City Lights and the Bridgeport Art Trail Artists have prepared a family fun art celebration taking place city-wide all weekend long. Nov 10-13, 2016. Don’t miss Bridgeport’s best FREE art party of the year at Read’s Ground Floor Gallery, 1042 Main St on Thursday, 11/10/16, 5:30-9 pm. Enjoy a sampling Bridgeport Art Trail art, live music by the Park City All-Stars, a line-up of Bridgeport musicians especially curated for the Bridgeport Art Trail party by John Torres of “Oh, Cassius.” Sample locally made food drink from Bridgeport’s Asylum Distillery, Teaa-RRific Honey and Meatball Heaven and local honey tasting with RedBee Honey. For more info and to sign up for the free year-’round Bridgeport Art Trail newsletter go to www.bridgeport-art-trail.org. Art Trail schedule here.