Are you groovin’ on this presidential cycle that’s now in full bloom? Just a few months away from the first state primaries and caucuses where a bunch of Republican presidential candidates are positioning for the nomination to face Barack. Herman Cain has emerged from nowhere to become, for now, a top-tier GOP candidate trumpeting a flat tax rate, claiming “Our tax code is the 21st-century version of slavery.” Ah, nothing like message simplicity. Any of the presidential candidates impressing you? Does Barack still have your vote?
It’s been almost a year since Barack’s historic visit to Bridgeport set off an Election Day panic of ballot shortages, long lines and short tempers at a bunch of city polling places. Perhaps no presidential visit had such impact on a city election.
Frank Gerratana, who served as chief photographer for the Herald, a popular city newspaper in its time that ceased publication in 1974, was front and center for many presidential and high-profile political visits. His son Frank has graciously shared many images snapped by his dad through the decades including some gems that never made it into print. OIB will feature many of Frank Gerratana’s photographs in the coming months.

Obama still has my vote.
No Obama last year = No malloy win!!! No Obama visit = No Democrats getting over 80% of the vote in Bridgeport. I remember Lennie telling me Republicans can crack the 30% mark in the city. Because of Obama not even Foley could get 19% of the vote, he only got 18%.
donj, for your information, Kennedy is not the one wearing the police uniform. I can’t wait to see Frank Gerratana’s photographs. I was born on November 22, 1964 on the first anniversary of JFK’s assassination. Ironically, my political birth date is October 10, 1991. Twenty years of voting and participating in Bridgeport’s political process and what you see is all we’ve gotten. Let’s hope in the next 20 years we have a lot more to show for it. WNAB? Hey, Lennie, was Tough Tony around in those years? Talking about “tough,” Barack Obama is going to need Howard Dean again. I can imagine what that phone call would be like. But I’m not going into that. I’m a Democrat and I’m leaving the defending of Barack to the Democracks. The toughest part to overcome in the next presidential election cycle is going to be all those speeches Obama made since getting elected. Can’t go on blaming Bush when Obama has left just about all his policies in place. I’m availabe to the highest bidder. After 20 years, my services will no longer be free.
Frank Gerratana, the photographer who took the 1960 picture of Kennedy for the Post or Telegram, was my Godfather.
I was just thinking. Frank Gerratana was one of the finest photographers in the country. He was a simple man who knew how to capture the ‘personality’ of a photo op and give the image a lasting effect. His work is truly remarkable. My father worked with him after WWII. Wherever there were more than one event occurring at the same time, my dad would cover one while Gerrantana covered the other. I have a stash of black and white glossies they both took recording some real memorable events in Bridgeport’s once-glorious history. I’ll bet Frank Jr., a busy orthopedic surgeon at the UCONN Medical Center (perhaps retired now) has a huge collection.
I think it is time we organize a Frank Gerratana retrospective display downtown somewhere. His pictures captured the essence of the backbone of our city and chronicled our successes and failures. A photo retrospective could be great testimony to a great photographer and a once-great city.
Might give the people of Bridgeport the incentive to get off their asses and vote for people like MJF who could have restored us to past prominence, promise and prosperity.
yahooy, Frank Jr. would be pleased to hear from you.
Watch out Barry Obama, Herman Cain is on your tail, and should he be on the ticket in 2012, you will lose.