1:10 PM) revealed weather damage on the east side of the Playhouse roof. An aerial close-up is attached herewith. At this point in time a simple roof repair will save the cancer from spreading, and it should be stopped. This because a determination by the Board to save this building for possible future use has yet to be made. (See the close-up aerial of the roof damage.)
Also, the metal boat ramp at the pier has been damaged and it could fall into the water and become a very expensive fix, Perhaps Robert Scinto the harbormaster needs to be advised.
These are items that are simple fixes now, but later can be extremely costly.
And finally, at some point the Board needs to make a statement as to its plans to allow or forbid any future sale of Pleasure Beach to any entity–government or private. Accessible or not, Pleasure Beach still belongs to the people of Bridgeport. This priceless park and beach needs to be protected for the present and future generations.
Morgan Kaolian, Founder/Director
Harbormaster Bob Scinto’s response to Kaolian:
“I have contacted Ocean Coastal Consultants to review the damage to the landing dock at Pleasure Beach and quote a price on its repair. The proposal has been forwarded to Public Facilities for further review.”
Wheeler Dealer
Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor of Mount Rushmore, is right up there with Frederick Law Olmsted (Seaside Park, Beardsley Park) and Henry Bacon (Perry Memorial Arch at Seaside Park entrance) in his design contributions to the city. Mayor Bill Finch rededicated the Wheeler Fountain late this afternoon, after extensive repairs, at an event at Fairfield and Park Avenues.
Wheeler Fountain Then …

And now …

From Dan Malloy
Says he’s ‘on track to qualify before the Convention’
After raising more than $100,000 in qualifying contributions in the month of March alone, the Dan Malloy for Governor campaign’s strong fundraising efforts have continued into April. The campaign announced today that it has now passed $200,000 in total qualifying contributions towards Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program. To qualify for up to $8.5 million, a candidate must raise $250,000 in small contributions of $100 or less.
Since declaring his run for Governor, Malloy has more than doubled his qualifying contributions, with small donations from more than 2,818 contributors.
“Our recent groundswell of fundraising support is proof positive that Dan’s message is resonating, and that we’re building the kind of grassroots, bottom-up campaign that will lead to victory in August, and in November,” said Campaign Manager Dan Kelly. “People aren’t just excited about Dan’s candidacy, they’re also clearly glad to be supporting Connecticut’s clean elections law. They want to make Dan Malloy the first Governor elected under the Citizens’ Election Program.”
Concluded Kelly, “Dan’s the only candidate who has grown jobs, expanded access to health care, built affordable housing, lowered crime, and balanced 14 years of consecutive budgets. That’s experience money can’t buy.”
Malloy has traveled the state in recent months meeting with community leaders, elected officials, members of the labor and business communities and others, sharing his ideas for moving Connecticut forward. He recently outlined his position on a number of issues critical to Connecticut’s future, such as jobs, the economy, education, transportation, and more. The information is available now at www.danmalloy.com
From Ned Lamont
Today, Democratic candidate for governor Ned Lamont announced support for his campaign from fifteen elected officials in Seymour, Ansonia, and Derby. Lamont has been visiting with Democrats across the state, discussing his plan to get Connecticut’s economy moving forward and listening to their priorities for the next governor.
“I’m proud to endorse Ned for governor, because we need a leader in Hartford who isn’t afraid to make bold choices. Ned has stood up to the establishment time and again, and he has the right plan to get our state moving again,” First Selectman Paul Roy said.
“Ned brings a fresh approach to meeting the challenges we face here in Connecticut. We need those fresh ideas now more than ever, and we need a fierce advocate who will make things happen. Ned is the candidate I trust to make the changes we need,” said Town Chair Eileen Krugel.
“Having served in Hartford, I know how important it is to have a governor with a clear vision for the state, and the courage to lead us in a new direction. Ned Lamont will bring an executive approach to the governor’s office that we’ve been missing for over twenty years, and that’s why I’m supporting him,” said Former State Rep. Tonucci.
The following officials have endorsed Lamont for governor:
• Seymour First Selectman Paul Roy
• Ansonia Acting Mayor Steve Blume
• Ansonia Town Chair Eileen Krugel
• State Representative Linda Gentile
• Ansonia Delegate John Gentile
• Ansonia Former Mayor and Delegate James Finnucan
• Ansonia Former Mayor Lester Hale
• Former State Representative Vincent Tonucci
• Derby Former Mayor Marc Garofalo
• Derby Delegate Tom Lionetti
• Ansonia Alderman and Delegate Gene Sharkey
• Ansonia Alderman Jerome Fainer
• Ansonia Alderman Scott Nihill
• Ansonia Alderman Robert Beall
• Ansonia Delegate Kevin Blake
Unfortunately Morgan is a voice in the wilderness. Politicians do not want to spend the money to maintain Pleasure Beach. This is not a Finch problem as such this goes back to the fire that damaged the Pleasure Beach bridge.
When that fire happened and BTW it could not have been a cigarette that started that fire, the administration saw a clear way to get away from the problems presented by Pleasure Beach. These problems were stolen cars, drug dealing and high maintenence costs. Why spend the money to provide recreation for a few people?
The fire was the perfect excuse to close Pleasure Beach. The fire damaged the wood roadway but not the mechanicals that opened and closed the bridge.
Could that bridge be repaired? Yes it could, without spending $35 or more millions of dollars. Right now I am sure the mechanicals do not function due to inactivity but I am sure parts that are needed could be custom-made at a local machine shop but that would be costly. In this day and age of budget problems I don’t see any administration reworking this bridge and reopening the beach.
A working bridge to a revitalized Pleasure Beach … there’s a pleasant thought. You have to wonder, however, why the city can’t get a working bridge to an actual place, but in Sarah Palin’s Alaska we fund a blasted bridge to nowhere!
Then politicians wonder why voters hate them so much.
However, it’s a vicious circle. Citizens get angry over stupid stuff politicians do (like funding bridges to nowhere), stop voting, and the result is the same idiots get re-elected, over and over and over again.
You see, voters need to have a politician’s mindset. When a candidate knocks on their door seeking a vote, every citizen needs to ask the same question politicians ask, “what’s in it for me?”
Yes, it’s all about “me.” Me, me, me, me.
Unless it is “I, I, I.”
Speaking of I, I, I, and Me, Me, Me.
SuBy in for a tune-up with this article.
Boxers or Briefs?
Out of Site!
I guess I won’t be jumping into Testo’s Pool!
What’s in that political pool? Blech.
The new city site looks so much better and it’s about time the registrar of voters part looks that good. All they have to do now is post election results from past and precinct by precinct numbers; every other town and city has that on their website!!!
*** Any fixer-upper projects done @ Pleasure Beach is a “waste” of Bpt taxpayers’ money. The city should finalize its deal with the Fed. Wildlife Dept. and “sell” the waterfront property already. Nothing will ever get done anytime soon or correctly waiting on the city or state of Conn. If the Feds. can turn the property around like they did with the McKinney Wildlife Refuge, it will be great for the birds & public alike! The city & state have enough problems keeping up with Beardsley & Seaside Parks alone not to mention the smaller neighborhood parks! “Too little, too late,” sell it & be done with it! *** Time to move forward & stop living in the past! Those that care still have the pictures & memories to last their lifetimes. ***
Why don’t you have your webmaster take a look at the city site and give a professional opinion? Things may look nicer but they don’t work.
Look at the City Clerk’s page. Then look at council committees. Items that were updated on the old site are not updated here. Users have not been properly trained on how to update items.
Hey Mojo,
Didn’t you hear Stratford wants out of their deal with the feds because they are reneging on how much they will pay?
Don’t walk away from the feds and their money, RUN!!!
Does anybody think SuBy can win the primary?
And someone tell me what’s up with McConnell’s private meeting with Wall Street big shots?
I am not Latino but I am mad these Republicans in Arizona passed this racist policy my God what is America coming to? This needs to go to Obama bill so he can Veto it. In Arizona they can stop you based on color and how you talk (it’s called racial profiling of Latinos). These right-wing nuts are hurting good Republicans out there because there sure are good Republicans but when you have some racist Republicans out there like this in Arizona it makes the party look bad … Any Hispanics want to voice their opinions on this?
In my opinion they can treat Latinos as they like. If they can allow themselves to be grouped by a name that has no positive merits, eg: Latino, colored etc. then why would they be insulted by “racial profiling?”
donj here is a portion of the yet to be passed bill that is in front of the Arizona legislature. The entire bill can be found under Arizona Profiling.
“The bill requires the police to investigate the immigration status of every person that they come across, whom they have ‘reasonable suspicion’ to believe is in the country unlawfully. This implies that everyone has to carry their papers with them at all times in order to avoid being stopped, arrested, and detained, effectively fashioning Arizona into nothing short of a police state. Currently, police officers can only inquire about a person’s immigration status if the person is a suspect in a crime. In addition, the bill allows anyone to sue a local, country or state agency if they believe that the agency is not enforcing immigration law, expressly forbids cities from adopting ‘sanctuary’ policies that prevent police from carrying out immigration enforcement, and makes it illegal to solicit work or hire day laborers.”
The article states if this passes in Arizona 10 other states are expected to pass similar legislation.
Obama cannot do a thing to stop this. I believe it will end up before the supreme court. This law and other laws that may be passed are the result of all the previous administrations including Obama’s that refuse to tackle the immigration problem.
The last administration that did anything about illegal immigration was the Regan administration when they granted amnesty to illegals that were in the country at the time.
All I know it is a really damn bad bill and it seems like the Republicans are going back to their real conservative roots and this may really hurt them in November. Example is Florida Crist may run as a independent and by doing this Democrat Meeks might win the election. He had no chance if it was just him and Republican Rubio or just Meeks and Crist. A 3-way race favors Meeks and Crist is very popular with Republicans in less conservative parts of Florida including Miami Dade and Palm Beach and this could split the GOP vote. The Republicans better be careful what they’re doing it might backfire on them. If John McCain losses his Primary I think Dems can win that seat. I personally like Crist and like how he has been independent on many issues even though he is a Republican but he is not conservative enough for the party. Explain your Opinion of this for me TC what you think? And TC what’s up with McConnell’s private meeting with Wall Street big shots???
To enter the United States legally you need a sponsor, medial examination and a criminal background check; if it doesn’t come clean you’re not entering the good U. S. We have so many undocumented people it’s scary. What happen to Homeland Security? Drive down Grand Street. There are hundreds of day laborers hanging out. WE TRULY ARE NOT SAFE. Before Europe Became a Community, a police officer could have stopped you and ask for your proof of residence. No one felt their rights were being violated. It is and was for the safety of the people and the country. Only in the U.S. are we always crying about our rights being violated. I personally would rather be safe than sorry. So If they stop me because … Well they stopped me; if I did nothing wrong I shouldn’t have to worry.
Justice so it’s okay to target a specific race??? Oh give me a damn break.
If you don’t have anything to hide you shouldn’t worry. Being non-American born I don’t have a problem. If you need a break, take one …
And I’m latin, it doesn’t bother me.
“town committee,” I read what you wrote. Now Andy, do you feel the Arizona legislature immigration law is a good law and do you support it?
Justice who are you, a new user????????? Yes TC where do you stand on it my friend?
*** Being Arizona is so close to the Mexican border & the problems they & similar states nearby are also having with undocumented aliens, it’s understandable why they need to do something, especially concerning the border & homeland security. However, it’s obvious these types of laws will probably be “misused” by legal authorities for other reasons and end up violating American Latinos of color’s rights! It’s happened before in the past to many new immigrants of color who have settled in white majority living towns & cities in America. When the shoe is on the other foot it’s always easy to go along with new changes in laws, etc. that affect others. I’m all for protecting our borders & better accountability of who comes into this country, however if the states near by Mexico pass these types of laws, then the “same” should be done on the north border with Canada where many illegals come through without much public static like in the south. Why because most have white skin color, etc. yet pose just as much of a threat, maybe more since this is where the 9/11 terrorist entered America! Many laws have been passed in American history to help with certain criminal problems but with racial overtone intentions behind them.*** Good Republicans in time as also Dems. will get tired of the political B/S and end up becoming Independents very soon. *** The deal with the Fed. Wildlife Dept. is a long-term deal over years to get all the money, however if a legal contract is made & the Feds. do not honor their part, the city can sue & walk away! Its a government contract & we all know how long the gov. takes to do anything it’s agreed to concerning money. ***
Ron & donj: What I wrote was a direct quote of the article that described the potential new law in Arizona. It is not something I personally made up nor was it my opinion.
I find it interesting that you both want to know where I stand on the issue. This is a complex problem that is way bigger than any opinion or solutions I might have. I will say this:
Illegal immigration is a major problem for this country especially in these tough economic times.The illegals are taking a lot of the jobs that were normally done by American laborers. Why is that? They do the jobs for less money, are forced to work in many cases in terrible conditions etc. Those who hire these illegals know they can’t complain.
The problem with letting illegals into the country is you not only get the good people you get the criminals. Border states are overburdened with this problem. Their jails are full, their crime rate is sky high and their hospitals are on the verge of bankruptcy due to the great number of illegals.
It would seem to me a coherent immigration policy would at least allow you to weed out the criminals for the most part and let the good people looking for a better life in. How you do this is for people smarter than I am.
“town committee,” I cannot speak for donj and don’t who donj is. Andy, you and I have discussed issues in the past face to face and we knew where each other stood.
The issue of illegal immigration on Canada’s border and Mexico’s border needs to be resolved.
Andy, my questions were simple; do you feel the Arizona legislature immigration law is a good law and do you support it?
Ron: Living here in Connecticut it seems like a harsh law that will subject a lot of American citizens to unnecessary intrusions.
Living in Arizona I might feel differently. A poll of Arizona residents shows 70% are in favor of the law.
In either case illegal immigration is out of control and costing us millions of dollars. You mention Canada’s border and I imagine there are some illegals entering through that area but not on the scale they are entering from Mexico.
What do you want to hear Ron? It’s up to the politicians in Washington to do something. We have tried to help Mexico with the NAFTA treaty which by the way has cost a lot of Americans their jobs. We have poured millions into the Mexican economy and there has not been a serious move to send the millions of illegal Mexican immigrants back to Mexico. America does need sensible quota numbers for the entry of Mexican citizens we have it for all other nationalities who want to come here.
What is the quota on Italians and Irish?
Hector, way to enter the debate and get ethnic. I can tell you for the Irish & Italians it’s not as many as can get across the border.
Might be due to the FACT before the boats {Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria} there were no borders.
Yeah but the West Indies was a small country.
Hector here are the top 10 countries that immigrate to the US:
Mexico 9,600,000
China 1,900,000
Philippines 1,700,000
India 1,610,000
Vietnam 1,200,000
Cuba 1,100,000
El Salvador 1,100,000
Dominican Rep 941,000
Canada 920,000
Korea 880,000
This information is from the 2000 census and the 2008 Year Book of Immigrant Statistics
Brazil didn’t make the list? There’s a whole lotta Portuguese being spoken lately.
*** Wonder how many of the top 10 immigrant groups come through the Canada/U.S border? ***