Attorney Chuck Willinger is euphoric. So is Joe Kasper, former owner of a city engineering company. Lawyers for the city are thrilled. Developers Al Lenoci
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Fabs’ Locke On History, Plus: Shays Talks To Animals And Conroy Case Verdict
Filmmaker Larry Locke had a strange, and amazing, vantage point during the John Fabrizi years, shadowing the mayor’s every detail–the good, bad and ugly. His
Read moreJawboning The Budget, Mayor And Council Reach Compromise, Plus: Here Come Da Judge
The good news is, they’re talking! On the eve of the Bridgeport City Council officially voting on Mayor Bill Finch’s budget, discussions between City Council
Read moreCouncil Takes Budget Action, Restores Some Cuts
How did you spend your Friday night? It was a long one for members of the Bridgeport City Council crunching numbers, weighing options, restoring cuts
Read moreBring It On, Baby! Plus: Slick Willie And Kool Hand Kelly
There’s a lot going on. The state legislative session–thankfully–has ended. Now everyone can go and campaign so we really have something to write about. Bring
Read moreHey, Ho–Which Way Will The Trial Go?
The civil court trial Conroy vs. Joseph Ganim et al., that appears to be in the closing week or so of testimony, is a tough
Read moreNo Taxes In Bridgeport! Plus: Syesha Mercado, Our Idol
Hey, did anyone see our own Syesha Mercado knock it out of the park tonight, singing If I Were Your Woman on American Idol? Yes, Syesha
Read moreBattle Of The Skunks, Plus: Skinny On Mario And Finch On The Phone
First things first, congratulations to new State Senator Rob Russo, sworn in by Gov. Jodi Rell on Friday. Russo will represent residents in Trumbull and
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