This happened the other day, according to the Connecticut Post:
Police intercepted a large shipment of marijuana from Kansas that they said was to be sold on the streets of the Park City.
Members of the Southwest Office of Statewide Narcotics Task Force seized more than a dozen pounds of marijuana from homes in Stratford, Bridgeport and Harwinton on Tuesday, along with more than $25,000 cash.
So what happens if pot is decriminalized in this legislative session? If passed, Gov. Dannel Malloy says he will sign it. Malloy supports a proposal that would make possessing under an ounce of weed an infraction, no jail time or criminal record and a fine of no more than $100. Malloy advisers say decriminalizing pot would free up police to do more important work, cut down on paperwork, keep nonviolent offenders out of the joint saving money.
So maybe pot peddlers will ship in the stuff less than one ounce at a time? It’s a living ain’t it? Hey, I can think of a lot of city pols who’d light up at a City Council meeting. Instead of handing out palm cards in front of polling places election day pols can hand out joints.
It’s a helluva lot less destructive than booze, don’tcha think? BIG taxpayer savings. My 2 oz’s anyway.
Good Luck Lombard’s Now! that was a Bar.
While some people think a pot holder is a place where Cheech & Chong keep their secret stash, others think it looks like this:
wow, man.
This means you would still have to keep an Eye on your yellowing Thumb and Index Finger or risk paying a fine.
WARNING: The police have already come up with ways to increase the weight of the weed. Add water.